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The Economics Club, IMI Delhi

Group 12
Divyansh Srivastava
Sanjana Agarwal
Dhananjay Srivastava
Shubham Deokar
Samriti Malhotra
1. The Economic Battleground
2. Panel Discussion on “Reimagining Sustainable
Economic Growth in Pandemic Times &


Prelims The Night Watch The Battle Cry Key Note

The 1st stage of our Top 8 teams will be allotted a The top six teams will present Eminent Panelist will
event ”The Economic country and apprised of its geo- their economic development express heir opinion on
Battleground” political situation. Trading of plan through ppt. Evaluation “Reimagining
resources is allowed. Final will be based on the state of Sustainable Economic
submission includes list of economy, chosen model, its Growth in Pandemic
resources acquired. application and overall Times and Beyond”

Timing: 10AM-12PM Timing: 2:00-3:30 PM Timing: 5:00-6:30 PM Timing: 7:30- 9:00 PM


• Promoting through posters of the

• The students of IMI would be • Promoting the events through
main events.
informed about the details of event posters.
• Conduct quizzes before the event through a mail from the Economics
and winners shall be given a club. • A weekly LinkedIn post will be
chance to participate directly in posted from The Economics Club
• A google form will be floated which account for the Key Note Address
the event.
would allow the students to submit highlighting the relevance of topic
• We shall invite people to share the questions that they want to ask in present times.
their ideas on #saveeconomy i.e from our esteemed panelist.
how to save economy from the • Post the event a thank you note
• All participants would require to keep as a gesture of gratitude will be
clutches of pandemic and best
a specific zoom background which posted for all the speakers.
ones will get a chance to speak
would contain the club name, event,
directly to the speaker of their
and our sponsors. This we shall
share alongwith our meeting link.
• A Facebook & Insta post thanking
our partners for association. 4
The Economic Battleground

Social Media Post: The Economic The world is on fire. The pandemic has left no stone unturned in bring
Battleground devastation in every nook and corner of the world. With the world
shifting towards inward looking economic policies how do you crave a
path of sustainable development for your country?
Facebook & Instagram
Join us in our intra-college event “The Economic Battleground” as we
Email simulate the policy formulation done by economic think tanks around the


In the wake of sprawling inequality and with global warming spreading is
wing, Brundtland Commission in its report Our Common Future defined
Sustainability as “Development that meets the needs of present without
Social Media Post: Key
compromising the ability of future generation to meet those needs”. Note Speech
But the overarching devastation caused by the pandemic has left firms
and even economies as whole perturbed. They are pulling their hair in a Facebook & Instagram
fit of uncertainty on how to carve a sustainable path.

Join us on 15Th August, 2021, as our keynote speakers delve deep into Emails
“Reimagining Sustainable Economic Growth in Pandemic Times and

Reimagining Sustainable Economic Growth in Pandemic Times & Beyond

Mr T.V.Somnathan Mrs. Anshula Kant Mrs. Shubhada Rao Mrs. Sonal Verma

IAS, Finance Secretary Managing Director & Group President & Managing Director &
of India World Bank Group Chief Economist Chief Economist (India
Chief Financial Officer Yes Bank Ltd. & Asia ex-Japan) at

The Economic Battleground

The world is on fire. The pandemic has left no
stone unturned in bring devastation in every
nook and corner of the world. With the world
shifting towards inward looking economic
policies how do you crave a path of sustainable
development for your country?
Join us in our intra-college event “The Economic
Battleground” as we simulate the policy
formulation done by economic think tanks
around the world

Sanjana Agarwal: 12392139

15th August, 2021 10 AM onwards Online

Click Here Click Here

Thank You!

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