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A) Differentiate high cycle and low cycle fatigues

B) What is completely reversed load?
C) A rotating bar made of steel 45C8 (Sut = 630 N/mm2) is
subjected to a completely reversed bending stress. The
corrected endurance limit of the bar is 315 N/mm2. Calculate
fatigue strength of the bar for a life of 90,000 cycles.
Given Sut = 630 N/mm2; Se=315 N/mm2; N=90000 cycles

Step 1: Construction of SN diagram

0.9 Sut = 0.9 (630)= 567 N/mm2

Log10(0.9 Sut) = 2.754;
Log10 (Se) = log10 (315) = 2.498
Log10(90000) = 4.9542
Log10(1000) =3 and Log10(106) =6
2. A) Explain any one method of reduction of stress
concentration factor.
B) A flat plate subjected to a tensile force of 5 K N is shown
in Fig. 1. The plate material is grey cast iron FG 200 and the
factor of safety is 2.5. Determine the thickness of the plate.
 Given P= 5 KN Sut=200 N/mm2 (fs) =2.5

Step 1: σmax= = = 80 N/mm2

Step 2:Tensile stress at fillet section

The stresses are critical at two sections – the fillet section and hole
section. At the fillet section,(r is fillet radius)
σ0= =
= = 1.5 and = = 0.167
From fig. of design data book for the ratio of r/d of 0.167 Kt=1.8
σmax= Kt σ0 = 1 =N/mm2
 Step3: σ0 = = N/mm2
= = 0.5
From fig. of design data book for the ratio of d/w of 0.167 Kt=2.16
σmax= Kt σ0 = 2.16 = N/mm2

Step 4:
Thickness of plate
From step 2 and step 3 it is observed that maximum stress is induced at
the hole section
Equating it with permissible stress, we get
= 80 N/mm2 t = 9 mm
3. A)
List the classification of engineering materials along with
examples of each type.
Metals, Non-metals,
Ferrous and Non-ferrous
B) What are brittle and ductile materials? Give an example
of each.
4) A) What is meant by impact loading?
B) An unknown weight falls on a collar rigidly attached
to the lower end of a vertical bar whose length is 2.5 m and
cross section is 1960 mm2. If the strain energy in the body
is known to be 100 Nm. What are the values of
corresponding instantaneous stress and the length of
extensions? Take E =200 k N/mm2
 Volume of the bar = 1960 x 2500 = 4.9 x 106 mm3
Shock or strain energy stored in the body (U)
100 x 103 = v =x 4.9 x 106 = 12.25 σ2
σ2 == 81.63 x 102 or
Instantaneous stress = σ = 90.3 N/mm2
Elongation produced
Let l = Elongation produced

E= = ==
l = = = 1.13 mm
5. A) Define the terms, machine, design and machine design
Slides 1 and 2 of unit 1 .ppt gives the answer
B) Mention the mechanical properties of engineering materials
and explain any three properties.
Slides 35 to 40 of Unit 1 .ppt
C) List the steps in design process and discuss the engineering
design process with the help of a sketch.
Slides 18 to 22 of Unit 1 .ppt
6. A) List all the five theories of failures
B) At a critical section in a shaft, the following stresses are
induced Bending stress = 60 N/mm2 and Torsional shear stress
= 40 N/mm2. Determine the factor of safety a/c to any three of
the five theories of failure. The proportional limit in simple
tension test is found to be 300 M Pa. Take poison’s ratio =
•• Axial
  tensile stress, σx = 60 N/mm2 & τ =shear stress= 40
• Permissible stress = Sp= 300 M Pa or 300 N/mm2
• Evaluation of Principal stresses is done as below 
  Problem: 6: Continued….

