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The Teaching Profession

Prepared for CMU LET Review Class 2021



Associate Professor, MSC
Part-Time Faculty, CMU
Characteristics of 21st Century Teachers


⮚ Applies new ways to accomplish tasks to attain

⮚ Formulates questions to realize the needed
⮚ Finds opportunities for growth and development
⮚ Gives suggestions and recommendations for
continuous improvement
⮚ Shifts strategies to cope the demands of the
⮚ Writes thoughts and ideas well
⮚ Formulates questions which addresses
higher order thinking skills
⮚ Shares ideas effectively with others
⮚ Uses different modes of communication
⮚ Respects differences of opinions
⮚ Participates in discussion and arguments
⮚ Gives prompt and immediate feedback

⮚ Pursues additional or further learning

⮚ Reads professional books, magazines,
and journals
⮚ Join professional organizations or
⮚ Shares and applies the knowledge they
have learned with others
⮚ Engages in scholarly researches and
8/7/2021 ⮚ Seeks other ways to learn and grow

⮚ Anticipates problems even before they

⮚ Foresees possible problems and plans
solutions well
⮚ Plans activities ahead of time
⮚ Takes precautionary measures in case of
⮚ Recommends ways and means to solve

⮚ Initiates changes and reforms

⮚ Creates new ideas and shares them
with others
⮚ Implements innovations in the
⮚ Takes the initiative to help others do
their tasks
⮚ Delegates responsibilities when
6. The MODEL
⮚ Accepts mistakes and takes
responsilities for his/her actions
and decisions
⮚ Leads by examples
⮚ Follows code of ethics
⮚ Applies digital tools to ensure
better learning
⮚ Respects diversity of learners

⮚ Works harmoniously with others

⮚ Listens and gives suggestions
when necessary
⮚ Engages in collaborative research
⮚ Participates in discussion to get
better results
⮚ Respects differences of opinions

⮚ Takes the risks in any decisions he/she

⮚ Calculates every move so as not to
commit mistakes
⮚ Chooses the best alternative in every
⮚ Accepts the consequences of his/her
⮚ Foresees the outcome of wrong decisions
Concepts of Teaching

1.Teaching as an Art
2. Teaching as a Science.

Components of Teaching

1. The Teacher (competence, values and

2. The Students (ability, characteristics,
background knowledge)
3. Subject Matter ( level of difficulty, the

Essential Skills needed by a Teacher

1.Acquired Knowledge
2.Expertise in Methodologies
3.Teaching Proficiency

Aptitudes for Teaching

1. Sharp Memory
2. Genuine Love for Children
3. Creativity
4. Kindness
5. Industry
6. Curiosity

Elements Inherent in the Teaching Profession

1. Accountability
2. Authority
3. Ethics
4. Timing
5. Order
6. Loyalty
7. Learning
8. Professionalism
1. Accountability

- Accountable teaching is founded on

shared responsibilities
- Responsibility requires acceptance
- Responsibility requires undeviating
- Accountability is based on uniform
2. Authority

- Genuine authority emanates from one who values knowledge

- Authority is backed up by mastery of the subject matter
- Authority has the unusual quality of being dual or reciprocal
- Authority is gained, deserved, and sustained
- Authority instills aspirations in students
- Authority requires fairness and equality in treating students
- Authority is a matter of “carriage” and self-confidence

3. Timing

- Time flies without being noticed.

- Time is available for all.
- Time is measurable.
- Time is crucial in achieving

4. Ethics

- Ethical teaching requires protecting the students’ self-image.

- Ethical teachers teach by example.
- Ethical teachers sacrifice their personal interests for the students.
- Ethical teachers, aside from being exemplars, must also teach
- Ethical teachers acknowledge and try to “enlarge and deepen their
students knowledge and convictions”.
- Ethical teaching encourages students to explore and discover
fresh thoughts, hence, justify their own views.
- Ethical teaching requires difficult choices.
5. Order and Discipline

- Orderliness is contagious.
- Authority breeds orderliness.
- Orderliness originates from good classroom
- An orderly teacher sets criteria that must be complied
- Discipline should be accepted as positive rather than
- Ideally, orderliness should be self-imposed
6. Loyalty

- Is an innate quality that describes one’s

faithfulness, dedication, and commitment to a
person, office, or endeavor.
- “A teacher who is not loyal to his profession is
spending time doing chores like a machine.” –
G.M. Sarabia (1981)

7. Learning
- Learning is sought for a purpose.
- Learned teachers gain knowledge through
systematic study.
- Learning is cooperative and collective undertaking.

