Professional Education Set 2

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1. Teacher Kevin has not practiced his profession for the
past five years. Can he go back to teaching immediately?

A. Yes, if nobody can take his place

B. No, unless she has enrolled in refresher course of 12
C. No
D. Yes

2. Is membership to the accredited professional
organization for teachers mandatory for all LET passers?

A. No
B. Yes, when the teacher is already teaching
C. Yes
D. Only for LET passers who are not repeaters

3. Which is true of the periodic merit exam for teacher
provided for in RA 7836?
I. Consist of oral exam
II. Consist of written exam
III. May serve as additional basis for merit promotion
in addition to performance rating
IV. Taken with fee of P 1000 per examinee

A. I only C. II and III

B. I and IV D. II only
4. Can Manny Pacquiao be given a special permit to
teach boxing in a special school?

A. No, he is not a teacher education graduate

B. No, he has not passed the LET
C. Yes, he is a graduate of ALS
D. Yes, he has excelled and gained international

5. Is it professional for a teacher to receive gifts from
the student and parents?

A. Not at all
B. No, especially if done in exchange for requested
C. Yes, if deserved
D. Yes, in-season and out-of-season gifts

6. For relevance to business and industry, what did the
First Biennial National Education on Education (2008)
impose for updating the Licensure Examination for

A. Moral or ethical values

B. Technical and scientific competencies
C. Upgraded laboratory facilities
D. Vocational skills

7. Which of the following is not John Dewey’s
contribution to the sociological foundation of

A. Facilitating learning along social conditions of the

B. As a social process, education begins at birth
C. True education is transmission of knowledge
D. The school is a continuation of home

8. Of the following, which is most fundamental to
building up a strong school culture of excellence?

A. High standards of performance

B. Student-centered curriculum
C. Mission and core values
D. Student handbook of conduct

9. What kind of grassroots model best advances
Education for All as served children of slum city
A. Mobile education on Kariton
B. Leaf flyers for out-of-school children
C. Radio education modules
D. Educational television

10. After the implementation of NCBTS, results of LET
still reveal low performance among examinees. What
can teacher education institutions do to upgrade their
graduates’ LET performance?

A. Review curriculum vis-à-vis TOS

B. Intensify Field Study Courses
C. Hire expensive review trainers
D. Implement selective admission in TEIs

11. Among qualities which employers look for in the
21st century workplace, which is the most challenging
and demanding?

A. Aptitude for teamwork

B. Skills and social behavior
C. Readiness to take risks
D. Specific competencies for work

12. In educating the whole person as demanded by
the “Learning to be” pillar of the 21st century
education, where does the concept of meaning,
purpose and engagement belong?

A. Mind and body C. Spiritual values

B. Aesthetic sense D. Personal responsibility

13. Which program directly embodies both the pre-
service and in-service programs?

A. BESRA – Basic Education Sector Reform Agenda

B. TEDPA – Technical Education Development
C. K-12
D. BEC – Basic Education Curriculum

14. How can the efforts of four agencies (DepEd,
CHED, PRC, CSC) be best achieved for the training
and development of teachers?

A. Synchronization C. streamlining
B. cost-reduction D. sharing of resources

15. What is the core of the Teacher Education
Development Program?

A. high order thinking skills or HOTS

B. student-centered learning
C. National Competency-Based Teaching Standards
D. Technology integration in instruction

16. Among reforms for enhancing teacher
professionalism, which has been implemented by law
in order to determine whether prospective teachers
have acquired professional competencies prior to
granting them a permit to teach?
A. accrediting a national organization for teachers
B. setting up centered for excellence in teacher
education centers
C. licensure examination
D. creation of a professional board for teachers
17. From global competence as defined by
international educators, which is the most appropriate
characteristic of globally competent individual?

