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Ministry of Information and

Presentation to the National Assembly on Performance of the Ministry
Shahera Shahid

To create an informed society, foster citizen centric national dialogue,

promote national cohesion, advance media and reinforce Pakistan’s
global outreach
Initiatives by the Ministry
• Updation of Rules, regulations
• Systems for development of media industry
• Projection of government’s initiatives and projects at home
• Create positive image of the country abroad
• Digitalization of public Sector Organization
• Setting up of Media University
• E-Filling
• Clearance of Media dues
Key objectives behind the vision
• Effective two-way communication by the state with citizens
• Strengthening Pakistan’s image abroad
• Digitalization and modernization of APPC, PBC, PTVC, SRBC& PEMRA
• Streamlining of registration procedures for publications, news agencies
• Digitization of media monitoring & analysis processes
• Automation of registration procedures
• Promotion and development of film industry
• Media development through capacity building
• Merit based financial assistance to journalists / journalist bodies
• E-filing system for Ministry and attached Departments
• Setting up of state of the art Media University to provide quality education in the fields
of Mass Media, Social Media and Communication.
• Transparent and fair distribution of government advertisements
Initiatives undertaken by the Ministry
• Established Pakistan Information Commission
• Established Digital Media Wing
• All media regulatory bodies are being brought under one Umbrella of PMDA
• Approved new advertisement policy
• Launched online application for Press Registrar Office, ABC
• Pakistan Broadcasting Corporation (PBC) joined a few nations like Russia,
Indonesia and South Africa by adopting DRM transmission technology
• PBC developed a Mobile Application (Android & iOS) and started live audio
streaming by 25 channels
Initiatives undertaken by the Ministry
• TOR’s for newly created Board of Governors (BoGs) on Film Policy
• Database of artists being created and updated
• Completed Physical verification of over 800 newspapers/periodicals
• Distributed Rs.42.23 million to journalists and Press Clubs
• Channeled Government’s initiatives, programs and projects in the
Social Media
• Identified and reacted to fake news on Pakistan
• Setting up of first ever National Media University put on fast track
Awareness and outreach for the initiatives

• Experts Meeting on the New Challenges of Media Training with ISESCO

• Workshop for Female Journalists on “Empowering Women in Media;
• One Day Workshop on ‘Story telling with info graphics: The art of Data Visualization’
• One Day Seminar on “International Day in Support of Victims of Torture” (Humans
without Human Rights in IOJ&K)
• Kashmir Under Siege Seminar
• Panel Discussion on Kashmir Siege Day
• Training on Media Engagement for Civil Servants
• Organized a Grand Finale of National Amateur Short Film Festival (NASFF) with
ISPR in June 2021
• Organized 11 photographic and painting exhibitions on events like Kashmir Day,
World Environment Day, Pakistan Day and Quaid-i-Azam Day
Legislative, Policy framework

• Draft advertisement policy for print, electronic, social and digital media
• Drafted Protection of Journalists and Media Professionals Act, 2020 jointly
with Ministry of Human Rights, and proposed the followings bills:
• Pakistan Broadcasting Corporation (PBC) Amendment Bill
• Associated Press of Pakistan Corporation (APPC) Amendment Bill
• Press Council of Pakistan (PCP) Amendment Bill
• Motion Pictures Ordinance Amendment Bill
• Pakistan Electronic Media Regulatory Authority (PEMRA) Amendment Bill
• Press, Newspapers, News Agencies & Books Registration Amendment Bill
• Defamation Amendment Bill
Legislative, Policy framework
• Prepared Digital Media Advertisement Mechanism
• National Digital Cable Policy, 2021
• Notified SOPs/ Criteria for grant of advertisement rates
• Constituted PTV Board of Directors, 2021
• Constituted PEMRA Council of Complaints, 2021
• Notified PBC, APT Rules
• Notified Pakistan Information Commission Rules
Administrative reforms
• Administered PSDP projects to the tune of Rs. 2 billion
• Coordinated four projects in PSDP+ with Public Private Partnership
Authority (P3) including media university
• Hiring of Transactional Advisor for two PSDP plus projects is at final
• Technical Supplementary Grant of Rs. 1.4 billion secured for Media
• Established E-Office system in the Ministry/ departments /
Administrative reforms
• Notified a committee to oversee up-gradation of National Anthem
• Spearheaded observance of Covid-19 SoPs and vaccination of
• Distributed Rs.8.1 million to the deserving artists
• Environment of the Ministry was Covid-19 SOP compliant
• Seniority lists for the employees of BS-01 to BS-16 were notified
Press Information Department