• “A teacher’s passion for learning is communicated

through her teaching.”
8. Professional

- A professional behaves according to the code of

ethics followed in the profession.
- A professional is a ‘master’ of the subject he is
- A professional is a sticker to moral principles and
- A professional exhibits expertise in fair decision
The professional teacher

1. As A Professional
- A certificate of registration (PRC License), bearing the
full name with serial number and date of issuance signed
by the Chair of the Commission and Chair and members
of the Board, stamped with the official seal as evidence
that they are entitled to practice the profession.
- Equipped with substantial and updated knowledge
- Uphold the highest possible standards of quality

2. As a Person
- Personality
- Character
- Mental Capacity

Roles of a Teacher

- Facilitators
- Classroom managers
- Supervisors
- Friends
- Conduit
- Leaders

Elements Inherent in the Teacher


- “Enthusiasm is infectious, stimulating and

attractive to others. Students will surely go for
you and with you.”

- “Enthusiasm is a gift. It glows and intensifies.”


(1898 – 1993)

- “Serving extra time and effort is never taken as

beyond duties, rather as a chance to repay the
blessings teaching has given them.”

• - L.S. Garcia (1998)


- A teacher is expected to be honest in words,

deeds, and feelings. If they cannot be honest, who
else can?
- A teacher’s honesty is closely related to integrity.
- Honesty builds confidence.
- Honesty requires openness.


“An understanding heart is everything in a teacher, and

cannot be esteemed highly enough. One looks back
with appreciation to the brilliant teachers, but with
gratitude to those who touched our human feeling.”

- CARL JUNG (1985-1961)


- Persistent teachers will “move heaven and earth’ to

make students learn despite obstacles. “Never say
die” is their motto.
- Persistent teachers understand the difficulties of
- Persistent teachers are moved by their passion.
- Persistent is a steady devotion to the students future.

-”An unprejudiced and impartial treatment of

students guarantees trust and respect in return.”
- A fair teacher is ethical.
- Fairness brings forth trust.


- Integrity is characterized by consistent

- A model of integrity is beyond reproach.
- A teacher’s integrity is solid and lasting.


“Teachers should feel a great deal of gratitude for the

opportunity they are given to work with young minds.”

- John F. Kennedy, Jr.


Rewards of Teaching

1. A teacher is emulated
2. A teacher is admired
3. A teacher is appreciated
4. A teacher is revered
5. A teacher is esteemed highly for her decisions regarding right
and wrong behaviour of everyone
6. A teacher is loved
7. A teacher is honoured
8. A teacher is idolized
9. A teacher is compensated
10. A teacher is respected
11. A teacher is remembered
12. A teacher is “gifted”
13. A teacher is cared for
14. A teacher deserves material symbols of
outstanding and remarkable achievements
15. A teacher deserves promotion

Types of Teachers

• 1. Strikingly Attractive – stunning and amazing,

irresistible, pretty, charming and magnetic, “electrifying to
fight for”.
• 2. Amiable and Friendly – approachable, admirable,
understanding, polite, cordial, courteous, congenial, affable,
kind-hearted, they win friends, pleasant, good-natured.
They exude a simple, humble, and gracious stature. They
can easily influence others to behave the same way.

Types of Teachers

3. Elegant and Grand – impeccable, refined and

polished. With fine and excellent taste, well-bred
and dignified. They are superbly “classy”. Eloquent
in speech, they can captivate a listener. Students
are “moved to high heavens” by their glamour and
sumptuous reputation. They are marked noble.

4. Dynamic and Diligent – energetic, work-driven,
super active, vigorous.
5. Moody and temperamental – their emotions
vary from humorous to gloominess, changeable,
irritable, fickle and unpredictable, excitable, and
highly sensitive.

