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Prepared by
Pemba Gyalmu Sherpa
Visual aids
◦ Non projected visual medias(poster,flip chart,flash
cards,flannel graph,display board,bulletin board,puppets)
◦ projected visual aids (OHP,powerpoint,slides)
Overhead projector
◦ Overhead projector is an electric operated machine
that is used to reflect the enlarged image of symbols
or letters written on transparent sheet on the screen..
◦ The image travels over the head of teacher and
reflected either on screen or on white wall of
classroom behind the teacher.
◦ A knob is attached along a long metal stand..
◦ The mirror and lens can be moved up and down
with the help of knob to focus the image.
◦ Projector is capable of projecting enlarged images of
written or pictorial material onto a screen or wall
from a transparency placed horizontaly above the
projector and lighted from underneath.
Guidelines for using OHP
◦ Check the on/off switch.
◦ Check if extra bulb is working.
◦ Familarize with focusing and adjusting.
◦ Screen for projector should be placed at higher level than
the speaker.
◦ Place the projector 2 metres from the screen.
◦ Rotate nob to adjust position pre heating for ½ min and
then desired intensity of light.
◦ Move lens mirror frame to project at 45 degree angle.
◦ To focus move the mirror assembly up and down.
◦ Place the transparency,turn on projector.
◦ Use a pencil or pointer to focus on specific area.
◦ Face the participants while talking.
◦ Turn off the projector removing transparency .
◦ Before switching off ensure cool air comes out.

◦ It si a transparent plastic sheet commonly found in

11 x 8 inch size.
◦ Visual messages like simple message diagram and
pictures are made on trasparencies with the help of
special pen marker
Rules for making trasnparencies
◦ The size should be big enough to be seen by people
sitting at back.The letter height recommended is about
8mm for heading and 5mm for rest of the text(0.5 mm to
1 cm) .
◦ Use title to write heding and small letters with discursive
writing (typed letters) for easy reading.
◦ Keep space between two lines as the height of letters.
◦ Leave the margins of 2 cm each on both left and right side
and 3cm each on top and bottom.
◦ Use bright and contrast colors to catch viewer’s attention.
◦ Do not use too many colors.
◦ Arrange in logical order.
◦ Use transparency to denote key point or message.
◦ Organize transparencies by numbering them in sequence.
◦ Have transparencies ready in advance.
◦ It is very simple to use.Any teacher can use it after simple
◦ Vivid and lively image can be created to grab student’s
◦ It allows students to make notes during the session.
◦ The teacher can face students while using it.
◦ It saves teacher’s time in classroom as transparencies can be
prepared in advance.
◦ It can be substituted for chalkboard to write the
information directly on trasnparency at the time of
teaching according to need.
◦ Most of transparencies can be reused in teaching same
◦ Step wise presentation of material.
◦ It is not useful where electricity is not available for
◦ The initial investment on equipment is expensive.
◦ It is bulky and heavy to move from one place to another.
◦ Sometimes its spare parts may not be available in market.
◦ It is expensive to maintain.

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