A. familiarity with new culture

B. open-mindedness to new culture
C. adaptability to new work environment
D. foreign-language policy

18. For a school, which of the following is most
significant in repairing shorelines with depleted coral
A. outreach by depositing rubber tires as artificial coral
B. implement reporting system against dynamite
C. legislative lobby to disallow tourism in endangered
D. outreach by educating the villagers on protection of
coral reefs
19. In a tertiary school, the President organized a
Fun Run for students, faculty and personnel to enjoy
camaraderie, physical exertion under the sun, sense
of engagement and achievement. What does the
activity promote?

A. spiritual vigor C. national integrity

B. cultural consciousness D. moral integrity

20. In the Education Act of 1901 which established a
free public education in the Philippines, what language
was imposed under the one-language policy?

A. Spanish C. Tagalog
B. English D. Filipino

21. Of the following, which is the most functional
intervention in order to achieve a basic right of every
Filipino Child under the Constitution and Magna Carta
for Disabled Persons?

A. Philosophy of education
B. Policy for curricular reform
C. home study program
D. structural organization

22. In the formal education system during Hispanic
times in the Philippines, what was not implement but
which we enjoyed during the American period?

A. vocational education C. religious education

B. private education D. public education

23. In the learning to do pillar of new education, what
is the enabling factor that can make the learner fully
contribute to a peaceful and just society?

A. Knowledge C. insights
B. skills D. values

24. Before being able to fully learn to live and work
together under the pillar of the 21st century education,
what must the learner attain for himself?

A. find peace within oneself

B. attain an altruistic mind
C. love his fellowmen
D. become self-actualized

25. If your students appear to be more interested in a
topic outside your planned lesson for the day, you set
aside your lesson plan for that day and grasp the
opportunity to discuss the topic of particular interest to
your students. Strike the iron while it is hot! Which
philosophy governs for your action?

A. Rationalism C. existentialism
B. empiricism D. progressivism

26. Facilities such as classrooms, fixtures, and
equipment can often damage the morale of new
teachers and become an obstacle for adapting well to
the school environment. What should be the policy for
assigning said physical facilities?

A. needs of student’s basis

B. position ranking basis
C. first-come, first-served basis
D. service seniority basis
27. There are various functions a fellow teacher or
peer coach can help new teachers. What role does a
peer coach play by being present/available to share
ideas, problems and success with a new teacher?

A. a provider of technical feedback

B. a facilitator of strategies
C. an analyzer of teaching job
D. a close peer or companion

28. Teacher Princess sees to it that her classroom is
clean and orderly so her pupils will less likely
disarrange seats and litter on the floor. On which
thought is her action based?

A. existentialism C. behaviorism
B. progressivism D. reconstructionism

29. Teacher Nancy is directed to pass an undeserving
student with a death threat. Which advise will a
utilitarian give?
A. Don’t pass him. You surely will not like someone to
give you a death threat in order to pass
B. Pass the student. That will be off use to the student,
his parents and you.
C. Pass the student. Why suffer the threat?
D. Don’t pass him. Live by your principle of justice.
You will get reward, if not in this life, in the next!
30. In what setting is differentiated and multi-lingual
teaching most effective?

A. special children with classes

B. multi-grade classes
C. children with diverse cultural backgrounds
D. pre-school children

31. After the embarrassing incident, Teacher Kevin
vowed to himself to flunk the student at the end of the
school term. What has Dante done that is against the
guidelines for using punishment?

A. Punishing immediately in an emotional state

B. Using double standards in punishing
C. Doing the impossible
D. Holding a grudge and not starting with a clean slate

32. Following the principles for punishing students,
which of the following is the LEAST desirable strategy
for classroom management?

A. Punishing while clarifying why punishment is done

B. Punishing while angry
C. Punishing the erring student rather than the entire
D. Give punishment sparingly

33. According to the guidelines on punishment, what
does it mean that the teacher should give the student
the benefit of the doubt?

