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Chemical Engineering Flash

A function is said to be continuous at x = xo if

a) The limit is infinity

b) The function at x is not defined
c) The limit exists
d) It has a zero denominator

c) The limit exists

This is used to obtain the point of inflection.

a) first derivative test only

b) second derivative test only
c) third derivative test only
d) second and third derivative tests

d) second and third derivative tests

If the velocity and acceleration have the
same sign, then the speed is
a) decreasing
b) increasing
c) not changing
d) infinite

b) increasing
A function is said to be continuous at x = xo if
a) The limit is infinity
b) The function at x is not defined
c) The limit exists
d) It has a zero denominator

c) The limit exists

This is used to obtain the point of inflection.

a) first derivative test only

b) second derivative test only
c) third derivative test only
d) second and third derivative tests

d) second and third derivative tests

If the velocity and acceleration have the same
sign, then the speed is
a) decreasing
b) increasing
c) not changing
d) infinite

b) increasing
• The moment diagram for a beam uniformly
loaded with a concentrated load in the centre
is the sum of
– A. two trianlges
– B. a rectangle and a triangle
– C. a parabola and a triangle
– D. a rectangle and a trapezoid

• C
• Capacitance is defined as
a) the ratio of charge to the potential difference
b) the ratio of current to electromotive force
c) the ratio of potential difference to the charge
d) the ratio of electromotive force to current

a) the ratio of charge to the potential difference

• It states that the condition of equilibrium or motion of
a rigid body will remain unchanged if a force acting
on a given point of the rigid body is replaced by
another force of the same magnitude and same
direction but acting at different point provided that
the two forces have the same line of action.
a) Principle of Translation
b) Varignon’s Theorem
c) Principle of Transmissiblity
d) Sliding Vector Theorem

C) Principle of Transmissibility
• These are structures designed to support load
that are usually stationary and fully

a) Frames c. Trusses
b) Beams d. Machines

c. Trusses
• It is the point at which there is an appreciable
elongation of material without any
corresponding increase in load.
a) proportional limit c. ultimate strength
b) yield point d. necking

B) yield point
• It is the maximum safe stress that a material
can carry
a) working stress c. allowable
b) ultimate strength d. normal stress

• A) working stress
• It is the slope of the straight line portion of
the stress-strain diagram.
a) Modulus of rigidity
b) Modulus of elasticity
c) Allowable stress
d) Poisson ratio

b) Modulus of elasticity
• The angle of twist of a shaft is
a) proportional to the polar moment of inertia of
the given section
b) proportional to the Modulus of Rigidity of the
c) inversely proportional to the polar moment of
inertia of the given section
d) not a function of the length of the material
where the torque is applied

c) inversely proportional to the polar moment of

inertia of the given section
• This force is a measure of the pulling or
pushing action perpendicular to the section
where the force is applied.
a) shear force c. torque
b) axial force d. bending moment

B) axial force
• It is the stress caused by forces acting along or
parallel to the area resisting the force.

a) bearing stress c. tangential stress

b) normal stress d. axial stress

c. tangential stress
• The property of wave that distinguishes them
from anything is which can be seen
when waves from two different sources come

– A. Frequency
– B. Wavelength
– C. Interference
– D. Speed
Where T is the period of the planet, r is the planet’s mean distance
from the sun, and C is a constant. What are the values of a and
b? (5 points per correct value)

When unpolarized light is reflect from a plane surface boundary between two
transparent media, the reflected light is partially polarized. For a certain
angle of incidence called the polarizing angle θP, the reflected light is
completely polarized. If n1 is the index of refraction of the first medium
and n2 is that of the second medium,

This is the equation form of what law?

Brewster’s law
It is a load which ac1t0sseocvonedrsa
considerable length of a beam or over a
part of a beam.
A. distributed load
B. concentrated load
C. dead load
D. critical load

According to this theorem, “the moment of
force is equal to the sum of the moments of
its components
A. Varignon’s theorem
B. D’ Alembert’s principle
C. Bernoulli’s theorem
D. Pappus’ theorem

It is the rate at which a body or substance
either absorbs or produces energy

Answer: power
The axis of a hyperbola which is parallel
to its directrices is known as


What do you call the group of atoms that
constitutes a polymer chain repeat unit?

It is the solid generated by the rotation of
an ellipse about its minor axis.

It is the branch of dynamics which describes the
motion of bodies without reference to the
forces which either cause the motion or are
generated as a result of the motion. It is often
referred to as the geometry of motion.

Given N elements, what do you call the
ratio of N to the sum of the reciprocals of
the N elements?


• It is a series of uniform payment over a
period of specific time?

• Annuity
The area of a surface generated by rotating
any plane curve about an intersecting axis in
its plane is equal to the product of the
length of the curve and the distance traveled
by its centroid. This statement is called

CHE-MC04 Unit Operations (10 sec, 5
Poisson’s ratio is
A. ratio of modulus of elasticity to shear
B. ratio of lateral strain to longitudinal
C. ratio of plastic strain to elastic strain
D. ratio of cross-sectional area under strainis
to original cross-sectional area
Poisson’s ratio is
A. ratio of modulus of elasticity to shear

B. ratio of lateral strain to longitudinal

C. ratio of plastic strain to elastic strain

D. ratio of cross-sectional area under

strain to original cross-sectional area
This quantity refers to the total opposition to the flow of
current in alternating current circuits ?

Answer: Impedance ( Z )
Which of the following is true about two
bodies undergoing perfect elastic condition?

– A. Their kinetic energy increases and they separate afterwards.

– B. Their kinetic energy decreases and they separate afterwards.
– C. Their kinetic energy does not change and they do not separate
– D. Their kinetic energy does not change and they separate
Which phenomenon can occur with light,
but not with sound?
– A: Doppler effect
– B: Interference
– C: Polarization
– D: Refraction
• A fisherman standing on the bank of a pond wishes to spear a
fish. In what manner should he aim?

A. A little above the point where he sees the fish

B. A little below the point where he sees the fish
C. Exactly at the point where he sees the fish
D. In any way as long as he is quick enough

Which of the following substances in aqueous
solution of the same concentration will have
the highest boiling point elevation?
– A. KCl
– B. Na2SO4
– D. NaCl
Which of the following does not describe the
a. It is not amendable to further
mathematical manipulations
b. It is easily affected by extreme
c. The total deviation of observations from is
d. none of the above
Copper is the only metal that is
naturally antibacterial.
It is a graph showing the
temperature dependence of the stability for

Ans: Ellingham Diagram

Derived the word nuclear fission.

Ans: Lise Mietner

The coldest state of matter — Bose-Einstein
Condensate superfluid — defies gravity
and instead of flowing down, it flows
Discovered shape-memory alloys.

Ans: William J. Buechler

The hottest chilli pepper in the
world is the Trinidad Moruga
Scorpion (1.2 million Scoville Heat
DNA is flame retardant…
Osmium is the densest known stable element
on Earth.
Determined how the spacing of crystals leads to
different X-ray diffraction patterns.
Ans: William and Lawrence Bragg
(father and son)
Determined the double helix structure of DNA.
Ans: Rosalind Franklin, Maurice James, James
Watson and Francis Crick
The eight 'Noble metals' — ruthenium,
rhodium, palladium, silver, osmium, iridium,
platinum and gold — do not rust.
An ionic compound that could be melted from a
conducting medium that would dissolved
Al2O3 but would not interfere with electrolysis
Ans: Cryolite
Tabletop "volcanoes" can be created using
'Vesuvian Fire' compound

Ammonium dichromate.
Talc is the softest known substance.
Fermionic Condensate
is a superfluid phase formed by fermionic
particles at low temperatures. It is closely
related to the Bose–Einstein condensate, a
superfluid phase formed by bosonic atoms
under similar conditions. Unlike the Bose–
Einstein condensates, fermionic condensates are
formed using fermions instead of bosons.
The earliest recognized fermionic condensate
described the state of electrons in a
superconductor; the physics of other examples
including recent work with fermionic atoms is
analogous. The first atomic fermionic condensate
was created by Deborah S. Jin in 2003. A chiral
condensate is an example of a fermionic
condensate that appears in theories of massless
fermions with chiral symmetry breaking.
What are the products of the following
a. Oxidation of formaldehyde ANS.
Formic Acid
b. Hydrolysis of an ether ANS. Alcohol
c. Hydrolysis of the CN group ANS.
d. Saponification of a fat ANS. Glycerol and salts
of fatty acids
e. Inversion of sugar ANS. Glucose and Fructose
Two types of non-material nuclear radiation.
Ans: Gamma Rays and X-rays
Absolutely pure gold is so soft that it can be
moulded with the hands.
The element Californium is often called the
most expensive substance in the world (as
much as $68 million for one gram.)
A rubber band shrinks when heated and
expands when cooled because of the change in
its Entropy state.
A neutron star has such density that a
teaspoonful of its matter would weigh more
than all the people on Earth.
Radar is an abbreviation of
Radio Detection And Ranging.
Each time lightning strikes, some Ozone gas is
produced, thus strengthening the Ozone Layer
in the Earth's
Light does not age.
Astatine is the rarest element on Earth (approx
28 g in the Earth's entire crust.)
Mosquitoes like the scent of estrogen, hence,
women get bitten by mosquitoes more often
than men do.
Laser is an abbreviation of Light Amplification
by Stimulated Emission of Radiation.
Hot water freezes faster than cold
water (the Mpemba effect.)
Sunlight exerts pressure (solar radiation
Chalk is made of trillions of microscopic
skeleton fossils of plankton
The world's densest wood, the Black
Ironwood (Olea laurifolia), does not float on
water and therefore sinks.
The lightning bolt is 3 times hotter than the
With the strongest winds, Neptune is the
windiest planet in the Solar System.
Find the only
Boomerang Nebula is the coldest known place
in the universe.
95% of all matter in the universe is invisible,
and is called the Dark Matter.
Proxima Centauri is the nearest star to us after
the Sun.
The largest known star –Westerlund 1-26 – is
2000 times bigger than the Sun.
All 27 of Uranus moons are named after
William Shakespeare and Alexander Pope
Venus and Uranus are the only planets that
rotate clockwise (retrograde rotation.)
Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune are made
up of just gas with no solid surface to land on.
Mars is red because its soil is very rusty (iron
The bark of the redwood tree is fireproof.
Diamonds are the hardest known substance.
After helium and hydrogen, the most common
element on the Sun is oxygen.
At 25, Physicist Lawrence Bragg is the youngest
person to receive a Nobel Prize.
Atom is over 99.9% empty space.
The most powerful lasers are made
with Neodymium-doped Yttrium crystals. In a
fraction of a second, they produce more power
than the whole United States.
The most slippery substance in the world –
polytetrafluoroethene (PTFE, or Teflon) – was
discovered accidentally.
Eighty-five percent of all life on Earth is
If a person or an animal is born colorblind, they
instantly have excellent night vision.
The brain uses more than 25% of the oxygen
used by the human body.
The longest living cells in the body are brain
cells which can live an entire lifetime.
Red blood cells have no nucleus.
The right half of the brain controls the left side
of our body muscles, and the left controls the
The synthetic biological cell "Synthia" is the
first living organism whose parent is not a living
thing but a computer.
The femur (thigh bone) is the largest and
longest bone in the human body.
Corneas are the only tissues that don't require
The biggest egg in the world is the ostrich egg.
It could take as many as 30 chicken eggs to
equal its volume, and up to 2 hours to hard
The nerves in our body are most concentrated
in our fingertips.
While only 2% in weight, the human brain
requires 15% of the body's heart work, 20% of
oxygen and 25% of all glucose.
The normal energy used by our brain is 0.1
calories per minute, and could go up to 1.5
during activities such as puzzle-solving.
The human brain is 80% water.
The ovum (female egg cell) is the largest cell in
the human body.
The element Californium is often called the
most expensive substance in the world (as
much as $68 million for one gram.)
A red blood cell takes 20 seconds to circulate
around the human body.
The largest organ of the human body is the
A rubber tyre is actually one single giant
The heaviest element found so far is
Ununoctium (Uuo) with atomic number 118.
Pluto is no longer considered a planet. It is now
known as a "Dwarf Planet".
From 0 to 1000, the letter "A" only appears
in 1000 ("one thousand").
40 when written "forty" is the only number
with letters in alphabetical order, while "one"
is the only one with letters in reverse order.
A Palindrome Number is a number that reads
the same backwards and forward,
The value of zero was first used by the ancient
Indian mathematician Aryabhata.
Pi (3.14159...) is a number that cannot be
written as a fraction.
2 is called the "oddest" Even-Prime number. 2
is a unique Even-Prime because while all Evens
are divisible by 2, any number apart from 2 that
is divisible by 2, is not a Prime.
The term Googol (10100, ie, 10 followed by 100
zeros) was invented by a 9-year old boy Milton
The Reuleaux Triangle is a shape of constant
width other than a circle.
The opposite sides of a dice cube always add up
to seven.
The digits to the right of the
Pi's (3.141...) decimal point can keep going
forever, and there is no pattern to these digits
at all.
2 and 5 are the only prime numbers that end in
2 or 5.
The Moon orbits the Earth every 27.32 days
Sound travels about 4 times faster in water
than in air.
There is a high and low tide because of our
moon and the Sun.
Sunlight takes about 8 minutes & 20 seconds to
reach the Earth at 299,792 km/s(186,282 mi/s).
An Astronaut can be up to 2 inches taller
returning from space. The cartilage disks in the
spine expand in the absence of gravity.
The sky is blue because when sunlight collides
with our atmosphere, colours of the shortest
wavelengths (violet and blue) are scattered -
and our eyes are more sensitive to see blue.
The planet Venus has the longest day.
The Earth is the densest planet in the Solar
Aluminium is the most common metal in the
Earth's crust (8 percent of its weight.)
Unlike any other element,helium does not
Hot water freezes faster cold
than water (the Mpemba effect.)
Astatine is the rarest element on Earth (approx
28 g in the Earth's entire crust.)
The six states of matter
are: Plasmas,Gases, Solids, Bose-
Einstein and Fermionic
The coldest state of matter —Bose-Einstein
Condensatesuperfluid — defies gravity
and instead of flowing down, it flows
The metal with the highest melting point
is tungsten, at 3410 degrees Celsius (6170F).
Mosquitoes like the scent of estrogen, hence,
women get bitten by mosquitoes more often
than men do.
Mercury is the only metal that is liquid at room
Copper is the only metal that is naturally
DNA is flame retardant (does not catch fire.)
Osmium is the densest known stable element
on Earth.
The eight 'Noble metals' — ruthenium,
rhodium, palladium, silver, osmium, iridium,
platinum and gold — do not rust.
Twenty percent of Earth's oxygen is produced
by the Amazon forest.
Gallium is a metal which melts on palm of the
hand, due to its low melting point (29.76 °C).
Gold and Copper are the only two non-white
The amount of carbon in the human body is
enough to fill about 9,000 'lead' pencils.
A bee sting is acidic and a wasp sting is alkali.
To treat a sting by one of these you should use
the opposite type of chemical.
Honey does not spoil.
Absolutely pure gold is so soft that it can be
moulded with the hands.
The hottest chilli pepper in the world is
theTrinidad Moruga Scorpion (1.2 million
Scoville Heat Units.)
The lighter was invented before the match(in
1816 by J.W. Dobereiner).
If you slowly pour a handful of salt into a
totally full glass of water it will not overflow. In
fact, the water level will go down.
Water expands by about 10% as it freezes.
Liquid air looks like water with a bluish tint.
Hydrogen gas is the least dense substance.
Hydrogen is the most abundant element in the
Universe (75%).
Oxygen is the most abundant element in the
Earth's crust, waters, and
atmosphere(about 49.5%).
The only letter not appearing on the Periodic
Table is the letter J.
Hydrofluoric acid will dissolve glass.
Each time lightning strikes, some Ozone gas is
produced, thus strengthening the Ozone Layer
in the Earth's atmosphere.
Natural gas has no odour. The smell is added
artificially so that leaks can be detected.
Dynamite contains peanuts as an ingredient.
Talc is the softest known substance.
Substance used in automobile antifreeze.
Ans: Ethylene Glycol
A substance sold as rubbing alcohol.
Ans: Isopropyl alcohol
It is based on observation of the changes in the
concentration about the electrodes due to
Ans: Hittorf’s method for determining transport
It is a method in determining transport numbers
where the motion of ions is observed directly
rather than through the concentration changes
at the electrodes.
Ans: Moving boundary method
A device for determining the of
an unknown resistance by comparison with

known standard resistance.

