Paparan Seminar Pentahelix OTT Prof Ernie Rev

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Model Bisnis Over The Top (OTT) dan

Kebutuhan Kebijakan untuk

Penguatan OTT Lokal

Prof. Dr. Ernie Tisnawati Sule, SE., M.Si.

Jakarta, 9 Mei 2016

Definisi OTT Over-the-Top players: market dynamics and policy challenges

I n t e rn e t h a “Layanan
s e n a b le d online
d is ru p yang
t iv e edapat
n t ry a men-substitusi
c ro s s m a n y s e c tbisnis
o rs layanan dasar telekomunikasi maupun TIK”
ne content, applications and services are rapidly pervading all segments of
merce and society, and are affecting and disrupting traditional industries in many
s. Consumers can use online video instead of traditional television, online
1.OTT whatsapp,
munications platforms Line, Kakao
instead of traditional Talk yang
telephone mensubstitusi
services, and can layanan
downloaddasar telekomunikasi SMS dan teleponi
s and music that2.OTT Netflix,
were once Youtube
provided on yang mensubstitusi
physical layananofdasar
media. The process penyiaran televisi maupun radio
searching for services is increasingly moving online. These changes have come
ut because broadband connectivity
Bagaimana layananprovides instant
lain seperti access
games to a global network of
ices and applications, enabling equipment manufacturers, applications providers
tidak menggantikan layanan tradisional?
customers to bypass the services offered by traditional network operators and to
- Layanan
s national boundaries, thusonline digital
obtaining multiple new routes to market.
u re 2 . D is t in g u is h in g b e t w e e n Ma n a g e d , On lin e o r OTT s e rv ic e s

use the term over-the-top (OTT) to refer to online services which could substitute
ome degree forSumber : European
traditional Parliament,
media and telecom 2015
services. Figure 3 shows how theSumber : Gartner, 2013
wth of online messaging applications has apparently impacted the volumes of SMS,
consequences for voice and messaging revenues for traditional telecom operators.
issues affecting e-commerce. 4
In this study, 5 we (1) explore current and emerging business
We use the for
models term
o v e r-over-the-top
the-top (OTT) to refer to online services which could
Tren Perkembangan OTT
( OTT) services (including Voice over IP, instant messaging services, and streaming
to some degree for traditional media and telecom services. Figure 3 shows
video and music services); (2) identify costs and barriers to European online service
development including over-the-top (OTT); (3) describegrowth of online
the regulatory messaging
environment for applications has apparently impacted the volume
OTT berkembang pesat dengan berbagai jenis
online services in Europe, as well as the environment inwith segmentasi
some consequences layanan dan
of Europe’s major trading pengguna, OTT yang paling ”mengganggu”
for voice and messaging revenues for traditional telecom o
partners; TIKmake
and (4) secara global adalah for
recommendations OTT yangpolicy.
digital menawarkan layanan yang sama dengan layanan tradisional, contohnya
adalah OTT messaging, dan OTT Penyiaran (Audio Visual)
Fig u re 1 . Ma n y n e w f o rm s o f o n lin e s e rv ic e s Fig u re 3 . Vo lu m e o f m e s s a g e s fro m m o b ile h a n d s e t s
1 2

Policy Department A: Economic and Scientific Policy

Fig u re 4 . N e t flix ris e in Eu ro p e

S o u rc e : Analysys Mason , 2014 3
Meanwhile, video is increasingly moving online 7, such that Netflix now acc
S o u rc e : nearly half of the subscription TV-on-demand revenues in Europe (Figure 4). 8
2.Analysys mason, 2014
3.IHS, 2014
European Parliament Resolutions in 2012 and 2013 initiated by the IMCO committee’s e-commerce
working group S o u rc e : IHS (2014)
European Council 2013 Conclusions call for the completion of the Digital Single Market by 2015
European Commission (2015), “A Digital Single Market Strategy for Europe”, COM (2015)W h a192 t isfinal.
m e a n t b y a le v e l p la y in g fie ld ?
Penetrasi OTT messaging di Berbagai Negara
OTT hampir menggantikan layanan dasar, terutama OTT messaging yang dipergunakan oleh mayoritas pengguna di
setiap negara di dunia
Contohnya : di spanyol, 97% dari pengguna telekomunikasi aktif menggunakan Whatsapp, dan 13% menggunakan
facebook messenger