A. Make sure facts are right before punishing

B. Doubt the incident really happened
C. Don’t punish and doubt effectiveness of
D. Get the side of the students when punishing

34. Which of the following guidelines for punishment
may be done?

A. Don’t punish students outside of school rules on

B. Don’t threaten the impossible
C. Don’t use double standards for punishing
D. Don’t assign extra homework

35. To demonstrate here authority Teacher Kokeyni
made an appeal to undisciplined students. What kind
of appeal did she make by saying, “Ladies and
gentlemen, don’t engage in that kind of behavior, you
can do much better?”

A. Invoke peer reaction

B. Exert authority
C. Internalizing student’s image of themselves
D. Teacher-student relationship
36. Of subcategories of movement behavior, what is
happening when the teacher ends an activity

A. Thrust C. Stimulus-bounded
B. Truncation D. Flip-flop

37. Of subcategories of teacher movement behavior,
what is happening when the teacher goes from topic
or activity to other topic or activities, lacking clear
direction and sequence of activities?

A. Truncation C. Thrust
B. Dangle D. Flip-flop

38. From classroom management strategies applied
on erring students, which of the following should not
be done?

A. Surprise quiz
B. Communicating problems to parents
C. Parent-principal conference
D. Shaming erring student before the class

39. What mistake is teacher Senemin Basic trying to
avoid by never ignoring any student or group of
students in her discussions and other activities?

A. Non-direction C. Divided attention

B. Dangled activity D. Abrupt end

40. Teacher Aldub makes certain content interesting to
his students. Focusing on learners, he also uses many
simple examples, metaphors and stories. What is this
quality of lesson content?

A. Interest C. Self-sufficiency
B. Feasibility D. Balance

41. Teaching English, teacher Krizzy is careful about
her lesson content. What quality of content did he
achieve when she made certain her information came
with the “information explosion” which she got in the
Internet, such as how to effectively teach phonetics?

A. Learnability C. Balance
B. Significance D. Interest

42. Teacher Kevin made certain his lesson content
can be useful to his students, taking care of their
needs in a student-centered classroom. What is this
kind of quality content?

A. Utility C. Self-sufficiency
B. Balance D. Interest

43. Teacher Maggie explains by spicing her lectures
with examples, descriptions and stories. What is this
quality in her lectures?

A. Planned sequence
B. Elaboration through elements
C. Use of audiovisuals
D. Simple vocabulary

44. Can technology take the place of the teacher in
the classroom? Select the most appropriate answer:

A. No. It is only an instrument or a tool

B. Yes, when they hire less teachers and acquire more
C. Yes. When teachers are not competent
D. Yes, such as in the case of Computer-assisted
instruction (not teacher-assisted instruction)

45. What kind of tool is technology as evidenced by its
use in word processing databases, spreadsheets,
graphics design and desktop publishing?

A. Analyzing tool C. Productivity tool

B. Encoding tool D. Calculating tool

46. In avoiding implying sickness or suffering, which of
the following is the most preferable way to refer to
those with disabilities like polio?

A. “Is polio-stricken” C. “Polio victim”

B. “Had polio” D. “Suffers from polio”

47. Among cognitive objectives, what is also known as
an understanding and is a step higher than more
knowledge of facts?

A. Comprehension C. Synthesis
B. Analysis D. Application

48. What is the quality of teacher Pining Garcia’s
lecture when she makes use of various pictures,
charts, graphs, videos to support her lectures?

A. Simplified vocabulary
B. Enrichment through visual aids
C. Causal and logical relationships
D. Continuing sequence

49. In determining the materials and media to use,
what consideration did Teacher Ina A. Mag adopt
when he chose materials that can arouse and sustain
in curiosity?

A. Satisfaction C. Expectancy
B. Interest D. Relevance

50. Which of the following is true of a democratic

A. Teacher acts as firm decision maker

B. Students decide what and how to learn
C. Consultation and dialogue
D. Suggestions are sent to higher officials for

51. From a broad vantage view of human
development, who has the primary duty to educate the
youths or children?

A. Parents C. the state

B. Teachers D. the schools

52. Of the three aspects of learning, which is not
mentioned as needed so that the individual learner in
the 21st century can learn how to learn?