Ans: Wheatstone Bridge
States that at infinite dilution, where dissociation
for all electrolytes is complete and where all
interionic effects disappear, each ion migrates
independently of its co-ion, and contributes to the
total equivalent conductance of an electrolyte a
definite share which depends only on its own
nature and not at all on that of the ion with which it
is associated.
Ans: Kohlrausch’s Law of Independent Migration of
It is used as the plastic laminate in preparation
of automobile windshield.
Ans: Poly(vinyl butyral)
A thermosetting resin often used to make plastic
dishes, is prepared by heating melamine with
Ans: Melmac
It is a phenolic resin, produced by reaction of
phenol and formaldehyde. It is widely used for
molded parts, adhesives, coatings and even high
temperature applications such as missile nose
Ans: Bakelite
The largest known protein that, in humans, is
encoded by the TTN gene that functions as a
molecular spring which is responsible for the
passive elasticity of muscle.
Ans: Titin also known as Connectin
The first fission of Uranium-235 was first
achieved in Rome by-
Ans: Enrico Fermi and his colleagues
It is a characteristic of a metal, the energy
required to remove an electron from metal to
Ans: Work function
Ponds with the depth of 1.0 to 2.5 meters
having an anaerobic lower zone, facultative
zone, and aerobic upper
maintained by and
photosynthesis reaeration.

Ans: Facultative pond

Deep ponds receiving high organic loadings such
that anaerobic conditions prevail throughout
entire pond depth.
Ans: Anaerobic ponds
Ponds used for polishing effluents from other
biological processes. Dissolved oxygen is
furnished through photosynthesis and surface
reaeration. This type of pond is also known as
polishing pond.
Ans: Maturation or tertiary ponds
Ponds oxygenated through the action of surface
or diffused air aeration.
Ans: Aerated lagoons
The divergence of energy density of black-body
radiation at high frequencies.
Ans: Ultraviolet Catastrophe
It states that only light which is absorbed can be
effective in producing chemical change.
Ans: Grotthus-Draper Law (1st Law
of Photochemistry)
It states that any molecule or atom activated by
light absorbs only one quantum of the light
which causes the activation which is also known
as the 2nd law of photochemistry.
Ans: Einstein Law of Photochemical Equivalence
This law states that whenever a parent nucleus
emits an alpha particle, its atomic number is
decreased by two units, and the new element is
shifted two positions to the left in the periodic table
from that of the parent. On the other hand, when
the parent nucleus emits a beta particle, the atomic
number is increased by ONE, and hence the product
is shifted one place to the right in the periodic
Ans: Fajans-Soddy-Russel Displacement Law
Where more than one contaminant can be
adsorbed, the one having the lesser solubility is
adsorbed the greater extent.
Ans: Paneth-Fajans-Hahn Rule
Responsible for foul odor of socks.
Ans: Caproic Acid
It is used in space vehicles to remove carbon
dioxide exhaled by astronauts.
Ans: Solid Lithium Hydroxide
It is a common fuel for cooking and home
Ans: Propane
It is used to produce nylon.
Ans: Adipic Acid
A laughing gas and used as anesthetic in
Ans: Nitrous oxide
A substance used as a food preservative.
Ans: Benzoic Acid
A foul smelling substance by the action of
bacteria on meat.
Ans: Cadaverine
It is the heart of a chemical manufacturing
Ans: Reactor stage
The Reaumur scale, also known as
the “octagesimal division” is used to measure-
Ans. temperature
It is an ancient linen cloth bearing
the image of a man who appears
to have been physically traumatized
in a manner consistent with crucifi-
xion. Many believe it is the cloth
that covered Jesus of Nazareth
when he was placed in his tomb
and that his image was somehow
recorded on its fibers at or near
the time of his proclaimed resur-
Who discovered X-rays?
Ans: Wilhelm Roentgen
It is a measure of the total organic and ammonia
nitrogen in the wastewater.
Ans: Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen (TKN)
Trace quantities of this element is required in
the diet of humans to aid in the synthesis of
Ans: Copper
It is the most common substance being studied
by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance.
Ans: Hydrogen
The chemical most commonly used to speed
sedimentation of sewage is
Ans: lime
It is the activity where th biggest release of
dopamine occurs
Ans: Orgasm
It is commonly known as a “flight or fight”
Ans: Epinephrine (Adrenalin)
Describes a group of symptoms that some
people experience after eating Asian foods that
contains significant amount of MSG.
Ans: Chinese Restaurant Syndrome
A tryptophan derivative, plays a key role in
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS).
Ans: Serotonin
A peptide hormone which plays a role in the
control of blood pressure by regulating
contraction of smooth muscle, stimulates
absorption of water by the kidneys having
antidiuretic effect.
Ans: Vasopressin
Nearest layer of atmosphere from earth’s
Ans: Troposphere
An amino acid that technically is not an amino
Ans: Proline (Pro, P)
Which would be better to eat before an exam, a
glass of milk or a piece of cheese? Why?
Ans: Cheese, the tryptophan in milk might make
you sleepy whereas the tyramine in cheese
should pep you up.
Why might a glass of warm milk help you sleep
at night?
Ans: The high concentration of milk protein may
mildly elevate the levels of serotonin which
relaxes the brain.
What is the product when ethanoyl chloride is
reacted with propanol?
Ans: Ethyl ethanoate (an ester) is formed
What is the primary use of ethylene?
Ans: Ripening of fruits
Where does an enzyme capsaicin commonly
Ans: capsicum
What is the other name of Bulk Temperature?
Ans: Mixing Cup Temperature
What is the method that Wohler do to break the
Vital Force Theory of Nature?
Ans: Heating NH4Cl with AgCN to form Urea
What happens to the pH of carbonated drinks if
its opened in atmospheric condition?
Ans: Increase (less acidic)
What law is the PRC Modernization Act?
Ans: RA 8981
Identified Gamma Radiation
Ans: Villard
Author of Octet Rule
Ans: Gilbert Lewis
Iodine vapor forms iodine crystals when it
touches a cold surface. What is the reverse of
the process?
Ans: Sublimation
Notation on alkane containing Cl
Ans: chloro
Characteristics of elements under group 1A
Ans: has 1 electron on its outermost energy
Adolf Baeyer’s contribution to medicine, made
by reacting malonic acid and urea with a catalyst
Ans: Barbituric Acid
Which layer of the atmosphere contains ozone
Ans: stratosphere
Composition of Acid in Acid Rain
Ans: Nitric and Sulfuric
How to differentiate alkane, alkene and alkyne?
Ans: reaction of Br2
Particle with same mass as proton
Ans: neutron
Other term for earth wax
Ans: ozocerite
What happens to the melting point of a
saturated fatty acid if –CH2- is increased?
Ans: increase
Chemical Engineering Principles
Other name of Yamatake system (process
automation DCS)
Ans: azbil
Chemical Engineering Principles
What is used in ultrasonic flow meters?
Ans: Doppler
Chemical Engineering Principles
It is a fill-and-draw type reactor system involving
a single-mix reactor in which all steps of the
activated sludge process occur. Mixed liquor
remains in the reactor during all cycles, thereby
eliminating the need for separate secondary
sedimentation tanks.
Ans: Sequencing batch reactor
Chemical Engineering Principles
Which of the following is not dependent on
temperature and wavelength?
Ans: Gray Body
Chemical Engineering Principles
Electronic noise inside an electric
conductor which is independent of applied
Ans: Johnson Noise
Chemical Engineering Principles
Difference between measured value and
Ans: error
Chemical Engineering Principles
In a series of arrangement, or multiple effect, it
states that one unit of steam will evaporate as
many units of water as there are vessels, or
Ans: Rillieux Principle
Chemical Engineering Principles
What industry produces electricity aside from its
main product and is itself a power plant?
Ans: Sugar Industry
Chemical Engineering Principles
What unit operation originated in TRONA
Ans: Crystallization
Chemical Engineering Principles
If the concentration of the reactant increases,
the half life decreases, what order of reaction is
Ans: 2nd Order
Chemical Engineering Principles
What order is the reactiontime directly to
proportional the concentration of
the reactant?

Ans: Zero Order

Chemical Engineering Principles
What process uses the system in
MIMO controlling its process
Ans: Distilllation
Chemical Engineering Principles
How is the fluctuation in the process controlled?
Ans: Equipping the instrument with integral
Chemical Engineering Principles
What do you call the temperature in which the
reactor condition cannot be controlled?
Ans: Runaway Temperature
The pink color of flamingo feathers is cause by
the presence in the bird’s diet of .
Ans: Beta-carotene
The burning sensation produced by touching or
eating chillipeppers is due to:
Ans: capsaicin, a carboxylic acid derivative called
an amide
Responsible for distinctive odor of fish
Ans: Trimethylamine
Produced by honeybees from nectar of flowers,
primarily an equimolar
of mixture
honey is
Ans: two simple sugars, fructose and glucose
The building blocks of life called proteins are
aptly named after Proteus, the early Greek-
seagod whose name means first or
Ans: Primordial
Soap bubbles are made from
Ans: animal fat, a lipid
Who coined the word Serendipity?
Ans: Horace Walpole
The difference between the saturation
concentration and actual concentration
Ans: Deficit
Oxygen consumption due to oxidation of carbon
Ans: Carbonaceous BOD
Oxygen consumption due to nitrogen oxidation
Ans: Nitrogenous BOD
The respiration of organisms living in sediments
Ans: Benthic Demand
It is the sum of all titratable bases down to pH
Ans: Alkalinity
The growth of a plant is dependent on the
amount of food stuff that is presented to it in
minimum quantity.
Ans: Liebig’s law of the minimum
This controls the quantity of algal growth in
Ans: amount of phosphorus
Zinc-containing enzyme, found in red blood cells
and its job is to facilitate the reaction of CO2
with H2O to form HCO3-
Ans: Carbonic anhydrase
Consist of a protein called opsin bonded to a
reddish purple pigment called retinal (Vitamin
Ans: Rhodopsin
Related to the minimum energy needed to
excite an electron in the molecule.
Ans: HOMO-LUMO gap
Performed a famous experiment to determine
the speed of light.
Ans: A.A. Michelson
Tells us the probability of finding the electron at
a specific point in space that is a distance r from
the nucleus.
Ans: probability density
Succeeded in separating a beam of neutral
atoms into two groups by passing them through
a nonhomogeneous magnetic field.
Ans: Otto Stern and Walter Gerlach
The average thickness of ozone layer in the
stratosphere is about:
Ans 230 dobson unit (DU)
Maximum attainable temperature that is
assumed when the combustion reaction goes to
completion adiabatically.
Ans: Theoretical Flame Temperature
Chemical Engineering Principles
Particle concussion by a single rigid force
Ans: Impact
Chemical Engineering Principles
Particle disintegration by two rigid forces.
Ans: Compression
Chemical Engineering Principles
Produced by a fluid or by particle–particle
Ans: Shear
Chemical Engineering Principles
Arising from particles scraping against one
another or against a rigid surface.
Ans: Attrition
Chemical Engineering Principles
This is a measure of the coefficient of friction of
the surface of the material.
Ans: Soapiness
Chemical Engineering Principles
It is a length of river specified by the engineer
on the basis of its homogeneity, that is, channel
shape, bottom composition, slope and so forth.
Ans: Reach
Chemical Engineering Principles
The upper layer of water through which sunlight
can penetrate.
Ans: Euphotic Zone
Chemical Engineering Principles
The shallow water near the shore in
which rooted water plants can grow.
Ans: Littoral Zone
Chemical Engineering Principles
It is formed along the coastline where
freshwater from rivers and streams flow into the
Ans: Estuary
Chemical Engineering Principles
Suggested the need for a mechanical engineer
with working knowledge in the chemical
industry and is considered as the Father of
Chemical Engineering.
Ans: George Davis
Chemical Engineering Principle
Who is responsible for coining the term “unit
Ans: Arthur D. Little
Chemical Engineering Principles
The fluid streams are mixed together for a
period long enough for them to come close to
thermodynamic equilibrium, following which
they are separated, and each phase is then
passed countercurrently to the next stage where
the process is repeated.
Ans: Stagewise Processes
Chemical Engineering Principles
What unit operation depends on differences in
Ans: Fractional Distillation
Chemical Engineering Principles
What unit operation is based on differences in
solubility of the gases in a selective absorbent?
Ans: Gas Absorption
Chemical Engineering Principles
Material for bulletproof vest.
Ans: Polymethylacrylate
Chemical Engineering Principles
What scientist first determined that human sight
results from images projected onto the retina?
Ans: Johannes Kepler
Chemical Engineering Principles
The name of what medical condition comes
from Greek roots meaning “bad word”.
Ans: Dyslexia
Chemical Engineering Principles
Nucleophile of chymotrypsin reaction
Ans: Serine 195
Chemical Engineering Principles
Contains genetic information.
Ans: DNA
Chemical Engineering Principles
Bond angle of NH3 if there is no lone pair.
Ans: 109.5 degrees
Chemical Engineering Principles
Application of Telomerase as indicator for
Ans: Cancer development and immortalizing
cells for therapeutic processes
Chemical Engineering Principles
Active ingredient in sunblock.
Ans: Zinc oxide and Titanium dioxide
Chemical Engineering Principles
Number of acetic acid formed by complete beta
oxidation of n-octane?
Ans: 4

(divide lg sa two)
Chemical Engineering Principles
In two-phase theory of fluidization, the two
phases are:
Ans: Particulate (emulsion) phase and bubble
Chemical Engineering Principles
It is designed and manufactured by specialist
firms such as pumps, compressors, filters,
centrifuges and dryers.
Ans: Proprietary equipment
Chemical Engineering Principles
It is designed as special, one-off items for
particular processes such as reactors, distilling
columns and heat exchangers.
Ans: Nonproprietary equipment
Chemical Engineering Principles
The liquid and vapour streams leave in
thermodynamic equilibrium with each another
for this plate.
Ans: Ideal plate
Chemical Engineering Principles
It is based on the selectivity of an immiscible
liquid solvent for one of the constituents.
Ans: Liquid-liquid Extraction
Chemical Engineering Principles
Is the tendency to fracture during normal
Ans: Friability
ChE Laws
Give the full name of the person who holds the
registration number 1 in the Roster of Chemical
Engineers in the Philippines.
Ans: Engr. Felix V. Espino
ChE Thermodynamics
This equation, also known as the Vukancic-
Vukovic equation in chemical thermodynamics,
relates the change in temperature T to the
change in the equilibrium constant K, given the
standard enthalpy change ΔHofor the process.
Answer: Van’t Hoff equation
It is a sequence in which every element after the
first is obtained by multiplying the preceding
element by a fixed nonzero number.
Answer: geometric sequence
Organic Chemistry
A carbonium ion is any cation that has a
pentavalent carbon atom bearing a +1 electric
charge. The stability of the carbonium ion
depends on-
Ans. The substate with which it reacts
Chemical Process Industries
Natural rubber, obtained by tapping latex from
the rubber tree, consists of suitable polymers of
what organic compound?
Ans. Isoprene
Material Science
What do you call steel that has been completely
deoxidized by the addition of an agent before
casting, so that there is practically no evolution
of gas during solidification? They are
characterized by a high degree of chemical
homogeneity and freedom from gas porosity.
Answer. killed steel
Mass Transfer
The isotherm corresponds approximately to
an exponential distribution of heat adsorption.
Ans. Freundlich Isotherm
Environmental Engineering
The phenomena known as the Aurora Borealis,
or Northern Lights, is named after the Roman
goddess of dawn, Aurora, and the Greek name
for the north wind, Boreas. In which layer of the
atmosphere does the Aurora Borealis form?
Ans. Thermosphere
Biochemical Engineering
Chlorophyll contains a green pigment called
chlorin, which is critical in photosynthesis since
it allows plants to absorb energy from light.
What metal is found at the center of a chlorin
ring? Ans. Magnesium
Plant Safety
It is a structured and systematic examination of
a planned or existing process or operation in
order to identify and evaluate problems that
may represent risks to personnel or equipment,
or prevent efficient operation.
Ans: Hazard and Operability Study
ChE Trivia
Many of the thermophysical data of substances
that can be obtained from the 8th edition of
Perry’s Chemical Engineers Handbook are based
on correlation constants from DIPPR of the
American Institute of Chemical Engineers. What
does DIPPR stands for?
Industrial Chemistry
What is the trade name given to sodium
hexametaphosphate, a chemical used primarily
in wastewater treatment, to form a complex
with calcium ion preventing the formation of
unwanted salts and allowing action of soaps and
other detergents? Ans. CALGON
ChE Trivia/ Board Question
It is a bitter, white crystalline xanthine alkaloid
that is found in varying quantities in the seeds,
leaves, and fruit of some plants, where it acts as
a natural pesticide that paralyzes and kills
certain insects feeding on the plants. It is most
commonly consumed by humans in infusions
extracted from the seed of plants like yerba
mate, guarana berries, guayusa, and the yaupon
holly. Ans. Caffeine
General Chemistry
In chemistry, the coordination number,
defined originally in 1893 by –
Ans: Alfred Werner
What is the chemical name of
muriatic acid?
Ans: Hydrochloric Acid
Chemical name of sal soda/washing soda?
Ans. Sodium carbonate
Which element is dark, has metallic luster and
Ans. Iodine
Pale yellow gas used in pesticides.
Ans. Chlorine
Oil Of vitriol
Ans. Sulfuric Acid
What is needed in scaling mercury filled
Ans: Bucket of Ice
Artificial air for diving
Ans. Helium
Cheese- what type of mixture.
Ans. Colloids
Definition of Foam
Ans: a mass of small bubbles formed on or in
liquid, typically by agitation or fermentation
Driving force in precipitation
Ans: Formation of a solid product
Metals have electronegativity less than
Ans: 2
Jellies and most paints are examples of
Ans: sol
There are kinds of pure substances.
Ans. 2
The contribution of the electron to the atomic
weight is
Ans: Zero
Robert Boyle established the .
Ans: Freezing point
Colligative properties depend on
*no. of solute particles
Ernest Rutherford detected and named the
radioactive element
is the Greek word for “salt-forming”.
Who discovered the positron?
Who discovered oxygen?
*Joseph Priestley
Who stated that the properties of elements are
periodic function of their atomic weights not
atomic number?
*D. Mendeleev
Who discovered radium?
*Marie Curie
What is the chemical name of chlorox?
What element is present in
Epsom salt but not in milk of
Ans: Sulfur
Common form of sugar
Ans: Sucrose
Periodic table, how many periods?
Ans: 7
What halogen is in period 3?
What is the lightest metal?
Ans: Lithium
Which has high electronegativity: ionic,
covalent, H-bonding, metallic?
Ans: Ionic
Force that hold oppositely charged:
Ans: Ionic
Chemical name of Teflon
Ans: poly(1,1,2,2-tetrafluoroethylene)
Where can you extract magnesium?
Ans: Seawater
The total number of orbitals for a given n value
is n2. Given n = 2. How many orbitals?

