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Foundation for Academic Excellence Ministry


08/26/2021 By: Daniel Beyera Tujo (MA and MBA) 1

Check your mindset
• Who is responsible for failure / or success in your life?
• Do you think that you are ‘In charge’?
• Your attitudes determine your altitude.

08/26/2021 By: Daniel Beyera Tujo (MA and MBA) 2


 Are you ‘the master of your own fate , the captain of your soul’?
 It is your choice to be:
i. your own boss
ii. The money work for you or you work for the money
 The 5 Fs a person may aspire for ?
i. Freedom
ii. Fortune
iii. Fame
iv. Family
v. Fun
 Picture yourself in terms of these 5 Fs in 3,5, 10, 15 and 20 years to
come (the power of visualization)

08/26/2021 By: Daniel Beyera Tujo (MA and MBA) 3

Entrepreneurship in the Twenty-first Century

• Is there a link between entrepreneurship and


• Why entrepreneurship?

• What drives and encourages entrepreneurial

attitude, activities and aspirations?

• Who are really entrepreneurs?

08/26/2021 By: Daniel Beyera Tujo (MA and MBA) 4

 Necessity driven vs. opportunity driven

entrepreneurship (pulled or pushed)
 Quality of business start ups

• Entrepreneurship in:
a) Factor driven economy
b) Efficiency driven economy
c) Innovation driven economy

 ‘creative distractors’

08/26/2021 By: Daniel Beyera Tujo (MA and MBA) 5

Conceptual Overview of Entrepreneurship

• Our future rests on entrepreneurial ventures

founded by creative individuals

• Entrepreneurship is one of the four mainstream

economic factors: land, labor, capital, and

08/26/2021 By: Daniel Beyera Tujo (MA and MBA) 6


• According to Ronstadt, “Entrepreneurship is the dynamic

process of creating incremental wealth
i. Entrepreneurship is the innovative process of identifying
opportunities in the market place, marshaling resources
required to exploit the opportunities for the long term gains
by assuming risk.
ii. It is the ability to see economic opportunities and
transform them into business and economic gains.
iii. It is a creative human act that builds something of value
in pursuit of opportunities through application of vision,
passion, and commitment. It also requires willingness to
take calculated risk.

08/26/2021 By: Daniel Beyera Tujo (MA and MBA) 7

8 08/26/2021

Personality profile of entrepreneurs

 Visionary and goal oriented

 Unusual creativeness
 Strong need for achievement
 Total commitment, determination and perseverance
 Taking initiatives and personal responsibilities
 Persistent problem solving
 Realism and sense of humor
 Seeking and using feedback
 Internal locus of control
 Calculated risk taking
 Integrity and reliability

By: Daniel Beyera Tujo (MA and MBA)

9 08/26/2021

By: Daniel Beyera Tujo (MA and MBA)

10 08/26/2021

By: Daniel Beyera Tujo (MA and MBA)

11 08/26/2021

Who else?

By: Daniel Beyera Tujo (MA and MBA)

12 08/26/2021

Types of entrepreneurs
 Entrepreneurs found among different walks of life and
 “Novice” entrepreneur (without entrepreneurial experience)
 “Habitual” entrepreneur (a person with previous
entrepreneurial experience)
 “Nascent” entrepreneur (a person who is in the process of
creating a new organization – he or she can be “novice” and
 “Serial” entrepreneur (a person who constantly establishes and
sells organizations)
 “Portfolio” entrepreneur ( a person who owns several
organizations at the same time)
 “Intrapreneur “(a person who acts entrepreneurially in the
context of an existing organization). By: Daniel Beyera Tujo (MA and MBA)
13 08/26/2021

Entrepreneurial Competences
 What is competence?
 It is combination of knowledge, skills, and appropriate
motives or traits that an individual must possess to
perform a given task.
 According to Management System International
categorization entrepreneurial competencies are broadly

1) Achievement competencies
2) Planning competencies
3) Implementation competencies
By: Daniel Beyera Tujo (MA and MBA)
14 08/26/2021

