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Descriptive Text

By masria musfiana
S1 Fisika
What is descriptive text??

Descriptive text is a kind of text

with a purpose to give
information, which says what a
person or a thing is like
The generic of structure
of Descriptive Text
 Identivication.
( introducing where or who is the subject is being describe)

 Description
(describes parts, qualities, and the characteristic of the person or
something to be describe)
Grammatical feature

Focus on


use simple
present tense
Example describling person

 His/her name is,…

 He/she,…
 Is,..years old
 Is,…(nationality)
 Language
 His/her from,..
 Lives in,..
 Single or married,..
 End others…
I will give a describe about
Daniel Jacob Radcliffe
Daniel was born in fulham, London,
23 july 1989. his nickname is dan. He is
the only child of alan Radcliffe and identification
Marcia Gresham.

Dan has white skin, dark brown hair,

blue eyes, and pointed nose. His hight is description
about 168cm. He is a loyal shy, down to
earth and humorous person.
Thank you for

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