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Nature & Our Culture

A Présentation by
Ramit Rakesh
Navrachana International School

• Most of the things on earth are

made of nature. Some parts of
nature is important in our life.
• We should respect nature
because if nature would not be
there then we would not be
Hindu Culture & Nature

• Nature and Hinduism are so entwined that it is

quite impossible to think about one without
the other.
• The need for an ecological balance is stressed
in the Vedas and Upanishads and this message
is repeated in the Ramayana, Mahabharata,
Gita, Puranas and in the messages of Hindu
We worship Our Nature
We worship Our Nature
We worship Our Nature
We worship Our Nature
Hindus Worship Nature as Gods

• Sun God
• River God
• Animal God ( Snake , Cow etc)
• Tree God
• Bird God
• Flowers
• Any many more
Thoughts of Sanathan Dharma more
than 5000 years old. (Rig Veda)

One should not destroy the trees.

Plants are mothers and Goddesses.
Trees are homes and mansions.
Sacred grass has to be protected
from man's exploitation .Plants and
waters are treasures for
Thoughts of Atharva Veda
Bhumi Sukta
Earth, in which lie the sea, the river and
other waters, in which food and
cornfields have come to be, in which
lives all that breathes and that moves,
may she confer on us the finest of her
yield. Earth, in which the waters,
common to all, moving on all sides, flow
unfailingly, day and night, may she pour
on us milk in many streams, and endow
us with lustre.
Thoughts of Atharva Veda
Bhumi Sukta
• Earth, atmosphere, sky, sun, moon, stars, waters, plants,
trees, moving creatures, swimming creatures, creeping
creatures all are hailed and offered oblations.
• One should protect the habitation. (Rig Veda)
• Waters as friends of man give full protection to his progenie
(Rig Veda)
• One shall take care of quadrupeds. (Taittiriya Samhita)
• One shall be auspicious to animals.(Taittiriya Samhita)
• One shall not find fault with animals. (Chandogya Upanishad
• Waters represent splendor. (Atharva Veda Samhita)
• Waters bear off all defilements and cleanse people.
Thoughts of Atharva Veda
Bhumi Sukta
• Whoever injures the essence of food, kine or steeds is a robber
who sinks both himself and his offspring into destruction. (Rig
• Offerings are dedicated to waters of wells, pools, clefts, holes,
lakes, morasses, ponds, tanks, marshes, rains, rime,
streams,rivers and ocean.(Taittiriya Samhita )
• There was only water in the beginning. (Brihadaranyaka )
• Waters and herbs should have no poison. (Rig Veda
• Waters are to be freed from defilement. (Atharva Veda)
• Waters cleanse humanity from the evil of pollution committed
by it. (Atharva Veda Samhita)
• Waters are healing and they strengthen one to see great joy.
• Lord Ganesha, Holy Cow, Worship
of Mountains, Worship of Nagas
(Snakes), Tulsi and the numerous
other plants and animals that form
part of Hindu worship are nothing
but messages incorporated by wise
Hindu Saints to teach us that we
humans are part of nature and not
outside it and above it.
We are destroying the Nature

• Mother Nature is not dependent on

Human Beings but Human Beings
• ‘In our arrogance and ignorance we
have destroyed the environment of
this planet. We have polluted the
oceans, we have made the air
unbreathable, we have desecrated
nature and decimated wildlife
Let us Join hands to save Nature

Recycle waste Save Animals & Plants

Plant Trees

Don’t Pollute Water Don’t Pollute Land Don’t Pollute Air

Our Culture & Religion Says so
We all will make this happen.
Courtesy: Quotes from Vedas as found in the articles of
Dr. S Kannan and Dr. Karan Singh

• Various internet sites. Some photographs are picked up from Internet sites.

Special Thanks
Mr.Rakesh Ranjan , my father for his guidance in locating materials .

Ramit Rakesh
Navrachana International School
Bhayali, Vadodara

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