Research Methodology: Validity

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Research Methodology

Group Members:

• Muskaan Joshi - 20202015

• Mohit Goel - 20202123
• Manushi Kanabar - 20202112
• Vijay Soni - 20202054
• Ismail Retiwala - 20202152
• Rakesh Ram - 20202037
Definition :

 Research validity in surveys relates to the extent at which the survey

measures right elements that need to be measured. In simple terms,
validity refers to how well an instrument as measures what it is intended to
 Research validity can be divided into two groups: Internal and External. It
can be specified that “internal validity refers to how the research findings
match reality, while external validity refers to the extend to which the
research findings can be replicated to other environments”
Face Construct
Validity Validity

Types of
Validity validity
Construct Validity :

• Construct validity evaluates whether a measurement tool really represents

the thing we are interested in measuring. It’s central to establishing the
overall validity of a method.

• What is construct validity?

• Example
Content Validity :

• Content validity assesses whether a test is representative of all aspects of

the construct.

• To produce valid results, the content of a test, survey or measurement

method must cover all relevant parts of the subject it aims to measure.

• Example
Face Validity :

• Face validity considers how suitable the content of a test seems

to be on the surface. It’s similar to content validity, but face
validity is a more informal and subjective assessment.

• Does the content of the test appear to be suitable to its aims?

• Example
Criterion Validity :

• Criterion validity evaluates how closely the results of your test

correspond to the results of a different test.

• What is criterion validity?

• Example
Validity Depend’s on

Internal External
Internal validity

• Internal validity is the extent to which you can be confident that a cause-
and-effect relationship established in a study cannot be explained by other

• Why internal validity matters

• How to check whether your study has internal validity

Factors Improving Internal Validity :

• Blinding
• Experimental Manipulation
• Random Selection
• Randomization
• Study protocol
External Validity

• External validity is the extent to which you can generalize the findings of a
study to other situations, people, settings and measures.

• The aim of scientific research is to produce generalizable knowledge about

the real world. Without high external validity, you cannot apply results
from the laboratory to other people or the real world.
Population Validity

External Validity

Ecological Validity
Population Validity :

• Non probability sampling methods

• Lower population validity
• Higher population
• Psychology studies
Ecological Validity :

• Low ecological validity

• Examples
• Improve ecological validitiy
Factors that Threaten Internal Validity:

• Attrition
• Confounding
• Diffusion
• Experimenter Bias
• Historical Events
• Instrumentation
• Maturation
• Statistical Regression
• Testing
Factors Improving External Validity :

 Consider Psychological Realism:

 Making sure that participants are experiencing real events
 Events main aim

 Do reprocessing or calibration
 Usage of Statistical Methods

 Replicate
 Doing that study again with different sample
 Effect of an independent variable
Factors that Threaten External Validity:

Pre and post test effect

 Cause and effect relationship disappears

 Sample features
 Responsibility for effect
 Selection bias
 describes differences between groups

Situational Factors
 Affect on generalizability of findings.
 Try field Experiments

 Doing study outside laboratory

 Use inclusion and exclusion criteria

 Clearly defined population

Difference between Internal & External Validity :

Internal Validity External Validity

• Conclusions are warranted. • Findings can be generalized.
• Controls extraneous variables. • Outcomes apply to practical
• Eliminates alternative situations.
explanations. • Results apply to the world at large.
• Focus on accuracy and strong • Results can be translated into
research method. another context.
Conclusion :

Table Of Contents.
 Factors That Improve Internal Validity.
 Factors That Threaten Internal Validity.
 Factors That Improve External Validity.
Factors That Threaten External Validity .
 Example Of Internal And External Validity.
 Similarities.
Bibliography :




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