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Play - played Eat - ate

Visit – visited Go – went
Return – returned Ride – rode
Travel - travelled Swim - swam
Watch - watched Sing - sang
Tidy - tidied Write - wrote
Live - lived See - saw
Talk – talked
1. Use Past Simple forms of the verbs: Simpsons / watch / TV last week.
1. affirmative Simpsons watched TV last week.
2. negative Simpsons didn’t watch TV last week.
3. interrogative Did Simpsons watch TV last week?
A) My sister / tidy / her room yesterday.
1. My sister tidied her room yesterday.
2. My sister didn’t tidy her room yesterday.
3. Did my sister tidy her room yesterday?.
B) We / live / in London last summer.
1. We lived in London last summer.
2. We didn’t live in London last summer.
3. Did we live in in London last summer.
C) Sandra and Elsa / talk / on the pone last night.
1. Sandra and Elsa talked on the pone last night.
2. Sandra and Elsa didn’t talk on the pone last night.
3. Did Sandra end Elsa talk on the pone last night?.
1. I started (start) school when I was four.
2. I worked (work) until 8.00, and then I met some Friends and we
went (go) to the cinema.
3. She sold her old car and bought (buy) a new one.
4. I played tennis in the morning, but it rained (rain) in the afternoon
so I studied (study) for my exams.
5. Last week drove (drive) to Edinburgh and visited (visit) our
6. I lost (lose) my umbrela last week I left (leave) it in the bank and
someone stole (steal) it.
7. He retired (retire) and moved (move) to the country.

Did not Didn´t

1.-He didn’t travel to Thailand.

2.-they didn’t have a holiday in the

3.- we didn’t are at home yesterday
4. Put these sentences into negative.
- I walked the dog last night.
- I didn’t walk the dog last night.
- Fred and me went fishing last Saturday.
- Fred and me didn’t go fishing last Saturday.
- She tidied her room yesterday afternoon.
- She didn’t tidy her room yesterday afternoon.
- I rode a scooter yesterday.
- I didn’t ride a scooter yesterday.
- They read the lastest Harry Potter book.
- They didn’t read the lastest Harry Pottter book.
Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in parentheses.

1.Columbus discovered many islands. ( discover)

2.He stopped exploring in 1504. ( stop)

3.He tried to discover a sea route to India. ( try)

4..He established a base on the island of Hispaniola. ( establish)

5. Chabuca Granda sang «La flor de la canela» ( sing)

6. Gabriel García Márquez wrote « Cien años de soledad. ( write)

7. Albert drove his car five years ago. ( drive)

8. They studied English and French last year. ( study)

Complete the statements with a verb.

Robert wrote beautiful poems. Yesterday was a nice day.

Columbus was born in Genoa, Italy Charles and Marcos played battery
in the concert.

She tripped a week in the Alps Romina and Susan danced Polka
two years ago

I bought you a present Your sister read a book yesterday

IRREGULAR VERBS. Write the verbs in brackets in the past simple form .

Yesterday Mr. Bird (get up) got up at 6.45 and (have) had a shower. Then he (have) had tea and
cornflakes for breakfast. He (leave) left home at 7.55 and (go) went to work by bus. He (take)
took the 8.05 bus and (get) got to work at 8.30. He (have) had lunch from 1.00 till 2.00 and
(leave) left work at 6.00 in the evening. When he (get) got home, he (read) read the newspaper.
Then he (have) had dinner at 7.15. After dinner he (take) took his dog out for a walk. He (go)
went to bed at 10.30 exactly!

1.I saw him while I was on my way home

2. When he was young, he used to smoke a lot
3.George had a terrible accident when he was a child
4. While Jane was taking a bath, the phone rang three times
5. When we lived in London, we met many interesting people
6.Where are my friend  when I most need them?
7. While I was driving, I listened to a very on interesting radio program
8.Who did you meet  when you arrived to the party?
9. While I was speaking, they were thinking of something else!
10.I had many problems when I was a teenager
Choose when or while. 

1. ____While____ he was talking on the phone, I was watching TV.

While when
2. He was cancelling his flight _____when_____ we called him.
While when
3. I was overtaking a truck ___when_____ I heard a loud thump.
while when
4. We were watching a movie ___when_____ the screen went blank.
while when
5. While she was packing the bags, I was looking for our passports.
while when
6. We were complaining about the weather ____when______ the sun broke through the clouds.
while when
7. Sandra was washing the dishes ____when_____ a plate fell off the shelf.
while when
8. Do not disturb me __while______ I'm listening to music!
while when
Connect the sentences. Fill in the lines from 1 to 8 with a, b, c, etc.

1. While Jake was fishing... a. they ate all chocolates from the box. ___5____

2. A terrible accident happened... b. he fell out of the boat. 1

3. Sasha lost her mobile... c. when we left the cinema. ___7____

d. she cut a finger her thumb. ___8____

4. We were having dinner...

5. When nobody was looking at the kids... e. when I was driving to work. ___2____

6. I burnt my nose... f. while she was getting out of her car. __3___

7. It was heavily raining... g. when all of a sudden unexpected guests arrived. _4__

8. While she was making a sandwich... h. while I was frying sausages. ____6____
CHoose the best option

1. Sylvia ___was running_______ when she __dropped __ the DVDs.

a. was running / dropped
b. ran / dropped
c. was running / was dropping
d. ran / was dropping
2. While Steve ___was watching____ a documentary, he __fell___ asleep.
a. was watched / fell
b. was watching / fell
c. watched / was falling
d. was watching / felt

3. They _weren’t listening__ when you _asked__ for remote control.

a.. aren't listening / were asking
weren't listening / were asking
weren't listening / asked
listened / asked

4. __Were_ you __doing_ anything when I _called_ you?

Are / doing / called
Were / doing / calling
Did / do / was calling
Were / doing / called

5. ___Did__ you __see__ my friends while you __were going__ to school?

Are / see / went
Did / see / were going Did / saw / were going Were / see / went
Chocolate benefits
Now, I know ( Past simple)

1. Write a text about a past event.

I was lived in Trujillo, but I now live in Piura. Sometimes I

was travelled on vacation to beach of La Libertad.
2. Talk about your experiences in your
I was a person shy in the school. I
studied my primary and part my high
school in Trujillo, later I went on
studied in Piura until now.
3. Make a timeline about important events
in your life.

• I was studying Analysis of System technical.

• I am studying law.
• I am working in Law firm.
4. Write a small text about your favorite
hero and give me your reasons.
• My heroin favorite is Wonder Woman, because is persisten, fierce,
also is very follower of his ideals. Finally, she is very empathy with

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