Ans: 4
IUPAC name of ethylene
Ans: Ethene
No. of possible structures of 6-carbon-alkane.
Ans: 5
Bonds, which are symmetrical with the line that
connects the nuclei-
Ans: Sigma bond
Lucas' Test
*test for alcohols
Alcoholic beverage from distilled wine/ fruit
Polymer used in rubber?
Ans: Styrene
The most commonly used reagent in the
standardization of acids
Ans: Na2CO3
The practical method of coagulation is
*Increasing the T
Octane number refers to
the amount of this substance.

Ans: 2,4,4-trimethylpentane
Strong waste has a BOD of
Ans: 3000
COD means
Ans: Chemical Oxygen Demand
_ is a general term denoting any
wastewater partially, completely treated or in its
natural state flowing out of the manufacturing
plant, industrial plant or treatment plant.

Ans: Effluent
refers to public water supply, that
will require complete treatment (coagulation,
sedimentation, filtration, disinfection) in order
to meet national standards for drinking water
Ans: Class A
Law which gives incentives to exporters
Focus of Chemical Engineering:
Ans: To obtain the highest efficiency of process
with the least cost
An act for regulation, protections of trademarks,
trade names and service works.

Ans: RA 8293
Product of oxidation of methanol
Ans: Formaldehyde
• What is the oxidation state of N in nitric oxide?

• Answer:+2
Chemical Engineering Principles: Fluid Flow

• Which is not a characteristic of an ideal fluid?

– A. Inviscid
– B. Incompressible
– C. Newtonian
– D. Zero Shear Stress

 Answer: C Newtonian
Chemical Engineering Principles: Fluid Flow

• According to the affinity laws for dynamic type

pumps, the varies with the square of
the impeller diameter and speed.
– A. Head
– B. Capacity
– C. Power
– D. Flow Rate

• Answer: A HEAD
General Engineering: Laws, Ethics and Contracts

• What is the maximum allowable value of SOx

emission expressed in mg per SO3 per NCM
for new fuel burning equipment according to
Article 3, Section 19 of RA 9749?
– A. 250
– B. 500
– C. 700
– D. 900 • Answer: C 700
Chemical Engineering Principles: Unit
• What do you call the physical model in
separation process that represents a device or
portion of the device that brought two
streams of different phases to contact and are
allowed to reach equilibrium for separation?

• Answer: Equilibrium Stage

Chemical Engineering Principles: Chemical
Engineering Thermodynamics

• Which of the following expression gives the correct

interpretation of the chemical potential of pure substance?

A.  U  C.  G 
 N 
 N  X ,P T ,P

B.  H  D.  H 
 N 
 N  S ,V T ,P
Chemical Engineering Principles: Mass Transfer
• Important in simultaneous heat and mass
transfer calculation is a dimensionless number
defined as the ratio of thermal diffusivity and
mass diffusivity. What is this dimensionless

• Answer: Lewis Number

Chemical Engineering Principles: Chemical
Reaction Engineering
• Which is not necessarily an assumption used
in the derivation of design for PFR?

– A. Turbulent Flow
– B. Radial Concentration
– C. Constant Velocity
– D. Reaction in the Axial Direction
Physical and Chemical Principles: Organic
• Which has the highest boiling point?

– A. 3-methyl pentane
– B. 2-methyl pentane
– C. 2,3-dimethyl butane
– D. 2,2-dimethyl butane
General Engineering: Plant Design

• Which of the fixed capital cost estimates is

least accurate?

– A. Definitive Estimate
– B. Order-Of-Magnitude Estimate
– C. Preliminary Estimate
– D. Steady Estimate
General Engineering: Process Control

• What is the term used to refer to the

difference between the set-point and the
measured variable?

• Answer: Error
Chemical Engineering Principles: Chemical
Process Industries
• Natural gas is considered “sour” if it contains
which two gases?

• Answer: H2S and CO2

General Engineering: Physics
• The property of wave that distinguishes them
from anything is which can be seen
when waves from two different sources come

– A. Frequency
– B. Wavelength
– C. Interference
– D. Speed
General Engineering: Biochemical Engineering
• These bacteria use only inorganic carbon as
their carbon source and obtain their
energy from sunlight or by oxidation of
inorganic compounds.

• Answer: Autotrophs
General Engineering: Biochemical Engineering

• What do you call the small circular DNA

molecules used to carry foreign DNA?

• Answer: Plasmids
General Engineering: Strength of Materials

• Between ductile and brittle fracture which can

occur suddenly and catastrophically without
• Answer: Brittle Fracture
Chemical Engineering Principles: Separation
• In distillation design, if the horizontal feed line
is observed (McCabe-Thiele Method) what is
the nature of the fed stream?

– A. Saturated Liquid
– B. Saturated Vapor
– C. Subcooled Liquid
– D. Superheated Vapor
Chemical Engineering Principles: Mass Transfer

• This is a mass transfer models at fluid-fluid

interface which indicates that the mass
transfer coefficient is proportional to the

– A. Surface Renewal Theory

– B. Penetration Theory
– C. Film Theory
– D. Film-Penetration Theory
Chemical Engineering Principles: Process Design

• As a rule of thumb, the tube side of a shell-

and-tube heat exchanger is for any of the
following except.

– A. High Density
– B. Fouling
– C. Viscous
– D. Corrosive
Chemical Engineering Principles: Fluid
• What is the absolute pressure at the inlet of a
centrifugal pump, which is a function of
elevation, temperature and pressure, is
referred to as the .
• Answer: Net Positive Suction Head Available
Chemical Engineering Principles: Chemical
Reaction Engineering
• The behavior of a single PFR with recycle
approached that of a mixed flow reaction if
recycle is kept low. True or false?

• Answer: False
General Engineering: Biochemical Engineering
• is the process to form a single hybrid
cell with nuclei and cytoplasm of two different
types of cell in order to combine the desirable
characteristics of the two.
• Answer: Cell Fusion
• What is the degree of freedom of a system
composed of ethanol-acetic acid-water
mixture wherein its vapor is in equilibrium
with its liquid?

• (3)
• Physical Chemistry
• What separation process is commonly used to
purify colloids, i.e., removal of ionic material
that may have accompanied their formation?

• Dialysis
• Biochemical Engineering
• Which term or quantity in biochemical
engineering, particularly in bioreactor design,
is used in place of residence time, which
chemical engineers are more familiar with?

• Dilution rate
Analytical Chemistry
• Which spectroscopic probe of molecules makes used of
radiofrequency radiation with a frequency of the order of
100 MHz and a wavelength of the order 300 cm?
a) Microwave spectroscopy
b) Infrared spectroscopy
c) Nuclear magnetic spectroscopy
d) Atomic absorption spectroscopy

• C. Nuclear magnetic spectroscopy

• Mass Transfer
• What does the diffusivity D12 mean in a ternary diffusion system?
a) Diffusivity of component 1 in component 2, neglecting the
presence of component 3.
b) Diffusivity of component 1 in the mixture of components 2
and 3,
considered as a single component.
c) Diffusivity of component 1 due to concentration gradient
of 2.
d) Diffusivity of component 1 in component 3 due to concentration
gradient of component 2.
Equipment Design
• Which three of the following have the greatest
influence on the determination of pressure drop in
packed columns for gas-liquid contact?
a) Column diameter
b) Packing characteristics
c) Mass transfer characteristics
d) Flooding

• A, B, D
Safety Engineering

• In an industrial plant, there is a need to properly label

containers containing chemicals with Hazard Symbols for
safety considerations. Three of these symbols are
identified. Name the 4th symbol.

• Oxidizing
• Electrochemistry
• Which one of the following statements about
electrochemical cells is correct?
a) In a salt bridge, current is carried by cations moving
toward the anode, and anions toward the cathode.
b) In the external wire, electrons travel from cathode to
c) Oxidation occurs at the cathode, in an electrolytic
d) The anode of a voltaic cell is labeled minus (-).
• Equipment Design

• A catalytic converter is a device that uses a

catalyst to convert three harmful compounds in
automobile exhaust gas into harmless
compounds. Two of these harmful compounds
are hydrocarbon and carbon monoxide. Name
the third.

Equipment Design
• The minimum flow that a pump requires
describes the flow below which the pump will
experience what is called “shutoff”. At the shutoff,
most of the pump’s horsepower or work is
converted to heat that can vaporize the fluid and
cause this incident that will severely damage the
pump. Name this incident.

• Cavitation
Physical Chemistry
• How many phases are involved in all wetting

• 3
• General Chemistry

• What are the coordination number and

oxidation state of cobalt in the complex ion

• 6 and +3
• Separation Process

• What do you call the membrane separation

process in which a liquid stream containing two
or more components is placed in contact with
one side of a non-porous polymeric membrane
while a vacuum or gas purge is applied to the
other side?

• Reverse Osmosis
• In multi-stage operations, a point with no
enrichment between the stages. In a Mc Cabe-
Thiele diagram, a point where the operating
line touches the equilibrium curve.
• Answer: Pinch Point
• It occurs when the intersection of the
operating lines (Mc Cabe-Thiele Method) lies
on the equilibrium curve. This requires an
infinite number of stages to make the given
• Answer: Minimum Reflux Ratio
• A distillation process where the relative
volatility of the components is changed by
adding a high-boiling component/solvent.
• Answer: Extractive Distillation
• When the feed to a distillation column is a
saturated liquid, the slope of the feed line is
equal to
• Answer: Undefined
• Distillation operations carried out at total
reflux do not permit the removal of any
product. However, runs at total reflux are
often made to determine
a) Reboiler duty
b) theo no. of stages
c) condenser duty
d) pinch point
• B)theo no. of stages
• A liquid mixture whose composition and
boiling point does not change as vapor is
generated and removed on boiling.
a) Immiscible Liquid Mixture
b) Partially Miscible Liquid mixture
c) Azeotropic Mixture
d) Saturated Mixture

c) Azeotropic Mixture
• When the feed to a distillation column is a
saturated vapor, the feed line is
a) inclined to the left (C) horizontal
b) inclined to the right (D) vertical

• (C) horizontal
• The ratio of the forward and reverse rate
constant for an elementary process is called
• Answer: Equilibrium constant
• It is possible to change significantly the
relative volatility of a liquid mixture by
a) increasing the pressure
b) increasing the temperature
c) adding a third component
d) hook or by crook
• The efficiency of packed columns is commonly
expressed as . This may be defined as
the total packed height of the column divided
by the number of theoretical stages in the
• Answer: HETP
• It is defined as the total packed height of the
tower divided by the number of transfer units
which the packed section is capable of
• Answer: HTU
• High boiling liquids often cannot be purified
by distillation at atmospheric pressure, since
the components of the liquid tend to
decompose at the high temperatures
required. If the high boiling substances are not
soluble in water, it is possible to obtain a
separation at lower temperatures by a process
known as
• Answer: Steam distillation
• The boiling point of a mixture of immiscible
liquids that of any one of its
a) is equal to (C) is lower than
b) is higher than (D) none of these
• In this type of distillation, a liquid is charged to
a still and slowly heated and the vapor formed
is continuously condensed out
• Answer: Batch or Differential Distillation
• In a Mc Cabe-Thiele Method, the optimum
location of the feed plate is represented by a
triangle which has one corner on
a) the rectification operating line and another on
the feed line.
b) the rectification operating line and another on
the upper operating line.
c) the rectification operating line and another on
the stripping section operating line.
d) the rectification operating line and another on
the diagonal line.
• Using Mc Cabe-Thiele Method, at total reflux,
the operating lines coincide with
a) 90 0 line (C) 45 0 line
b) 180 0 line (D) 360 0 line

• (C) 45 0 line
• In a distilling column, the lowest pressure will
be at
a) the bottom (C) the feed plate
b) the top (D) the condenser
• The temperature in the distilling column, from
top to bottom
a) increases (C) decreases
b) remains constant (D) unpredictable

• A) increases
• The rate of chemical reaction is independent
of the concentration of the material, the
reaction is order.
• Answer: Zero order
• This process is used to separate liquid
mixtures into relatively pure streams by
contacting with a gas that selectively absorbs
some of the liquid components.
• Answer: Stripping or Desorption

• This type of absorption wherein the solute is
captured by chemically reacting with the
• A) Physisorption C) Physical
• B) Chemical D) Reactive
adsorption Absorption

• Which tray type is the cheapest and has the
lowest pressure drop?
• A ) Sieve Tray C) ValveTray
• B ) Bubble-Cap Tray D) Packed
• Which tray type has the highest turn down
• A ) Sieve Tray C) ValveTray
• B ) Bubble-Cap Tray D) Packed Column

• What part of a packed column is placed above
the hold-down plate?
• Answer: Liquid Distributor

• What do you call the phenomenon that takes
place when the fluid moving down the column
moves towards the region of greatest void
space; this occurs as the region near the wall
where the packing is not tightly packed?
• Answer: Channeling

• When this happens, the liquid will go out from
the head pipe of the gas in the form of foam
or entrained drops?
• Answer: Foaming
• Which type of packing material has lower
relative cost, Random or Structured?
• Answer: Random Packing
• Which type of packing material causes higher
pressure drop, Random or Structured?
• Answer: Random Packing
• Which is better to use if the liquid contains
dispersed solids that may adhere to the
packing materials, Random or Structured?
• Answer: Random Packing
• Which type of gas absorption column is
preferred if the problem with foaming is
• Answer: Packed Towers
• Either an orifice or a venturi can be used for the
measurement of the flow in a pipe. For equal
throat diameters, which of the following is true?
• The flow rates for the same measured pressure
drop are identical.
• The orifice is more expensive.
• The permanent pressure drop is less for a
• The coefficients of discharge will be equal since
the pipe and throat diameters are the same.
• In a double-pipe heat exchanger, under what
tube-side conditions can the following
relationship for heat transfer coefficients be
• Any fully turbulent flow
• For short tubes
• For liquid metals
• Any transitional flow
• 1.) General Inorganic Chemistry: Which of the
ff. Lewis structures is incorrect?
• a.) K-F
• b.) H-I
• c.) [Mg]2+[O]2-
• 2.) Organic Chemistry: A molecule is said to
posses this property if it cannot be super
imposed upon its mirror image.

• (Chirality)
• 5.) Engineering Law and Ethics: How many
articles are there in RA 9297?

• (Ans: 5)
• 8.) Size Reduction: This is a mechanical
separation used for separating materials of
different specific gravities by the pulsation of a
stream of liquid flowing through a bed of

• (Ans: Jigging)
• 11.) Nuclear Chemistry: Form of hydrogen
with 2 extra neutrons.

• (Ans: Tritium)
• 1.) Chemical Process Industries: Kraft (Kraft
process) is a german word for:

• (Ans: strong)
• 3.) Ethics: Exact date of approval of RA 9297?

• (Ans: May 13, 2004)

• 5.) Economics: Sum of all expenditures
associated with a system or a component
during its entire service plan. It includes the
initial investment, operating and maintenance
cost and disposal cost.

• (Ans: Life cycle cost)

• 6.) Biochemical Engineering: Mathematical
model that proposed an empirical relationship
between the effect of the specific growth and
the concentration of the growth limiting

• (Ans: Monod)
• 9.) Engineering Laws and Ethics: What is the
image not present in the ChE seal as stated in
Sect. 10, rule 11 in RA 9297?

• (Ans: Evaporator)
• 11.) The system where the input are the set
point and the disturbance and the output
is the controlled variable.

• (Ans: Closed Loop)

• 2.) Industrial Chemistry: One of the most
common polymer used as a fiber. It can be
found in clothing and in thermoplastics. It can
be produced by reacting sebasoyl chloride
with a diamine in the presence of aqueous
sodium hydroxide.