A. Ability to think C. Memory skills

B. Mathematical skills D. Concentration

53. Which of the following belongs to the more
sophisticated learning-to-learn skills for the individual

A. To ask and gather data

B. To listen and observe
C. To process and select information
D. To read with understanding

54. Of the following effects on learning, what is the
effect of simulations that make students feel and
sense experience in the classroom?

A. Reinforcing learning
B. Providing experiences that otherwise might not be
C. Motivating students
D. Changing attitudes and feelings

55. A young mother observes her seven year old girl
glued to her computer games. What aspect of the
family life may suffer due to obsession of the young
with technology gadgets?

A. Family social life

B. Family economic life
C. Discipline and obedience
D. Parent-child relationship

56. Which of the following is not an advanced process
of meta-cognition among learners?

A. Learning how to recognize thoughts

B. Acquisition of new knowledge
C. Assessing own thinking
D. Learning how to study

57. Of comprehension or thinking strategies, which is
relating one or two items, such as nouns and verbs?

A. Basic elaboration strategies

B. Complex rehearsal strategies
C. Complex elaboration strategies
D. Affective strategies

COGNITIVE FRAMEWORK by Weintein and Mayer
Basic Rehearsal Strategies – the ability to remember
names or words and the order of things.
Complex Rehearsal Strategies – making appropriate
choices or selection (e.g. what to copy; what to underline)
Basic Elaboration Strategies – relating two or more items
(such as nouns and verbs.

COGNITIVE FRAMEWORK by Weintein and Mayer
Complex Elaboration Strategies – Analyzing or
synthesizing new information with old information.
Basic Organizational Strategies – categorizing, grouping,
or ordering new information

COGNITIVE FRAMEWORK by Weintein and Mayer
Comprehension Monitoring – Checking progress,
recognizing when one is on the right track or confused,
right or wrong.
Affective Strategies – Being relaxed yet alert and
attentive during a test situation and when studying.

58. Of skills teacher should understand and students
need to acquire, which is the ability to integrate
complex information into categories through its
attributes (characteristics, principles or functions)?

A. Scanning C. Sharpening-leveling
B. Complex cognitive D. Complexity-simplicity

List of seven comprehension or thinking skills that students can develop to
enhance the way they processed information:

Analysis (field dependence-independence) – The ability to break

down information into components parts for the purpose of
identification and categorization.

Focusing (Scanning) – The ability to select relevant information or

important information without being distracted or confused by
irrelevant secondary information

Comparative Analysis (reflective-impulsivity) – the ability to select

a correct item from among several alternatives and to compare
information and make proper decision
Narrowing (breadth categorization) – The ability to
identify and place new information into categories
through its attributes (physical, characteristics, principles,
or functions)
Complex Cognitive (complexity-simplicity) – The ability
to integrate complex information into existing cognitive

Sharpening (Sharpening-level) – the ability to maintain
distinction between cognitive structures (including old and
new information) and to avoid confusion and overlap
Tolerance(tolerant-intolerant) – the ability to monitor and
modify thinking; the ability to deal with ambiguous or
unclear information without getting frustrated.

59. Research studies showed that children in slums
generally have lower reading achievement then
children in urban schools. What factor is shown to
affect reading achievement?

A. Mobility
B. Personality and emotional factors
C. Socio-economic status
D. Listening comprehension

60. When preacher Xian read the Genesis story on
creation, he explained that God is so powerful he
created the universe in only seven days. What level of
reading comprehension did preacher John apply?