Sumber : Onavo Insights

Over-the-Top players: market dynamics and policy challenges

2.2.2. Model Bisnis OTT

OTT versus traditional messaging and video communication business models
In Figure 14, we expand the picture by adding m e s s a g in g a n d v id e o c o m m u n ica t io n
Kunci keberhasilan OTT dalam memenangkan pasar layanan tradisional adalah pada jalur distribusi OTT yang
services not only from Orange and Skype, but also from Apple and WhatsApp.
memanfaatkan platform distribusi diatas jaringan operator (any network), serta dapat dipergunakan pada berbagai
Fig u re 1 4 . Vo ic e , v id e o a n d m e s s a g in g c o m m u n ic a t io n s e rv ic e s o ffe re d b y
perangkat (any device)
Ora n g e ( in o ra n g e ) , S k y p e ( in b lu e ) , Ap p le ( b la c k ) a n d W h a t s Ap p ( g re e n ) . 44

 Layanan telepon (orange) didistribusikan melalui

infrastruktur inti operator orange (sentral, platform server)
dan melalui jaringan akses operator orange  model

 Layanan skype didistribusikan melalui infrastruktur inti

operator orange dan didistribusikan melalui website, Appstore, dan aplikasinya dapat dipergunakan
baik di laptop, TV, maupun smartphone

 Layanan whatsapp didistribusikan melalui website whatsapp,

Appstore, dan aplikasinya dapat dipergunakan baik di laptop
dan smartphone

 Layanan imessage dan facetime apple didistribusikan melalui

infrastruktur inti operator orange dan didistribusikan melalui
Apple store bahkan menjadi embedded app untuk perangkat
TNO, 2015
S o u rc e :
apple, dan aplikasinya dapat dipergunakan baik di
Sumber :ofTNO,
The customers 2015mobile voice services can use the standard SMS service.
Orange’s smartphone
Apart from voice communications, Skype also offers messaging and video
communication. The WhatsApp path (in green) is similar to the Skype path. Unlike
Skype, WhatsApp is only available on smart phones, as it relies on the mobile phone
Dampak OTT bagi Bisnis Telekomunikasi Quality Service will communication. The service creates clear differentia-
tion for users as well as the carrier. Visit
Remain Key to take a closer look.
While on their site, notice also the press release an-

