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Computer Science AND

Jolena Co
Truong- 6th period
Importance of Computer Science
• Maintain record systems
• Billing and Financial Systems
• Analysis
• Material Management
• Radiology
• Clinical Management
• Tracking Patients
Advanced Health Care
•Computer Science has made incredible advances in
health care. Without computer science, the
accomplishments such as image processing and
pattern recognition technology that now commonly
evaluate radiology scans would never have been
•Finding the human genome was only possible because
of algorithms developed by computer scientists
•Electronic medical records and physician ordering
systems are now coming on-line which reduces
medical errors and improves quality of care.
• Computers are a reliable product
to hospitals due to its effective
and efficient performance.
• Things like open heart surgery to
X-rays, computers make everything
much easier
• Heart rates, pulse rates, brain
readings and other specifications
are monitored and recorded
continuously by computers
Help with Operations
High tech surgery tools and instruments embedded
with cameras are used in surgical procedures.
The operations done by medical experts are
completely recorded by the computers for future
references and to avoid complications
Computer software is used for diagnosis of
diseases. It can be used for the examination of
internal organs of the body. Some complex
surgeries can be performed with the help of
Computer Surgeries
Computer Assisted Surgeries, or CAS, is a field
which combines the expertise in medicine with
technology to create a fast, effective, and
accurate surgical procedure. Also in CAS, a
model of the patient is created then analyzed
for surgery. The surgery is then tested on the
virtual patient. The surgery can be performed
by a robot programmed by a medical professional
or they can assist a doctor during an ACTUAL
Different types of monitoring equipment
in hospitals are often based on computer
programming. Medical imaging deals with
techniques to create images of the human
body for medical purposes. Many of the
modern methods of scanning and imaging
are largely based on computer technology.
Computer Science has shaped the medical
world to be better and more efficient.


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