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By:- Group no. 4
Priyanka Sindwani Nitesh Yadav
Shailender anguria Shilpi Arora
Sumit kumar Neeraj swami
Karan Bagga Anubha
Heena Dasaur Megha khatri
• As Internet is in constant transformation, social values
rebound and impact on further development. The internet
is a form of organized anarchy; it’s in flux all the time, and
it’s decentralized because no company, organization, or
government runs it.

• Internet networks today have changed the entire scenario.

Organizations today are developing new relationships
with customers, distributers, suppliers and partners. and
competitive market in the third world countries,
marketing management is becoming multi dimensional
and global strategic game.
• It is a “network of networks” that consists of millions of
private, public, academic, business, and government
networks, of local to global scope, that are linked by a
broad array of electronic and optical networking

• . Newspaper, book and other print publishing are having

to adapt to Web sites and blogging. The Internet has
enabled or accelerated new forms of human interactions
through instant messaging and social networking. Online
shopping has boomed both for major retail outlets and
From where it came…

Internet was born in the late 1960’s by Advanced

Research Projects Agency (ARPA)
Objectives behind it was to;
₰Create a communication system that could survive a
nuclear attack or natural disaster
₰Provide communication links to its users in remote
Mid 1980s
National Science Foundation created a new high-speed
network NSFNet
₰To interconnect supercomputing centers so they could
access one another’s resource’s
₰To give academic and research centers access to one
another for purposes of exchanging information
Piece of Internet history…
₰ 1971 A network is developed using 15 nodes at University of

₰ 1974 : The beginning of TCP/IP

₰ 1975 : E-mail message with reply, forward and filing


₰ 1977 : Modem was developed

₰ 1978: Spam is born

₰ 1984 : The domain name system era - “.com”, .edu and .gov.

₰ 1990 : provided Internet access through dial–


₰ 1991 : World–Wide Web (WWW).

Recent and Going on…
₰ 2004: "The" Facebook or Facebook launched

₰ 2005: YouTube – streaming video for the masses

₰ 2006: Twitter gets twittering

₰ 2007: The iPhone and the Mobile Web

₰ 2008: Internet Election

₰ 2009: U.S. relaxed its control over ICANN policy changes


• Browsing

• Communication

• E-Marketing

• Entertainment

• Services
Tremendous Changes in the economy
with the advent of Internet

 Net Banking
 Online Education
• Gambling
Despite being illegal, online
gambling sites are flooding the Internet.
It is unsuitable for children and youth
to view or partake of any activity of these
gambling sites.

• Software theft
Another possibility that can get a company
into real trouble is theft of their software.

• Spoofing
Spoofing is a very common type of attack.
By pretending to be someone else, a
hacker is able to enter a computer system.
• Trojan horses
The Trojan horse works in
the background and collects
information about the system
and its users. These pieces of
information are then sent to the
hacker, who then uses the information to enter the system
or remote control it.

• Office waste
This type of attack requires the attacker to be
near the defendant, which also makes it easier
to find the hacker after the attack.
Payments from legitimate users may be directed to an
unauthorized party. Although this may be difficult when
credit cards are used, other payment systems may be
more susceptible.

•Legal and Financial Problems

There is also the risk that a child could
do something that has negative legal or financial
• Exposure to Inappropriate Material

Due to the free availability of information

on the Internet, a major risk is that
young children may be exposed to inappropriate
material, sexual, hateful, or violent in nature,
or encourages activities that are dangerous or illegal.

• Spamming
Spamming refers to sending unwanted e-mails in
bulk, which provide no purpose and needlessly
obstruct the entire system.

• Virus threat
Virus is nothing but a program which
disrupts the normal functioning of your
computer systems.
Four types of Security Management

• Firewalls and Routing Filters

• Anti Virus
• Email Security
• Spam filters and WiFi security
1. Firewall
A firewall is a device located between a host
computer and a network to block unwanted
network traffic while allowing other traffic to pass
•Should contain advanced authenticated measures.
•Should employ filtering techniques.
•Should be developed so that it’s strength and
correctness are verifiable.
•It should be developed so that it’s strength and
correctness are verifiable.
•The firewall and any corresponding operating
system should be updated with patches and other
bug fixers in a timely manner.
• Antivirus (or anti-virus) software is used to
prevent, detect, and remove malware, including
computer viruses, worms, and trojan horses. Such
programs may also prevent and remove adware,
spyware, and other forms of malware.

• To secure outgoing and incoming messages and

to prevent unauthorized access to one’s
computer, one needs a digital identification
system that is S/MIME compatible.
• For example :Microsoft Outlook includes security
features activated through an Options section
under Tools in the Menu bar.
4. Spam filters and Wi-Fi security
• Spam Filter - Spam Filters are software that
rejects some of your electronic mail as spam as it
goes by certain logic set by either you or the mail
• Wi-Fi Security - The aim through wifi security
is to prevent unauthorized access of your
machine through the web.
Features of Wi-Fi security
• Using a password and username
• Assigning static IP addresses
3G tech vulnerable to cyber crime,
says experts
• With 3G, cellphones will have
faster broadband Internet but through
spying software and
virus, the hacker can easily
break into your system.
• 3G technology will also lead to
Increase in piracy of films and music,
• staggering amount of losses
to the entertainment industry.
• encourage people to use illegal means to view a film
• Indian law enforcement lacks the necessary
training to deal with cyber-crimes

• Laws are there to protect but our police agencies

are yet not ready to take-up the cyber crime

• They need to be trained to tackle the growing

usage of Internet by criminals.
• Information Technology has made decisive
inroads in all walks of life in office, factories,
railway station, airports, communications,
entertainment, education, banking, hotels,
hospitals, transportation and shopping.

• Transactions have become paperless, cheques

and cash are converted to e-cash, digital cash.
• Security can be maintained by using various
security tools such as encryption, firewalls,
access codes / passwords, virus scans.

• Confidential information on websites could be

safeguarded using firewalls that would prevent
any form of external intrusion.

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