• 7646 press releases were issued

• 23608 pictorial coverage
• 614 press conferences were arranged
• 456 articles were commissioned
• 1871 accreditation card were issued
• 168 case for provision of financial assistance were processed
Digital Media Wing
• The Instagram account of GOP recorded 941K members, 55 million
Impressions, 835k likes and two million video views
• Facebook page members 5.1 million an increase of 206%
• Twitter engaged 50 million people globally
• PM office Twitter received 110 million impressions, 8.6 million video
• PM office’s Youtube channels: 8.2 million video views an increase of
• Carried out verification of 115 official Twitter accounts
Audit Bureau of Circulation

• Installed online portal for ABC certification to ensure transparency

and merit

• Removed 140 fake publications from Central Media List (CML)

• Conducted physical verification of over 1642 publication

• Issued 1230 ABC Certificate to publications across the country

Department of Electronic Media & Publication

• Drafted Film Policy (The Moving Picture Policy)

• Tracked 25454 advertisement spots, identified 416 missing spots and
saved over Rs. 29 million public money
• Published Six special numbers of Mah-e-Nau, Two Special
Publications on Government's One Year and Two-Year Performance
and distributed 120,920 copies of other publications
• Produced forty documentaries to project Pakistan's image abroad
• Operated media handles of the Directorate to regularly update news
External Publicity Wing
• 17 Press Sections abroad projected govt’s policies in host countries
• Issued 2389 press releases which were published in 7369 newspapers
• Published 695 articles
• Issued 40 rebuttals, arranged 983 interviews, organized 320 political
events and 300 cultural events.
• Produced 120 documentaries
• Published 246 supplements
• Provided visa facilitation to 276 foreign journalistsp
• Provided media coverage to 89 Pakistani visiting dignitaries
• PSDP project titled "Technical up-gradation of Multan station completed in
• "Up-gradation of Studios and Master Control Rooms" @ Rs. 254.945
million approved by DDWP in 2020
• The PC-1 of "Digital Radio Migration" is being processed at planning
• Construction of auditorium and elevator at Multan Station launched for
• Human Resource was reduced from 4329 to 3213 by abolishing 825 posts
• Expenses minimized by merging 17 Stations/Unit
• Earned operational profit of Rs. 853m in 2018-19 and Rs.1.1 billion in
• Paid pension liability of Rs.2.5 billion and operation liability of Rs.
2.8 billion
• Launched a comprehensive program to restructure human resource
• PTVC home’s viewership increased by 100%
• Completed project of migration of PTV News from SD to HD
• Acquired digital rights of ICC broadcasting and digital right 2020-
• Transformed its text-based news service to Digital format
• News content was diversified by using Infographics, and short videos
on Social media
• Restructuring of News Operations” at an estimated cost of Rs. 786.79
million is launched to provide high-quality content for print, electronic
and social media
• Multi-lingual news content would project the vision and policies of the
government and real image of Pakistan aboard
Mode August 2018 Addition up to 2021
Satellite TV Channels: 89 27
Commercial FM Radio Stations: 150 27
Non-Commercial FM Stations: 54 07
Landing Rights Permission: 31 14
IPTV Distribution Service: 03 8
Television Audience Measurement 00 05
Mobile TV: 04 02
New Cable TV: 3785 450
Cable TV Licenses renewed -- 1300
Direct to Home (DTH) 00 01
Teleport -- 01

CBFC CBFC censored 366 films and earned a revenue of 5.6 million
ITNE Fixed 12,777 cases disposed off 767 cases and provided monitory relief of Rs. 172.62
million to media workers
PIC i. Received 1174, closed 522 appeals, orders issues for 266 appeals
ii. Received 120 online appeals, 39 are under review, 68 are closed
iii. Developed a manual titled “Exercising the Right of Access to Information”
PCP i. Received 703 complaints, resolved 693 of them, while 6 are under process
ii. Implemented zero visibility policy against the proscribe organization in the print media as
per National Action Plan
iii. Ensured that no terrorist organization or terrorist is glorified in the media
Cyber Wing, ISA, Press Registrar, SRBC

Cyber Wing
• Increased visibility on social media in the last three years from 40k to 697k
• Launched social media campaign on different national events in social media
State-of-the-art Digital Lab to train media practitioners
Press Registrar
• Press Registrar office shifted from manual working to digitalization format
• Launched official website ( and online OPR portal
• Continued to project polices, projects and initiatives of the government
Organizational Structure of MOIB

Main Ministry
Administrativ Internal Digital Media Press
Publicity Cyber Wing
e Wing Publicity Wing Wing Registrar

Audit Bureau
of Circulation
Attached/ Subordinate/ Corporations
Press Information Department of
Electronic Media Information
Department Services Academy
and Publications

Implementation Press Press

Central Council Informa
Board Tribunal for National
Newspaper of tion
of Film Press Trust
Employees Pakista Commis
Censors n sion (NPT)
Pakistan Television Corporation(PTVC)

Pakistan Broadcasting Corporation (PBC)

