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Team Environment
+ Teams are expected to produce results, but performance is
hindered when team members do not work well together. A
collaborative team environment is essential for the team’s
+ A team is defined as a group of people working together toward
a common goal. Without a goal, there is no team. Ideas for
creating a common goal

Course 2: Work in a Team Environment
MODULE DESCRIPTOR :  This module covers the knowledge,
and attitudes required to relate in a work based environment.

Course 2: Work in a Team Environment

Course 2: Work in a Team Environment
this module the students/trainees must be able to:

LO1. Describe and identify team role and responsibility in a

LO2. Describe work as a team member.

Lesson 01: Describe and Identify Team Role and
Responsibility in a Team.
Clarify Roles
Knowing everyone’s role and being familiar with the
responsibility of those roles create efficiency and flexibility.
Ideas for clarifying roles on the team include:
- Review team members’ roles frequently.
- Relate team member expectations to the team’s overall

Lesson 01: Describe and Identify Team Role and
Responsibility in a Team.
Clarify Roles
- Clarify responsibilities when action planning.
- Learn what others do on the team.
- Figure out ways to help each other.

Lesson 01: Describe and Identify Team Role and
Responsibility in a Team.
Setting aside time to really evaluate what you do and how
that impacts (or not) the company you work for is important
to understanding the value you and your role have with that
organization. Are you a key player on your team? If not, does
the role provide opportunities for you to advance toward this?

Lesson 01: Describe and Identify Team Role and
Responsibility in a Team.
After fully understanding your current role, value within your
company, and its possible benefits and setbacks for your future,
it’s time to take action. So many people become complacent in
their careers and on the job.
If after evaluating your overall situation you discover that it’s
actually beneficial to step out of your current role—step out of
it. Don’t be afraid to follow after what your heart truly desires.

Lesson 01: Describe and Identify Team Role and
Responsibility in a Team.
Relationship and Responsibility
Being a mutually evolving process, a relationship requires
team members to be dependent on each other. Every
individual should develop a level of trust for each other in
order to be reliable for each other. Some of us just cannot find
it easy to entrust a work with another team member or
cannot seem to trust what a member can contribute.

Lesson 01: Describe and Identify Team Role and
Responsibility in a Team.
Relationship and Responsibility
In order to build trust, the team can hold trust-building talks
during meetings every now and then. Self-disclosure is a good
strategy for establishing trust with each other. Learning how
to open and share a little about you to your teammates will
give them a chance to know you as a person.   Inject humor
and some fun to be comfortable with each other.

Lesson 01: Describe and Identify Team Role and
Responsibility in a Team.
Relationship and Responsibility
Once you start to trust each other as an important member
of the team, you will also become easily dependent on each
other. With this, a budding relationship is established.

Lesson 01: Describe and Identify Team Role and
Responsibility in a Team.
Relationship and Responsibility
Each individual in a team has talents and abilities that can
contribute to a solid work relationship which is needed to be
productive in the job. As a team, members have to identify
who excel in technical expertise, who are keen in problem-
solving and decision-making, and who are adept in active
listening, giving good feedback, and conflict resolution.

Lesson 01: Describe and Identify Team Role and
Responsibility in a Team.
Relationship and Responsibility
Identifying these skills helps a team perform effectively. This is
otherwise known as team synergy through a coordinated
effort of performing these abilities. Diversities even in skills
and talents are common. But sharing these skills for the
benefit of the team can build a solid work relationship among
the individuals.

Lesson 01: Describe and Identify Team Role and
Responsibility in a Team.
Relationship and Responsibility
For a relationship to become healthy, learn to appreciate
each other’s talents. Being recognized by fellow colleagues for
the effort contributed for the team is heart-warming and

Lesson 01: Describe and Identify Team Role and
Responsibility in a Team.
Relationship with a Team
Typically, in a work setting, every working individual belongs to
a team where a group of members work together with similar
functions and work description, though not necessarily similar
in interests.

Lesson 01: Describe and Identify Team Role and
Responsibility in a Team.
Relationship with a Team
Also, individuals in a team generate a collaborative effort to
achieve common goals, and may need to give up individual
autonomy in order to attain those goals. The organization as
a whole can make up a team and this component is by far the
largest to be called as such.

Lesson 01: Describe and Identify Team Role and
Responsibility in a Team.
Relationship with a Team
If you are paired up with another work colleague on a project,
you are already called a team. Regardless of the population of
the members and diversities in a team, building a relationship
is a crucially important factor grounded on teamwork.