6. Leader and Motivator – they can inspire, persuade, and
“show the way” through setting example.
7. Eminent and Noble – they adhere strictly to moral and
ethical standards. Their eminence could be traced to
service that is manifested with integrity, honor, and
trustworthiness. High-principled and magnanimous. They
belong to the exulted and sublime. They are famous for the
sterling and knightlike distinction won.
Great Teachers

1. Socrates
•- He trained people to think. He used ordinary conversations
as his method of teaching and not with one memorable
epigrams and eloquent paragraphs. His methods were: first,
a modest declaration of his ignorance, which flattered the
others; second, his adaptability, which showed him which
side on which each man could be approached; and third, his
unfailing good humor which allowed him to keep the
conversation going.
2. Plato
- The greatest pupil of Socrates.
- He founded a college, named ACADEMY
- He taught more systematically by establishing a college than teach in
the streets; for he preferred to deliver lectures to selected pupils
rather than fall into spontaneous conversation.
- He was a nobleman, rich, and gifted.
- He was the founder of our examination system
- He said: “a good education consists in giving to the body and the
soul all the beauty and perfection of which they are capable.”

3. Aristotle

- He was Plato’s student.

- He was a rich doctor’s son and always preferred the scientific
habit of thought.
- He studied in Plato’s Academy and later established his own,
called LYCEUM.
- He thought of research and teaching as “two sides of the
same coin”.
- He argued that knowledge was a constant process of
4. Jesus

- The most famous teacher.

- His methods of teaching as gleaned from the
gospels were: 1) his speeches; 2) important piece
of wisdom; 3) anchored on the saying that “ a
picture is worth a thousand words”; 4) propaganda

The Philippine Education System
Pre-Spanish Education
- Education was informal and unstructured
- Boys were taught life skills like hunting, fishing,
or farming.
- Girls were taught menial jobs at home.
- Early Filipinos used “alibata” which is composed
of 17 symbols representing the alphabet.
The Philippine Education System

Spanish Regime
Some schools built by the Spaniards:
1. Colegio de San Ignacio – the first college school for
the boys established by the Jesuits in Manila in 1589
2. Colegio de Santa Potenciano – the first school and
college for the girls. It was established in 1589 which
was followed by the opening of the first school for
women, Colegio de Santa Isabel which opened in
The Philippine Education System

Some schools built by the Spaniards:

3. The religious congregations also established

schools for girls called “beaterio” which was meant
for orphaned girls who cannot afford to educate
themselves. The subjects taught include
housekeeping, cooking, sewing, and embroidery-
making, and others related to good housekeeping.
The Philippine Education System

Some schools built by the Spaniards:

4. Colegio de San Idelfonso in Cebu in 1595.

5. Colegio de San Jose was established in 1601.
6. Escuela Pia was entrusted by the government to
the Jesuits which was latter called “Ateneo de
Municipal” now the famous “Ateneo de Manila
The Philippine Education System

Some schools built by the Spaniards:

7. The Dominicans established one of the best

universities in the Philippines in 1611 – the
University of Santo Tomas.
8. The Dominicans established San Juan de
Letran for the orphaned boys in 1630.
The Philippine Education System

American Period
- Americans stressed the value of education.
- They shared their culture and introduced the
English language to Filipinos.
- Filipino soldiers became the first teachers but
when a group of teachers from the US arrived in
June 1901, soldiers stopped teaching.
The Philippine Education System

American Period
- In August 1901, 600 called “Tomasites” arrived.
Their name came from the ship “S.S. Thomas”.
- They became successful in teaching the
- There were 3 levels of education – elementary,
secondary, tertiary.
The Philippine Education System

American Period
- Philippine Normal School (now PNU) (1901)
- National University (1901)
- University of the Philippines (1908)
- University of Manila (1914)
- Philippine Women University (1919)
- Far Eastern University (1933)
The Philippine Education System

American Period
Vocational Schools:
- Philippine Nautical Schools
- Philippine School of Arts and Trades
- Central Luzon Agriculture School

The Philippine Education System

American Period
Educational Decree 1863 was developed and gave way for:
- Regulation of private schools
- Establishment of public schools
- Founding of normal schools
- Free primary instruction
- At least one primary school for boys and girls in each
town under the municipal government
The Philippine Education System

American Period
In 1899, Malolos Constitution was
established. Free and compulsory
education was emphasized.

The Philippine Education System

Commonwealth Period
- Political designation of the Philippines from 1935 to
- Created by the Tydings-McDuffie Act as a 10-year
transitional government in preparation for full
independence and sovereignty which was promised
through the Philippine Autonomy Act or the Jones
The Philippine Education System

Commonwealth Period
- When Manuel L. Quezon inaugurated president
in 1935, he became the first Filipino to head the
government of the Philippines.
- From 1935 to 1946, the Philippines existed as a
commonwealth of the United States.

