National Emergency

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 Introduction
 Congress & Rise Of Indira Gandhi
 Darkest phases in Indira’s Tenure as PM
 Declaration Of Emergency
 Charges Against The Government During The Endrocement
 Conclusion
 Works Of friction
NATIONAL EMERGENCY UNDER ARTICLE 352:Such an emergency was declared in India in 1962 war (China war), 1971 war (Pakistan
war), and 1975 internal disturbance (declared by Indira Gandhi). ... The President can declare such an emergency only on the basis of a
written request by the Cabinet headed by the Prime Minister.
THE morning of 26 June 1975, India woke up to the Emergency imposed at
midnight by the then Prime Minister, Mrs. Indira Gandhi. It was the beginning
of the darkest political period in India that lasted for 21 months
The Indian Emergency of 25th June 1975-21st March 1977 was a 21 month period,
when President Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed, upon advice by Prime Minister Indira
Gandhi, declared a state of emergency under Article 352 of the Constitution of
India, effectively bestowing on her the power to rule by decree, suspending
elections and civil liberties. This was a dramatic turn in the Indian political
affairs. The democracy was brought to a grinding halt and all the fundamental
rights and legal remedies protected by the Constitution of The Republic of India
were suspended. Indira Gandhi tried to defend the emergency on the grounds that
she was trying to protect the State and the Indian people. Nevertheless, her
emergency rule faced immense criticism and is undoubtedly one of the most
controversial periods of the political history of Independent India.
But after 44th amendment act 1978, National Emergency can only be declared on grounds of
"External aggression or war", also called as External Emergency & on the ground of "armed
rebellion", also called as Internal Emergency.
Indira Gandhi was the daughter of Jawaharlal Nehru, the first prime minister of India. ...
In the Congress Party's parliamentary leadership election held in early 1966 (upon the
death of Shastri), she defeated her rival Morarji Desai to become leader, and thus
succeeded Shastri as Prime Minister of India.The Congress Party of India has been
historically associated with the political system of India. It arose as a budding
independence movement in 1885 and was lead by Mahatma Gandhi, Vallabhbhai Patel
and Jawaharlal Nehru. The congress party held power in New Delhi and in 22 states
from 1947. The party maintained its dominance through five general elections since
1951-1952. In 1966 after the death of Lal Bahdur Shastri, Indira Gandhi who was the
daughter of Jawaharlal Nehru, was selected as the President of the Indian National
Congress Party. She proved her leadership in the role she played in the 1965 war with
Pakistan, which led to the birth of Bangladesh in East Bengal. In 1966 Gandhi beat
Moraji Desai by 355 votes to 169 and become the fifth Prime Minister of India and the
first woman to hold that position.
The darkest phase in Indira's
tenure as PM
 Raj Narain filed cases of election fraud and use of state machinery for election in the Allahabad High Court. He had
been defeated in the 1971 parliamentary election by Indira Gandhi.
 This was for the first time that a Prime Minister was cross-examined in the Court.
 Allahabad High Court found Indira Gandhi guilty and declared her election null and void
and unseated her from her seat in the Lok Sabha.
 Indira Gandhi challenged Allahabad High Court's decision in the Apex Court.
 Justice V. R. Krishna Iyer, on 24 June 1975, upheld the High Court judgement and ordered all privileges Gandhi
received as an MP be stopped, and that she be debarred from voting.

