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Documentary Film

Roll no: 34
“What is Climate Change”
Duration of the documentary: 7 mins
Details of the documentary :
The documentary film “WHAT IS CLIMATE CHANGE” explores data
and predictions regarding climate change.
 It takes a stark look at the facts surrounding climate change in the today's
world, detailing the dangers we are already having to deal with and future
threats, but also the possibilities for prevention and radical political, social
and cultural change.
The intended audience is general public and the government.
Purpose of the
The purpose of the documentary is to
aware the audience about the
climatic changes including:
global warming,
rising sea level,
increased CO2 level
and its impact on the environment
and how to slow it down.
Main message:
 The main message of this documentary is to
 aware people that what exactly are we doing wrong and how do
we fix it.
 It describes that how the level of CO2 increased through the
human activities like burning more and more fossil fuels like oil
and coal which release CO2 to power our homes, factories,
airplanes and cars and how it caused global warming or
greenhouse effect
 . Sea levels are also rising because sea water expands as
temperatures get warmer, resulting in floods. So, these situations
or climate changes can be reduced adopting the ways that can
reduce the CO2 production in the environment.
Prior knowledge of
the subject:
 I know about the subject before watching
the documentary because it was mentioned
in the beginning.
 I was expecting to see the causes of global
warming which is the basic factor of
climatic changes and its effect on the
climate or environment.
 About the subject I was having question
regarding the dimensions of damages caused
by climatic changes it will cover in the
Summary of the documentary:
 Climate change is happening now, and even world leaders meeting for
climate talks are not enough to stop it. In fact, we are going backwards.
 The UN says carbon dioxide levels in our atmosphere are going up, and
the earth is on track to warm by 3.2 degrees before century is over.
The consequences of that acceleration are already proving disastrous for
communities around the world.
 The largest driver of warming is the emission of
gases that create a greenhouse effect, of which
more than 90% are carbon dioxide (CO2) and
 Fossil fuel burning (coal, oil, and natural gas) for
energy consumption is the main source of these
emissions, with additional contributions from
agriculture, deforestation, and manufacturing.
 The human cause of climate change is not
disputed by any scientific body of national or
international standing.
Sound effects, camera work and

Sound effects were clear and

Sound engages audience
Evokes emotional responses
Images were sharp and edited well
The camera angles were excellent
Overall cinematographic elements
were good
The part I liked the most
I liked that part of documentary the most in
which interviews were shown
because these were quite informative.
 tells how we can reduce the production of
CO2 in the environment.
The rate of increase in temperature due to
global warming was the part that surprised me
the most
Recommended to:
 I would recommend this documentary
to all my friends and fellows
1. to make them aware of the climate
change and the harmful effects of it.
2. And, to make them aware of the
role that they could play to reduce
the effects of climate change.

suggest that there should be

interviews of the survivors or
the persons who were affected
by the adverse effects of the
climate change in the past to
show the severity of this issue
to the viewers, so that they
would better understand and
try to reduce the causes of
climate change.

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