A. Evaluative reading on character, plot or style

B. Literal reading the lines
C. Applied reading beyond the lines
D. Interpretative reading between the lines

61. What is the main organization and orientation of
science and social studies reading materials?

A. Expository C. Narrative
B. Descriptive D. Argumentative

62. In his History class, teacher Naomi used a current
events IQ contest to determine champions in
identifying people, places, and events. What learning
objective outcome does she aim to achieve?

A. Knowledge or recall C. Application

B. Perpetual abilities D. Responding

63. In Erikson’s stage theory of development
questionnaire, which affirmation does not belong to
the stage of initiative vs. guilt?

A. People can be trusted

B. In difficulty, I will not give up
C. I feel what happens to me is the result of what I
have done
D. I am prepared to take a risk

64. For cognitive learning, what are sets of facts,
concepts, and principles that describe underlying
mechanism that regulate human learning,
development and behavior?

A. Facts C. Theories
B Concepts D. Hypothesis

65. Literature teacher Kim introduced figures of
speech in poetry to improve ability of her students to
interpret verses. What kind of thinking is she
developing in her students?

A. Critical thinking C. Convergent thinking

B. Metaphoric thinking D. Divergent thinking

66. Of clusters of meaningful learning activities, which
does not belong to spatial learning activities?

A. Visualization C. Peer tutoring

B. Concept-mapping D. Art projects

67. From cluster of meaningful learning activities,
which does not belong to verbal-linguistic intelligence

A. Ecological field trip C. Journal writing

B. Debates D. Reading

68. Which of the following violates the principle that
“each child’s brain is unique and vastly different from
one another”?
A. Giving ample opportunity for a pupil to explore
rather than simply dish out information
B. Employing principles in multiple intelligence in
C. Making a left-handed pupil write with her right hand
as this is better
D. Allowing open dialogue among students of various
cultural backgrounds
69. Of the following which is normally expected of
Grade IV pupils?

A. Getting along with classmates

B. Being independent of parents
C. Showing class leadership
D. Displaying a male or feminine social role

Middle and Late Childhood
• Learning physical skills necessary for ordinary games
• Learning to get along with age mates
• Building wholesome attitudes toward oneself as a
growing organism
• Learning an appropriate masculine and feminine social
• Developing concepts necessary for everyday living
• Developing conscience, morality, and a scale of values
• Achieving personal independence
70. From categories of exceptionalities in the young
child and adolescents what involves difficulties in
specific cognitive processes like perception, language,
and memory due to mental retardation,
emotional/behavioral disorder, or sensory impairment?

A. Learning disabilities
B. Speech and communication disorders
C. Emotional/conduct disorders
D. Autism
71. Of the following, which is most true of

A. Hormonal changes
B. Last splurge of dependence
C. Unruly behavior
D. Defiance of peer group

72. Research says, “people tend to attribute
successes to internal causes and their failures to
external causes.” What does this imply as a most
potent key to success?

A. Reasoning C. Application
B. Imagination D. Motivation

73. From Kohlberg’s theory of moral development,
what is the moral reasoning or perspective of Mother
Teresa who pledged her life to serve the sick and very
A. Social contract C. Obedience
B. Universal principles D. Law and order

74. Under the domains of learning, to what domain do
Reflex movements, perceptual abilities, and non-
discursive communication belong?

A. Psychomotor C. Cognitive
B. Affective D. Reflective

75. In what development stage is the pre-school child?

A. Early childhood C. Infancy

B. Babyhood D. Late childhood

76. Of the types of validity tests, what is concerned
with the relation of test scores to performance at some
future time, e.g. Freshmen college test can show
success in college?

A. Curriculum validity C. Content validity

B. Criterion validity D. Predictive validity

77. Of the following, which exemplifies the best
example of cooperation and voluntarism in the Parent-
Teacher Associations?

A. Helping hands after a natural crisis, e.g.

devastating storm
B. Attending regular meetings
C. Fund raising for PT funds
D. Running the school canteen

78. Among standardized tests, which reveals
strengths and weaknesses for purposes of placement
and formulating an appropriate instructional program?