 44 years ago, in 1975, India saw its darkest phase when then Prime Minister Indira
Gandhi declared emergency across the country.
 The emergency was issued by President Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed under Article 352(1)
of the Constitution and lasted 21 long months beginning 25th June 1975 and going
on until 21st March 1977. Here are some facts from the emergency period.
 Indira Gandhi challenged Allahabad High Court's decision in the Apex Court.
 Justice V. R. Krishna Iyer, on 24 June 1975, upheld the High Court judgement and
ordered all privileges Gandhi received as an MP be stopped, and that she be debarred
from voting.
 The goal of the 21-month-long Emergency in the country was to control “internal
 Indira Gandhi justified her steps in terms of national interest, primarily based on three
 India’s security and democracy, rapid economic development and upliftment of the
underprivileged and intervention of powers from abroad which could destabilise and
weaken India.
 The Gandhi Government laid out some rules for the journalists across the country and
they were told about “guidelines” to follow.
 All the newspapers in the country were asked to take permission before publishing
any anything by the Press Advisor.
 Most of Gandhi's political opponents were imprisoned.
 One of them was a veteran Bharatiya Janata Party leader, the then
Janata Party leader LK Advani, who spent months in jail during the
 Later Advani addressed the media and said: “You were asked only to
bend, but you crawled.”
 Several other human rights violations were reported from the time,
including a forced mass-sterilization campaign spearheaded by Sanjay
Gandhi, the Prime Minister's son.
 The Emergency is one of the most controversial periods of independent
India's history.
In India, "The Emergency" refers to a 21-month period from 1975 to 1977 when Prime Minister
Indira Gandhi had a state of emergency declared across the country. ... The order bestowed upon
the Prime Minister the authority to rule by decree, allowing elections to be suspended and civil
liberties to be curbed.Justice Sinha stayed the operation of his judgment for 20 days allowing the
Congress party to elect a successor to the Prime Minister. Unable to find a competent successor,
Mrs. Gandhi on June 23rd 1975 appealed for “complete and absolute” stay which would have
permitted her to be a voting Member of Parliament, as well as Prime Minister. On June 24th
1975 Justice Iyer granted Indira Gandhi “conditional stay”. This decision gave rise to outcries of
opposition from the opposition that she should resign. Mrs. Gandhi did not resign. On the
evening of June 25th 1975, JP Narayan called for a civil disobedience campaign to force the
resignation of the Prime Minister. In response, the authority of the maintenance of Internal
Security Act was used in the early hours of June 26th to arrest more than a hundred people who
opposed Mrs. Gandhi and her party. People arrested included JP Narayan, Raj Narain, Jyortimoy
Basu (communist partymarxist), Samar Guha (president of the Jana Sangha). A proclamation of
Emergency was issued on June 26th by President Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed, on the advice of Prime
Minister Gandhi. The authority for calling the emergency was under Article 352 of the Indian
Constitution. Sunch an emergency can be called by the President whenever he is satisfied that
the security of India, or any part of it has been threatened by war, external agression, or internal
disturbance. The actual occurrence of a disturbance is not necessary, only expected the
occurrence of a disturbance. Furthermore, under Article 352, the Courts may not inquire into
the validity of the grounds upon which emergency was called. The powers given to the Central
Government under this form of emergency virtually have no limits.
• During the period of 1973-75, political unrest against the Indira Gandhi led government was
on its peak. During this period many of the party leaders within congress, demanded a system
which works more like a presidential one, where there would be directly elected executives in
the party. Nav Nirman movement in Gujarat, between December 1973 and March 1974 was
one of the first movements which begun the strife in the nation. During this movement the
central government was forced to dissolve the state legislature in Gujarat and chief minister
Chimanbhai Patel had to resign, which resulted in President’s rule over Gujarat.
• There were other such activities and revolts against the government
that were taking place during the period which included students,
peasants, labor organizations, employees, unions and opposition
• Indira Gandhi was found guilty by the Allahabad High Court on
several accounts and was charged for malpractice during the
previous campaigns during her Lok Sabha seat election. Even
within the parliament the government was undergoing much
criticism from the opposition parties.
• The government led by Indira Gandhi claimed that the recent war
between India and Pakistan along with the oil crisis in 1973 has
drastically affected the economy of the country that has resulted
into price rise of consumer goods. Apart from these, there were
challenges to fight with the effects of drought in the country and
consequently there was a rise of internal threats from various parts
of the country against the government due to elevation of starvation
and debt issues.
• Unemployment and increasing laboring population generated fume
and outrage all over the nation. The government claimed that the
regular strikes and protests by the citizens have paralyzed the
government and its economy and there was anomaly on streets as
well as political opposition prevailing in many part of the country.
Timeline of key events during the emergency :-
 July 1st, 1975, Economic and Social reforms: Civil Liberties were suspended
and the government introduced a mandatory birth control program. During the
emergency, Mrs Gandhi’s 20-Point programme promised to liquidate the
existing debts of landless laborers, small farmers and rural artisans. The
programme planned to extend alternate credit to them, abolish bonded labor
and implement the existing agricultural land ceiling laws. It provided house
sites to landless laborers and weaker sections and it revised upwards minimum
wages of agricultural labor. The program also provided special help to the
handloom industry by bringing down the prices, preventing tax evasion and
smuggling, increasing production and streamlining distribution of essential
commodities. It increased the limit of income tax exemption up to Rs 8000,
and liberalized investment procedures.
• July 4th, 1975, Four parties banned: The government of India banned four major religious, political and revolutionary parties and 22 associated parties

with them. These parties included the Anad Marg, Rashtriya Swayamasevak, the Naxalites and the Jamaa-e-Islami-e-Hind.

• August 3rd, 1975: An amendment to the Representation of the People Act was drafted to clear Indira Gandhi from the Allahabad high court ruling of June

12th 1975.

• August 4th, 1975: A least 50,000 or more people had be jailed in India since the declaration of Emergency.

• August 15th, 1975: Bangladesh President Mujibar Rahaman was assassinated by Bangladeshi military leaders and this incident gave rise to new external

problems in India.

• September 15th, 1975: Delhi High Court ruled that charges must be entered when arrested under the Internal Security Act.

• September 26th, 1975: Constitution (39th Amendment) Bill 1975 allowing the

election of a Prime Minister beyond the scrutiny of the parliament was


• January 9th, 1976 : The government suspends seven freedoms guaranteed by

Article 19 of the Constitution of India.

• February 4th, 1976: Lok Sabha's life extended by one year.

• November 2nd, 1976: Lok Sabha passes 42nd Constitution Amendment Bill

making India a socialist, secular, republic and laying down the fundamental

duties of citizens.

• January 18th, 1976 : The President dissolves Lok Sabha

• March 21st, 1976 : Emergency withdrawn.