• (Ans: Nylon)
• 4.) Adsorption: The isotherm represented by

• (Ans: Langmuir)
• 5.) Materials Handling: Used to convey light
and bulky material along a pipeline in
suspension in a fluid, usually air flowing at 15
to 30 m/s.

• (Ans: Pneumatic Conveyor)

• 8.) Environmental Engineering: The summit
for greenhouse gases.

• (Ans: Kyoto Protocol)

• 2) Chem Engg
• slope of the feed line, if the feed to
the distillation column is saturated liquid
• 0
• 1
• >1
• <1
• Ans: C
• 5) Physical & Chem prin
• In which half-cell does the electrode
decrease in mass as the reaction progresses
• copper electrode
• zinc electrode
• cathode
• neither decreases in mass

• Ans: b. zinc electrode

• 8) Chem Engg
• Refrigeration cycle is generally represented by
• PV
• TV
• TS
• P vs vapor quality

• Ans: C) TS
• 9) For Raschig rings, the sphericity is
• 0.5
• 1.0
• <1
• 1.75

• Ans: (C) < 1

• 10) Offset is zero for
• P controller
• P-D controller only
• P & P-D controller
• P-D & PID controller

• Ans: D. P-D & PID controller

• 11) In the Orsat apparatus, O2 is absorbed by
• Cu2Cl2
• H2SO4
• pyrogallol
• Ans: D. pyrogallol
• 12) Chem Engg
• Chem control order for Mercury &
mercury compounds
• DAO 02-2000
• DAO 02-1997
• DAO 38-1997
• DAO 01-2004

• Ans: (C) DAO 38-1997

• 2) Chem Eng’g
• Renon & Prausnitz (1968) developed the
NRTL equation commonly applied for
partially miscible & miscible systems. NRTL
stands for

• Ans: Non random two liquid

• 4) ChE
• In an underdamped second order
response the overshoot is given by
• overshoot = decay ratio
• overshoot = (decay ratio)2
• overshoot =
• overshoot = (decay ratio)3

• Ans: C. overshot =
• 5) Physical & Chem prop
• What would be the sign of G for the
case where both H and S are negative.
a)G is positive at all temp
b)G is negative at all temp
c)G is negative at low temp
d)G is negative at high temp

• Ans: (C) G is negative at low temp

• 10) ChE
•Flanges are connected to pipes by
b) welding
c) brazing
d) All of the above

• Ans: (D) All of the above

• 4) ChE
• Prilling tower is found in the flow sheet for the
manufacture of
a) Ammonia
b) Urea
c) Superphosphate
d) Triple Superphosphate
• 7) Gen. Eng’g
• Who has the administrative control &
supervision over the Board of ChE?
• A. President of RP*
• B. PRC
• C. Congress of the Phils.
• D. SC
• Which among the following conditions will
NOT lead to larger particle size during
a) precipitation from basic solutions*
b) precipitation from hot solutions
c) precipitation from dilute solutions
d) slow addition of precipitating agent
• The difference between HCl and HNO2 as acids
a) the first has less hydrogen in solution
b) the second has more ionized hydrogen
c) the first is highly ionized*
d) the second is highly ionized
• At ph 8, bromthymol is colored
a) yellow
b) blue
c) red
d) green
A gaseous mixture of positive
ions and electrons.

• Answer: PLASMA
The process used in making Soda Ash.
A. Solvay process
B. Haber process
C. Contact process
D. Kraft process
Failure, at relatively low stress levels, of
structures that are subjected to fluctuating
and repeated loads.

Answer : FATIGUE
Property matter that is
of independent of the amount of
substance present.


In 1932, neutron an uncharged dense
particle that also resides in the nucleus was
discovered by
A. J.J. Thomson
B. Robert Millikan
C. James Chadwick
D. Ernest Rutherford

• Answer: C
10 sec
The y- coordinate of a point P is the
directed distance from the x- axis to the point.
The other term for this is,

A. ordinate
B. hypotenuse
C. abscissa
D. slope
10 sec
The two nonzero vectors u and v are called
, if the angle between them is π/2 .

A. parallel
B. trapezium
C. orthogonal
D. diagonal
10 sec
A is the set of all points in a plane at a
fixed positive distance from a fixed point.

A. Circle
B. Square
C. Triangle
D. Pentagon
10 sec
A polyhedron with two congruent bases
that lie in parallel planes, and whose every
section that is parallel to a base has the same
area as that of the base.
A. prism
B. cylinder
C. cone
D. pyramid
In Probability, the following are
continuous random variables except,
A. Electrical current
B. Number of transmitted bits received in
C. Voltage
D. Pressure
10 sec
The highest-energy, least stable
conformation of ethane molecule is one in
which the six C-H bonds are in a Newman
A. staggered
B. eclipsed
C. equatorial
D. axial
10 sec
The ion impart brick-red color
to a nonluminous bunsen flame.
A. Barium
B. Calcium
C. Potassium
D. Sodium
20 sec

A polymer of glucose monomers.

Each carbon atom in acetylene
A. 1 sigma bond and 3 pi bonds
B. 2 sigma bonds and 2 pi bonds
C. 3 sigma bonds and 1 pi bond
D. 4 sigma bonds and 0 pi bond
The microorganism used in the
processing of vinegar .

A. acetobacter
B. acetobacter xylinum
C. aspergillus sojae
D. lactic acid bacteria
Separation of dilute slurry, into a
clear fluid and dense slurry by gravity

A process whereby large hydrocarbon are
broken down into smaller molecules by
passing through tubes heated at 500-800 oC.


10 sec
Fick’s Law of diffusion gives the rate
of diffusion based on

A. pressure driving force

B. temperature driving force
C. concentration driving force
D. all of the above
1. can be defined as an undesirable
change in the physical, chemical or biological
characteristics of the air, water or land that
can harmfully affect the health, survival or
activities of humans or other living organisms.

a) Quality c) environmental degradation

b) Pollution d) clean technology
2. The development that meets the needs of
the present without compromising the ability
of future generations to meet their own
needs is called
a) Environmental engineering
b) Clean production
c) Green consumerism
d) Sustainable development
3. The food chain is an idealized pattern of flow
of energy in a natural ecosystem while the
food web is the actual pattern of food
consumption in a natural ecosystem. True or
a) True
b) False
c) Can not be determined
4. All are fossil fuels except for

a) Coal
b) Tar sands
c) Natural gas
d) Crude oil
5. An example of a consumptive use of water is

a) Residential use
b) Agricultural use
c) Commercial use
d) Industrial use
6. The measure of the light-transmitting
properties of water is known as

a) Color
b) BOD
c) Turbidity
d) Solids content
7. Hardness in water is caused by

a) Fe and Mn
b) Ca and Mg
c) N and P
d) S and N
8. The measurement of the dissolved oxygen
used by microorganism in the biochemical
oxidation of organic matter

a) Oxygen content
b) COD
c) BOD
d) TSS
9. Biological Reclamation of Solid Waste can be
done using the following methods except

a) Composting
b) Anaerobic Digestion
c) Vermicomposting
d) Materials Recovery
10.Acid Rain results from the production of acids
from the pollutant

a) SO2
b) CFC
c) CO
d) H2S
1. In wastewater treatment, the removal of
debris and grit is done in

a) Preliminary Treatment
b) Primary Treatment
c) Secondary Treatment
d) Tertiary Treatment
2. In wastewater treatment, the removal of
most of the biodegradable organic matter is
done in
a) Preliminary Treatment
b) Primary Treatment
c) Secondary Treatment
d) Tertiary Treatment
3. The first step in nitrogen removal process in
wastewater is

a) Aerobic nitrification
b) Anoxic nitrification
c) Aerobic denitrification
d) Anoxic denitrification
4. Toxicity of waste in aquatic environments is
measured using

a) Phytotoxicity
b) Lethal dose concentration
c) Bioconcentration
d) Reactivity

1. Which is a chemical property?

1. Temperature
2. Produces flame when ignited
3. Melting point
4. Vaporizes faster than water
2. Which of the following has the smallest mass?

4. Which of the following is an exothermic

5. Which of the following is a binary compound?

1.Hydrogen sulfide
2.Hydrogen sulfate
3.Ammonium sulfide
4.Ammonium sulfate
9. Which substance can be classified as an
Arrhenius acid?

13. Given the equation: H⁺ + OH⁻<-> H₂O
Which type of reaction does the equation

14. At STP, which substance is the best
conductor of electricity?

15. Which type of reaction is occurring when a
metal undergoes corrosion?

1. If the first derivative of a function is a
constant, then the function is said to be:

A. Transcendental
B. Quadratic
C. Linear
D. rational
2. What color do chromate ions, Cr₂O 4


4. Which of the following materials should
produce well-defined X-ray diffraction
A. KBr 

B. H₂O(I)
C. Glass
D. Plastic sulfur
5. What type of feeding in multiple effect
evaporation does not require pumps between

ANSWER: Forward feeding

7. Which of the following is not used in
removing particulate matter in flue gases?

A. Bag filters
B. Fluidized bed combustor
C. Cyclone precipitator
D. Electrostatic precipitator
10. In economics, the money that has been
spent and cannot be recovered due to certain
reasons is called,


13. If a process is subjected to a sudden
but unsustained type of disturbance the
response to the forcing action is a
A. Step response
B. Impulse response
C. Sinusoidal response
D. Frequency response
14. Republic Act No. 8749, also known as
the Clean Air Act of 1999 banned the use
of leaded gasoline which contain the toxic
component called


15. What is the general name for
compounds that have the same structure
but whose atoms are arranged differently
in three- dimensional space?

Although energy assumes many forms, the
total quantity of energy is constant, and when
energy disappears in one form it appears
simultaneously in other forms.
A) First law of thermodynamics
B) Second Law of thermodynamics
C) Third Law of Thermodynamics
D) Law of mass action
How many degrees of freedom has the system
of liquid water in equilibrium with a mixture
of water vapor and nitrogen?

a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4
A theorem that states,
The thermal efficiency of a Carnot engine
depends only on the temperature levels and
not upon the working substance of the


The Law that states, the total entropy
change associated with any process must
be positive, with a limiting value of zero
for a reversible process.

A) First law of thermodynamics

B) Second Law of thermodynamics
C) Third Law of Thermodynamics
D) Law of mass action
For any closed system formed initially from
given masses of prescribed chemical species,
the equilibrium state is completely
determined when any two independent
variables are fixed.
A measure of the energy in a system
or process that is unavailable to do

A partial molar property(other than volume)
of a constituent species in an ideal gas mixture
is equal to the corresponding molar property
of the species as a pure ideal gas at the
mixture temperature but at a pressure equal
to its partial pressure in the mixture


The process of coating the surface of a
substance rather than being absorbed by it,
accompanied by chemical bonding between
the surface of the material and the adsorbed
The product of oxidation of
Ethylbenzene with aqueous KMnO4.


What is the immediate precursor in the
preparation of m-Chloronitrobenzen?

A) Chlorination of Nitrobenzene
B) Nitration of Chlorobenzene
C) Nitration of benzene
D) Chlorination of benzene
• Hydrogen in the fuel that uses O2 from air for
combustion. Equals to the total hydrogen in
the fuel if no O2 is present in the fuel.

Common name for a mixture of SO3 and H2SO4.

• A process which involves the catalytic
oxidation of SO2 to SO3 using Vanadium
Pentoxide or Platinum dispersed in asbestos
or silica gel catalyst under appropriate
conditions in a converter.

Gives Emerald green in flame test
A) Calcium
B) Strontium
C) Copper
D) Potassium
Gives red color in flame test
A) Calcium
B) Strontium
C) Copper
D) Potassium
Gives crimson color in flame test
A) Calcium
B) Strontium
C) Copper
D) Potassium
Gives pale blue color in flame test
A) Calcium
B) Strontium
C) Arsenic
D) Potassium
It is a measure of the amount of O2 needed to
oxidize organics using strong oxidizing agents in
acid media.
Ans: Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD)
What proclamation was signed in August 28,
2007 by Pres. Gloria Macapagal Arroyo declaring
every 3rd week of September as the Chemical
Engineering Week?
Ans: Proclaimation No. 1365 Series 2007
What are the two contacting phases in leaching?
Ans: Overflow and Underflow
What alloys are used extensively because the
ores exist in abundance, economically extracted,
refined and may be tailored to have wide range
of properties?
Ans: Ferrous Alloys
What is the separation of components in a
miscible mixture by simultaneous evaporation
and condensation?
Ans: Distillation
What is the universal currency of energy in
biological system?
Ans: ATP
It is an early method for the production of
sodium carbonate from sodium chloride,
calcium carbonate, and sulphuric acid.
Ans: Leblanc Process
What is the standard fuel for a fast breeder
nuclear reactor?
Ans: Plutonium
In fluid mechanics, this dimensionless number is
associated with buoyancy-driven flow also
known as free or natural convection. It is also
the product of Grashof Number and Prandtl
Ans: Rayleigh Number
Which of the mitotic phases is the shortest?
Ans: Anaphase
For a sudden reduction of cross section area
along a conduit, what do you call the cross
section of minimum area at which the jet
formed from the fluid stream changes from a
contraction to an expansion?
Ans: Vena Contracta
What important metal can be extracted from
Ans: Aluminum
In pressure vessels, these may be defined as
time-dependent deformation at elevated
temperature and constant stress resulting in
Ans: Creep
What is the physical state (or phase) of the feed
to a pervaporation module?
Ans: Liquid

Crystallization is a process whereby a solution is supersaturated

so as to cause the formation of crystals. What crystallizers
achieve supersaturation by cooling and by evaporating the
solvent, respectively? (5 points per correct answer)

Swenson-Walker crystallizer for

cooling, Oslo crystallizer for
evaporating the solvent

This is the steady state temperature attained when a vapor-gas

mixture becomes saturated when cooled at constant humidity.

Dew point
Chemical Engineering Principles
Unit Operations

Unsaturated air (with dry bulb temperature and dew point being 350C and
180C respectively) is passed through a water spray chamber maintained at
150C. The air will be

A. Cooled and humidified

B. Cooled and dehumidified with increase in wet bulb temperature
C. Cooled at the same relative humidity
D. Cooled and dehumidified with decrease in wet bulb temperature
• It is the dynamic equilibrium temperature
attained by a water surface when the rate of
heat transfer to the surface by convection is
equal to the rate of mass transfer away from
surrounding surface
a) saturation temperature
b) wet bulb temperature
c) adiabatic temperature
d) dry bulb temperature
• Pounds of water vapour carried by one
pound of dry air
a) absolute humidity c. humidity
b) relative humidity d. saturation
• Heat energy necessary to increase the
temperature of one gram or one pound of
dry air plus the vapour it contain by one
degree Fahrenheit or one degree Celsius

a) humid heat c. specific heat

b) heat capacity d. enthalpy
• It is accepted as the most accurate humidity
measuring technique wherein the gas is passed
over a moisture absorbing chemical such as
phosphorous pentoxide and the increase in weight
is determined.
a) use of mechanical hygrometers
b) dew point method
c) gravimetric method
d) wet bulb method
Chemical Engineering Principles: Mass Transfer

• This is a mass transfer model at fluid-fluid

interface which indicates that the mass
transfer coefficient is proportional to the

– A. Surface Renewal Theory

– B. Penetration Theory
– C. Film Theory
– D. Film-Penetration Theory
Chemical Engineering Principles: Mass Transfer
• Important in simultaneous heat and mass
transfer calculation is a dimensionless number
defined as the ratio of thermal diffusivity and
mass diffusivity. What is this dimensionless

• Answer: Lewis Number

Separation Process

• What do you call the membrane separation5P

process in which a liquid stream containing
two or more components is placed in contact
with one side of a non-porous polymeric
membrane while a vacuum or gas purge is
applied to the other side?

• Reverse Osmosis
Mass Transfer
• Q9: What does the diffusivity D12 mean in a ternary
diffusion system? 0P
A. Diffusivity of component 1 in component 2, neglecting the
presence of component 3.
B. Diffusivity of component 1 in the mixture of components 2
3, considered as a single component.
C. Diffusivity of component 1 due to concentration gradient
of 2.
D. Diffusivity of component 1 in component 3 due to
concentration gradient of component 2.

• C. Diffusivity of component 1 due to

concentration gradient of 2.
Chemical Engineering
Multiple Choice (5s)
The mechanism of mass transfer in a gas
absorber is best described by the

A. Chilton-Colburn analogy
B. Penetration theory
C. Surface-Renewal theory
D. Two-Film theory
ChE-ID Mass Transfer

Important in simultaneous heat and mass

transfer calculations, this dimensionless
number is defined as the ratio of Schmidt
Number to Prandtl Number?


ChE-ID Mass Transfer

Important in simultaneous heat and mass

transfer calculations, this dimensionless
number is defined as the ratio of thermal
diffusivity and mass diffusivity?