The Philippine Education System

Commonwealth Period
- In 1936, under E.O. 134, President Quezon
designated Tagalog as the basis of a national
- The Commonwealth had its own constitution
which remained effective until 1973.

The Philippine Education System

Commonwealth Period
- Emphasis was given to the development of moral
character, personal discipline, civic conscience, vocational
efficiency, duties of citizenship, and adult education.
- Education Act of 1940 was put into law for the reduction of
the elementary level from 7 to 6 years, school entrance
was 7 years old, and compulsory attendance of primary
children in grade 1.

The Philippine Education System

Japanese Period
- Japanese Imperial Army headed by Emperor
Hirohito (December 8, 1941)captured the
Philippines as part of their campaign to
dominate the entire Asian continent in
consonance with the Greater East Asia Co-
Prosperity Sphere.
The Philippine Education System

Japanese Period
- Education was used by the Japanese for
the indoctrination of Japanese ideologies.
- Schools enrolment dropped during the
Japanese period.

Japanese Period
- The Japanese aimed at:
▪ Eradication of Western cultures of the U.S. and
Great Britain
▪ Promotion and enrichment of Filipino culture
based on self-consciousness
▪ Raising the morality of the Filipinos
Japanese Period
- The Japanese aimed at:
▪ Learning and adopting Nippongo and making it
compulsory subject in the curriculum
▪ Terminating the use of the English language
▪ Spreading elementary and vocational education
▪ Developing love for work
Japanese Period
- The Japanese aimed at:
▪ Promoting vocational courses where Japanese could
control the industries, factories, and food productions
▪ Engaging in the different business such as buy and sell
and barter trade in order for the Filipinos to earn a living
▪ Encouraging Filipinos to write on a condition that they
would use Tagalog as a medium.
The Third Republic

EO No. 94 changed Department of Instruction to

Department of Education to Bureau of Public and Private

1947 EO No. 94 was promulgated for regulation and supervision

of public and private schools

R.A. No. 139 provided the basics for the selection and
adoption of textbooks.

The Third Republic

1948 1954 1956

The civil service of R.A. 1425 or Rizal
The third republic teachers was made Law directed all
was born. permanent through R.A. public and private
1079. schools, colleges,
and universities to
This gave way for democratic R.A. 1256 made flag include in the
ideals and way of life, equal
ceremony compulsory in curricula courses or
educational opportunity for
all and civil service eligibility all educational subjects Rizal’s life,
for teachers. institutions. works, and writings.

The Third Republic

1966 1972 1973

Educational Decree of The 1973
1972 provided for the
national development Constitution was
goals and the aims of established to foster
the educational system; love of country, to
R.A. 4670 paved established a 10-year teach the duties of
the way for Magna educational citizenship, to
Carta for Public development program develop moral
School Teachers Proclamation 1081 of character, self-
1972 changed discipline, and
Department of Education scientific,
to Department of technological, and
8/7/2021 Education and Culture vocational efficiency.
The Third Republic

1975 1976 1978

P.D. No. 1397 –
P.D. No. 146 for Department of
National College P.D. No. 1006 provided Education and
Entrance for the Culture became
Professionalization of
Examinations Teachers and Teaching
Ministry of Education
(NCEE) was and Culture and 13
administered Regional Offices
were created.

The Third Republic

MECS Order No. 22
1981 1982
ordered the use of B.P. Blg. 232 was
Filipino in school, in created for voluntary
colleges, and accreditation for
schools, colleges, or
universities in MECS Order No. 57 universities, obligations
teaching Phil. provided for the and qualifications of
History, Govt and protection of all teachers and
Constitution, Rizal, students in all administrators,
Sociology, PE, HE, institutions in HEIs. government financial
Nutrition, Practical assistance for private
Arts, General schools, and
established integrated
Psychology, and system of education.
The Third Republic

1982 1983 1986

- Program for
Decentralized E.O No 27 provided
MECS Order No. 44 education to maximize
Education (PRODED) designating honor respect for human rights.
was launched. graduates as first honors
- New Elementary and second honors for
elementary grades. *Corazon C. Aquino
School Curriculum became the president
(NESC) was launched.

The Third Republic

1987 1989 1991

- R.A. 6728, An Act
- 1987 Constitution providing assistance to
was born. students and teachers in
- E.O. No 189, placing private education.
R.A. No. 7168 converted
all public secondary - DECS Order No. 107
Philippine Normal College
school teachers under provided the use of Filipino
into a University.
the administrative or English or both but the
supervision and language the child brings
to school should be
control of DECS. valued.