(Market Disruption)
Inevitably, there will be a transition period, and a
mix of technologies. Legacy networks, Mesh Net- nouncing their recent patent for enabling service pro-
works, mobile traffic being handed off to Wi-Fi net- viders to “offer OTT communications with trusted mo-
works or small cells/femtocells — they will coexist bile-based user authentication, simplifying mobile
for a time. And through it all, the need to maintain services over non-mobile devices”. This develop-
service quality will remain paramount. ment makes it easier for people to use softphone
client applications on any device, any platform and
Hunter Macdonald is President and CEO of Tutela over any network, by eliminating the need for other
Technologies, a Wesley Clover affiliate firm focused - Kapasitas jaringan (seluler maupun fixed)
non-mobile-centric authentication technologies.
on exactly that — carrier network quality monitor-
ing, but with the unique benefit of ‘crowd-sourcing’ In moves similar to the Rogers One Number, intend-
mayoritas dipergunakan untuk konsumsi layanan
and presenting back the user-experience. ed to win market share from OTT providers as well as
differentiate themselves from other Telcos, the large
Spanish broadband and telecom provider Telefónica
“Wi-Fi, 2G, 3G, 4G/LTE, even successfully introduced their TuGo OTT service. And
in France, the Libon app was recently launched by
competitors’ networks — we don’t Orange. Early results suggest this new service has
care.” reduced Apple FaceTime app usage by 22%, Skype Penyelenggara telekomunikasi menjadi “Dump
use by 10% and Tango Telecom app use by 56%!
- Hunter Macdonald, Tutela Technologies
It is truly a global arms race.
In a current report by
Infonetics Research, “Japan-based Line has now
“OTT network monitoring solutions benefit the ser- topped Skype as the market leader in the very dy-
vice providers because they are network agnostic” namic over-the-top mobile VoIP (mVoIP) market, cap-
says Hunter. “Beyond the value of reflecting the turing roughly 25% of worldwide active users in
user’s perspective on quality, Tutela’s software can 2013.” The report suggests, “Line has been able to
be used to monitor any network technology. Wi-Fi, successfully think outside the traditional voice box,
2G, 3G, 4G/LTE, even competitors’ networks — we offering paid services through application add-ons
don’t care. This is unique, and especially appealing like games and stickers that not only create a revenue
today for service providers who do not want to, or stream, but also increase usage of core services.”
are unable to, introduce additional complexity to
their network back-ends.”
- Pelanggan melakukan “churn” ke
Similarly, Martello Technologies (another Wesley
- Layanan telepon, SMS, Televisi Clover affiliate) provides network fault and perfor-
mance management software as a service (SaaS).
operator lain untuk mendapatkan promo
OTT, helping better monitor and manage Unified
konvensional sudah mulai ditinggalkan, Communications (UC) and prevent downtime by layanan (mis. Internet lebih murah),
detecting issues before they can cause a problem.
pengguna cenderung beralih ke OTT These are just two examples of OTT apps that have
namun tetap menggunakan OTT yang
dengan fitur yang sama bahkan lebih been designed to help service providers manage
their risks and continue to compete effectively in
sama (youtube, whatsapp, facebook)
interaktif this brave new world.

Further Signs of Success - Kompetisi yang terjadi antar operator

- Terjadi tren penurunan porsi pendapatanWe are also seeing examples emerge of Telco suc- The OTT mVoIP and VoLTE markets are some of the
latest to emerge, and provide an interesting snapshot
untuk menurunkan harga tidak
cess with their own OTT applications. A strong one
into the dynamics of the overall industry:
dari layanan dasar, dan peningkatan porsicomes from Canada, where CounterPath partnered
with the largest Canadian mobile operator, Rogers, In 2013, there were already 1.5 billion mVoIP sub-
berdampak kepada industri OTT yang
to launch their One Number OTT service. scribers worldwide, most via OTT apps.
pendapatan dari layanan data semakin meningkat

Copyright ©, Wesley Clover International, 2014 | Page 9

Berbagai Strategi Operator dalam Menghadapi OTT (1)

Sumber : Gartner, 2013

Berbagai Strategi Operator dalam Menghadapi OTT (2)
Langkah kolaboratif dengan partnership telah dilakukan oleh beberapa operator kepada OTT di EMEA (Europe, Middle
East, and Afrika), Asia Pacific, serta Amerika

Sumber :
Tantangan Kebijakan Nasional untuk Bisnis OTT
di Indonesia

Peran BUMN sebagai Centre of Excellence dengan dukungan

dari Pemerintah
Langkah Strategis Kebijakan OTT di Indonesia
Keberhasilan pengembangan OTT di Indonesia sangat bergantung kepada langkah kolaboratif stakeholder di
Indonesia, yakni Academy, Business, Government, Community dan Media.

• BUMN sebagai Centre of excellence

• Penyelenggaraan Infrastruktur hub
• Menyediakan inkubator pengembangan OTT bagi komunitas
• Menjadi jalur distribusi OTT nasional
• Kolaborasi dengan universitas

• Sosialisasi (Penyebaran Informasi)

Universitas dan lembaga penelitian sebagai
• Sarana edukasi berbasis media (cetak, audio
pusat riset (hulu OTT)
visual, online)

• Menggunakan OTT lokal untuk program kerja

• Menjaring komunitas untuk pengembangan SDM untuk
• OTT pariwisata
• OTT perdagangan
• Asosiasi masyarakat kreatif melakukan sosialisasi OTT ke
• Pemerintah sebagai koordinator OTT untuk
masyarakat luas
pemerintahan pusat dan daerah
• Dukungan kebijakan dan regulasi
Terima kasih…

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