Chemical Engineering
Unit Operations
The process where the components are
separated from each other using a semi-
permeable membrane by the virtue of the
different diffusion rate through the membrane
is referred to as .
– A. Osmosis
– B. Pervaporation
– C. Dialysis
– D. Ultrafiltration
Chemical Engineering Principles: Mass Transfer

• This is a mass transfer model at fluid-fluid

interface which indicates that the mass
transfer coefficient is proportional to the

– A. Surface Renewal Theory

– B. Penetration Theory
– C. Film Theory
– D. Film-Penetration Theory
Chemical Engineering Principles: Mass Transfer
Important in simultaneous heat and mass
transfer calculation is a
dimensionless number
defined as the ratio of
thermal diffusivity and
mass diffusivity. What is
this dimensionless
• Answer: Lewis Number
Chemical Engineering Principles: Process Design

• As a rule of thumb, the tube side of a shell-

and-tube heat exchanger is for any of the
following except.

– A. High Density
– B. Fouling
– C. Viscous
– D. Corrosive
Flow of Heat

What is the most commonly used equation in calculating the

heat transfer coefficient for turbulent flow?

Sieder-Tate equation
Chemical Engineering Principles
Unit Operations

The buildup of dirt or scale on heat transfer surfaces is a problem

that must be considered in heat exchange equipment. As a result
of the formation of scale, a is added to the overall
heat transfer coefficient, causing a reduction in the rate of

Fouling resistance

How is the hairpin heat exchanger

more commonly called?


ChE-MC Process Design

As a rule of thumb, the tube-side of a shell

and tube heat exchanger is for any of the
following except?
A. High-pressure fluid
B. Fouling fluids
C. Viscous fluid
D. Corrosive fluids
PCP-MC Environmental Eng’g

A global treaty that aims to diminish and

eventually phase out chlorofluorocarbons.
A. Stockholm convention
B. Montreal Protocol**
In general, it is not recommended to use a
shell and tube heat exchanger for conditions
under which the correction factor is
A. less than 0.75
B. greater than 0.75
C. less than 0.90
D. greater than 1

Answer: A
ChE-MC Process Design

As a rule of thumb, the tube-side of a shell

and tube heat exchanger is for any of the
following except?
A. High-pressure fluid
B. Fouling fluids
C. Viscous fluid
D. Corrosive fluids
Heat Transfer Identification

• The buildup of dirt or scale on heat transfer

surfaces is a problem that must be considered
in heat exchanger equipment. As a result of
the formation of scale, a is
added to the overall heat transfer coefficient,
causing a reduction in the rate of exchange.

• Fouling resistance
• In a double-pipe heat exchanger, under what
tube-side conditions can the following
relationship for heat transfer coefficients be

• Any fully turbulent flow

• For short tubes
• For liquid metals
• Any transitional flow
• The ratio of total radiating power of real
surface to that of a black surface at the same
a) emittance c. absorbance
b) reflectance d. radiance
• It is the effective solar temperature

a) 10,800 º R c. 6000 º R
b) 10,440 º R d. 5800 º R
• The total emissive power of a blackbody is
proportional to the
a) square root of the temperature
b) square root of the absolute temperature
c) fourth root of the temperature
d) fourth root of the absolute temperature

This is the point where there is insufficient water on the surface

to maintain a continuous film of water.

Critical moisture content

ChE: Unit Operation
• Q5: The portion in wet solid that
cannot be removed by the air in direct
contact with the solid is called
• Equilibrium Moisture Content
Chemical Engineering Principles: Separation
• In distillation design, if the horizontal feed line
is observed (McCabe-Thiele Method) what is
the nature of the fed stream?

– A. Saturated Liquid
– B. Saturated Vapor
– C. Subcooled Liquid
– D. Superheated Vapor
Chemical Engineering Principles: Unit
• What do you call the physical model in
separation process that represents a device or
portion of the device that brought two
streams of different phases to contact and are
allowed to reach equilibrium for separation?
• Equilibrium Stage

When the molal heat of vaporization of the binary system is very

much dependent on concentration, the most appropriate
method to use to determine the number of ideal stages is

A.Fenske-Underwood method
B.McCabe-Thiele method
C.Ponchon-Savarit method
D.Tiller-Tour method
Chemical Engineering
Multiple Choice
When the feed to the column is a
saturated liquid, the feed line is

A. horizontal
B. vertical
C. Inclined left
D. Inclined right
Chemical Engineering
It is the ratio of the partial pressure to
the mole fraction in the liquid.

Chemical Engineering
Multiple Choice
What is the condition of the feed to a
distillation column when its addition
increases both the reflux in the stripping
section and the vapor in the rectifying
A. Subcooled liquid
B. Saturated liquid or vapor
C. Partial vapor
D. Superheated vapor
Chemical Engineering
It is termed as the carryover of liquid to
the tray above.

Chemical Engineering
Multiple Choice
It acts as a dam to keep a sufficient level
of liquid on the plate.

A. Bubble cap
B. Downcomer
C. Sieve tray
D. Weir
Chemical Engineering
Multiple Choice
True or False: The y versus x graph is
also called a McCabe-Thiele diagram

ChE-MC Separation Processes

In distillation process design using the

McCabe-Thiele Method, a vertical line
indicates a feed:
A. Saturated vapor
B. Saturated liquid
C. Subcooled liquid
D. Superheated vapor
ChE-ID Separation Process (15 sec, 10

is a physical phenomenon that

has been applied to separate mixtures on
the basis of molecular shape.

ANSWER: Clathration
ChE-MC Separation Processes

In distillation process design using the McCabe-

Thiele Method, a horizontal line indicates a

A. Saturated liquid
B. Saturated vapor
C. Subcooled liquid
D. Superheated vapor
ChE-MC Separation Processes
(10 sec, 5 pts)
In distillation process design using the
McCabe-Thiele Method, a horizontal line
indicates a feed:
A. Saturated liquid
B. Saturated vapor
C. Subcooled liquid
D. Superheated vapor
ChE-ID Separation Process

What do you call the physical model in

separation processes that represents a device, or
portion of the device, in which two streams, or
dissimilar phases, are brought together, allowed
to reach equilibrium, the separated and

ANSWER: Equilibrium Stage

Unit Operations Identification

• When the reflux ratio approaches infinity. The

slope of the rectifying line approaches unity of
the intercept approaches zero making the
operating line coincide with the diagonal. The
number of stages obtained from this condition
is called .

• Minimum Number of Stages

• What type of substances requires the use of
isothermal distillation?
– high boiling substances
– heat labile substances
– low boiling substances
– azeotropic substances
Answer: B
• What type of interaction is dominant in high-
boiling systems?
– solvent-solvent interaction
– H-bonding
– solute-solvent interaction
– solute-solute interaction
• Answer: C
• What do you call systems having zero degrees
of freedom?
– invariant
– azeotropic
– indifferent
– eutectic
• Answer: A
• Open steam binary rectification may be
applied with success if the less volatile
component is:
– water
– alcohol
– the substance other than water
– acetone
• Answer: A
• At minimum reflux ratio, the number of stages
of a distillation column is:
– minimum
– infinite
– maximum
– only one
• Answer: B
• The line which determines the stage number
where the feed enters:
– tie line
– isopleth
– dew point line
– q-line
• Answer: D
• What type of distillation is used for the
separation of crude oil?
– isothermal
– fractional
– flash
– steam
• Answer: C
• What type of distillation is used for azeotropic
– isothermal
– extractive
– steam
– batch
• Answer: B
• Indistillation, the vapor generated by boiling
the liquid is withdrawn from contact with the
liquid and condensed as fast as it formed.
– multi-step
– fractional
– differential
– flash
• Answer: C
• What would be the degrees of freedom for a
system with 2 phases and 3 components?
• Answer: C
1. Which of the following is a valid assumption
of the Mc-Cabe Thiele method?
a. constant molar underflow
b. b. constant volume
c. constant molar overflow
d. none of the above
It is used to calculate the number of plates
required to make a specified separation at total
a. Kremser Group
b. Ponchon-Savarit Method
c. Fenske-Underwood Method
d. Lewis-Matheson Method
• In multi-stage operations, a point with no
enrichment between the stages. In a Mc Cabe-
Thiele diagram, a point where the operating
line touches the equilibrium curve.
• Answer: Pinch Point
• It occurs when the intersection of the
operating lines (Mc Cabe-Thiele Method) lies
on the equilibrium curve. This requires an
infinite number of stages to make the given
• Answer: Minimum Reflux Ratio
• A distillation process where the relative
volatility of the components is changed by
adding a high-boiling component/solvent.
• Answer: Extractive Distillation
• When the feed to a distillation column is a
saturated liquid, the slope of the feed line is
equal to
• Answer: Undefined
• Distillation operations carried out at total
reflux do not permit the removal of any
product. However, runs at total reflux are
often made to determine
a)Reboiler duty
b) theo no. of stages
c) condenser duty
d) pinch point
• A liquid mixture whose composition and
boiling point does not change as vapor is
generated and removed on boiling.
a)Immiscible Liquid Mixture b)Partially
Miscible Liquid mixture
c) Azeotropic Mixture
d)Saturated Mixture
• When the feed to a distillation column is a
saturated vapor, the feed line is
a)inclined to the left (C) horizontal
b)inclined to the right (D) vertical
• The ratio of the forward and reverse rate
constant for an elementary process is called
• Answer: Equilibrium constant
• It is possible to change significantly the
relative volatility of a liquid mixture by
a)increasing the pressure
b) increasing the temperature
c) adding a third component
d)hook or by crook
• The efficiency of packed columns is commonly
expressed as . This may be defined as
the total packed height of the column divided
by the number of theoretical stages in the
• Answer: HETP
• It is defined as the total packed height of the
tower divided by the number of transfer units
which the packed section is capable of
• Answer: HTU
• High boiling liquids often cannot be purified
by distillation at atmospheric pressure, since
the components of the liquid tend to
decompose at the high temperatures
required. If the high boiling substances are not
soluble in water, it is possible to obtain a
separation at lower temperatures by a process
known as
• Answer: Steam distillation
• The boiling point of a mixture of immiscible
liquids that of any one of its
a)is equal to (C) is lower than
b)is higher than (D) none of these
• In this type of distillation, a liquid is charged to
a still and slowly heated and the vapor formed
is continuously condensed out
• Answer: Batch or Differential Distillation
• In a Mc Cabe-Thiele Method, the optimum
location of the feed plate is represented by a
triangle which has one corner on
a) the rectification operating line and another on
the feed line.
b)the rectification operating line and another on
the upper operating line.
c) the rectification operating line and another on
the stripping section operating line.
d)the rectification operating line and another on
the diagonal line.
• Using Mc Cabe-Thiele Method, at total reflux,
the operating lines coincide with
a)90 0 line (C) 45 0 line
b)180 0 line (D) 360 0 line
• In a distilling column, the lowest pressure will
be at
a)the bottom (C) the feed plate
b)the top (D) the condenser
• The temperature in the distilling column, from
top to bottom
a)increases (C) decreases
b)remains constant (D) unpredictable

• This type of absorption wherein the solute is
captured by chemically reacting with the

• A) Physisorption
C) Physical
• B) Chemical D) Reactive
adsorption Absorption

• Which tray type is the cheapest and has the
lowest pressure drop?
• A ) Sieve Tray C) ValveTray
• B ) Bubble-Cap Tray D) Packed
• Which tray type has the highest turn down
• A ) Sieve Tray C) ValveTray
• B ) Bubble-Cap Tray D) Packed

• Separation Process

• What do you call the membrane separation
process in which a liquid stream containing two
or more components is placed in contact with
one side of a non-porous polymeric membrane
while a vacuum or gas purge is applied to the
other side?
• Reverse Osmosis
• What is the degree of freedom of a system
composed of ethanol-acetic acid-water
mixture wherein its vapor is in equilibrium
with its liquid?

• (3)
Chemical Engineering Principles: Separation
• In distillation design, if the horizontal feed line
is observed (McCabe-Thiele Method) what is
the nature of the fed stream?

– A. Saturated Liquid
– B. Saturated Vapor
– C. Subcooled Liquid
– D. Superheated Vapor
Chemical Engineering Principles: Unit
• What do you call the physical model in
separation process that represents a device or
portion of the device that brought two
streams of different phases to contact and are
allowed to reach equilibrium for separation?

• Answer: Equilibrium Stage

In solvent extraction operation, the selectivity
of the solvent
A.remains unaffected with change in
B. increases with decrease in
C. decreases with decrease in
D. increases linearly with decrease
in Answer: B
• 2) Chem Eng’g
• Renon & Prausnitz (1968) developed the
NRTL equation commonly applied for
partially miscible & miscible systems. NRTL
stands for

• Ans: Non random two liquid

• One of the most common filter aid used
which are made up of particles of “puffed
a) diatomite c. calcium

b) Gypsum d. expanded
• For horizontal belt filter, the minimum cake
thickness for discharge is
a) 6-8 mm c. 10-13 mm
b) 3-5 mm d. 8-10 mm
• Most commonly used continuous filter

a) rotary drum filter c. horizontal belt

b) plate and frame d. press filter

• The following are produced by catalytic
process in a fluidized bed reactor except

a) gasoline c. nitrobenzene
b) acrylonitrile d. calcination of dolomite

According to the Ruth equation, the filtration rate is

A.Directly proportional to viscosity

B.Directly proportional the square of viscosity
C.Directly proportional to the filter area
D.Directly proportional to the square of the filter area

What do you call the horizontal knife

that scrapes the cake off a rotary drum

• It is the separation of fluid-solid mixture
involving the passage of most of the fluid
through a porous barrier which retains most
of the solid particles contained in the
a) membrane separation c. sedimentation
b) classification d. filtration
• One of the most common filter aid used
which are made up of particles of “puffed
a) diatomite c. calcium carbonate
b) gypsum d. expanded perlite
• For horizontal belt filter, the minimum cake
thickness for discharge is
a) 6-8 mm c. 10-13 mm
b) 3-5 mm d. 8-10 mm
• The following are produced by catalytic
process in a fluidized bed reactor except

a) gasoline c. nitrobenzene
b) acrylonitrile d.calcination of
Size Reduction

All of the following are used for coarse size reduction except one.
Which is it?

A. Ball mill
B. Bradford breaker
C. Gyratory crusher
D. Jaw crusher

What is the ratio of the screen aperture corresponding to a

mesh size in the Tyler Standard screen series to that of the next
smaller screen?

ChE: Unit Operations
• This law states that the energy
required for crushing is proportional to
the length of the initial and final
diameters of the particle.

• Kick’s Law
• 1. In grinding operation, it is 0.06 to 1% based
on values of the surface energy of quartz.

• a. Energy coefficient b. Practical Energy

• c. Theoretical d. none of
Energy Efficiency
the above
• 2. Curved or concave jaw plates are designed
• a. increase b. prevent energy
capacity losses
• c. minimize d. none of the above
• It differs from the tube mill by being short in
• a. Pebble Mill b. Ball Mill
• c. Vibrating Mill d. Attrition Mill

• The material most resistive to crushing:

a. Gypsum b. Fluoride
c. quartz d.apatite
• Which of the following affects the actual
capacity of the crusher?
a. Roll Diameter b. Feed Irregularities
c. Hardness of Roller d. All of the above
• 8.) Size Reduction: This is a mechanical
separation used for separating materials of
different specific gravities by the pulsation of a
stream of liquid flowing through a bed of

• (Ans: Jigging)
• It is the minimum clear space between the
edges of the opening of the screening
a) aperture c. mesh
b) open area d. sieve scale
• It is the removal of extremely fine particles
from wet material by passing it over a
screening surface
a) scalping c.dewatering
b) separation d. desliming
• Which of the following statement is true about
screening capacity and effectiveness?
a) the capacity and effectiveness are opposing
b) the capacity and effectiveness are linearly
c) the capacity and effectiveness are independent of
each other
d) none of the above

For the free settling of a spherical particle through a fluid, what

is the slope of the plot of drag coefficient versus the logarithm of
Reynolds number?

What is the type of settling exhibited by
particles when the solids concentration is very
• a) zone
• b) particulate
• c) compression
• d) hindered
2.) Which of the following does not affect
• a) Particle size
• b) solid and solution density
• c) surface tension
• d) types of solid particles
3.) Free settling movement is governed by
what equation?
a) sedimentation c) phythagorean
b) stoke’s law d) eurgun equation
4.) Which of the following is not used to
improve a particle’s settling characteristics?
a) flotation c) flocculation
b) coagulation d) ion exchange
5.) It is the size range of flocculent particles.
a) less than 20 micrometer
b) less than 25 micrometer
c) greater than 20 micrometer
d) greater than 25 micrometer
• 6.) This is a equipment that uses centrifugal
force to separate air-solid mixtures.

a) centrifugal filter c) cyclone

b) centrifuge d) rotary filter
7.) Which of the following is a type of
flocculant used for acid suspension?

a) non-ionic c) cationic
b) anionic d) none of these
• 8.) It is the height in which the settling finally
becomes zero.
• a) equilibrium height c) ultimate height
• b) final height d) critical height
• 9.) It is the height in which compression
settling starts. critical height
10.) Which of the following forces acting in a
settling particle is in the same direction of the
particle’s settling velocity?
a) External Force c) Bouyant force
b) Drag Force d) Friction force
11.) Which of the following is not a pre-
treatment process for flotation?
a) crusher c) conditioner
b) rougher d) classifier
12.) Most of the undesired materials in ore
flotation is found in the…
a) ore c) concentrate
b) froth d) tailings
13.) It is the equipment used where the
desired material is separated to the ore by
means of flotation.
a) flotation tank
b) flotation cell
c) flotation chamber
d) flotater
14.) Petroleum and kerosene are added to
flotation units as flotation reagents. These
chemicals acts as…
a) frothing agents
b) frothers
c) modifying agents
d) promoters
15.) These flotation reagents decrease the
surface tension of water, thus preventing the
coalescence of air bubbles upon reaching the
Ans: Frothers
General Engineering Principles
Engineering Economics

Before, taxpayers could choose among several methods when

depreciating assets for tax purposes. The most widely used
methods were the straight line method and the declining
balance method. MACRS, which stands for
, superseded these methods for determining the allowed
depreciation amount in calculating income taxes.