The Third Republic

1992 1993 1994

- R.A. 7731 abolished
DECS Order No. 49 NCEE
for designation of - R.A. No 7743 for the
valedictorian, - DECS Order No. 30 establishment of public
salutatorian, and provided for National libraries and reading
honorable mention for Elementary Achievement centers in every
top graduates. Test (NEAT) for all Grade barangay, city, and
6 pupils in public and municipality of the
private schools. country.
*Fidel V. Ramos - R.A. 7722 created
became the president. Commission on Higher
Education (CHED)
The Third Republic

1994 1995 1998

- Early Childhood Care
- R.A. 7796 created and Development was
- Program for Basic
Technical Education launched.
Education (PROBE) was
Skills Development created. - Multigrade Program in
Authority (TESDA) the Philippines (MPPE)
- R.A. 8047 provided for
Book Publishing Act. - SPED Personnel
- R.A. 7836 mandated Enhancement Program
Philippine Teachers -R.A. 7877 for Anti-Sexual
Harassment Act - Resource Materials
Professionalization Act Development for Children
with Special Needs

The Third Republic

1998 2000 2003

- Preschool Service - Brigada Eskwela
Contracting Program started.
- Early Intervention - Thinking Skills
Program for Children Development for
Maximized Cognitive
with Disabilities - Adopt-a-School Program Development (TSD-MCP)
- Standards for Quality was launched.
- Teacher Training
Elementary Education Program (TTP)
(SQEE) - Child Friendly School
*Joseph Estrada Systems (CFSS)
became the president
The Third Republic

2003 2010 2013

- Every Child A
Reader Program - R.A. 10533 for
(ECARP) Enhanced Basic
- School First Initiative Education Act
-*Benigno Simeon - R.A. 9155 provided
- School-Based “NoyNoy” Aquino became Governance of Basic
Management the president. Education Act
- R.A. 9163 for National
*Gloria Macapagal- Service Training Program
Arroyo became the Act (NSTP)
Legal Bases
1987 Philippine Constitution
Art. XIV- Education, Science & Technology,
Arts, Culture & Sports
Section 1 – ensures the right of all citizens to
quality education at all levels.
•The State shall take appropriate steps to
make education
•accessible to all.

Legal Bases
1987 Philippine Constitution Art. XIV- Education, Science & Technology, Arts, Culture &

Section 2
- establishment and maintenance of a complete, adequate, and integrated
system of education relevant to the needs of the people and society
- free and compulsory public elementary education
- free secondary education
- scholarship grants and incentives
- non-formal, informal and indigenous learning systems
- inclusion of the study of the constitution, inculcation of
patriotism, and nationalism, love of humanity respect for human
rights, appreciation of the role of national heroes in the historical
development of the country, teach the duties of citizenship, etc.
in the curriculum
1987 Philippine Constitution Art. XIV- Education, Science & Technology, Arts, Culture &
Section 3.
•All educational institutions shall include the study of the Constitution as part of
the curricula.
•They shall inculcate patriotism and nationalism, foster love of humanity,
respect for human rights, appreciation of the role of national heroes in the
historical development of the country, teach the rights and duties of citizenship,
strengthen ethical and spiritual values, develop moral character and personal
discipline, encourage critical and creative thinking, broaden scientific and
technological knowledge and promote efficiency.
1987 Philippine Constitution Art. XIV- Education, Science
& Technology, Arts, Culture & Sports

Section 3.
• At the option expressed in writing by the parent or guardians,
religion shall be allowed to be taught to their children or wards in
the public elementary and high schools within the regular class hours
by instructors designated or approved by the religious authorities.
Legal Bases
1987 Philippine Constitution Art. XIV- Education, Science & Technology,
Arts, Culture & Sports

Section 4.

• The state recognizes the complementary roles of the public and

private institutions in the educational system and shall exercise
reasonable supervision and regulation of all educational institutions.
▪ Subject to conditions prescribed by law, all grants endowments,
donations or contributions used actually, directly and exclusively
for educational purposes shall be exempt from tax.
Legal Bases
1987 Philippine Constitution Art. XIV- Education, Science &
Technology, Arts, Culture & Sports

Section 5.