Associated Press of Pakistan(APPC)
Shalimar Recording and Broadcasting Company(SRCB)
Information Group strength
BS Sanctioned Strength Working Strength Vacant Positions

21 05 + 02 06 01

20 18 + 05 19 04

19 39 + 12 51 00

18 57 + 17 102 00

17 106 + 32 60 78

Total 293 238 83

Issues Way Forward
 Acute shortage of Officers in BS 17
• High demand of Information Group Officers by other ministries because of
their specialized Media management and Public Relations Skills(unmet demand
for BS 19 fifteen (15) BS 18 twenty five (25)
Way Forward
• Increase in DTL Quota from Current level of 30% (68) to 50% (113)
adding 45 officers in cadre strength
• 21 new Officers in the Academy for 2021, Demanded 32 new recruits for 2022.
• We will be needing 75 new recruits in 2023
Current Budget FY 2021-22
Description Final Grant Expenditure Balance
Demand # 55 I&B Division
(Ministry, DEMP, CBFC, ITNE,
2.75 billion
Demand # 56
Mics. Exp of I&B Division
6.417 Billion
Government Policy Project
Total: 9.173 Billion

Outstanding Advt Dues of Previous
Print and Electronic Media dues in million

Sno.   Outstanding dues in Million

1 Print media 1038
2 Electronic media 2092
Total 3130
Print media 479.61
Electronic media 21.29

Total 500.9
PSDP- Major Projects
• Modernization of Cameras and Production Equipment of PTVC

• Pilot Project DTMB-A Digitalization of Terrestrial Network of

PTV(Chinese Grant in Aid)

• Establishment of 100 KW Medium Wave Radio Station in Gwadar

• Rehabilitation of Medium Wave Radio services from Muzaffarabad (AJK)

• Replacement of Medium Wave Radio Transmitter at Mirpur

100 KW Medium Wave Radio Station in Gawadar
Approval Cost / status Rs. 431.626 Million approved by (DDWP) 22-04-2020
Expenditure (30.06.2020) 60.000 Million

Physical Progress 15%progress

Allocation during CFY 40.000 M allocated and released and 12.62 % progress so far

Allocation for FY 2021-22 Rs.135 million. June, 2024 subject to timely allocation/release of funds.
Issues GDA objected upon the land purchased by PBC for HPT as the land falls under
Ecological Corridor Smart City Master Plan 2017-50.

Resolution GDA may be directed to allot the new piece of land identified by PBC
Rehab of MW Services Muzaffarabad
Approval cost / status Rs. 160.621 Million approved by (CDWP) on 12-02-2018
Physical Progress Overall physical progress 55 %.

Allocation during CFY 2020-21 Allocation of 40.000 Million during CFY 2020-2021

Expenditure during CFY 2020-21 Funds utilized 18.894 million

Allocation for FY 2021-22 and Rs. 62.799 million; Completion date June, 2022 subject to release of entire cost in one go
expected date of completion

Issues Keeping in view the cost escalation, PC-I is under revision and submitted to members of DDWP for
purchase of transmitter and antenna system as one unit by making one time payment

Resolution the Planning Commission may be directed to allocate and release the remaining balance of cost as per
revised PC-I in one go during FY 2021-22.
Replacement of MW Transmitter at Mirpur
Approval status / Cost Approved by (CDWP) at the cost of Rs. 143.856 Million on 12-02-2018
Expenditure up-to 30th Rs. 28.163 Million
Physical Progress -Overall physical progress 50 %.

Allocation / Release CFY 2020- Rs.40.000 Million, Released Rs. 22.367 million
Expenditure during CFY 2020- 4.77million
Allocation for FY 2021-22 and Rs. 50 million. June, 2022 subject to allocation/release of the entire remaining cost
date of completion during 2021-22.
Issues Cost Escalation from 143.86 million to Rs. 338 million

Resolution Matter is being taken up with DDWP for approval of revised PC-I at 338 million to
buy transmitter and antenna system in one go
Modernization of Camera of PTVC
Approval status / cost CDWP the project on 18-03-2018 at Rs. 555.590 Million.
Expenditure up-to 30th June,2020 Rs. 284.030 Million
Physical Progress - 75% equipment to covert PTV News from SD to HD is procured and is being
installed. Multi Channel Per Carrier (MCPC) for on-aired five Channels of PTVC has
been procured, installed and initial testing done. Purchase order for procurement of 07
cameras has been issued. Digitalization of 02 new studios is in process.
Allocation during CFY 2020-21 Allocation Rs.100 M has been released . Expenditure during this year 70.249. Additional
funds of Rs. 51 million were diverted from slow moving projects. The entire amount has
been utilized
Allocation for 2021-22 and 121.481 MILLION. 30.06.2022
expected Completion date
Resolution The Finance Division may be directed to expedite re-appropriation/TSG funds so that the
same may be utilized within this FY
DTMB-A Digitalization of Terrestrial Network of
PTV(Chinese Grant in Aid)