Modified Accelerated Cost Recovery System

General Engineering Principles
Engineering Economics

What do you call an estimate of an asset’s net market value at the beginning of its
estimated life?

Book value
General Engineering Principles
Engineering Economics

What do you call the length of time for the cumulative net annual profit to
equal the investment?

Payback period
The concept similar to depreciation that is
applied to natural sources is called what?
A. depletion
B. declining balance
C. amortization
D. modified accelerated cost
recovery system (MACRS)

Answer: A
If a set of investment alternatives contains all
possible choices that can be made, then the
set is said to be
A. coherent
B. collectively exhaustive
C. independent
D. mutually exclusive

Answer: B
In Engineering Economics, this is the term
used for the sum of the annual discounted
cash flows during the life of a project.


GE-MC02 Engineering Economy

What is the reciprocal of sinking fund factor?

A. capital recovery factor
B. uniform series compound amount factor
C. present worth factor
D. single payment compound amount factor
Engineering Economy Identification

• is an indicator, derived by aggregating

sets of representative unit prices with an
appropriate weighting base, which measures
changes in price levels over time.

• Price index

GE: Engineering Economics
• Q8: The depreciation which results
not from deterioration in assets
ability to serve its intended purpose
but from a change in the demand
for the service it can render.

• Functional Depreciation
• 5.) Economics: Sum of all expenditures
associated with a system or a component
during its entire service plan. It includes the
initial investment, operating and maintenance
cost and disposal cost.

• (Ans: Life cycle cost)

ChE Laws

It is the highest form of Sacrifice.

Ans. Altruism
8) The quotient of the difference of the current
assets and inventories, and the current
a) quick ratio
b) current ratio
c) debt ratio
d) inventory ratio
9) What is the reciprocal of the single payment
compound amount factor?
a) sinking fund factor
b) capital recovery factor
c) Present worth factor
d) Annuity factor
General Engineering: Laws, Ethics and Contracts
• What is the maximum allowable value of SOx
emission expressed in mg per SO3 per NCM
for new fuel burning equipment according to
Article 3, Section 19 of RA 9749?
– A. 250
– B. 500
– C. 700
– D. 900
General Engineering Principles
Laws, Contracts and Ethics
is the act of making, using, or selling by any
person of a patented invention without the expressed
authorization of the patentee.

General Engineering Principles
Laws, Contracts and Ethics

It is an exclusive right given to an inventor over his or her invention for a

limited time. It serves to protect him or her from uncontrolled
competition from parties who had no part to that invention.


The current Code of Ethics of Chemical Engineers

of the Philippines has sections.
a) 18
b) 22
c) 30
d) 36
General Engineering
Laws, Contracts and Ethics

• What is RA 6969?

• Toxic Substances and Hazardous and Nuclear

Wastes Control Act of 1990
General Engineering
Laws, Contracts and Ethics

• Which president of the Republic of the

Philippines signed the RA 7687 or the Science
Scholarship Act of 19xx?

• Pres. Fidel V. Ramos

General Engineering Laws,
Contracts and Ethics
• According to RA 8749, it is any matter found in
the atmosphere other than oxygen, nitrogen,
water vapor, carbon dioxide, and the inert

gases in their natural or normal

concentrations, that is detrimental to health
or the environment, which includes but not
limited to smoke, dust, soot, cinders, fly ash,
solid particles of any kind, gases, fumes,
chemical mists, steam and radio-active
• Air Pollutants
General Engineering
Laws, Contracts and Ethics

• What is RA 8293?

• Intellectual Property Code of the Philippines

General Engineering
Laws, Contracts and Ethics

• According to RA 8981 or PRC Modernization

Act of 2000 among the responsibilities of the
commission is to monitor the performance of
schools in licensure examinations and publish
the results thereof in a newspaper of national
circulation. True of False.

• True
The ChE Law of 2004 is known as

Answer: RA 9297
GE: Laws, Contracts and Ethics 5

• Question no. 10: The new code of ethics for

chemical engineers was approved by the
Board of Chemical Engineers in .

– A. 1948
– B. January 14, 2009*
– C.1999
– D. 1990
General Engineering
Laws, Contract and

• Q17: The R.A. 8749, known as the Clean Air

Act of 1999, bans the use of leaded gasoline
which contains toxic component called .

– Methylated lead
– Pb2+
– Tetraethyl lead
– Lead oxide
General Engineering
Laws, Contracts and Ethics

• Q8: Under P.D. 984, the permitted

concentration for vehicle HC emission is 800
ppm, for CO is at most 3.0%. What is the
prescribed concentration for NO2 emission?
– A. 350 ppm
– B. 600 ppm
– C. 450 ppm
– D. 500 ppm
General Engineering Laws,
Contracts and Ethics
• There are several Philippine laws that aim to
protect the country’s environment and natural
resources. Some of these are RA 6969 which
controls toxic substance and hazardous
nuclear wastes, and RA 9003 which provides
an ecological solid waste management
program. What is RA 8749?
• Clean Air Act of the Philippines STOP
GE: Laws, Contracts and Ethics
• Q11: It is the act of making use, using
or selling by any person of a
patented invention without the
expressed authorization of the

• Infringement
GE: Laws, Contract and Ethics
• Q10: The R.A. 8749, known as the Clean Air
Act of 1999, bans the use of leaded gasoline
which contains toxic component called .

– Methylated lead
– Pb2+
– Tetraethyl lead
– Lead oxide
Gen. Eng’g
• Who has the administrative control &
supervision over the Board of ChE?
• A. President of RP
• B. PRC
• C. Congress of the Phils.
• D. SC
• 9.) Engineering Laws and Ethics: What is the
image not present in the ChE seal as stated in
Sect. 10, rule 11 in RA 9297?

• (Ans: Evaporator)
• 3.) Ethics: Exact date of approval of RA 9297?

• (Ans: May 13, 2004)

• 5.) Engineering Law and Ethics: How many
articles are there in RA 9297?

• (Ans: 5)
General Engineering: Laws, Ethics and Contracts

• What is the maximum allowable value of SOx

emission expressed in mg per SO3 per NCM
for new fuel burning equipment according to
Article 3, Section 19 of RA 9749?
– A. 250
– B. 500
– C. 700
– D. 900
Dimensional Analysis

This theorem states that the functional relationship among q

quantities or variables whose units may be given in terms of u
fundamental units or dimensions may be written as (q – u)
independent dimensionless groups often called π.

Buckingham theorem
Physical and Chemical Principles

The discrete quantity of energy emitted

by atoms and molecules.

– A. Wave pockets
– B. Quanta
– C. Quarks
– D. Photons
Physical and Chemical Principles

The intermolecular forces present

between ammonia and benzene?

– A. Dipole-induced dipole and dispersion

– B. Ion-induced dipole and dispersion
– C. Dipole-dipole and dispersion
– D. London forces
Physical and Chemical Principles

The number of atoms/ions surrounding

an atoms/ions in a crystal lattice

• Coordination number
Physical and Chemical Principles

What are tin cans made of?

• Iron and Carbon

Physical and Chemical Principles
Multiple Choice
Nickel Chloride is color

– A. white
– B. yellow
– C. green
– D. orange
Physical and Chemical Principles
Multiple Choice
Which is not capable of hydrogen

– A. CH3OH
– B. CH3NH2
– C. (CH3)3N
Physical and Chemical Principles
Multiple Choice
When elements are arranged in order
of atomic mass, every 8th element has
similar properties. This is called

– A. Octet Rule
– B. Law of Octaves
– C. Rule of 8 (eight)
– D. No such rule exists
Physical and Chemical Principles

Which of the following dissolves

fastest in water?

– A.
– B.
– C.
– D.
Physical and Chemical Principles

Which of the following is a strong


– A.
– B.
– C.
– D.
• An acid found in grapes


• From what mineral is radium obtained?


Environmental Engineering
In the active-sludge process of sewage
treatment, it is essential to have
Ans: an adequate supply of air
Environmental Engineering
The biochemical treatment of
sewage effluents is essentially a
process of -
Ans: oxidation
Environmental Engineering
In treating turbid waters a popular
coagulant is-
Ans: ferric sulfate
Environmental Engineering
Chlorine is used in the treatment
of sewage to-
Ans: help grease separation
Environmental Engineering
The strength of a sewage is related to-
The nuisance-producing
items possessed
Environmental Engineering
The organic portion of sewage
may best be estimated by
measurement of-
Ans: The volatile solids
Environmental Engineering
Liquid waste is considered to be a-
Ans: Newtonian fluid
Environmental Engineering
In most well-designed sewer systems-
Ans: sewers never flow full
Environmental Engineering
Septic tanks are primarily used for-
Ans: anaerobic decomposition
of deposited solids
Environmental Engineering
The gas from Imhoff tanks is mainly
composed of
Environmental Engineering
The process of lagooning is primarily a
means of-
Ans: disposing of sludge
Environmental Engineering
For protection of aquatic life in a fresh-
water stream, sewage effluent should
never lower the content lower than
Ans: 5ppm
• How many independent variables must
be specified in order to define
completely a system of pure liquid
• What is the geometrical shape of the
molecule of methane?

Give the full name of the Swedish
scientist who first proposed the Theory of
Electrolytic Dissociation to explain the
properties of electrolytes and non-
Refrigerant 20 is also known as:
a) freon
b) tetrafluoromethane
c) ammonia
d) chloroform
Magnesium Sulfate Heptahydrate is also
known as:
a) Epsom Salt

b) Glauber’s Salt

c) Milk of Magnesia
d) Magnetite
General Chemistry
• These isomers are molecules that have the
same molecular formula and bond
connections, but distinctly different shapes.

• Geometric Isomers
General Chemistry
• are substances with different chemical
composition but the same crystalline form.

• Allomer
General Chemistry
• The ability of a substance to absorb moisture
from air.

• Hygroscopicity

General Chemistry
• is quantum number that labels the
subshells of an atom. Sometimes called the
orbital angular momentum quantum number,
this quantum number dictates orbital shape. ℓ
can take on values from 0 to n-1 within a shell
with principal quantum number n.

• Azimuthal Quantum Number

General Chemistry
• is an alloy that contains mercury.

• Amalgam
General Chemistry
• It is the quantum number that determines the
size and (in hydrogen atoms) the energy of an
orbital. n is used to label electron shells.

• Principal Quantum Number

General Chemistry
• It is a molecule or ion that binds to a metal
cation to form a complex.

• Ligand

General Chemistry
• is a mixture of nitric and hydrochloric
acids, usually 1:3 or 1:4 parts HNO3 to HCl,
used to dissolve gold.

• Aqua Regia

General Chemistry
• A liquid that becomes less viscous when

• Thixotropic
General Chemistry
• A solution that does not change
composition when distilled.

• Azeotrope

General Chemistry
• A model of the atom that explains emission and
absorption of radiation as transitions between
stationary electronic states in which the electron orbits
the nucleus at a definite distance. This model violates
the Heisenberg uncertainty principle, since it
postulates definite paths and momenta for electrons as
they move around the nucleus. Modern theories
usually use atomic orbitals to describe the behavior of
electrons in atoms.

• Bohr Atomic Theory STOP

General Chemistry
• It is a method for purifying a metal using
electrolysis. An electric current is passed
between a sample of the impure metal and a
cathode when both are immersed in a
solution that contains cations of the metal.
Metal is stripped off the impure sample and
deposited in pure form on the cathode.

• Electrorefining
General Chemistry
• It is a fundamental constant equal to the ideal
gas law constant divided by Avogadro's
number, equal to 1.3805 × 10-23 J K-1.

• Boltzmann Constant, k

General Chemistry
• A set of electrons with the same principal
quantum number.

• Shell

General Chemistry
• A polymer that softens or melts on heating,
and becomes rigid again on cooling.

• Thermoplastics
General Chemistry
• It is an electronic configuration law which
states that no two electrons in an atom can
have the same set of 4 quantum numbers.

• Pauli Exclusion Principle

General Chemistry
• A solution that can maintain its pH value with
little change when acids or bases are added to
it. These solutions are usually prepared as
mixtures of a weak acid with its own salt or
mixtures of salts of weak acids.

• Buffer Solution
General Chemistry
• Safety information sheet for a particular
substance that lists physical properties,
hazards, cleanup and disposal procedures, fire
and explosion data, and protective
equipment required.

General Chemistry
• The temperature when vapor pressure of a
substance becomes high enough to allow the
air/vapor layer over the substance to be

• Flash Point
General Chemistry
• It is the water hardness that remains after
boiling the water, mainly due to dissolved
calcium sulfate.

• Permanent Hardness

General Chemistry
• An electron emitted by an unstable nucleus,
when a neutron decays into a proton and an

• Beta Particle

General Chemistry
• Light passing through a colloid is scattered by
suspended particles. The light beam becomes
clearly visible; this phenomenon is called the

• Tyndall Effect

General Chemistry
• A stable complex of a metal with one or more
polydentate ligands.

• Chelate

General Chemistry
• These properties of a solution depend on the
number of solute molecules present, but not
on the nature of the solute.

• Colligative Property of Solution

General Chemistry
• In the valence bond theory, it is a valence
bond formed by side-by-side overlap of
p orbitals on two bonded atoms.

• Pi-bond
General Chemistry
• A set of electrons with the same azimuthal
quantum number.

• Subshell

General Chemistry
• A wave function that describes the behavior of
an electron in a molecule.

• Molecular Orbital

General Chemistry
• It a law that states that the volume of a gas is
directly proportional to its temperature in
kelvins, if pressure and amount of gas remain
constant. V2/T2 = V1/T1

• Charles’ Law

General Chemistry
• It is a solution of precisely known

• Standard Solution

General Chemistry
• It is the energy needed to remove an electron
from a gaseous atom or ion.

• Ionization Energy

General Chemistry
• It is the determination of average molecular
weight of a dissolved substance from the
boiling point elevation of the solution.

• Ebulliometry

General Chemistry
• Solid substances that occur in several distinct

• Polymorph

General Chemistry
• It is a particle that is commonly ejected from
radioactive nuclei, consisting of two protons
and two neutrons.

• Alpha Particle

General Chemistry
• In the valence bond theory, it is a valence
bond that is symmetrical around the
imaginary line between the bonded atoms.

• Sigma-bond

General Chemistry
• A rule of thumb stating that subshells fill so
that the number of unpaired spins is
maximized, or "spread them out and line
them up."

• Hund’s Rule
PCP-MC03 General Inorganic

Amount of hydrogen in the earth’s crust.

A. 1% by volume
B. 10% by volume
C. 10 % by weight
D. 1% by weight
PCP-ID02 General Inorganic Chemistry

Chromium (III) in water has what color?

ANSWER: Violet
PCP-MC01 General Inorganic

The structure of water can be described as

A. polar and tetrahedral

B. polar and bent
C. polar and linear
D. non-polar and bent
PCP-MC General Inorganic Chemistry

What is the oxidation state of nitrogen in

nitric oxide
A. +1
B. +2
C. +3
D. +4
• Why does water boil at lower temperatures in higher altitudes?

a. It is generally colder at higher altitudes

b. Fuel is more scarce at higher altitudes
c. Atmospheric pressure is generally lower at higher
d. The increased air convection at higher altitudes reduce
the boiling point of water
e. At high altitudes, water is more exposed to the sun’s
ultraviolet rays
General Chemistry

• are properties that are independent of

the process pathway but rather are defined
only by the initial and final state of the

• State properties

General Chemistry

• SiH4 is used as coupling agents to adhere glass

fibers to a polymer matrix, stabilizing the
composite material. What is the common
name of SiH4?

• Monosilane

PCP: General Inorganic Chemistry5
• Question no. 7: Atomic size is the average
distance from the nucleus of one element to
its electron.

– A. Ground State
– B. Excited State
– C. Valence
– D. Ionic
PCP: General Inorganic Chemistry5
• Question no 2: This scientist discovered in
1913 that the frequency of the x-ray
generated radiation by bombarding the
element with high energy electron have
periodic relationship with the element’s
atomic number.

• Henry Mosely
Physical and Chemical Principles
General Inorganic Chemistry
• Amagat's law or the Law of Partial Volumes of 1880
describes the behaviour and properties of mixtures of
ideal (as well as some cases of non-ideal) gases. Of
use in chemistry and thermodynamics, Amagat's law
states that the volume Vm of a gas mixture is equal to
the sum of volumes Vi of the K component gases, if the
temperature T and the pressure p remain the constant,
this law is named after which scientist.

