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By: Andres Cardona, Alejandro Alarcon, Juan Esteban Victoria y Pablo
Andres Santacruz.
Time line:
1819: Great Britain sent Sir 1857: France started to 1883-1887: France took 1898: The US decided to turn
Thomas Stamford Raffles force Vietnam to accept other little empires that the philipines into a American
to found a new colony on their ofert of protection to neighbored with Vietnam colony, for trading with China
a small island at the tip of stop Britain into making and unified all in the Union and preventing the área to
the Malay Peninsula. moves into Vietnam. of French Indochina. fall into Japanese hands.

1800 1900

1850’s: The British 1883: The French took the 1896: King Mongkut of Thailand
took the control of the city of Hanoi and made (Siam) and his son stablished
Kingdom of Burma. Vietnam a French friendly relationships with
european people. France and
protectorade. British agreed to let Thailand be
a independent state.
Origins of invasions:
The Great Nations started to wish the
expansion of their territories. This whim
made them start to look for a direct rule over
the rest of the world in places like Asia and
This expansion also brought the exploitation
of the people that lived in the independent
territory, letting to the collection of raw
material and the markets establishment.
Also, the rivalry between the nations due to
see who is the greater was fueled with the
thought that “a nation can’t be great without
Countries under control:
I. Burma (Myanmar): It was a British
colony that was conquered to
protect India.
II. Vietnam: It was a French
protectorate, as an answer for the
British invasions in Burma.
III. Philippines: Before, it was under the
rule of Spain, but US invaded as a
form of colonization and a way to
establish trading with China and
preventing Japanese to take the
Thailand was a non conquered country.
Due to the good relationships with the
British and French Kingdoms, Siam
(Thailand), under the rule of King
Mongkut and, later, his son,
Chulalongkorn, make an agreement with
the Great Nations about not invading
• British colonies in southeast Asia
Rule over the were under direct rule from the
southeast Asian crown
countries • French colonies instead, used
both, direct and indirect rule
• Dutch east indies was a indirect
• Protectorates: are those political units that depend on another government for
protection. An example is Vietnam; French people forced them to accept their
protectorate to keep them away from Britain.
• Social Consequences: The language spoken and the social resistance to the foreign
• Economic: Exportation of raw material and agriculture
• Cultural: Christianity and other religions imposed
Central Figures:
• The King of Siam Mongkut
• The King of Siam Chulalongkorn
• Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles
• Emilio Aguinaldo (the guy who led the resistance to US colonization in the
• President William McKinley (US president who ordered to take the Philippines)
The three conclusions I draw out of this are:
• The southeast Asian countries let the Great nations rule over them due to: the lack
of organization, the power of the Empires and the necessity of protection
• The Great nations’ wish of expand and the rivalry between them is a consequence
of a wrong thinking of just trying to be the best.
• The Siam’s Kings were to intelligent.

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