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By Dr Sarika Omkar P
Objectives of the session
◦ To learn and understand the concept of a Team
◦ To understand the various features of an Effective team and importance of working in a team
◦ To understand the concept of Team Management and Team Management skills
◦ To learn the various Team Management skills
◦ To know about Team management Techniques
◦ To understand the concept of Team Effectiveness Assessment
◦ To learn various team building models like Cog’s ladder, MBWA, The Broaden-and-Build Theory etc

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A Group And A Team
◦ A group can have individuals with varied interests, attitude as well as thought processes.

◦ A team must have individuals with a common objective to achieve.

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◦ A team is a group of individuals, all working together for a common purpose.
◦ The individuals comprising a team ideally should have common goals, common objectives and more or
less think on the same lines.
◦ Members in the team should have similar if not the same interests, thought processes, attitude, perception
and likings.

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Characteristics of an Effective Team
 A clear, elevating goal
 A results-driven structure
 Competent members
 Unified commitment
 A collaborative climate
 Standards of excellence.
 External support and recognition
 Principled leadership
 Team goals are clearly understood by all
 Each team member trusts the judgment of others
 The team has to be willing to take risks
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Importance of a Team & Teamwork
“Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success...
Henry Ford”

◦ No organization runs for charity

◦ Tasks are accomplished at a faster pace when it is done by a team rather than an individual
◦ Work never suffers or takes a backseat in a team. 
◦ There is always a healthy competition among the team members
◦ Team work is also important to improve the relations among the employees
◦ Team members can also gain from each other

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Team Management
◦ Team management refers to
“the various activities which bind a team together by bringing the team members closer to
achieve the set targets”

◦ Team management skill is
“the ability of an individual or an organization to administer and coordinate a group of
individuals to perform a task”

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Effective Team Management Skills
◦ Be a Mentor and not a Boss
◦ Ensure that each and every team member willingly participates in team discussions
◦ The team members must not pass on any information to anyone outside the team
◦ The team members must be motivated on a regular basis
◦ Loose talks, blame games, dirty politics should find no place in the team
◦ Bring team members together

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Effective Team Management Techniques…
◦ Hire the Right People
◦ Set Achievable Goals
◦ Establish a Team Mission
◦ Delegate Tasks Effectively
◦ Maintain Open Communication
◦ Manage Time Wisely
◦ Discuss Teamwork in Performance Reviews

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Effective Team Management Techniques

◦ Provide Feedback
◦ Resolve Team Issues
◦ Be Enthusiastic About Projects
◦ Hold Team Building Events
◦ Cheer on Your Team
◦ Keep Positive Vibes in the Office
◦ Celebrate Wins

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Team Effectiveness Assessment
How Good is Your Team?

Team Effectiveness Assessment helps Manager/Team leader uncover common teamworking problems that
he/she might be experiencing.

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Dimensions of effectiveness
◦ Purpose & goals
◦ Roles
◦ Team process
◦ Underlying team relationships
◦ Inter-group relationships
◦ Problem-solving ability
◦ Passion & commitment
◦ Skills & learning

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Cog’s Ladder

◦ More than 30 years ago, a Procter and Gamble manager named George O. Charrier noticed how successful
teamwork arose from groups progressing through five predictable and identifiable stages – the "rungs" of
Cog's Ladder.
◦ Charrier's theory has stood the test of time and is still used by team leaders from sports coaches to corporate
managers, and even the U.S. naval and air force academies, to aid the understanding of group development.
◦ The greatest value in Cog's Ladder is that it helps you to understand that your new, apparently dysfunctional
team won't always behave like that.
◦ It also gives you a way to anticipate and manage the changes that your team will go through as it develops.

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Cog’s Ladder
Cog's Ladder is a framework for making sense of how groups tend to behave as they develop.

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The five stages of COGs
• The Polite Phase, when groups meet and start to get acquainted.
• The "Why are we here?" Phase, in which colleagues try to identify their collective reason for being.
• The Power Phase, where groups establish a hierarchy.
• The Cooperation Phase, when groups start to work more effectively towards their goals.
• The Esprit Phase, in which groups reach their creative and productive peak.

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Management By Wandering/Walking Around
Getting Management out of the office

◦ Management by Walking Around - MBWA basically refers to managers spending some part of their time
listening to problems and ideas of their staff, while wandering around an office or plant.

◦ The idea of this practice is to listen. You must also respond to ideas or problems voiced and take effective
action about them.

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Benefits of MWBA
◦ Builds trust and relationships
◦ Motivates staff by suggesting that management takes an active interest in people
◦ Encourages staff to achieve individual and collective goals
◦ Strengthens ability to drive cultural change for higher organizational performance
◦ Refreshes organizational values
◦ Makes work less formal
◦ Creates a healthy organization.

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