Lesson 01: Describe and Identify Team Role and
Responsibility in a Team.
Relationship with a Team
Team members who develop a common strategy in working
such as using a discussion in the interaction process or
assigning tasks are manifesting teamwork. Individuals work
together by sharing individual objectives and eventually come
up with a unified goal.

Lesson 01: Describe and Identify Team Role and
Responsibility in a Team.
Relationship with a Team
Being a part of a team also entails commitment in the job and
the responsibility. In order for a team to be harmonious, a
good working relationship has to be established.

Lesson 02: Describe Work as a Team Member.
Be an Effective Team Member
Working on teams can be rewarding, but at times it can be
difficult and downright frustrating. If there are poor
communicators on your team, you may often feel left in the
dark, confused or misunderstood. To create a successful
team, effective communication methods are necessary for
both team members and leaders.

Lesson 02: Describe Work as a Team Member.
Be an Effective Team Member
Get Involved – Share suggestions, ideas, solutions and
proposals with your team members. Take the time to help
your fellow teammates, no matter the request. You can
guarantee there will be a time in the future when you’ll need
some help or advice. And if you’ve helped them in past, they’ll
be more than happy to lend a helping hand.

Lesson 02: Describe Work as a Team Member.
Be an Effective Team Member
No Bragging
It’s one thing to rejoice in your successes with the group, but
don’t act like a superstar. Doing this will make others regret
your personal successes and may create tension within the
group. You don’t have to brag to let people know you’ve done a
good job, people will already know.

Lesson 02: Describe Work as a Team Member.
Be an Effective Team Member
No Bragging
Have faith that people will recognize when good work is being
done and that they’ll let you know how well you’re doing. Your
response? Something like “Thanks, that means a lot.” is

Lesson 02: Describe Work as a Team Member.
Group Planning and Decision Making
There can be advantages and disadvantages in involving
teams of people in decision making. Some advantages
include; accumulating more knowledge, taking a broader
perspective and gaining support by letting individuals
participate in the process.

Lesson 02: Describe Work as a Team Member.
Group Planning and Decision Making
Some of the disadvantages in group decision making include
often a slower time to get a decision, a necessity for
compromise which results in a less than optimal outcome and
the potential for an individual or clique to dominate the group,
negating its original benefit.

Lesson 02: Describe Work as a Team Member.
Group Planning and Decision Making
One difficult decision in itself for a manager or business owner
is determining when to engage a group, and the extent to
engage a group to help make a decision or whether to go
alone and make a decision individually.

Lesson 02: Describe Work as a Team Member.
Group Planning and Decision Making
Group Decision-making Advantages:
+ As the leader, do you have enough information of your own to
make a good decision?
+ Is the problem structured in that it is clearly defined, organised
and has recognized solutions?
+ Do the members of the group have to accept this decision for it
to work?

Lesson 02: Describe Work as a Team Member.
Group Planning and Decision Making
Group Decision-making Advantages:
+ If you make this decision yourself, are you sure the group will
accept it?
+ Are the group members aligned with the same goals that you are
trying to achieve?
+ Is disagreement likely among group members in reaching a

Lesson 02: Describe Work as a Team Member.
Group Planning and Decision Making
If it is determined that a group decision is the preferred
option, some simple guidelines for the decision making
process can help as follows;
+ Develop a clear understanding of the problem and the need for a
+ Develop a clear understanding of the requirements for an
effective choice

Lesson 02: Describe Work as a Team Member.
Group Planning and Decision Making
+ Thoroughly and accurately assess all the positive qualities of
alternative solutions
+ Thoroughly and accurately assess all the negative qualities of
alternative solutions

Lesson 02: Describe Work as a Team Member.
Group Planning and Decision Making
Group Decision-making Disadvantages:
+ Social pressure. The pressure to conform to the group can have
adverse effects on the creativity of the individual group member.
+ Domination by a vocal few. Group members may be ignored and
outspoken by members who speak the loudest and longest.

Lesson 02: Describe Work as a Team Member.
Group Planning and Decision Making
Group Decision-making Disadvantages:
+ Goal displacement. The primary objective of making a sound
decision may be affected by a member’s personal considerations
such as winning an argument, or getting back at another group

Lesson 02: Describe Work as a Team Member.
Group Planning and Decision Making
Group Decision-making Disadvantages:
+ Groupthink.  Groupthink occurs when group members try to
minimise conflict and want to remain within the comfort zone
of the group’s consensus thinking. Creativity and independent
thinking are usually the first things to be sacrificed, resulting in
poor quality decisions.

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