• The State shall take into account regional and sectoral needs and conditions
and shall encourage local planning in the development of educational
policies and programs.
• Academic freedom shall be enjoyed in all institutions of higher learning.
• Every citizen has a right to select a profession or course of study, subject to
fair, reasonable and equitable admission and academic requirements.

Legal Bases
1987 Philippine Constitution Art. XIV- Education, Science &
Technology, Arts, Culture & Sports

Section 5.

• The State shall enhance the right of teachers to professional

advancement. Non- teaching academic and non-academic personnel
shall enjoy the protection of the State.
• The State shall assign the highest budgetary priority to education and
ensure that teaching will attract and retain its rightful share of the
best available talents through adequate remuneration and other
means of job satisfaction and fulfillment.
Magna Carta for Public School Teachers (R.A. 4670)

1. A four-year degree is a pre-requisite for admission to teach

in the kindergarten, elementary and secondary schools; a
bachelor’s degree in the field of specialization with at least 18
units in education for secondary school teachers, secondary
vocational and two-year technical courses, and a Master’s
degree for teachers in the collegiate level.
Magna Carta for Public School Teachers (R.A. 4670)

2. Except for a cause, no teacher shall be transferred without his consent from one
station to another.

3. Whenever possible, married couples who are public school teachers should be
employed in the same locality.

4. Actual teaching hours should not exceed six hours a day except where the
exigencies of the service so require, but should not exceed eight hours. In which
case, additional compensation at the same rate as his regular enumeration plus at
least 25% of his basic pay.
Magna Carta for Public School Teachers (R.A. 4670)

5. In areas where teachers are exposed to hardship such as difficulty in commuting

to place of work or other hazards peculiar to the place of employment, teachers,
shall be compensated with a special hardship allowance equivalent to at least 25%
of their monthly salary.

6. In addition to leave privileges enjoyed by public school teachers, they are entitled
to study leave not exceeding one school year after seven years of service and
entitled to at least 60(now 100) % of their monthly salary. Study leave of more than
one year may be allowed but without compensation.
Magna Carta for Public School Teachers (R.A. 4670)

7. Teachers who meet the age and service

requirements for retirement shall be granted one
range salary raise upon retirement and shall be the
basis of the computation of the lump sum of the
retirement pay and the monthly benefits thereafter.
Magna Carta for Public School Teachers (R.A.

8. Public school teachers have the right to freely

and without previous authorization to establish and
join organizations of their choice, whether local or
national to further and defend their interests.
Other Legal Bases
R.A. 7797 – lengthening the school calendar from 200
to 220 days.

DepEd Order No. 34, 2001 – required all public

elementary and high school students to read at least
one book in the vernacular and one book in English
per year before they can be promoted to the next year
Other Legal Bases

R.A. 5250 of 1966 - provided the legal basis

for the implementation of a 10-year Teacher
Education Program in Special Education.

DECS Order No. 25 s. 1974 – known as the

Bilingual Education Program of 1974.
Other Legal Bases

D. O. 42, s. 2007 – Revised Guidelines on the

Selection, Promotion, and Designation of School

D. O. 42, s. 2016 - Policy Guidelines on Daily

Lesson Preparation for the K to 12 Basic
Education Program

Educational Salient
Philosophies Features
- Teach ideas that are
Robert -Seek truth that is
Maynard constant.
-Humans are rational and
Perennialism Hutchins, their minds have to be
and Mortimer -The curriculum should
Adler focus on cultural literacy,
stressing student’s growth
in enduring disciplines.

Educational Salient
Philosophies Features
James D. - Essence precedes
Koemer, Paul - Essence is created by
your personal choices
Copperman, - The meaning of your life
Essentialism Theodore is based on your personal
Sizer, and - Socially-constructed
Hyman G. values add meaning to
your life
Educational Salient
Philosophies Features
- Man makes of
Soren - You are free to set
goals for your self
Existentialis Kierkegard - You are accountable
m and Jean for your own choices.
Paul Sartre - Men have free will to

Educational Salient
Philosophies Features
- It addresses social
questions and quest to
Theodore create a better society
- It highlights social
Reconstructionism Brameld and reform.
George - It emphasizes that
education prepares
Counts people for a better


Advocates Salient Features
- People construct their own
- Teachers help students
Jerome construct knowledge rather
than reproduce facts.

Bruner, Jean - It transforms students from
passive receiver of information
Piaget, Lev to active participants in the
learning process.
Vygostky - It triggers students’ curiosity
about how things work.


