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unit five

using the internet

 It is the network of networks around the
 The internet is nowadays becoming the major
channel for many business and government
 The internet is a global system of
interconnected computer networks that serve
billions of users worldwide in facilitating data
transmission and exchange.
 Some advantages of the internet are
 sharing and collecting information
 Conducting online business activities
 Get latest news
 Efficient way of advertising
 Communication service like e-mail, internet telephony,
chatting, telemedicine etc.
 Formation of communities or forums
 Entertainment
 Online learning
 Downloading software

 Security problem on personal information

 Pornographic material distribution
 Spamming
 Electronic dependent communication
 Virus distribution
 Filtration of information
 Accuracy of information
 Wastage of time
 English language problems
Search Engines

 are designed to help users in searching for

information on the world wide web on any
 The most popular search engines are
 Google
 Yahoo
 Altavista
 Lycos
 MSN etc
Keyword and connectors

 Keywords: are words used to search for

information on a given topic.
 Connectors: are symbols and words you can
use in conjunction with your keywords to
qualify their relationship and meaning.
 Some Boolean connectors are
▪ OR
Downloading and Uploading files

 Downloading is transmitting data from a remote

computer to a local computer. Some downloading sites
 Uploading is the transmission of data from a local
computer to a remote computer, as from your PC to a
website you are constructing.
 It allows users to easily exchange files over networks.
World Wide Web

 is a set of programs, standards and protocols

that allows the text, images, animations,
sounds, videos to be stored and accessed and
linked together in the form of websites.
 Webpage: is a document or resource of
information that is suitable for the WWW and
can be accessed through a web browser and
displayed on a computer screen or on a mobile
 Website: is a related collection of WWW documents
organized as web pages. The first page of a website is
called homepage.
 Based on the nature of how data is generated and
modified, websites are divided in to two groups as
1. Static websites: all content of the webpage is placed
and maintained manually by web developers. Pages
are separate documents and do not usually use a
2. Dynamic websites: are constructed when a page is
requested by a web browser based on the
information in a database. The main purpose of
dynamic website is automation.
 Use of the WWW
 It enables human communication, commerce and
opportunity to share knowledge
 It can be accessed by a number of different kinds
of devices
 It is used as a communications tool and allows
anyone from anywhere to share information
 It is a giant repository of linked data as well as a
giant set of services that exchange messages
 It has transformed the way we communicate with
each other
 Web server: is a particular computer on the internet that
hosts websites, serving pages to viewers up on request.

 Web technology: is the technology related to World

Wide Web. some of the web technologies that relate to
the interface between web servers and their clients are
1. HTML/Hyper Text Markup Language/: is a set of
special instructions that are used to specify document
structure, formatting, and links to other multimedia
 In HTML, every command surrounded by < and >
 HTML is not case sensitive
2. HTTP(Hyper Text Transfer Protocol): is the network
protocol used to deliver virtual all files and other data
on the WWW.
 HTTP takes place through TCP/IP socket.

3. URL (Uniform Resource Locator): is a naming

method used by WWW as a standard for giving a
name to a particular server or file on the web.
 The syntax of URL has the following parts:
 A protocol
 Name of the server where the page is stored(host
 A directory (pathname of file) and
 A file name
5.3. planning and developing web pages

 Planning is most important for creating a

website, whether your site will have one or
more pages.
 Some webpage design packages are:
 Microsoft Front page
 Macromedia Dreamweaver
 Macromedia Flash
Purpose of website
 Making money
 Sharing information
 Websites for family and friends would have a less formal feel

 Designing a web architecture

 For designing a web architecture we need to:
 Split the stuff up and
 Provide ways for users to find their way through it to get what they want.
 Some basic patterns to design web architecture are :
 All in one
 Flat
 Index
 Strict hierarchy
 Website content can be broken in to general and detailed content.
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