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Silliman University
College of Engineering and Design
Silliman University
College of Engineering and Design
• In your notes, provide a space where you will evaluate your own
skills and talents as a computer engineer.
• Rate yourself as in numerical values listed below:
• 1 - Undeveloped
• 2 - Developed
• 3 - Satisfactory
• 4 - Outstanding
• At the end of the exercise we will evaluate your standings

Silliman University
College of Engineering and Design
• Leadership
• Communication / Team working
• Independent Action/ Proactive
• Knowledge Seeker / Learning skills (learn new skill fast)
• Problem Solver / Critical Thinker
• Innovative / Creative
• Patient / Composed
• Focus / Determined / Resilience

Silliman University
College of Engineering and Design
• Self Develop skills
• 8-15 pts: Undeveloped
• CpE will be difficult for you. There are lots of areas you need to develop, and should be
develop in order to be successful in this field.
• 16-23 pts: Developed
• CpE is right for you, but there are some areas you need to strengthen and developed
• 24-32 pts: Outstanding
• CpE is the perfect discipline for you, but there are few areas you need to develop and

Silliman University
College of Engineering and Design
CpE Skills you will learn in the College
• Logic and Analytic Skills
• Math, Physics, Related Science Knowledge
• Programming Skills
• Electronic, and Hardware Experience / Technical Competence
• Management and Teamwork Skills / Communication Skills
• Research Skills
• Project Creation Skills
• Entrepreneurial Skills

Silliman University
College of Engineering and Design
• CpE skills
• 8-15 pts: Undeveloped
• A lot of things to learn.
• 16-23 pts: Developed
• Most of the skills you have already, it needs guidance and direction
• 24-32 pts: Outstanding
• You are already ready to become a professional Computer Engineer, “You are ready for
the Real World”

Silliman University
College of Engineering and Design
What is self reflection?

Self reflection is like looking into a mirror and describing what you see.
It is a way of assessing yourself, your ways of working and how you
study. To put it simply ‘reflection’ means to think about something.
Reflecting and composing a piece of self reflective writing is becoming
an increasingly important element to any form of study or learning.

Silliman University
College of Engineering and Design
Why is self reflection important?

Reflecting helps you to develop your skills and review their effectiveness, rather than
just carry on doing things as you have always done them. It is about questioning, in a
positive way, what you do and why you do it and then deciding whether there is a
better, or more efficient, way of doing it in the future.
In any role, whether at home, school or at work, reflection is an important part of
learning. You wouldn’t use a recipe a second time around if the dish didn’t work the
first time would you? You would either adjust the recipe or find a new and,
hopefully, better one. When we learn we can become stuck in a routine that may not
be working effectively. Thinking about your own skills can help you identify changes
you might need to make.
Silliman University
College of Engineering and Design
Reflective questions to ask yourself:

Strengths – What are my strengths? For example, am I well organised? Do I remember things?
Weaknesses – What are my weaknesses? For example, am I easily distracted? Do I need more
with a particular skill?
Skills – What skills do I have and what am I good at?
Problems – What problems are there at work/home that may affect me? For example,
responsibilities or distractions that may impact on study or work.
Achievements – What have I achieved?
Happiness – Are there things that I am unhappy with or disappointed about? What makes me
Solutions – What could I do to improve in these areas?

Silliman University
College of Engineering and Design
• Identify your Values.
• Your beliefs or ideals about what is important in life
• Identify your Goals.
• The broad main outcomes that you want to achieve
• Identify your Objectives
• The smaller steps you take to achieve a larger goal
• Reflective habits
• What should be the habits that you need to do, in order to continually improve

Silliman University
College of Engineering and Design
• Based on the evaluation, try to make a SWOT (Strength, Weakness,
Opportunity and Threat) Analysis of yourself.

• Example

Silliman University
College of Engineering and Design
• Try to explain, your strength and what will it take to maintain it.
• Try to explain, your weakness and what are the things that need to
improve, or remove
• How do attain those opportunities?
• How will you avoid those threats, or how to make those threats into

Silliman University
College of Engineering and Design

Silliman University
College of Engineering and Design

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