Achievement motivation competencies

Risk taking propensity (extent of risk friendly, take action to control

risk and control outcomes)
Opportunity seeking and initiatives ( ability to proactively
identify opportunities and take initiatives to optimize; the acts to extend the business
to new areas, products or services)
Persistence ( the courage to face obstacles and the capacity to overcome it ;
taking personal responsibility to achieve the desired goal)
Commitment to the work and contract ( extent of exerting
personal sacrifices and extraordinary efforts to keep promises, meet datelines; extent
of concern for goodwill and reputation…)
Demand for efficiency and quality (find ways to do things better,
faster and cheaper; act to do things that meet or exceed standards of excellence;
always strive to ensure and continuously improve qualityBy:) Daniel Beyera Tujo (MA and MBA)
15 08/26/2021

Planning competencies

Goal setting ( proactive move, setting meaningful and challenging

goals; aspiration for future growth …)
 Wishful thinkers vs. achievers separated here

Information seeking ( personal seeking information from

clients, suppliers, competitors ; continuous search for market information
and openness to seek expert support and advice…)

Systematic planning and monitoring ( create time

bounded tasks ; revise plans in light of feedback on the performance or
changing circumstances; keeping accurate track records )
By: Daniel Beyera Tujo (MA and MBA)
16 08/26/2021

Implementation competencies

 Persuasion and networking

 Use deliberate strategies to influence and persuade others
 Use key people as agents to accomplish own objectives
 Acts and develop and maintain business contacts
 Independence and self confidence:
 Seek autonomy from the rule or control of others
 Ensuring sound judgment
 Express confidence in own abilities to meet a challenge

By: Daniel Beyera Tujo (MA and MBA)

17 08/26/2021

By: Daniel Beyera Tujo (MA and MBA)

Avenues of Business opportunities

• What are the source of new business ideas

Some of the major/ broader sources of business ideas

• Personal interest and hobbies

• Entrepreneur's work experiences, knowledge and skills
• Assessing the existing product and market gaps
• Consumers
• Existing companies
• Distribution channels
• Assessments of larger business environment
• Research and development

08/26/2021 By: Daniel Beyera Tujo (MA and MBA) 18

 can you connect all these dots by using only 4
. . .
. . .
. . .

08/26/2021 By: Daniel Beyera Tujo (MA and MBA) 19

imagination is more important than knowledge

08/26/2021 By: Daniel Beyera Tujo (MA and MBA) 20

Invention, innovation, creativity

08/26/2021 By: Daniel Beyera Tujo (MA and MBA) 21

The criteria used to judge the idea

• Easiness to implement
• Originality (mere imitation vs. improved…
• User-friendliness (what value to which)
• Customer acceptance
• Easiness to finance the idea
• Profit potential (5% to 15%)
• Patent protection possibility( if innovation, brand, …)

08/26/2021 By: Daniel Beyera Tujo (MA and MBA) 22

23 08/26/2021

In entrepreneurship what is important is not unique

idea generation …

 What is important is developing idea, implementing it, and

building successful business.
 What is the prospective customer of your idea? (very
 The idea should match the market
 Make sure that the customer get better values for their
money than the existing business do

By: Daniel Beyera Tujo (MA and MBA)

24 08/26/2021

By: Daniel Beyera Tujo (MA and MBA)

25 08/26/2021

Conducting market research

By: Daniel Beyera Tujo (MA and MBA)

26 08/26/2021

So in brief Entrepreneurial Marketing …

 Conduct market research- identifying and assessing


 Developing and implementing marketing strategies that best

optimize opportunities(segmenting, targeting and positioning)

 Marketing skill to support business growth

By: Daniel Beyera Tujo (MA and MBA)

Which information ?

• Based on that, define what kind your information you

need for reaching a decision
• Are you interested in having more insight about the
• Do you want to recognize a market opportunity?
• Do you want to learn more about the costumer’s profile?
• Do you need some numbers about the market size?
• Do you want to understand your competitors better?
• Do you need to try a new product before launching it to
the market?
• Do you need a distribution channel –partner?

08/26/2021 By: Daniel Beyera Tujo (MA and MBA) 27

Why market research?

• Research has shown that common marketing related

danger of entrepreneurs:
 Overestimating demand
 Underestimating competitors response
 Making uninformed distribution decisions

08/26/2021 By: Daniel Beyera Tujo (MA and MBA) 28

Market Research and Analysis Activities
Identify Evaluate Analyze Describe
Potential markets Competitors Assumptions
Demographic profile Future markets Existing Market niche for
of customers and trends or competitors with Positioning firm
characteristics of changes similar products Pricing approach
customers, age, sex, window of or services used in plan
income, etc business Future Distribution or
Buying habits and opportunity competitors and method of
relevant information Niche position ease of entry making a market
for new venture Information Industry structure
Research criteria related to market research

08/26/2021 By: Daniel Beyera Tujo (MA and MBA) 30

Business Plan

• It is a blue print of a business

• A business plan is ‘a selling document that conveys the
excitement and promise of your business to any
potential backers or stakeholders.’

