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Proxy Hedging



What is proxy hedging?

 Is a strategy that introduces basis risk intentionally. Groups of currencies such as those
within regional areas may sometimes exhibit high correlation to one another which may
be due to similar economic or political prospects or highly regional trade and often
involves emerging markets.
 It is the use of a price or rate correlated financial instrument to hedge a particular risk
when a direct hedge for that risk is not available.
 Common proxy hedges are the use of one currency which is in concert with another to
hedge the risk in another currency.
How proxy hedging works?

 Proxy hedging is effectively the technique that consists of finding the right currency or
currencies to minimize the basis risk.
 Hedging with a proxy requires finding the right currency and being able to monitor and
account that hedge.
 Finding the right currency is done based on the following sectorial knowledge.
 There is need for knowledge on economic performance, exchange rates, interest rates and
inflation and also political stability in the country.
 For successful proxy hedging the company should have quality time series data on
exchange rate in order to make predictions if the currency is stable in the future.
Proxy hedging

Advantages Disadvantages
 Successful proxy hedging gives the trader  Proxy hedging involves cost that can eat up
protection against inflation, currency profits.
exchange rate changes and interest rate  Risk and reward are usually proportional one
changes. another thus reducing risk means reducing profits,
 Improves planning capability of the firm since  Data used for cost effective proxy hedge can be of
they focus on their core business. poor quality thus affecting currency selection.
 company can enhance its competitive position  Proxy hedging strategies is difficult to follow for
by selecting a generally acceptable currency short term traders.
for the industry.

 An Japanese Asset Manager holds some USD assets and wants to hedge the resulting foreign exchange
 The current interest rate differential between USD and home currency (5.25% against 1.50%) implies a
high cost of hedging this position.
 A potential solution to mitigate the cost of the carry on the hedge is to hedge the underlying exposure
with a proxy . Unfortunately the hedger bears the risk that the variations on the proxy do not offset the
variations of the underlying FX exposure.
 The manager can choose single currency proxies where a derivative in a third currency pair is entered to
hedge the underlying exposure or proxy baskets where a portfolio of forwards or a basket option can be
used to hedge a single currency exposure.
 If there is strong correlation between the Japanese yen and the USD then a proxy currency is selected in
place of the two currencies
Proxy Hedging

Factors for Factors against

 An organisation may find it difficult to obtain fair  The currency selection criteria is based on correlation
pricing on a particular currency if there is not a of the currencies which is usually historical data hence
highly competitive market for the currency. future exchange rate cannot be forecast with accuracy .
 An organisation might have exposure to several  Domestic factors ,such as political instability can
related currencies ,each of which are too small for an dramatically affect country’s exchange rate.
effective hedging program.  There is no guarantee that historical correlation is
 There might be insignificant regional effects on going to have a relationship with future correlation.
individual currencies .  Ultimately a proxy hedge could result in an
 Currency hedging products for the particular organisation being unhedged , under-hedges or over-
currency of exposure may not be available. hedged
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