• Emile Amagat
Physical and Chemical Principles
General Inorganic Chemistry
• Q2: This scientist accurately determined the
value of the electronic charge e by a series of
oil drop experiments. He concluded that the
magnitude of charge, q on droplet is an
integral multiple of e. Give the full name of
this scientist.

• Robert Millikan
Question 1: Chemical and Physical
General Inorganic Chemistry
• These are types of materials which are a
compound of metal and solid non-metal. They
are characterized by high compressive
strength, high brittleness, low thermal and
electrical conductivity and very high
melting point.

• Ceramics
PCP: General Inorganic Chemistry

• Q20: Sulfur tetrafluoride has

molecular geometry.

– A. Linear
– B. T-shaped
– C. Trigonal Bipyramidal
– D. See-saw
• 11.) Nuclear Chemistry: Form of hydrogen
with 2 extra neutrons.

• (Ans: Tritium)
• Q1
• Safety Engineering

• In an industrial plant, there is a need to properly label

containers containing chemicals with Hazard Symbols for
safety considerations. Three of these symbols are
identified. Name the 4th symbol.
• Oxidizing
• 1. What is the chemical name of muriatic acid
• a. nitric acid b. hydrochloric acid
• c. hydrocyanid acid d. hypoclorous acid
• 2. What is the chemical name of washing soda
or sal soda ?
• ammonium chloride
• b. sodium carbonate
• c. sodium carbonate decahydrate
• d.sodium bicarbonate
• 6. Which of the following has the lowest
ionization energy ?
• a. Be b. Ca
• c. As d. P
• 8. Bond that is formed by the overlapping of
atomic orbitals when they are symmetrical
around the axis joining the two atomic nuclei.

• a. ionic bond b. pi bond

• c. sigma bond d. metallic bond
• 9. Given that n= 2, how many orbitals are
there ?
• a. 8 b. 4
• c. 2 d. 6
• 11.What is the chemical name of oil of vitriol ?
• a. Iron sulfate heptahydrate
• b. Hydrocyanic acid
• c. Zinc sulfate heptahydrate
• d. Concentrated sulfuric acid
• 12. If the half-life is independent of the initial
concentration, the order is
• a. first order b. zero order
• c. second order d. none of the
• 13. Artificial air for diving contains
• a. Argon b. Nitrogen
• c. Helium d. Hydrogen
• 16. What is the percentage of oxygen in air ?

• a. 79 b. 21
• c. 12 d. 85
• 18. It is the average kinetic energy of the
molecules of a substance .
• a. heat b. temperature
• c. enthalpy d. work
• 19.What is the driving force in precipitation
reaction ?
a)formation of insoluble precipitate
b)solubility of the compound
c) concentration of the
d)saturated solution
• 22.Which is the most electronegative
• a. Cl b. F
• c. I d. Br
• 25. Who discovered positron ?

• a. E. Rutherford b. J. Chadwick
• c. JJ Thompson d. C. Anderson
• 29.What is the chemical name of potassium
• a. caustic soda
• b. caustic potash
• c. Lye
• d, portlandite
• 30. What is the percentage of Ar in the
atmosphere ?
• a. 0.93 b. 0.87
• c. 0.49 d. 0.58
• 31. Pure gold is karat
• a. 24 b. 16
• c. 18 d. 20
• 32. Which gas is responsible for greenhouse
• a. Carbon dioxide
• b. Carbon monoxide
• c. Nitrogen dioxide
• d. Sulfur dioxide
• 33.Which is a foul smelling gas ?

• a.H2S b. N2O
• c. NO2 d. CO
• 34. What is the color of methyl orange in
acidic solution ?
• a. red b. orange
• c. yellow d. green
• 35. Which is the most abundant element in
the universe?
• a. H b. N
• c. O d. C
• 36. Which is the most abundant element on
earth ?
• a. H b. N
• c. O d. C
• 39. Ostwald process is involved in the
production of
• a. sulfuric acid
• b. nitric acid
• c. hydrochloric acid
d.phosphoric acid
Physical and Chemical Principles: Organic
• Which has the highest boiling point?

– A. 3-methyl pentane
– B. 2-methyl pentane
– C. 2,3-dimethyl butane
– D. 2,2-dimethyl butane
Physical and Chemical Principles
Organic Chemistry
Many drugs are chiral molecules of which one optical isomer is
biologically active and the other has either a different type of
activity or none at all. One optical isomer of this particular drug
is active against depression, whereas the other causes fetal
mutations and deaths. Tragically, the drug was sold in the 1950s
as the racemic mixture and caused limb malformations in many
children whose mothers had it prescribed to relieve “morning
sickness” during pregnancy. Name this drug.

Physical and Chemical Principles
Organic Chemistry

This cyclic ether whose structure is shown below is most commonly used as a solvent.
What is the common name of this compound?

Physical and Chemical Principles
Organic Chemistry
Cyanamide, H2N-CN can trimerize to form a single compound, 2,4,6-triamino-
1,3,5-triazine. This product is the most important of all the triamines and
is a valuable component of plastics. Give the common name of the

PCP-ID03 Organic Chemistry

What carboxylic acid contributes to the

strong odor of rancid butter and other


PCP-ID04 Organic Chemistry

What test will distinguish 1-propanol from



PCP-ID03 Organic Chemistry

What rule states that “ In the addition of

HX to alkenes, the halogen attaches to the
doubly bonded carbon with more alkyl


Organic Chemistry

• Limonene is a colourless liquid hydrocarbon

classified as a cyclic terpene possessing a
strong smell of oranges. Limonene is a chiral
molecule, and biological sources produce one
enantiomer: citrus fruit. What do you call the
racemic mixture of limonene?

• Dipentene
Organic Chemistry

• is the production of a more complex

alpha, beta-unsaturated aldehyde (or ketone),
with the elimination of water, upon treatment
of two equivalents of an aldehyde (or ketone)
with acid or base.

• Aldol reaction

PCP: Organic Chemistry 5
•Many drugs are chiral molecules of which one
optical isomer is biologically active and the other
has either a different type of activity or none at all.
One optical isomer of this particular drug is active
against depression, whereas the other causes fetal
mutations and deaths. Tragically, the drug was sold
in the 1950s as the racemic mixture and caused
limb malformations in many children whose
mothers had it prescribed to relieve “morning
sickness” during pregnancy. Name this drug.

• Thalidomide
PCP: Organic Chemistry

• Q2: Hexanedioic acid is also known as

– A. Malonic acid
– B. Succinic Acid
– C. Glutaric Acid
– D. Adipic Acid
• 2.) Organic Chemistry: A molecule is said to
posses this property if it cannot be super
imposed upon its mirror image.

• (Chirality)
• CaCl2 cannot be used as a desiccant for
• a) alkane
• b) alkyne
• c) alcohol
• d) ether
• In organic chemistry, what is reduction?
a) gain of electrons
b) decrease in oxidation number
c) loss of electrons
d) both a & b
• These are bonds which are symmetrical
with the line that connects the nuclei
a) pi bonds
b) sigma bonds
c) gamma bonds
d) alpha bonds
• If the principal quantum number is two, how
many outer orbitals are there all in all?
a) 4
b) 5
c) 6
d) 2
• What is the IUPAC name of ethylene?
a) ethylene
b) ethene
c) acetylene
d) ethane
• If an alkane has 6 carbon, how many
structures are possible?
a) 4
b) 5
c) 6
d) 3
• Which of the following represents acetic
c) CH3COO-
d) (CH3CO)2 O
• What is the normal state of alkynes at room
a) solid
b) liquid
c) gas
d) fluid
• The Lucas test is used for the analysis of
a) Primary alcohols only
b) Secondary alcohols only
c) Secondary and Tertiary alcohols
d) Any type of alcohol
• How many possible isomers are there in
a) 0
b) 1
c) 2
d) 3
• What is the functional group attached to
benzene when it is converted to toluene?
a) Carbonyl group
b) Amide group
c) Methyl group
d) Vinyl group
• Which is not a benzene derivative?
• a) phenanthrene
• b) anthracene
• c) bromoethene
• d) naphthalene
• The formula of acrylonitrile
• a) C3H4N
• b) C3H5N2
• c) C3H3N
• d) C2H6N
• What metal is used in Wurtz synthesis?
a) Mg
b) Na
c) Ca
d) Ba
• Which of the following is obtained from
methane on the action of Cl2?
• a. dichlorodifluoromethane
• b. carbon tetrachloride
• c. chloroform
• d. chloromethane
• Carbon number is
• a. no. of carbon impurities
• b. no. of carbon compounds
• c. no. of carbon atom
• d. no. of carbon mixtures
• Which of the following is a primary alcohol?
• a. isoamyl alcohol
• b. phenol
• c. tert-butyl alcohol
• d. isopropyl alcohol
• Which of the following is a derivative of
carboxylic acid?
• a) arpine
• b) ester
• c) aldehyde
• d) alcohol
• Alcoholic beverage from distilled wine or fruit
a) Vodka
b) Brandy
c) Whisky
d) Tubâ
• Polymer used in rubber
a) PVC
b) PVA
c) Polyethylene
d) Polystyrene
• The rule that is used to determine
if a compound is aromatic if not given
the structure is
a) Van’t Hoff rule
b) Markovnikov rule
c) Huckel’s rule
d) Aromaticity rules
• How many isomers are possible for propane?
a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 0
• Which of the following would represent Lucas
a) Cu(OH)2 in Na Citrate
b) Cu(SO4) in NaOH
c) HCl in ZnCl2
d) PB(CH3COO)2 in NaOH
• Which of the following is the most acidic?
a) Phenol
b) Acetic acid
c) Water
d) Ethanol
• Which is a polymer?
a) Teflon
b) TNT
c) DDT
d) glucose
• Enzyme in papaya
a) Papayase
b) Papain
c) Trypsin
d) Chemotrypsin
• Which of the following alkenes have alternate
a) isolated
b) conjugated
c) cumulated
d) joined
• Which is a primary alcohol?
a) isopropyl alcohol
b) methanol
c) ethanol
d) tert-butanol
• What is the empirical formula of C6H12O6?
a) C12H24O12
b) C2H4O2
c) CH2O
d) (CH2O)x
• What is the enzyme present in Cheese?
a) rennin
b) lactase
c) cheezase
d) pepsin
• What is the ultimate product of oxidizing
a) an aldehyde
b) a ketone
c) a carboxylic acid
d) no reaction
• Which among the following conditions will
NOT lead to larger particle size during
a) precipitation from basic solutions
b) precipitation from hot solutions
c) precipitation from dilute solutions
d) slow addition of precipitating agent
• The difference between HCl and HNO2 as acids
a) the first has less hydrogen in solution
b) the second has more ionized hydrogen
c) the first is highly ionized
d) the second is highly ionized
• At ph 8, bromthymol is colored
a) yellow
b) blue
c) red
d) green
• Analytical Chemistry
• Which spectroscopic probe of molecules makes used of
radiofrequency radiation with a frequency of the order of
102 MHz and a wavelength of the order 300 cm?
a) Microwave spectroscopy
b) Infrared spectroscopy
c) Nuclear magnetic spectroscopy
d) Atomic absorption spectroscopy
1. (identification) In the titration with EDTA
(ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid) to detect
the presence of metal ions, what indicator is

Eriochrome Black T
2. (identification) Absorption of radiant energy
by matter can be described by what law? It is
also denoted as A = εbc where A is the
absorbance, ε is the molar absorptivity, b is the
thickness of the material and c is its
respective concentration.

Beer’s Law
3. (identification) Identify the full name of the
electrode which is assigned a value of 0.000 V
at all temperatures.

Standard Hydrogen Electrode

Which indicator is appropriate for use in the
titration of a weak acid with a strong base?
a) methyl red
b) methyl orange
c) bromocresol green
d) phenolphthalein
e) bromothymol blue
f) all of the above
Which of the following is not a strong acid?
a) HCl
b) H2SO3
c) HNO3
d) HClO4
e) none of the above
What quantum number describes the shape of
the orbital? Give its full name.

Azimuthal or angular momentum

quantum number
Which scientist observed and formulated the 3
Laws of Planetary Motion?

Johannes Kepler
In fermentation, what is the starting
microbial culture or strain called?

Identify the type of microorganism which can
alternately display aerobic and anaerobic
characteristics depending on its

facultative microorganism
An organism that grows optimally within
20°C to 37°C is a/an
a) thermophile
b) mesophile
c) nucleophile
d) electrophile
e) none of the above
Which is not part of the 6 General Classes of
a) transferase
b) lyase
c) oxido-reductase
d) nuclease
Which colligative property is described by the
equation: Δt = km, where m is the molality, Δt
is the change in temperature and k is the
ebullioscopic constant?

boiling point elevation

It is a study dealing with the geometry,
properties and structure of crystals and
crystalline substances.

Which scientist first proposed the Kinetic
Molecular Theory?
a) Bernoulli
b) Clausius
c) Maxwell
d) Boltzmann
e) Van der Waals
f) none of the above
The point wherein the physical properties of liquid and
vapor become identical and no distinction can be
observed between the two is

a) sublimation point
b) triple point
c) vaporization point
d) critical point
1. Which of the following precipitate are hardest
to filter?

a. isomorphous b. gelatinous
c. crystalline d. curdy precipitates
2.What is the color of methyl orange at ph = 8?

a. red b. yellow
c. colorless d. blue
3. Which of the following conditions would
induce precipitation?

a. high temperature b. dilute solns

c. low ph d. all of the above
5. Which of the following has the highest purity?

a. primary Std. b. USP reagent

c. ACS reagent d. CP reagent
6. What is the color of litmus paper in acid?

a. blue b. red
c. orange d. colorless
8. Brix scale is the hydrometer scale for:

a. gasoline b. sugar solution

c. liquefied propane gas d. water
10. What is the most commonly used reagent in
the standardization of acids?

a. K2SO4 b. Borax
c. BaCl2 d. Na2CO3
11. What is the practical method of coagulation?

a. increasing T b. agitating/stirring
c. digestion d. all of the above
In a redox reaction, you need:

a. a strong OA & WA
b. a strong RA & a weak OA
c. a strong OA & a strong RA
d. a weak OA & weak RA
What is the color of phenolphthalein at pH
= 10?

a. colorless b. blue
c. pink d. yellow
What is the color of Bromcresol green at
pH = 9?

a. colorless b. yellow
c. red d. blue types
Which of the following types of precipitimetry
is used as a direct method for halide

a. Mohr method b. Volhard method

c. Fajans method d. none of the above
20. What is the titrant used in Mohr method?

a. AgNO3 b. KSCN
c. K4Fe ( CN)6 d. KCN
What is the indicator used in Fajans method of

a. methylorange
b. phenolputhalein
c. Bromcresol green
d. Sodium fluoresclinate
Physical Chemistry

• How many phases are involved in all wetting


• 3

Which one of the following statements about P

electrochemical cells is correct?
A. In a salt bridge, current is carried by cations moving
toward the anode, and anions toward the cathode.
B. In the external wire, electrons travel from cathode to
C. Oxidation occurs at the cathode, in an electrolytic
D. The anode of a voltaic cell is labeled minus (-).
Physical Chemistry

• What separation process is commonly 5P

used to purify colloids, i.e., removal of ionic
material that may have accompanied their

• Dialysis
An American, Charles M. Hall is
credited for the process of
electrochemical extraction of this

PCP: Physical Chemistry

• Q15: What is the term used to define

the phenomenon of emission of light in
a chemical reaction?

– A. Photosentisation
– B. Chemical Luminiscence
– C. Photoreaction Emission
– D. Luminophotolysis
Physical & Chem prop
What would be the sign of G for the case
where both H and S are negative.
a)G is positive at all temp
b)G is negative at all temp
c)G is negative at low temp
d)G is negative at high temp
Physical & Chem prin
In which half-cell does the electrode
decrease in mass as the reaction progresses
• copper electrode
• zinc electrode
• cathode
• neither decreases in mass
• 4.) Physical Chemistry: Electrolysis is carried
out by passing an electric current through a
solution of copper sulfate using inert
electrodes which causes:

• (Ans: Cu to plate out on the negative

Physical Chemistry
• How many phases are involved in all wetting

• 3
• Which one of the following statements about
electrochemical cells is correct?
a) In a salt bridge, current is carried by cations moving
toward the anode, and anions toward the cathode.
b) In the external wire, electrons travel from cathode to
c) Oxidation occurs at the cathode, in an electrolytic
d) The anode of a voltaic cell is labeled minus (-).
• Physical Chemistry
• What separation process is commonly used to
purify colloids, i.e., removal of ionic material
that may have accompanied their formation?

• Dialysis
Physical and Chemical Principles: General
Inorganic Chemistry

• What is the oxidation state of N in nitric oxide?