• The business plan allows:

• The presentation of the opportunities and risks
• The development of the negotiating strategies
• Financial and capital planning

08/26/2021 By: Daniel Beyera Tujo (MA and MBA) 31

Benefits of Good Business Plan

 Assist in raising capital

 Help entrepreneurs gain a deeper understanding of the
opportunity they are envisioning

 Serve as a guide for entrepreneur

 Instrument to secure strategic partners

 Instrument to gain credibility in the eyes of various


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33 08/26/2021

Format and Design of Business Plan

 Cover
 Table of contents
 Executive summary
 Enterprise description/ Legal statues
 Product/service
 Market/sector
 Marketing and distribution
 Operation plan
 Enterprise management
 Financial planning
 Capital requirment
 Appendix By: Daniel Beyera Tujo (MA and MBA)
Contents of Executive summary

 Description of the business idea (concepts)

 Short market description (industry overview,
competitive advantage, business model )

 Crucial success factors and risks

 Management

 Financial goals (financial snapshot)

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35 08/26/2021

Enterprise Description

This part covers some important background information

regarding the enterprise
 Contents:
 Foundation date
 Legal form and tax aspects
 Owners distribution and structure (full address)
 Location analysis (if required)

By: Daniel Beyera Tujo (MA and MBA)

36 08/26/2021

Industry, customer and competitors analysis (overview)

 Industry
 Describe your overall industry in terms of revenues, growth, and pertinent
future trends.
 How strong the opportunity is? Examine
 Market demand (if market is growing >20%, the opportunity is more exiting)
 Market size and structure
 Margin analysis (>40 %)

 Customer
 Who is the customer?
 What is the core customer wants?

 The competitors
 Who are the major players, their strategy, level of competition ….
By: Daniel Beyera Tujo (MA and MBA)
37 08/26/2021

Analysis of the general conditions and the market

 1. Analysisand identification of the essential basic conditions
 Economic development and its trends
 Technology development -state-of-the-art
 Relevant social, legal and environmental factors

 2. Description and development of the sector

 Kind of sector
 Current andfuture (3 -5 years) size, and market volume
 Segment description

 3. Profile
development of the target-market/the clients
 Who are the potential clients?
 Which service/product are these clients wishing?
 Are there specific products /service characteristics that are particularly important?...
By: Daniel Beyera Tujo (MA and MBA)
38 08/26/2021


 4.Competitors analysis
 Competitors’ products/services description
 Competitors’ market positions (market share)
 Competitors’ strategies and practices (distribution
channels, price formation, advertising, service)
 Response strategies to possible new competitors

 5.
Sales-forecast presentation
 Market share

By: Daniel Beyera Tujo (MA and MBA)

39 08/26/2021

Enterprise Management

 This part contents the description of the most important people

(founders) and the company’s structure
 Contents:

 Key people (qualification, experience in this sector, commercial


 Company’s organization
By: Daniel Beyera Tujo (MA and MBA)
40 08/26/2021

Financial planning

 1. Clear planning horizon

 3 to 5years
 Long-term planning are often mere speculation

 2. Monthly terms
 Inorder to identify liquidity problems during the first year, it is
important to make an income-outcome comparison on a month basis.

 3.Realistic planning
 Best Case und Worst Case Scenario
 Only integrate realistic data and assumptions
 Justify estimates
By: Daniel Beyera Tujo (MA and MBA)
41 08/26/2021

Financial plan decisions (in brief)

 Determination of financial requirements ? (how much?)

 Identification and source of finance (source and use of

fund table)
 Choosing between debt and equity financing option
(which one is better?)
 Convincing profitability potential of new venture
( prepare pro-forma balance sheet, projection of cash
flow statements )
By: Daniel Beyera Tujo (MA and MBA)
42 08/26/2021

Critical risk
 Every new venture faces a number of risks that may
threaten its survival

 Risksare usually associated with (market interest and

growth potential, competitor’s action and retaliation,
time and cost of development, operating expenses,
availability and timing of financing…)

 The BP should recognize potential risk, then state

contingency plan

By: Daniel Beyera Tujo (MA and MBA)

43 08/26/2021


 The BP is just more than a document, it is process , a story.

