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 Adolescence is the period of transition between childhood to
adulthood. The adolescents, due to these changes often face a
number of crises and dilemmas.

 Adolescence is considered to start with the onset of puberty.

Puberty is defined as a period of transformation from a stage of
reproductive immaturity to a stage of full reproductive
competence. Adolescence is the period in the life span of a
person when he or she assumes the ability for reproduction.
The sign of puberty in girls is menstruation. There is no such
definite change in the boys to mark puberty.
 However, a variety of bodily changes do appear including
growth of long bones of arms and legs, appearances of pubic
hair and appearance of facial hair.

 The stage of puberty bring in a number of physical and

physiological changes

 It is a period demanding significant adjustment to the

physical and social changes which distinguish childhood
behaviour from adult behaviour.
 Every adolescent has certain needs, the satisfaction of which
is essential to his continued physical and others aspects of

 A need is a tension within an organism which must be

satisfied for the well being of the organism. When a need is
satisfied the tension is released and the individual
experiences satisfaction. 

 They are  broadly classified into Physiological needs and

Psychological needs.  
The adolescent need emotional, social and economic
security in addition to physical security.

 The person who lacks the feeling of security may become

maladjusted. The need for social security is associated with
man’s desire for gregariousness.

Need for Love

Affection or love is one of the most basic psychological
needs   of   the    adolescents
 Adolescents have a strong desire to love and to be loved.
The   individual  who is not loved will not deep proper
attitudes and concepts concerning his own worth.

 Proper love will strengthen the individuals feeling of security.

Need for approval

 The adolescent desire that he should be a center of attraction
for the opposite sex and his abilities, intelligence and
capacities should be recognized by others.

 The teachers should find out the field in which the pupil
can shine very well and which help him to earn admiration
from others.

Adolescence is a time when the individual is striving to wean

himself away from  the control of parents and elders. 

 He want the right to give expression to his feelings, emotions and

ideas. He feels  annoyed and unpleasant when restriction is
imposed on him
Need for self-expression and achievement

Every adolescent has an inherent desire for the expression of his


 He may have a poet, musician, painter etc. hidden within him and
he want to get adequate opportunities for the expression of his
potentialities. He experiences satisfaction when he succeeded in
them and failure makes him depressed and disappointed.
 Primarily, an adolescent is struggling to free himself from childish
dependence on adults and to gain independence of thought and

 Yet, his relative immaturity and inexperience make it difficult for

him to arrive at wise decisions without help. Parents and
teachers have the responsibility to steer his interests toward
adult-accepted behavior patterns.

 Interests developed during childhood are not suddenly lost. The

adolescent usually enjoys radio, television and motion picture
 He is interested in reading and wants to increase his knowledge
about the world.

 His urge to be with people of his own age is strong, although he also is
very much interested in some favored adults in his environment.

 He may feel the need for many and differing recreational activities. He
usually has great plans for the future, some of which form the basis of
considerable day dreaming.
 The most common problems among adolescents relate to
growth and development, school, childhood illnesses that
continue into adolescence, mental health disorders, and the
consequences of risky or illegal behaviors, including injury,
legal consequences ,pregnancy, infectious diseases, and
substance use disorders.

 Unintentional injuries resulting from motor vehicle crashes

and injuries resulting from interpersonal violence are leading
causes of death and disability among adolescents.
 Psychosocial adjustment is a hallmark of this phase of development
because even normal individuals struggle with issues of identity,
autonomy, sexuality, and relationships. “Who am I, where am I
going, and how do I relate to all of these people in my life?” are
frequent preoccupations for most adolescents.

 Psychosocial disorders are more common during adolescence than

during childhood, and many unhealthy behaviors begin during
adolescence. Having an eating disorder, poor diet, obesity, smoking,
using drugs, and violent behavior can lead to acute health problems,
chronic disorders, or morbidity later in life

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