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• contain the hydroxyl (OH) as the functional group and are considered
derivatives of water.
• also known as ROH
• are derivatives in which one or more H atoms in aliphatic
hydrocarbons have been replaced by hydroxyl (-OH) groups as the
functional group.
• they maybe classified based on the number of OH groups as
monohydroxy or polyhydroxy alcohols.
• simple alcohols are named by changing the last letter in the name of
the corresponding hydrocarbon to -ol.
• contain a hyroxyl group bonded to a sp3 hybridized carbon atom,
called the -carbon atom.
• general structure

Monohydroxyl alcohols maybe further classified as:

• primary alcohol
• secondary alcohol
• tertiary alcohol
Nomenclature of Alcohols
A. Common Name
- give the name of the alkyl group followed by the word alcohol
- this system works well for alcohols whose alkyl groups have simple

1. Locate the longest continuous chain of carbon atoms that
contains the hydroxyl group and designate it as the parent chain.
2. Name the parent chain by identifying the corresponding alkane
and replace the -e ending with -ol.
• number the carbon atoms in the chain from the end nearer the -OH
• Place the position number of the -OH group immediately before the
name of the parent chain.
• Example:
• In cyclic analogs, the ring and the -OH group serve asa the parent
group. Position 1 is assigned to the carbon atom bearing thr -OH
group and numbering proceeds in the direction that gives the lowest
number possible for the other substituents. However. the position
number of -OH group does not appear in the name.
• example:
• If two or more -OH groups are present, the suffixes -diol, -triol and
are attached to the alkane name of the p[arent chain. Append the
position numbers of the -OH groups before the alkane name.

• If a double bond (or triple bond) is present inthe parent chain, name
the chain as allkene (or Alkyne), drop the -e ending, append the
position number of the -OH grop and attach the suffix -ol.
• The -OH group is given the higher priority in numbering the carbon
1. Primary (1o) alcohol

• is one in which the -OH functional group is bonded to a primary
carbon atom ( a carbon atom that uses one of ots bonds with another
carbon atom.)
• Example: primary C
CH3CH2OH - ethanol or ethyl alcohol
2. Secondary (2o) alcohol

• is one in which the -OH group is bonded to secondary C atom.

3. Tertiary 3o Alcohol
• is one that is bonded to three other C atoms.

• Example:
• the common polyhydroxy alcohols usually have onme PH group linked
with each C atom in the molecules.
• Examples:

• 1,2-ethandiol or glycol

• 1,2,3-propanetriol or glycerol
• The IUPAC name of an alcohol ends in -ol.
• the parent chain is identified, giving the lower number to the C with
the OH group.
• the common name is given based on the characteristic R group and
the root word alcohol is used.
Examples IUPAC Name Common Name

1. CH3OH methanol methyl alcohol

2. CH3CH2OH ethanol ethyla alcohol

CH3CH2CH2OH 1-propanol n- propyl alcohol

CH3CH(CH3)OH 2-propanol iso-propylalcohol

Physical Properties
• densities and boiling points of alcohols increse in C content together
with the solubility in hydrocarbon solvent, but the solubility in water

• For a given C content, these properties decreases as the chain

becomes more branched out while the solubility of an alcohol in
water increases
• The introduction of additional -OH groups into a molecule tends to
intensift the characteristic properties of the -oH group.
• In general, for a given number of -OH groups.
Chemical properties
• Chemical alcohols react under condition.

• y replacement of the aom ofthe -OH group. ( nope alcohols in

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