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Unforgetable Memory :

Group 3
 Anggi Silvana
 Sarah Salsabila
 Iis Idayanti
 Rika Apriliya Ningsih
 Riska Maya
 Fakhrurozi
Definition Unforgetable Memory

 Use the adjective unforgettable to describe

things that are so meaningful or important that
you could never forget them,

 An unforgetable memory is a memory that will

always be remembered by someone, either
good memories or bad memories, happy
memories or sad memories.

We need to remember that a recount text will retell an event in

the past and the things that happened in it. What you mean
here is, when we want to discuss the unforgetable experience
of participating in a singing competition incident so that it
becomes something that is unforgetable for us. Remember !
We have to focus on jut one incident.
Recount Text

 Recount text is a type of text in english that tells

about a story, action, activity. Usually recount text
tells about someone’s experience or so called

The purpose of recount text is to entertain the

reader so that there is no conflict in this text.
 For regular verbs, add an ed/d behind after the first form
verb. An example :
 Stay stayed (Tinggal)
 Punch Punched (Memukul)
 Play Played (Bermain)
 Touch Touched (Menyentuh)
 Irrregular verbs an example:
 Awake Awoke (Terbangun)
 Begin Began (Memulai)
 Drink Drank (Minum)
 Eat ate (Makan)
 Run ran (Berlari)

 Irregular verb an example :

 Put -> Put (Meletakkan)
 Split -> Split (Membagi)
 Spread -> Spread (Menyebarkan)
 Set -> Set (Mengatur)
 Cut -> Cut (Memotong)
Simple past tense negative
S + did + not + Verb 1 atau S + To Be (Was / Were) + not
Was ( he,she it,i ) were ( we, you, they )
Simple past tense interogative atau Was / Were + S

People in the world have many memory but I believe that everyone had one
unforgettable memory in their life. It can be happiness or sadness memory and
it always remember in our life and I would tell about my unforgettable memory.
My unforgattable memory happened several years ago when I was
graraduated from my university, I applied for jobs to several companies. After
several months I was receive in a company but the location in Central Borneo.
The first time I was confused in taking decision but my parent gave me spirit to
go there and then I went to Central Borneo for working

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