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A Research Study on Control Blood Sugar

With Jackfruit365 Green Jackfruit Floor

Presented By: Fahad Kaldane

Roll No: 12

© Sasmira’s Business School (SBS)

Jackfruit365 green jackfruit flour is made from 100% mature green unripe jackfruits of india. It’s neutral in taste
has no sweetness or aroma of the ripe fruit.
The green jackfruit flour has sufficient binding and is the most convenient way to control blood sugar through
food without changing eating habits.
Add a table spoon of jackfruit365 flour in most common main meals from idli to upma and roti to poori without
changing its taste or texture.
Helps control blood sugar level
In a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study, with results published in ADA journal, a significant
decrease in hba1c was observed within 90 days amongst participants taking 30g of jackfruit365 green jackfruit ­
flour daily, as part of their diet replacing an equal volume of rice or wheat ­flour.

© Sasmira’s Business School (SBS)

Problem Statement
This study approaches the quantitative research which is about the problem that the jackfruit seed flour
is being used and produce as alternative all-purpose flour. The seed flour will be compared to the
existing all-purpose flour in the market to determine the difference and the effectiveness of all· purpose
flour from jackfruit seed. The researchers will conduct an experiment on how to produce jackfruit seed
flour and the procedures are based from the existing study. The two methods of seed drying arc being
used in this study which is the sun drying and roast drying. The experiment's product will be then test
by the means of its functional properties (e.g. crude protein. moisture. and crude fat) that i s essential
or proving the effectiveness or the seed flour. The seed flour will also be tested by the means or being
used as the ingredient for several bread and pastry cuisines (e.g. Cookies. Bread. Cake etc.).Also this
study will be testing the possible amount of flour produced from different kilogram of jackfruit seed.

© Sasmira’s Business School (SBS)

1. To assess the physical and functional qualities of seed flour.

2. To determine the nutrient composition of jack seed flour

3. To assess the performance of the flour samples in cookies and bread making and other like roti, idli, dosa.

4. To evaluate the acceptability of the products (cookies and bread)

© Sasmira’s Business School (SBS)

(Rahman et al., 1995) - All the previously published literature with regard to the general information of
jackfruit, Jackfruit is indigenous and grows wild in the rain forests of the Western Ghats of India. The name
originated from Malayalam name Chakka, other Indian names of the fruit are: Halasu (Kannada), Panasa
(Sanskrit and Telugu), Kathal (Hindi), Phanas (Marathi) and Pala (Tamil) .
(Pradeepkumar and Kumar, 2008)- Jackfruit is popularly known as poor man’s fruit in the Eastern and
Southern parts of India with significant contribution to the low income families as a good source of vitamins,
minerals and calories. In Kerala, this fruit is underutilised considering its large scale production, meagre
utilization in processing sector and huge post-harvest losses.
(Nachegowda et al., 2014) - Jackfruit tree is an evergreen tree, around 10-15 m tall with oval shaped dark
green leaves. It is a long lived tree having a life span of 60-70 years and contains sticky white latex in all parts
of fruit. The flowering twigs are borne primarily on the trunk and main branches. Jackfruit tree is
monoecious, male and female flowers are borne separately on the same tree. The composite fruit may be
large as 20 kg or more. Fruit is the primary economic product of tree and used in both stages when mature
and immature .

© Sasmira’s Business School (SBS)

• The first factor that greatly affect the effectiveness of jackfruit seed flour is the "Amount of sodium
hydroxide" which has the vital role in the process of making jackfruit seed flour.
• The second factor that affects the effectiveness of jackfruit seed is "Type of seed". These will determined
if the seed will be processed into flour. Seed type is very important when producing jackfruit seed flour it
will affect the product if the seeds are not suitable for the process
• The first test of functional properties that jackfruit seed flour will be tested for is its ">water absorption
capacity. The testing will be continued to make dough, for bread and pastry cuisines.
• The second that will be tested for the efficiency of jackfruit seed flour is the "Oil absorption capacity. It is
also a same process of water absorption capacity. However, this is just to make a conclusion on how the
jackfruit seed flour will react to oil if it is needed for any cuisines as ingredients.
• The third test of jackfruit seed flour efficiency will be based from the result on making "bread and pastry
cuisines. These investigations test the efficiency of jackfruit seed flour as an alternative flour. The cuisines
results proved that the jackfruit seed flour can be an ingredient for any bread and pastry cuisines

© Sasmira’s Business School (SBS)

Consumption of Jackfruit365™ green jackfruit flour, 30 g per day, was found to be effective in lowering the levels
of HbA1c, FPG, and PPG compared to placebo flour in patients with T2DM replacing an equal volume of rice or
wheat flour in daily meals. Green jackfruit is a good source of fiber, has fewer calories, and in flour form makes it
easy to include in a variety of daily food like roti, porridge, or pancakes as part of MNT for T2DM without
changing eating habits. Green jackfruit offers good dietary fiber content, low calorie, low carbohydrate and low
glycemic load, and could be a replacement for high carbohydrate diet. As a low calorie strategy, using green
jackfruit as a meal can reduce Kerala’s burden on anti-diabetic medications. Green jackfruit in flour form can be
used across India to part replace rice flour and wheat flour in traditional Indian dishes to reduce average blood
glucose and HbA1c as part of Medical Nutrition Therapy. Further RCT studies should be conducted on green
jackfruit flour as a plant based natural diet to control diabetes.

© Sasmira’s Business School (SBS)

The researchers recommend lowering the amount of sodium hydroxide in lye peeling to make the soaked
seed less harmful and the washing procedure after the soaking to be less timely. The researchers also
recommend using ripe seed to prevent from seed spoilage. The researcher recommends that future
researcher and the future user of jackfruit seed flour must use only the seed from ripe fruit. Since the
process of making jackfruit seed flour will include the sodium hydroxide (NaOH), the seed from young fruit
will only be absorb the solution and will rotten after a day of drying. The researchers recommend the
production of jackfruit seed flour must be guided by the study or research. The recommendation is freely to
change if there are new study about making jackfruit seed flow- that are less procedures and affordable.

© Sasmira’s Business School (SBS)

Limitation of the study
• Neutral in taste and can be added easily to your favourite daily meal – Idli, Dosa, Roti, Aloo Paratha,
etc to reduce carbohydrate and increase vegetable intake.
• The green jackfruit flour has sufficient binding and is the most convenient way to control blood sugar
through food without changing eating habits.
• Neutral in taste and can be added easily to your favourite daily meal – Idli, Dosa, Roti, Aloo Paratha,
etc to reduce carbohydrate and increase vegetable intake

© Sasmira’s Business School (SBS)

• Paul, d., Mohan, R., And poulose, S. 2007.Development and evaluation of potato slicer, unpublished B.Tech
(agrl.Eng) project report submitted at kerala agricultural university.

• Emadi, b. 2005. Experimental studies and modelling of innovative peeling process for tough-skinned
vegetables. Ph.D. Thesis. Queensland university of technology, brisbane.
• Coady, J., Eng, P., McKenna, M., and Eng, P. 2000. Good manufacturing and material selection in the design
and fabrication of food processing equipment. By Engineers Egde.
• Best, J.J. and Kennedy, T.J. 2005. Slicing apparatus including rotatably attached rigid blade and roller. United
States Patent No. 0262703. Available: /y2005/0262703.html47

© Sasmira’s Business School (SBS)

© Sasmira’s Business School (SBS)

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