Imran Khan

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Imran khan
Mohammed Ismael
˜ This section introduces the concept of data
codes. This refers to the way in which bits
are grouped together to represent different
symbols. There are a number of different
codes, but the most common code in use
today is the ASCII code
˜ This refers to the way in which data is
represented. The sender and receiver must
use the same code in order to communicate
properly. Here, we will briefly look at two
common codes, one which was developed
earlier on and was widely used in early
telegraph systems, and the other, which is in
widespread use today.
|its and |ytes
˜ |inary digit ± commonly referred to as a
bit, represented by 0 & 1.
˜ |yte ± several bits combined in uniform
˜ Agreed-
in--advance meanings between
signalling elements and characters.
˜ The letters, numerals, space, punctuation
marks, and other signs and symbols on a
˜ |audot code
˜ One of first codes developed for machine to machine
˜ Uses 1¶s and 0¶s instead of dots and dashes
˜ For transmitting telex messages (punch tape)
˜ Fixed character length (5-
o 32 different codes
o increased capacity by using two codes for shifting
˜ 11111 (32) Shift to Lower (letters)
˜ 11011 (27) Shift to Upper (digits, punctuation)
o 4 special codes for SP, CR, LF & blank
o Total = 26 + 26 + 4 = 56 different characters
The |audot Code
˜ The |audot code was used extensively in
telegraph systems. It is a five bit code invented by
the Frenchman mile |audot in 1870. Using five
bits allowed 32 different characters. To
accommodate all the letters of the alphabet and
numerals, two of the 32 combinations were used
to select alternate character sets.
˜ ach character is preceded by a start bit, and
followed by a stop bit.
˜ For instance, lets consider coding the phase
"JAM S |ONð 007 SAYS HI!" using the
|audot code. To switch between the LTRs
and FIGs requires the use of a LetterShift or
a FigureShift. Once switched, you stay in
that mode till you want to switch back
again. So, here is the phrase encoded in
o þ 
Code the phrase "Y AR 1997 TIM
10AM" in |audot. [Answer

J A M S | O N ð 0 0 7 S A Y S H I !
3 2
1 7
2 2 2 1 2 1 2 2
3 1 5 4 9 4 7 4 3 5 4 6 27 13
8 5 4 2 2 1 0
1 2
1 2
o |its comprising a character are
transmitted independent of timing of any
other character
o Asynchronous information bits are
preceded by a start bit and followed by a
stop bit
˜ Start bit is always a 0 (space)
˜ Stop bit is always a 1 (mark)
˜ à 
o Symbols are all of equal size and therefore decoding them
using a table would be easier
o |audot code is resilient in the presence of transmission
˜ ð  
o Limitation on the number of characters it can represent -
total of 62 characters
o Apparent lack of logic in the way the characters and the
numbers have been allocated - the bit pattern for the
number one (11101) is numerically larger than the bit
pattern for the number nine (00011).
|adout Code
˜ Problems:
o required shift code to switch between character
o no lower case, few special characters
o no error detection mechanism
o characters not ordered by binary value
o designed for transmitting data, not for data
˜ International |audot
o Added a 6th bit for parity
o Used to detect errors within a single character
˜ American Standard Code for Information Interchange
˜ 7-bit code developed by the American National Standards Institute
o most popular data communication character code today
˜ Allows for 128 different character representations (27)
o includes upper and lower case
o lots of special characters (non-
o generally used with an added parity bit
o better binary ordering of characters than |CðIC
˜ xtended ASCII uses 8 data bits and no parity
V Used for processing and storage of data
V Allows for international characters
V 8th bit stripped of for transmission of standard character set
ASCII (American Standard Code for
Information Interchange)
˜ The ASCII code is the most popular code
for serial data communications today. It is a
seven bit code (128 combinations), and thus
supports upper and lowercase characters,
numeric digits, punctuation symbols, and
special codes. The table below lists the
values for each character in the ASCII set.
˜ To work out a particular value from the table, you first
determine the row value, then add the column value. For
example, the character à has a value of 41, being a row
value of 40 and a column value of 1.
˜ ASCII is also used as the data code for keyboards in
computers. Ô  Ô  have values between 00 and 1F
(hexadecimal). Control codes are used in binary
synchronous communication, and device control codes in
communicating with devices such as printers or terminals.
˜ A control code can be generated from a keyboard by
holding down the Ctrl key and pressing another key. For
instance, holding down the Ctrl key and pressing the A key
generates the control code SOH.
˜ Timing between sending and receiving
locations is synchronized for transmission
of long data blocks using clocks or sync
Advantage and ðisadvantages of
˜ ðisadvantages of ASCII : Amaximum 128
characters that is not enough for some key boards
having special characters.
˜ 7bit may not enough to represent larger values.
˜ Advantage compare to |CðIC are 7bit so
quickly transferable in a fraction of time.
˜ Using ASCII, the computer can hold much more
text, and this way you can save more on the
computer without the computer slowing down.
Advantage and ðisadvantages of
˜ à 
o As data is represented by seven bits 128 different
combinations are possible
o Usually transmitted as 8-bits and thus one bit can be
employed for simple error detection
o ASCII code is widely used for representation in the
internal structure of a computer and thus translation is not
normally required if information is to be transmitted over a
˜ ð  
o Occasionally much of the information to be transmitted
will be relatively similar and thus the seven-bit code can
waste space
Compression of |audot & Ascii Code!
˜ |       
à Ô


  à Ô

˜ |      
à Ô

    à Ô

˜ |       
à Ô


à Ô


˜ |      
à Ô


à Ô


˜ ðata codes have always been in widespread use
from mankinds early history. From the use of hand
signals to mirrors flashing signals across the land,
to smoke signals of the American Indians,
information has been coded and sent by a variety
of means.
˜ ASCII is the most widespread data code in use
today. It is a seven bit code, but with the world
rapidly shrinking and global boundaries becoming
blurred, the necessity to communicate across
language barriers has exposed the limitations of
this code. Another code,   ,, offers some
promise in this multi-
multi-language area.

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