 It provide the entrepreneur with keen insight needed to

marshal resources and direct growth.

 It also provides talking points so that entrepreneurs can

get feedback from a number of experts, including
investors, vendors and customers.
By: Daniel Beyera Tujo (MA and MBA)
 Do MSEs are playing governmentally prescribed roles?
Such as:

 Employment creation

 Pave industrialization

 Back economic growth

08/26/2021 By: Daniel Beyera Tujo (MA and MBA) 44

45 08/26/2021

Significance of SMEs

 In most Advanced nations SMEs has significant

share in employment creation, and overall
economic development
 According to Ayyagari et al. (2007), in high-income
countries formal SMEs contribute to 50 percent of
GDP on average.
 In most LDCs, SMEs ‘seems extension of trading
and informal business, usually concentrated on
saturated segments, and seemingly dominated by
necessity driven factor’
By: Daniel Beyera Tujo (MA and MBA)
46 08/26/2021


 In 2000 in China SMEs created value and services of 50.

5 %, 75 % of job, 60% of china’s export, and 43.2% taxes
 In Japan SMEs account for 70% total labor force
 SMEs in South Africa contribute 56% of private sector
employment , and 36% of GDP
 Germany economy is based on strong exporting MSEs
(largely high tech)
 SMEs contribution is decisive for value generation (51
% of USA’s GDP was produced by MSEs,35% of south
Africa’s GDP as produced by SMEs.

By: Daniel Beyera Tujo (MA and MBA)

47 08/26/2021

Small business failure factors

 Internal or competence related factors

 Incompetency
 Unbalanced experience
 Lack of experience in line
 Limitation with technical competence
 Inadequate records
 Expansion beyond resources
 Inadequate information about customer
 Failure to diversified market
 Personalized management
 Lack of innovation

By: Daniel Beyera Tujo (MA and MBA)

48 08/26/2021

Chair for export in Nicaragua

By: Daniel Beyera Tujo (MA and MBA)

Managing startup and growth

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50 08/26/2021

By: Daniel Beyera Tujo (MA and MBA)

51 08/26/2021

By: Daniel Beyera Tujo (MA and MBA)

52 08/26/2021

 Not all businesses that survive grow to be large
businesses. This is due either to the nature of their
industry or simply the personal desires or ambitions of
the owner/manager. And external factors such as (entry of
competitors , change in technology ) among others.

 Practically the stages business passes through are not

 The duration of time a business stay at certain stage varies
(depending on industry attractiveness and other factors)

By: Daniel Beyera Tujo (MA and MBA)

53 08/26/2021

Inception stage / start up/

 The entrepreneurs may be novice or nascent

 The major challenges at this stage:
 Securing customer (limited channel and limited customers)
 How to ensure profitably path ( how positive cash flow?)

 More energy, fiancé and time is required due to increased


 The marketing strategy at this stage will be educate the customer

and securing distribution

By: Daniel Beyera Tujo (MA and MBA)

54 08/26/2021

Survival stage

 Business looks workable business entity

 At this stage requires more:
 Supervision (suppliers, banks..)
 Working capital
 Features and requirements
 increased complexity of expanded distribution
 Increasing competition challenges
 Focus on price than differentiation
 Introduce formalized cost control system

By: Daniel Beyera Tujo (MA and MBA)

55 08/26/2021

Growth stage

 Growth in terms of (sales, profit, market share, expansion, new product

development …)
 Managing growth and ensure resources
 Develop some new product and look for new source of finance
 Ensure efficient delegation and control
 The challenges emanates from:
 Entry of larger competitors
 The demand for expansion into new market or product
 Finance the growth and maintaining control of operation
 The marketing strategy here customer loyalty must be cultivated,
band must be built
By: Daniel Beyera Tujo (MA and MBA)
56 08/26/2021

Expansion stage

 Major features and requirements

 Decentralization
 Professional administration
 New product and innovation, market research
 Expanding outlets/ distribution options

By: Daniel Beyera Tujo (MA and MBA)

57 08/26/2021

Maturity stage
 Major features and requirements :
 Expense control
 Productivity
 Nitch
 Decentralization