A. Personality tests C. Diagnostic tests

B. Achievement tests D. Competency tests

79. Among standardized tests, which can show how
students perform in comparison with each other and to
students in other schools?

A. Competency tests C. Achievement tests

B. Subject exit tests D. Diagnostic tests

80. Teacher Bea Bunana makes her tests easy for
students to understand, easy to administer and score
and suitable to test conditions, e.g. time. What is she
achieving for her tests?

A. Efficiency C. Reliability
B. Usability D. Validity

81. Of the following subjects, which does not belong to
performance-based subjects in which direct instruction
is effectively used?

A. Values education C. Science

B. Music D. Mathematics

82. Which of these approaches would reform
assessment outcomes?

A. Apply sanctions on low performing schools

B. Focus on testing without investing the learner’s
C. Use understanding as means of giving feedback on
students learning
D. Compare results of performance of all schools

83. Using extrinsic motivational assessment, what
could be the noblest motive in students pursuing a
lifetime work and mission for the teaching profession?

A. Promise of high rank and prestige

B. Social service to upcoming generations
C. Economic security and welfare
D. Respected position in society

84. To what process of evaluation does determining
the extent objectives are met belong?

A. Authentic C. Criterion-referenced
B. Formative D. Norm-referenced

85. Which form of the foundation of all cognitive
objects without which the next level of higher thinking
skills cannot be attained?

A. Knowledge C. Application
B. Synthesis D. Analysis

86. What primary response factor is considered by
Essay questions?

A. Factual information
B. Wide sampling of ideas
C. Originality
D. Less time for construction and scoring

87. In the context of the 6 facets of understanding
cited by Wiggins and McTighe, what is a proof of a
student understands a principle?

A. Stating given examples

B. Repeating it as given by the teacher
C. Applying it to solve his problem
D. Retaining it in memory for a long period of time

88. Which of the following may not be adequately
assessed by a paper and pencil test?

A. Sight reading in music

B. Multiplication skills
C. Subject-verb agreement
D. Vocabulary meaning

89. What should be done with test item whose
difficulty index is .98?

A. Revise it
B. Retain it
C. Reject it
D. Reserve it for another group of students

90. What is known as the scoring guides for rating
open-ended questions?

A. Rubrics C. Scales
B. Outcomes D. Outputs

91. What does it mean to say that the facility index of
a test item is .50?

A. It is reliable C. It is moderate in difficulty

B. It is valid D. It is very easy

92. With the mode of answering as a point of
reference, which of the following does not belong to
this test group?

A. Completion C. Problem-solving
B. Essay D. Matching

93. One half of the class scored very low. Teacher
Janus gave another tests to determine where were the
students were weakest. What type of test is this?

A. Aptitude test C. Diagnostic test

B. Remedial test D. Readiness test

94. On what is normative marking based?

A. High marks of few students

B. Failure of some students
C. Normal curve of standard distribution
D. Student achievement relative to other students

95. What cognitive domain is involved in the student’s
clarifying information from conclusion?

A. Synthesis C. Analysis
B. Evaluation D. Application

96. Which of the following indicates a strong negative

A. -75 C. -10
B. -15 D. -25

97. What does a negative discrimination index mean?

A. The test item has low reliability

B. More from the lower group answered the test item
C. More from the upper answered the test correctly
D. The test could not discriminate between the upper
and lower group

98. What is the deviation from a standard or desired
level of performance?

A. A problem C. A defect
B. A deficit D. A gap

99. How does a student’s 80 percentile score

A. High in all the skills being tested

B. Higher than 80% of the members of the group
C. Better relative to the competencies targeted
D. 80% of the specified content

100. Of the types of validity for tests, what is focused
on the extent to which a particular tests correlates with
acceptable measure of performance?

A. Curricular validity C. Criterion validity

B. Content validity D. Predictive validity


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