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Innovation Projects Presentation Guidelines

• All team members will be presenting their innovation projects/ ideas

in the format given by CRIYA Department.
• A time limit of 30 minutes for the presentation will be given to each
team and 20 minutes for questions and answers.
• Participants must be very precise about their presentation.
• CRIYA steering committee and Industry expert will evaluate and give
the directions, focus areas, priorities and key performance indicators
for developing innovation and technology in students research.
Title of the Innovation Project

Group members Name:

Education :
Department Association :
Mentor/s Name:
Details of group members
Sr. No. Name of the students Year Email ID Contact

Details of Mentors
Sr. No. Name of the mentor Experience Email ID Contact
Market Pain/ unmet need/ market opportunity

Points for consideration

• What problem/ opportunity are you trying to solve ?

• How big is the problem?
• Where is the problem/ need/ service?
• Who is undergoing this problem?
Innovation-Technology/ Process Solution

• How is the problem solved now?

• What is Unique/ Innovative about your project?
• What is the technology/ process?
• How is it different from existing solutions?
Comparison of existing and proposed product

Note: Comparison in tables with advantages , disadvantages, technology involved etc.

Value Proposition

• Identify only three key value propositions


1. The innovator is expected to answer why should the customer choose his/her product.
What values the customer gains? When is the Return on Investment (ROI).
2. Key numbers/ percentage to prove the value to the customer
3. Add picture if required

• What type business it is ? (Business2Business or Business2Customer or C2C or C2B)

• What is the market size?
• Who is your target customer ?
• Scalability of the market

Note :
Thorough study is necessary to give some charts or numbers cited from latest reports/ journals
Current Development Status of Innovation

Current Development Status of Innovation

• What is the Current development Status
• Time Period in Months required for innovation to be completely developed for Prototype /field testing
with intended end –user
• Prototyping Detail (if any) with Picture
• Objective of Prototype making.
(Eg. Patenting, Licensing of Patent, Commercialization in form of Startup, Rising next round of funding
for scaleup)


You can add 2/3 slides of your project

What is proposed plan now from current stage and fund requirement with timeline and justification ?

Stage Phase
Stage 04
Stage2 03
Initial 01
Questions & Answers ??
Thank you…

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