 = }

=M Pa
Calculation of diameter based on theories of failure:
1. According to maximum principal stress theory

or 3.75
2. According to maximum shear stress theory

or 3
6: Continued….
3. According to maximum strain theory
We know that maximum strain,

  = or - 0.25 ( )]
n or n= = = 3.53
4. Maximum strain energy theory
[+ -
n2{[ ]2 + [ ]2 - 2 0.25 (- )} = 300 x 300
n2 7600 = 90000 or n= 3.44
5. Maximum distortion energy theory

+ -
n2{[ ]2 + [ ]2 - (- )} = 300 x 300
n2 8400 = 90000 or n= 3.273
 7.An unknown weight falls through 10 mm on a collar rigidly
attached to the lower end of a vertical bar 3 m long and 600 mm2
in section. If the maximum instantaneous extension is known to
be 2 mm. What is the corresponding stress and the value of
unknown weight?

Take E =200 k N/mm2

Solution: Given h=10 mm; l=3m =3000mm; A =600 mm2;

l=2mm; E=200 k N/mm2 =2 x 105 N/mm2

σ= [1+ ]
  Let σ =Stress in the bar
 We know that Young’s modulus E = = =
 σ = = = = 133.33 N/mm2
 Value of the unknown weight
 σ= [1+ ]

 = [1+ ]
 =[1+ ]

 -1 = [ ]

Squaring both sides, + 1 - = 1 +

- 16 = or =96 and W =6666.7 N

8. A) Define endurance limit
B) What are the different types of cyclic loads?
C) Draw S-N curve and mark endurance limit on it.
D) A round shaft is subjected to a completely reversible bending
moment of 15 k Nm as shown in figure. The shaft has a machined
finish and the theoretical stress concentration factor at fillet is 1.5.
The notch sensitivity factor is 0.9. The ultimate tensile strength of
material is 300 M Pa. Calculate the dimension of shaft for a finite
life of 10,000 cycles for a reliability of 90%.
 GivenM= ±15 K Nm Sut=300 N/mm2 ; R=90% ; q=0.9
From fig. d/D = d/1.5 d = 0.67;
Assuming Kb=1.0
For R=90% Kc =0.897
Kd – Modifying factor to account for stress concentration =(1/Kf)

Step 1: Endurance limit stress for plate

Se’ = 0.5 Su,t= 0.5 x 300 = 150 N/mm2
Ka=1.0 for machined finish; Kb=1.0;
Kt=1.5 or kf=1+q (Kt-1) = 1 + 0.9 (1.5-1) =1.45
Kd= 1/Kf =1/1.45 = 0.667
Se= Ka Kb Kc Kd Se’ = 1.0 1.0 0.897 0.667 150= 89.745 N/mm2
Step 2:Permissible bending stress amplitude
 Step II: Fatigue strength for 10000 cycles
Referring to the fig.
Log 10 (Sf’) = 2.43 - x (4.0 - 3) = 2.267
Sf’ = 185.21 N/mm2

= 185.21 from this d can be evaluated.

2.43 2.754

2.267 1.95


9. A) Define stress concentration factor.
B) Explain any one engineering application where stress
concentration factor cannot be avoided.
10. A) State and explain any one of the five theories of failure.
B) In an elastic material, principal stresses are tensile and
compressive and the ratio is 4:1. Determine the limiting stress
according to any three theories of failure if tension test gives
elastic limit of the material as 400 N/mm 2. Assume Poison’s
ratio =0.3
According to maximum principal stress theory failure occurs when
maximum principal stress reaches yield strength during simple
tension test.
1. σ and σ/4 be the principal stresses, failure occurs when
maximum principal stress reaches σ = 400 N/mm2
2. According to maximum shear stress theory, failure occurs when
the maximum shear stress reaches the value during simple
tension test.
i.e. Maximum shear stress = = or =400
or = N/mm2
10: Continued….
3. According to maximum strain theory , failure occurs when

  = where µ=0.3

or or = or σ = = 372.03
4. Maximum strain energy theory
+ -
[]2 + [-]2 - or 1.2125 σ2 =4002 or σ =
σ = 363.2
5. Maximum distortion energy theory
+ -
[]2 + [-]2 - or 1.3125 σ2 =4002 or σ = = 349.14

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