 Management’s role
 Watchdog
 Maintenance of plant and market position
 The key managerial concern expense control, productivity, and finding
growth opportunity
 Marketing strategy , differentiation

By: Daniel Beyera Tujo (MA and MBA)

58 08/26/2021

Decline stage
 Here marketing Efficiency is important,
 Cash the cow, if not kill the dog (exit) strategy is

By: Daniel Beyera Tujo (MA and MBA)

59 08/26/2021

Four domains of Managing Growth

Strategy Resources



By: Daniel Beyera Tujo (MA and MBA)

60 08/26/2021

Organization and Early growth challenges

o The ability to generate and maintain profitability is the

o Start-up commonly managed with few controls, very little
performance assessment and puts emphasis over sales.
o Chasing new customers will be priority
o Rapid growth overwhelms operation and result in
operational inefficiency
o The common challenges due to operation inefficiency
results due to (inventory outages, overdue collections,
diminishing cash flows, delivery restrictions by supplier)

By: Daniel Beyera Tujo (MA and MBA)

61 08/26/2021


 Inadequate systems and planning leads to

inefficiency, poor control and quality problem
 Informal communication and processes create
confusion and lack of accountability

 Key imperatives
 Develop basic system to manage cash and control
receivables , inventory and payables.
 Develop simple budgets and matrices to track performance
and expenditures
By: Daniel Beyera Tujo (MA and MBA)
62 08/26/2021

Organization and latter growth challenges

 Organization outgrows initial system and planning
 Difficulties with coordination and control as
decentralization increases
 Key imperatives
 Upgrade and formalize systems for control and
planning for the future (proactive planning replaces
reactive planning )
 Maintain balance between control and creativity;
ensure processes do not constrain innovation.
By: Daniel Beyera Tujo (MA and MBA)
63 08/26/2021

Leadership and early growth challenges

 Company outgrows entrepreneurial abilities.

 Entrepreneur unable to delegate
 Internally promoted managers may lack adequate

 What leadership skills are sought at this stage?


 Orchestrate change in both the organizational and

competitive environment
By: Daniel Beyera Tujo (MA and MBA)
64 08/26/2021

Leadership and later growth challenges

 Management lacks the managerial sophistication required
for the increasing size and complexity of growing
 Inadequate communication and growing tension between
management and employee groups.
 Key imperatives
 Recruit key professional management talent. Build fully
function management teams
 Ensuring leadership team shares in strategic planning and
preserves entrepreneurial capabilities
 Create decentralized reporting structure
By: Daniel Beyera Tujo (MA and MBA)
65 08/26/2021

Strategy and early growth challenges

 Tendency to overcommit, pursue many diverse
 lack of clear strategy for how the venture competes
 Imperatives
 develop a focused strategy that leverages the company’s
unique value.
 (what can you do distinctly well and develop capabilities around
 maintain consistency of this strategy with all company
activities such as product development, marketing,
 align capabilities with opportunity
By: Daniel Beyera Tujo (MA and MBA)
66 08/26/2021

Strategy and late growth challenges

 Original opportunity domain may provide few opportunity for

 Competitive pressures and changes in the market may threaten
current business
 Imperatives
 Establish competitive uniqueness and move beyond one
product orientation (diversification + expansion)
 Expand into periphery with product and market
 Develop strategy for future that provide new momentum and
long-run effectiveness
 Anticipate / respond to changes in industry / market
By: Daniel Beyera Tujo (MA and MBA)
67 08/26/2021

Resources and growth challenges

 financial and human resources constrained as rapidly
expanding sales requires more people and financing
 generalized skills increasingly incapable of handling
increased complexity
 insufficient resources for growth
 imperatives
 get profitability and cash flow in check
 tap early financing sources
 hire people with specialized expertise
 protect intellectual property
 secure growth financing

By: Daniel Beyera Tujo (MA and MBA)

68 08/26/2021

Tips on managing resources

 What resources are needed

 Where they will come from
 How they will be used
 How their use will be controlled and monitored

By: Daniel Beyera Tujo (MA and MBA)

69 08/26/2021

Factors that add value to a business

and facility rial team

knowledge & cash flows
and profit

customer base
and market
By: Daniel Beyera Tujo (MA and MBA)
70 08/26/2021

By: Daniel Beyera Tujo (MA and MBA)

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