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What is a sacrament?

A sacrament is 1) an efficacious sign 2)

instituted by Christ 3) to give grace. Also it is
important to note that a sacrament is “entrusted
to the Church” (CCC 1131)
What is a sacrament?

Sacraments as efficacious signs

Efficacious means successful in producing a desired
or intended result
Signifies something which is real beyond itself.
“Sacrament” means “sacred sign.”
What is a sacrament?

Sacraments as signs
 to sanctify men
 to build up the Body of Christ
 to give worship to God
What is a sacrament?

Institutedby Christ
no human power could attach an inward grace to an
outward sign, only God could do that.
really present and active
What is a sacrament?

Institutedby Christ
no human power could attach an inward grace to an
outward sign, only God could do that.
really present and active
What is a sacrament?

Togive grace
“Grace”- undeserved gift of God
it is the very life of God himself, which he shares
with us.
“As fire transforms into itself everything it touches,
so the Holy Spirit transforms into the divine life
whatever is subjected to his power” (CCC 1127).
What is a sacrament?

To give grace

sacraments give grace ex opere operato-which
means “from the performance of the act itself,”
any positive effect comes not from their worthiness
or faith but from the sacrament as an instrument of
It is objective, not subjective.
The consequences of Christ’s presence and
acting ex opere operato
1. we are not alone in any sacrament; we are with
2. We are with the whole Church, his Body.
3. sacraments act ex opere operato
4. sacraments are the work of Christ and work from
God and not from us.
The consequences of Christ’s presence and
acting ex opere operato
5. We can thus be freed from concern with our
6. Christ, present in the sacraments, a

“highway to heaven”
Sacrament as free gift
 It is efficacious
must be freely accepted in order to be received
“the fruits of the sacraments also depend on the
disposition of the one who receives them” (CCC
Sacrament as grace
Grace has been defined as “an undeserved gift of
God is our Creator and therefore can owe us
God’s grace is doubly undeserved because we are
Sacrament as grace
Sin cannot defile the grace of God
 Graceis not some “thing”. God’s grace is God
grace is essentially a love-relationship of intimacy
between Christ and the Christian, Christ and his Body
(cf. CCC 2003).
Freedom of God’s grace
 weobtain grace by freely cooperating with God (CCC

 God takes the initiative in making the free offer of grace to

us in the sacraments, -11- ex opere operato (CCC 1128), but
then we must freely accept God and open our souls to his
grace, ex opere operantis.
The need for sacraments
 Fallen human nature
 Doubt about the need for sacraments often comes from loss
of the sense of sin.
 each of the sacraments is designed in some way to heal our
The need for sacraments
 we are not purely spiritual beings.
Why did Christ institute seven
 “The seven sacraments touch all the stages and all the
important moments of the Christian life”1 (CCC 1210)

 “The sharing in the divine nature given to men through the

grace of Christ bears a certain likeness to the origin,
development, and nourishing of natural life.
Why did Christ institute seven
 ‘The faithful are born anew by Baptism strengthened by the
sacrament of Confirmation, and receive in the Eucharist
the food of eternal life.…”3 (CCC 1212)
 Holy Orders and Matrimony prepare us for lifelong
 Penance and the Anointing of the Sick repair and
strengthen souls and bodies
What makes valid sacraments?

 First, valid matter -“the right stuff.”

 Second, valid form- “the right words”
 Third, valid intention
 Fourth, valid mind

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