• Answer:+2
• The no. of degrees of freedom of an ethanol-
water system in equilibrium with its vapor
• a) 3
• b) 1
• c) 2
• d) zero
• What is the molar entropy of vaporization of
most liquids?
a) 80 J/mol-K
b) 21 cal/mol-K
c) 88 Btu/molK
d) 100 Btu/lboR
• The enthalpy is a function of
• a) Temp and pressure
• b) pressure only
• c) temp only
• d) none of these
• The most commonly used equation of state
a) Ideal gas equation
b) Van der Waals
c) Berthelot
d) Redlich-Kwong
• At what point are the liquid and gaseous
phases become indistinguishable?
a) azeotropic point
b) eutectic point
c) critical point
d) triple point
General Engineering: Biochemical Engineering
is the process to form a
single hybrid cell with
nuclei and cytoplasm of
two different types of
cell order to combine the
desirable characteristics
of the two?
• Answer: Cell Fusion
General Engineering: Biochemical Engineering
• What do you call the small circular DNA
molecules used to carry foreign DNA?

• Answer: Plasmids
General Engineering: Biochemical Engineering
• These bacteria use only inorganic carbon as
their carbon source and obtain their
energy from sunlight by oxidation of
inorganic compounds.

• Answer: Autotrophs
Biochemical Engineering

Which term or quantity in biochemical 0P

engineering, particularly in bioreactor design,
is used in place of residence time, which
chemical engineers are more familiar with?

• Dilution rate
Physical and Chemical Principles
Biochemical Engineering
Cellular respiration is divided into three phases: glycolysis, Krebs
cycle and electron transport chain and oxidative
phosphorylation. How many ATP molecules are produced per
molecule of glucose that underwent the said processes?

Physical and Chemical Principles
Biochemical Engineering

Amino acids are normally categorized according to the properties of their R

groups: nonpolar, polar, and electrically charged. Among the nonpolar
amino acids listed below, which is the only one with sulfur?

A. Glycine
B. Methionine
C. Valine
D. Tryptophan
E. Isoleucine
It is the non-linear equation
commonly used to characterize
enzyme kinetics.

Biochem. Eng’g.

is the enzyme in the stomach

ANSWER: Pepsin
PCP-ID Biochem. Eng’g

What do we call the small circular DNA

molecules used to carry foreign DNA?

ANSWER: Plasmids
PCP-ID Biochem. Eng’g.

is a process to form a single hybrid cell

with nuclei and cytoplasm from two
different types of cells in order to
combine the desirable characteristics of
the fluid?

ANSWER: Cell Fusion

PCP-ID Biochem. Eng’g

What do we call the small circular DNA

molecules used to carry foreign DNA?

ANSWER: Plasmids
Biochemical Engineering

• Dispersants are important for the control of

slimes which sometimes interfere with the
selectivity and increased reagent
consumption. Another term for dispersant is

• deflocculant
PCP: Biochemical Engineering 15

• What do you call a waste treatment

process by which a biologically active
growths are continuously circulated with
incoming biodegradable waste in
presence of oxygen?

• Activated Sludge Process

Physical and Chemical Principles
Biochemical Engineering

During DNA replication, the triplet of bases

called ‘codon’ on the mRNA is matched by the
complimentary triplet in the tRNA molecule.
What do you call this complimentary triplet in

• Anticodons
PCP: Biochemical Engineering

These enzymes catalyzes the

isomerization reaction in the substrate.

– A. Ligases
– B. Isomerase
– C. Hydrolase
– D. Transferase
PCP: Biochemical Engineering
What do you call a waste treatment process by
which biologically active growths are
continuously circulated with the incoming
biodegradable waste in presence of oxygen?
– A. Agitation Process
– B. Activated Sludge Process
– Stabilization Process
– Trickling Filter Process
• 6.) Biochemical Engineering: Mathematical
model that proposed an empirical relationship
between the effect of the specific growth and
the concentration of the growth limiting

• (Ans: Monod)
Biochemical Engineering
Which term or quantity in biochemical
engineering, particularly in bioreactor design,
is used in place of residence time, which
chemical engineers are more familiar with?

• Dilution rate
General Engineering: Biochemical Engineering

• What do you call the small circular DNA

molecules used to carry foreign DNA?

• Answer: Plasmids
General Engineering: Biochemical Engineering

These bacteria use only inorganic carbon as

their carbon source and
obtain their energy from
sunlight of by oxidation
of inorganic compounds.

• Answer: Autotrophs
General Engineering: Biochemical Engineering

• is the process to form a single hybrid

cell with nuclei and cytoplasm of two different
types of cell order to combine the desirable
characteristics of the two?

• Answer: Cell Fusion

Physical and Chemical Principles
Environmental Engineering
This provides the blueprint for action towards sustainable

A. Earth Summit
B. Montreal Protocol
C. Agenda 21
D. Kyoto Protocol
Physical and Chemical Principles
Environmental Engineering
The following treatment processes are aerobic in nature except
one. Which is it?

A. Trickling filters
B. Septic tanks
C. Activated sludge process
D. Aerated lagoons
Question 13
Physical and Chemical Principles
Environmental Engineering
Identification Type, 10 seconds
Turbidity is a measure of the ability of sunlight to pass through water and the
ability of water to disperse different materials disposed in it. Since low
turbidity corresponds to higher transparency, one way to measure
turbidity is to submerge a and note the depth at which it may still be
visible to the naked eye.
Question 13
Physical and Chemical Principles
Environmental Engineering
Identification Type, 10 seconds

Secchi disk
General Engineering Principles
Environmental Engineering

What heavy metal, when methylated causes minamata disease, a

neurological disease characterized by trembling, inability to walk and
speak and even serious convulsions that can lead to death?

Chemical Engineering

It is the global treaty that

aims to diminish and
eventually phase out
The acronym CEI provides a method of
rating the relative potential of acute
health hazard to people from chemical
release incidents. What is CEI?


How many days are usually set to
measure the ultimate
Biochemical Oxygen Demand

PCP-ID Environmental Eng’g

PAN is a powerful lachrymator or tear producer

formed from unburned hydrocarbons,
aldehydes, nitrogen oxides and oxygen. PAN
stands for .

ANSWER: peroxyacetyl nitrate

PCP-MC Environmental Eng’g

A global treaty that aims to diminish and

eventually phase out chlorofluorocarbons.
Montreal Protocol
CHE-ID01 Environmental Engineering

What is responsible for the brown color of


PCP-ID Environmental Eng’g

These bacteria use only inorganic carbon as their

carbon source and obtain their energy from
sunlight or by the oxidation of inorganic

ANSWER: Autotrophs or
Autotrophic bacteria
• A plastic with recycling code shown contains
what type of plastic polymer?


Physical and Chemical Principles
Environmental Engineering

What do you call the process wherein the more

harmful substance is produced from less
harmful ones?

– A. Biomagnification
– B. Euthropication
– C. Synergism
– D. Thermal stratification
Physical and Chemical Principles
Environmental Engineering

The natural euthrophication of body of

water is greatly accelerated by the phosphates
in waste water and agricultural runoffs. One
way of reducing them is by aluminum sulfate.
Prior to precipitation, phosphates are first
transformed by bacterial action into

• Orthophosphates
General Engineering Environmental
• are chemical contaminants such as
copper, herbicides, pesticides and petroleum
in marine waters that cause coral bleaching in
high concentrations.
• Xenobiotics

PCP: Environmental Engineering

Argyria disease is manifested by the

blue-gray discoloration of skin and
mucous lining. Which metal causes
• Silver
Chem Engg
• Chem control order for Mercury &
mercury compounds
• DAO 02-2000
• DAO 02-1997
• DAO 38-1997
• DAO 01-2004
Environmental Engineering: The summit for
greenhouse gases.

• (Ans: Kyoto Protocol)

A valve that controls flow by means of a disk or
wedge-shaped dam sliding at right angles to the
direction of flow and seating tightly in the valve
body is a gate valve.
Oil flows under laminar conditions inside a
steam heated copper pipe. The overall heat
transfer coefficient is approximately

Ans: equal to the heat transfer coefficient of the

The equation that relates friction factor and
Reynold's No., f=64/Reynold's No. holds for

Ans: laminar flow only

In multi-stage liquid-liquid extraction with
partially miscible solvents
Ans: The minimum number of stages occur
when the operating lines are parallel.
The enrichment of the vapor steam as it passes
through the column in contact with the reflux
during distillation is called
Ans: rectification
The maximum number of plates for a given
distillation system is obtained at
Ans: minimum reflux
On one side of a heat exchanger where either a
condensing vapor or a boiling liquid is present,
the temperature may be assumed to be
constant. In determining the logarithmic mean
temperature difference the direction of flow will
Ans: no effect
For a cylinder where steady-state radial heat
transfer takes place
Ans: the heat transfer is constant
A plate holding a pool of liquid from which rises
a vapor whose average composition is in
equilibrium with a liquid whose composition is
the average of that of the liquid

Ans: bubble plate

Crystallization occurs in a solution that is

Ans: supersaturated
Mass transfer in a flowing fluid may be
correlated by
Ans: Sherwood, Reynold's and Schimdt No
The ratio of the average diameter of the feed to
the average diameter of the product is the

Ans: reduction ratio

In steady-state backmix flow reactor,
composition is
Ans: constant throughout the reactor
The amount of money obtainable from the sale
of used property over and above any charges
involved in removal and sale is called

Ans: salvage value

In fractionation, an increase in reflux ratio

Ans: increases the condenser duty

In mass transfer where the solute in the gas
phase is very soluble in the liquid phase

Ans: the gas phase resistance is approximately

equal to the total resistance
What fitting exhibits the highest pressure drop
for the same flow conditions?
Ans: square-corner elbow
A chamber into which steam from a high
pressure line can be bled during periods of low
steam demand from the power plant is called

Ans: vent
In steady-state heat transfer through a series of
materials with varying resistances, the heat
transfer rate
Ans: is constant throughout the series of
Reactions whereby reactants proceed along
several paths and give different products are

Ans: parallel reactions

An operation where warm vapor mixture is
cooled such as by contact with a liquid resulting
in condensation and decreased humidity is

Ans: dehumidification
For mass transfer to take place, there must be a

Ans: concentration gradient

This is a steady state temperature reached by a
small amount of liquid evaporating into a large
amount of unsaturated vapor-gas mixture.

Ans: wet-bulb temperature

The portion of water in the wet solid that cannot
be removed by the air in its contact is called

Ans: equilibrium moisture content

This type of drier is used for drying pasty
materials such as wet filter cakes and lumpy
Ans: tray drier
In the constant-rate period, the rate of drying is
established by
Ans: a balance of the heat requirements for
evaporation and the rate at which heat reaches
the surface
Unbound moisture in granular and porous solid
moves through the interstices of the solid by a
mechanism involving
Ans: moisture diffusivity
In drying at the falling rate period, the rate at
which moisture is removed from the solid
Ans: decreases with time
The major problem in diffusion is to promote
diffusion of the solute out of the solid and into
the liquid. The most effective way of doing this
Ans: to reduce the solid to the smallest size
The mode of heat transfer that can take place in
a vacuum is known as
Ans: radiation
The overall conductance for a composite
material in series is equal to the

Ans: inverse of the total resistance

Film and drop are terms associated with

Ans: condensation
The ratio of the total quantity of a reactant
present in the reactor feed of a recycling
operation to the quantity of the same reactant
entering the operation as fresh feed is the

Ans: combined feed ratio

The heating value measured when water formed
from combustion is in the liquid state.

Ans: Gross Calorific Value

In the combustion of solid fuels, the tie element
between the feed and the refuse is the

Ans: Ash
The coal analysis which is based upon the
volatilization characteristics of the fuel is

Ans: Proximate analysis

An Orsat analysis of the flue gas when pyrite is
roasted is on a
Ans: SO3-free basis
The empirical relation which allows one to
compute for the net hydrogen in a given solid
fuel is the
Ans: Dulong's formula
The activation energy of a reaction may be
lowered by
Ans: adding a catalyst
The mechanism of a reaction can sometimes be
deduced from
Ans: the rate law.
The equilibrium constant in a reversible
chemical reaction at a given temperature

Ans: does not depend on the initial

The rate of reaction is not influenced by

Ans: nature of reactants

The net rate of reaction of an intermediate is

Ans: 0
The rate of evaporation at a given operating
temperature in an evaporator is more

Ans: the operating pressure is low

An optimum number of the effects for a given
application is a function of the
Ans: Economy
A popular type of heat exchanger for cooling
large quantities of fluid is the
Ans: shell and tube
An insulator should have
Ans: low thermal conductivity
Fouling factor
Ans: accounts for additionalresistance to heat
Natural convection is characterized by
Ans: Grashhoff number
The Graetz number is concerned with
Ans: heat transfer in laminar flow
Dropwise condensation occurs on
Ans: contaminated cooling surfaces
Dietus-Boelter equation for determination of
heat transfer co-efficient is valid
Ans: for fluids in turbulent flow
A type of pneumatic conveyor system
characterized by a material moving in an air
stream or pressure less than ambient.
Ans: vacuum
The separation of a dilute slurry or suspension
by gravity settling into a clear fluid and a slurry
or suspension by gravity settling into a clear
fluid and a slurry of higher solids content is
Ans: thickening
An ultracentrifuge is used to separate high-
molecular weight fractions in polymeric or
biological systems. What is the gradient for
mass transfer in the separation using this mass
transfer device?
Ans: pressure
Ordinary diffusion takes place because of
driving force.
Ans: concentration
What are the two limiting cases of steady-state
Ans: Unimolecular Diffusion and Equimolar
A fluid is flowing on a surface, which contains a
component that leaches out to the fluid.
Assuming that all the 3 regions of mass transfer
are present, in which of these regions is
diffusion controlling?
Ans: viscous sub-layer
In two-phase mass transfer, equilibrium may
Ans: at the interface
Which of the following processes may always be
regarded as a constant- humidity process?

Ans: heating of air

Air conditioning in tropical countries involves
Ans: dehumidification and removal of sensible
What do you call the steady-state non-
equilibrium temperature reached when a small
amount of water is contacted under adiabatic
conditions by a continuous stream of gas?

Ans: wet-bulb temperature

The moisture that can be removed by drying is
Ans: free moisture
For a packed column the main purpose of
packing is to
Ans: increase the surface area
In a gas absorption operation, when the
operating line crosses the equilibrium curve

Ans: the number of stages is infinite

For Newtonian fluids, the shear stress is
Ans: a linear function of the shear rate of
An ideal fluid is one that is
Ans: incompressible & inviscid
Priming needed in a
Ans: Centrifugal pump
A simple pitot tube measures
Ans: local velocity
Stoke’s law is valid when the particle Reynolds
number is
Ans: < 1
Multistage compressors are used in industry
because, they
Ans: resemble closely to isothermal
What produces maximum pressure difference
for transportation of gases?
Ans: compressors
The fluid property which matters for falling rain
drops to acquire spherical shape is its
Ans: surface tension
The overhead product composition decreases
with time in
Ans: batch distillation with reflux
For a binary mixture with low relativity,
continuous rectification to get pure products will
Ans: high reflux ratio
Chemisorption is
Ans: an irreversible phenomenon
The stage efficiency in leaching depends on the
Ans: time of contact between the solid and the
solution and rate of diffusion of the solute
through the solid and into the liquid
Disregarding the cost, which is the best solvent
for the extraction of acetic acid from an aqueous
solution at 25deg C?
Ans: 3-heptanol
Professional Regulations Commission was
created under
Ans: P.D. No. 223
A person who has passed the Chemical
Licensure Examination can take his/her oath as a
chemical engineer if his/her age is not less than

Ans: 21 years.
Which of the following is not a requirement for
utility model registration?
A. inventive step
B. Novelty
C. Industrial applicability
D. A technical solution to a problem
In the Philippines, sulfur for sulfuric acid
manufacturing is sourced from
Ans: paper
Sulfur is undesirable in petroleum because
Ans: it causes engine knocking
Materials added to detergent formulation to
enhance cleaning performance by exhibiting
synergistic cleaning effect with surfactant.
Ans: builders
Polyethylene is an example of
Ans: addition
Principal chemical conversion in the production
of resin from monomer.
Ans: alkylation
A fibrous material left after cane sugar has been
milled is commonly called as
Ans: bagasse
Carbon black is added to rubber compounding
Ans: activator
Kraft process is a common name for
Ans: sulfite pulping
Water insoluble cell binders of wood
Ans: lignin
DDT means
Ans: dichlorodiphenyldichloroethane
Rancidity of oil can be reduced by
Ans: hydrogenation
Varnish does not contain
Ans: pigment
Plasticisers are added to paints to
Ans: give elasticity and prevent cracking of the
Silicone is
Ans: an inorganic polymer
The process involved in converting rubber into a
thin sheet or coating it on fabric is called

Ans: calendering
Alkyl benzene sulfonate (ABS) is a
Ans: detergent
Neoprene is a
Ans: synthetic rubber
Throttling process is
Ans: constant enthalpy process
Maximum work can be obtained from a system
when the change taking place in it is

Ans: reversible
Dead time is a function of distance and
Ans: velocity
The parameter which completely describes the
behavior of the response to a disturbance of a
second order system is the

Ans: damping coefficient

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