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Ability and
Chapter 2
Semester Ganjil 2021 - 2022
Our teachers
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Exercise 1
Complate the sentences with Can, Could and Be Able To
1. … he understand what you were talking about ?
2. My sister … play tennis now.
3. I … walk when I was less than a year old.
4. ( polite ) … you tell me what time it is, please?
5. My grandfather … walk without any help last night.
Exercise 2
Rewrite the following sentences using “Can” or “Can’t “
1. Hanif is able to play cricket very well.
2. Sari unable to carry such a big load,
3. The patient is unable to express her feeling.
4. Tariq is able to get a good job.
5. Tiwi is able to use camera.
Exercise 3
Translate the following sentences into English.
1. Saya bisa pergi ke pasar dan membeli sayuran
kemarin pagi.
2. Rendy bisa berenang dengan baik.
3. Apakah kamu bisa menyanyikan lagu Indonesia
Raya ?
4. Ayah bisa berlari dengan cepat ketika masih muda
5. Saya bisa mengerjakan PR kemarin malam.
Willingness and Unwillingness
Table of contents

03 04
Our teachers Conclusion
Here you could describe the topic Here you could describe the topic
of the section of the section
Exercise 1
Translate these sentences into English.
1. Aku akan membeli beberapa makanan
2. Aku akan pergi ke Bangladesh besok
3. Dia (laki-laki) tidak akan makan mie instant lagi
4. Aku akan membeli baju nanti malam
5. Akankah kamu menyelesaikan tugasmu?
Exercise 2
Fill the blanks with WILL , WON’T, WOULD or WOULDN’T
1. He … not do so unless you ask him to do so’
2. I … help you if you like.
3. Lasy year, Peter told me that he … like to study English.
4. They … lend us any more books.
5. She … come, she said she was ill.
6. … you send this letter for me, please ?
Exercise 3
Translate them into Indonesian
1. I know you will do it.
2. I will do this homework on own.
3. Will you believe me ?
4. He would go to the food bazar if yesterday was not raining.
5. Would you make a cake if he didn’t ask you ?
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