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Microcomputer System

Central Process Unit (CPU)

A central processing unit (CPU)  is the hardware

within a computer that carries out the instructions of
a computer program by performing the basic
arithmetical, logical, and input/output operations of the
Intel 8086 Microprocessor Organization
Execution Unit (EU)

The execution unit is responsible for decoding & executing

instructions. It consist of ALU, status & control flags,
general purpose register & temporary operand register. The
EU accesses instructions from the output end of the inst
queue & data from the general purpose registers or memory.
Bus Interface Unit (BIU)

The bus interface unit is the 8086’s connection to

the outside world. The BIU is responsible for
performing all external bus operations, such as
instruction fetching, reading & writing of data.
Instruction Execution

Fetch Instruction

Decode Instruction

Fetch Operands

Execute Instruction

Store Results
Instruction Execution (Cont…)
Fetch: Get next instruction in to IR

Decode: Determine what the instruction means.

Fetch Operands: Move data from memory to

data path register.

Execute: The CPU "executes" the operation

specified by the instruction on this data.

Store Results: Write data from register to


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