• March 22nd, 1976 : Janata Party gains absolute majority

• Deprivation of fundamental rights to the citizen
• All possible bans on media

• Ruling out of certain other political parties

• Political revolutions inside the country

• many changes were brought to the Indian constitution in one single sweep.

• The Gandhi Government laid out some rules for the journalists across the country and they were told about “guidelines” to follow.

All the newspapers in the country were asked to take permission before publishing any anything by the Press Advisor.
Post-Emergency Period
-Charges and Endorsemen
The 21 month Emergency period was long and intensive, enough to leave
permanent scars. The Janata Party was now the ruling party in India. The
Janata government’s response to the natural calamities (seasonal floods and their
associated devastation) and old Indian Problems proved no more effective than
other methods had been in the past. Thus social and political discontent were
very much present in the post-emergency India. It became harder for the
government with the increase in smuggling, strikes and social
protests. Moreover, no satisfactory solution was produced that insured the
Indian people and the democratic institutions that they will not be threatened by
Emergency again. In response to this, the Shah commission was appointed by
the new government on May 28th 1977. The commission inquired into the
allegations of abuse of authority and the malpractices during the emergency
period. The commission found that Indira Gandhi had been motivated by
considerations of exigency, as there was no concrete evidence that could warrant
the declaration of emergency. She never consulted the cabinet with her decisions
and the citizens were denied their basic freedom.
Charges against the government during the Emergency era:
• Wanton detention of innocent people by police without charge or
notification of families.
• Abuse and torture of detainees and political prisoners.
• Use of public and private media institutions, like the national television
network Doordarshan, for propaganda.
• Forced vasectomy of thousands of men under the infamous family
planning initiative. Indira's son, Sanjay Gandhi, was blamed for this
abusive and forcible treatment of people.
• Arbitrary destruction of the slum and low-income housing in the Turkman
Gate and Jama masjid area of old Delhi.
 Taking these findings into consideration, the Janata government’s Home
Minister, Choudhary Charan Sigh ordered the arrest of Indira and Sanjay
Gandhi. The arrest meant that Indira was automatically expelled from
Parliament. However, this strategy backfired disastrously. Her arrest and longrunning trial,
gained her great sympathy from many people who had feared her as a tyrant just two years earlier.
Mrs. Gandhi succeeded in defying both the courts and the government over the alleged
improprieties committed even before the emergency. She began giving speeches again, tacitly apologizing for
"mistakes" made during the Emergency, thus proceeding with her political
comeback in the backdrop of the crumbling rule of the Janata party. This set up
the stage for the 1980 elections, which brought Indira Gandhi back to the office.
The Emergency was endorsed by Vinoba Bhave (who called it Anushasan
parva or Time for discipline) and Mother Teresa. Pioneer industrialist
J.R.D Tata, and writer Khushwant Singh were among the other prominent
supporters. Some have argued that India badly needed economic recovery
after the Indo-Pak war had strained the exchequer. Indira's 20-point
economic program increased agricultural production, manufacturing
activity, exports and foreign reserves. The national economy achieved high
levels of growth and investment, and as strikes were non-existent,
productivity increased rapidly. Communal Hindu-Muslim riots, which had
re-surfaced in the 1960s, and 70s, virtually ceased, and initially the
government seemed to be working with vigor. Police in cities had sweeping
powers to destroy gang and syndicate structure.

21 months of emergency proved to us that the Government has powers to make certain orders.
Emergency affected Indira Gandhi, as well as the Government under her Governance badly but certain
political strategies as well as plans and actions, made her the Prime Minister again. The main slogan of
the Government was ‘Hatao Garibi’ which means eliminate poverty throughout their period of
Governance. Many critics stated that the Iron Lady of India made one of the biggest mistakes in the
history of India.
 Fine Balance is the third book by Rohinton Mistry. Set in Mumbai, India, between 1975 and
1977 during the turmoil of The Emergency Period, a period of expanded government power
and crackdowns on civil liberties, this book is about four characters from varied
backgrounds—Dina Dalal, Ishvar Darji, his nephew Omprakash and the young lad Maneck
—who come together, develop a bond and depart from each other's lives as dramatically as
they came.
 Hazaaron Khwaishein Aisi, (2005) is an Indian Movie made by director Sudhir
Mishra. Set against the backdrop of the Indian Emergency, the movie tells the story
of three people in the 70s, when India was undergoing massive social and political
 Midnight's Children is a 1981 novel by Salman Rushdie. It is a loose allegory for
events in India both before and, primarily, after the independence and partion of
India, which took place at midnight on 15th August, 1947. The protagonist and
narrator of the story is Saleem Sinai, a telepath with a nasal defect, Who is born at
the exact moment that India becomes independent. Saleem Sinai
I would like to express my sincere gratitude towards my pol science teacher, SAJAL
to her for providing me the golden opportunity to do this wonderful project , Topic-
NATIONAL EMERGENCY. I came to know about so many things. I am really
thankful to her.

This is to certify that PUNYA GUPTA a student of class XI-K has successfully
completed the research on the below mentioned projects under the guidance of
Ms.Sajal chawla (subject teacher) during the year 2019-2020 and have been
successfully completed it.

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