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Solved Problem on

Composite Wall
Problem: A composite wall of a furnace with an insulation is
shown in the next slide. The hot gas temperature is 800 ⁰C
and the ambient temperature is 30 ⁰C. The film conductance
of outside films is 4 W/m2 K and 20 W/m2 K respectively. The
value of thermal conductivities (k) for fire-bricks, bricks and
steel plates are 0.13, 0.17 and 48 W/m K respectively.
Calculate the overall heat transfer coefficient and heat
transfer rate through the wall. The thickness of layers of the
fire-bricks, bricks and steel plates are 6 cm, 18 cm and 0.6 cm
respectively. Take a shape factor = 0.9 and temperature of
inner surface of fire-bricks =798.3 ⁰C.

Consider that
(i)the inner surface of the fire-brick is heated by hot gas by
convection and radiation
(ii)heat is dissipated to the surroundings from the outer
surface of steel plate by convection and radiation.
Overall heat transfer coefficient per unit surface area is U
U= 1/ (R1+ R2 +R3 +R4 +R5 )
R1 = 1/ ( k conv.1 +kradiation1 ) where k conv.1 = 20 W/m2 K
kradiation1 = σ F1-2 ((T1)4 – (T2 )4 )/ ( t1 – t2 )
= 5.67× 10-8 × 0.9 × ( (1073)4 – (1071.3)4 ) / (1073-1071)
=251 W/m2 K
Now , R1 =1/ (20+251) = 0.0036 K/W
Q= (1073-1071.3)/0.0036 =472 W/m2
R2 = Resistance of fire-bricks = thickness / k = 0.06/0.13 = 0.461
R3 = Resistance of bricks = 0.18/0.17 = 1.05
R4 = Resistance of steel plate = 0.006/48 = 0.000125
R5 = 1/ ( k convection, 0 + k radiation, 0 )
Where k convection, 0 = 4 W/m2 K
And k radiation, 0 = σ F1-2 ((T5)4 – (T6 )4 )/ ( t5 – t6 )
The value of t5 is not given, we need to find it.
We have , Q ×Σ (R) = t1 – t5 = Q× (R1+ R2 +R3 +R4 )
= 472 (0.0036+ 0.461 +1.05 +0.000125)
= 472 × 1.51 =715
t5 =800 – 715 = 85
Now, k radiation, 0 = 5.67× 10-8 × 0.9 × ( (358)4 – ( 303)4 )/ ( 85-33) =7.42
So, R5 = 1/ (4+7.42) = 0.0875
Now we calculate the total thermal resistances Σ (R)
Σ (R) = 0.0036+ 0.461 + 1.05 + 0.000125 + 0.0875 =1.549
U is the overall heat transfer coefficient = 1/ Σ (R) = 1/ 1.549 =0.626
Now total heat transfer rate is Q= A × U × Δt
= 1 × 0.625 × ( 800-30 )= 482 W/m2 .

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