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AEN 302 - Pest Of Horticultural Crops, Stored

Produces And Their Management (1+1).

Status Of Biological Control Of Grapevine Mealybug

Pest Description:

 Soft, oval, flattened, distinctly

segmented body.
 Adult female mealybugs - pinkish (M. hirsutus) or yellowish
white (P. citri).
 Female deposits 350-500 eggs in a loose cottony terminal
ovisac during a week's time.
 Eggs are orange in colour or yellowish white.
 Hatch in about 5 days. First instar nymphs are also called as
crawlers (mobile).
Male and Female mealybugs are similar in early stages.
Female - three nymphal instars .while Male - four nymphal

Total nymphal period is 19 days for

male and 21 days for female.
Male nymph forms a cottony cocoon in
pupal stage is found in winter season.
 Adult male has a pair of wings and a pair of halteres.
Males are very rare and female mealybugs are commonly found

causing the damage in the field.

Mealybug completes the life cycle in 30 days.
Without mating, they are known to reproduce partheno-
genetically throughout the year.
Eggs Of Pink Mealybug
Adult Female Pink Mealybug
Crop damage:

The nymphs and adults of the mealybug

suck the sap from trunk, cordons, aerial leaves, shoots,
nodes, panicles, grape bunches and even roots.
Feeding damage on the growing points of the plant results
malformation of the shoots.
The sugary honey dew excreted by the mealybug
encourages the growth of the black sooty mould fungus
Black sooty mould fungus covers the leaves, reduces
photosynthesis aggravating the stress of the vine.
Severe infestations, the insects weaken the plant resulting in

stunted growth of infested plant parts and ultimately kill the

Mealybugs under bark
Mealybugs under leaves
Bunch of Black Sooty Mould
Status Of Biological Control:
 Research has been done on the effectiveness of natural
enemies in keeping mealybug populations at levels below
economic damage.
Parasitic wasps, predatory bugs, predatory beetles, lacewings,
and spiders can considerable as biological control.
Release exotic predator, Cryptolaemus montrouzieri @ 10
beetles/vine, 3 release depending on mealybug population.
Field release of parasitoids - Anagrus dactylopii,
Leptomastix epona.
Cecidomyiid flies prey on Mealybug eggs and small larvae.
Cryptolaemus montrouzieri Anagrus dactylopii

Leptomastix epona Cecidomyiid fly

Mass production of Cryptolaemus montrouzieri

 Life cycle is completed in approximately 30 days.

premating and preoviposition periods are about 5 and 10 days.
Viability of eggs is 90 to 100 per cent.
The pupal period varies from 7 to 9 days
The grub has four larval instars.
A single grub can eat as many as 30 nymphs or 30 adult mealy
Fourth instar grub is the most voracious feeder of the mealy
Cryptolaemus eggs Cryptolaemus nymphs

Cryptolaemus pupae Cryptolaemus adult

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