Approval status / Approved Cost Rs. 3901.100 M including Chinese Grant-in-Aid of Rs.3896.450 million on 04.11.2020 (CDWP)

Project scope - Chinese digitalization standard i.e., DTMB-Digitalization at terrestrial network of PTVC at
Murree, Cherat and Kala Shah Kaku
- 100,000 Set Top Boxes will be provided under the Grant
- Trainings of PTVC’s officials
- Setting up of a Lab A Lab by China by transfer of technology to Pakistan. Manufacturing of Set
Top Boxes in Pakistan.

Allocation for 2021-22 and 3,901.100 million. The project is expected to be completed within a period of 15 months from the
expected Completion date date of signing of agreement.

Issues Concurrence of the draft Implementation Agreement by China and Pakistan. EAD shared the draft
with Embassy of China on 16.03.2021. Response is awaited

Resolution EAD may expedite the concurrence and signing of the agreement
PSDP Plus Initiative
S# Name of Project/initiative Cost Status/Progress
1. Multi-Storey building for office accommodation Rs.20 million Request for Proposals(RFPs) floated in the national press
of Ministry and its allied entities at Plot No.58 in for hiring the services of a Transaction Advisor.
F-6/G-6 – Feasibility Study Technical and Financial bids from 5 firms evaluated and
were opened on 2nd June, 2021. Finance bids are being
evaluated and will be shared with P3
2. Establishment of Information Center at Karachi at Rs.10 million
plot Gulistan-e-Johar – Feasibility Study
3. Construction of plot available in H-9, Islamabad Rs.15 million Under consideration of P3A.
for offices of Associated Press of Pakistan –
Feasibility Study - Consultation with all stakeholders done by ISA being
the executing agency of Media University.
4. Establishment of Pakistan Media University at Rs.17 million - P3A advised to conduct pre-feasibility study of media
Pak-China Friendship Center, Islamabad – University. Rs.17 million has also been allocated by
Feasibility Study the Planning Commission for the feasibility study of
Media University in PSDP 2021-22.
Ongoing and Proposed PSDP Projects
Executing Agency
Proposed PSDP Allocation 2021-22

Ongoing New Total

No. of Proposed Allocation No. of Schemes Proposed Allocation No. of schemes Proposed allocation
F.Aid Local Local F.Aid Local
PTVC 7 3896.35 265.084 16 -4147 23 3896.35 4412.084
3 - 238.437 2 424.764 5 - 663.201
- - - 1 - 1 - 69.352
PID 69.352
- - - 1 - 1 - 216
DEMP 216
- - - 1 -786.79 1 - 786.79
- - - 2 -45.735 2 - 45.735
Total:- 10 3896.35 503.521 23 5689.641 33 3896.35 6193.162
Pakistan Culture Arts Foundation Relief Fund
• Pakistan Culture Arts Foundation Relief Fund (PCAFRF) was established with seed
money of 35 m under Charitable Endowments Act, 1890 (VI of 1890), vide
SRO.629(I)/2007 dated 20th June, 2007.
• The fund was transferred to this Ministry in April, 2011 after devolution of Ministry of
• The Seed money is invested in National Bank and the profit at the rate of 6.9% drawn is
distributed among the artists at @ Rs. 5000/ month (Rs. 60.000/- per year).
• Administrative Committee headed by Federal Minister/Minister of State as Chairman
and Secretary of the Ministry as Vice-Chairman approves financial assistance to
deserving Artists/artisans of Radio and TV
• During year 2020, 57 individuals were given a total of Rs. 3.3 million
 The seed money may be doubled to accommodate more artists of PTVC and Radio
Admin Wing of Ministry/ In Process, 2 Wings completed Level -4
Cyber Wing / IP-Wing
PID In Process
EP Wing Completed Ready to move to level 4
IP Wing Completed Ready to move to level 4

DEMP In Process
PEMRA In Process
PTVC In Process
APP In Process
ISA In Process
Press Registrar In process
PBC In Process
Director ABC In Process
Logistic Support (Vehicles)
No. of Officers Existing Existing Vehicles Proposed
BS 17 and above Authorization of authorization of
Vehicles Vehicles
70 10 18 30
Admin Wing / IP-Wing/ Cyber-Wing/ ABC/ EP-Wing/ Press Registrar

The Allocation of vehicles was made in 2012 and since then never revised
Specially EP-Wing needs new and serviceable vehicle to provide protocol to foreign Journalists
The vehicles are old mostly were made in 2002 to 2004
Way forward
The old vehicles needs to be replaced with serviceable vehicles
The Authorization may be increased to 30
Three Year’s Performance

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