Annexure-I - Core Process Mapping - CQI

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AIAG CQI Requirements

To achieve excellent product quality, manufacturing processes of products supplied to our customers
to be robust and consistent at any time. Additional focus and attention are necessary for special
processes like Heat treatment, Casting, Welding and Injection Moulding. Sicame India is required to
perform annual self-assessments, which are specified in the AIAG CQI Checklists - CQI-9 (Heat
treatment), CQI-27 (Casting), CQI-15 (Welding) and CQI-23 (Injection Moulding).
Why do it(Purpose)? When to do it? Key Process Indicators
• Improve the manufacturing • Start annual assessments as per • PPM rate reduction
process as robustness and priority follow 1. CQI-9 (Heat • No. of improvement measures
stability treatment), 2. CQI-27 (Casting), which identified through AIAG
• Reduces waste, variation, and 3. CQI-15 (Welding) and 4. CQI- CQI Self assessments
defects 23 (Injection Moulding)

Input Activity Output

• Heat treatment, Casting, • Self assessment according to • Implementation completed
Welding and Injection Moulding AIAG CQI • Confirmed robust processes
forms part of the value stream • Improvement measures • Fulfilment of customer
identified, defined and requirements
• Effectiveness verified and
• Annual repetition

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