Advocates Salient Features
- Authentic experiences
- Solve real-life
- Solutions to problems
should be tested by
Progressivism John Dewey application.
- Schools should teach
freedom and

Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers


Teachers are duly licensed professionals who

possess dignity and reputation with high moral values
as well as technical and professional competence. In
the practice of their profession, they strictly adhere
to, observe and practice this set of ethical and moral
principles, standards, and values.
Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers

Article 2. The Teacher and the State

•Do their best to implement the educational policies of the State.
•Keep themselves physically, mentally and morally fit.
•Demonstrate devotion to duty, honesty, punctuality and efficiency.
•Be above suspicion by refraining from direct or indirect solicitation, collection or receipt of
money, in kind, or service from the promotion of any political, religious or other partisan interest.
•Refrain from using their position, authority or influence to coerce the political action of other
•Refrain from any political activity except merely to exercise right of suffrage.
•Enjoy freedom of worship but refrain from using their position and influence to convert or
convince their students or their parents to another religious belief or practice.
•Enjoy academic freedom and the privilege of expounding the product of his researches and

Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers

Article 3: The Teacher and the Community

•Facilitate learning by providing a conducive environment
•Participate actively in the activities of the community.
•Refrain from gambling, drunkenness, and other immoral, unworthy
and undesirable practice.
•Strive to live for and with the community they serve by studying
and respecting the opinions, customs and traditions of the people.
• Keep the community informed of the school programs and

Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers

Article 4: The Teacher and The Profession

•Manifest pride in the nobility of the teaching
•Try to surpass the prescribed qualifications.
•Engage in studies and research and attend
professional and cultural activities.
•Live up to the desirable, commendable level of
Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers

Article 5: The Teacher and the Teaching Community

•Be cooperative.
•Acknowledge assistance received from colleagues.
•Organize and turn over records and other data to his/her successor.
•Never reveal confidential information concerning colleagues and the school
which has not been formally released.
•Seek correctives for unprofessional/unethical conduct of an associate
•Submit to the proper authorities any justifiable criticism against an associate
•Apply for a position for which he is qualified provided that all qualified
candidates are given the opportunity to be considered.

Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers

Article 6: The Teacher and the Higher Authorities in

the Profession
•Support the policies of the school and the administration regardless of
personal feeling or private opinion
•Express criticism in a professional manner
•Transact all official business through channels
•Report honestly to proper authorities matters that may adversely affect
the welfare of the pupils or the school
•Lives up to his contract i.e. employment terms and conditions

Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers

Article 7: School Officials, Teachers, and Other

•All school official shall at all times show professional courtesy,
helpfulness and sympathy towards teachers and other personnel
•Cooperate in policy formulation
•Encourage and attend to the professional growth of all teachers under them
•Never dismiss or recommend for dismissal a teacher / subordinate except
for a cause.
•School authorities shall ensure that public school teachers are employed in
accordance with pertinent civil service rules and private school teachers
are issued contracts.
Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers

Article 8: The Teacher and The Learners

•Determines the academic marks and the promotion of learners in the subjects or grades they
•Treat all their pupils justly and impartially.
•Desist from accepting remuneration for the tutorial services they render to their own students.
•Refrain from asking or accepting anything from pupils or their parents that would tend to
influence professional relation with them.
•Base the evaluation of the learner’s work only on merit an quality of academic performance
•Refrain from taking advantage of their position to court a student. In a situation where mutual
attraction and subsequent love develop between teacher and learner, the teacher shall
exercise utmost professional discretion.
•Desist from inflicting corporal punishment for any offense committed by a student.
•Insure that conditions attributive to the maximum development of learner’s are adequate

Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers

Article 9: The Teacher and the Parents

•Establish friendly and cooperative relationships with
parents and treat them with respect.
•Inform parents about the progress as well as academic
deficiencies of their children.
•Discourage parents from making unfounded, unpleasant
remarks in public about colleagues, the administration and
the institution.
Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers

Article 10: The Teacher and The Business

•Engage in legitimate income generation
•Maintain a good reputation with respect to
financial matters
•Settle just debts promptly and if unable to do so,
make satisfactory
arrangement for payment.
Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers

Article 11: The Teacher as a Person

•Live with dignity at all times wherever s/he is

•Place premium upon self-respect and self-
•Serve as a model worthy of emulation
•Recognize God as guide of his own destiny
“Even in your worst day on the job, you
are still some children’s best hope.” –


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