The Future of Work Is Learning

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From blended to hybrid:

Redesign the Post-Pandemic

Hybrid Learning Ecosystem

Dr. Alfonso Bustos

BSM / UPF Barcelona

A New Learning Ecology: Personal Learning and
Working Environments
→“the set of contexts found in physical or virtual spaces that provide opportunities for
learning. Each context is comprised of a unique configuration of activities, material
resources, relationships, and the interactions that emerge from them.” (Barron, 2006)
→“…Each context comprises a unique configuration of purposes, activities, material
resources, relationships and the interactions and mediated learning that emerge from them”
(Jackson, 2013)

→The Digital Learning Ecosystem is a digital space made up of resources, applications, services and a set of
personal networks including people relevant for learning at formal & informal contexts. Blended experiental
learning tools
Anderson, 2006; Attwell, 2007; Downes, 2007; van Harmelen, 2008; Bustos, Engel, Sanz, & Coll, 2012)
Collaboration, Connect, →“…largest at-scale remote work
Learning and Wellnes at work experiment the world has seen…”
→ “…Flexibility in when, where and how
we work will be key.”
→“…supports workers from their
onboarding process to collaborating with
their colleagues and continuing their
education within the company.”
→“We need to stop thinking about work as a
place, and start thinking about how to
maintain culture, connect employees, and
harness human ingenuity in a hybrid world,”
says Jared Spataro
Distributed Educational Influence
→In hybrid learning settings, the exercise of Educational Influence is distributed among all
participants, since all can and should contribute with their actions to achieve an effective
collaboration that promotes the communicative, social and cognitive processes involved
in learning / collaborative work.
→We use a multimethod research approach combining:
→ structural analysis of participants’ participation and connectivity (Network Analysis: actors, social
structure), and
→ content analysis of the participants' contributions from the perspective of the social, cognitive
and communicative processes involved in their learning.
From blended to Hybrid learning
→An opportunity:
→ To teach how to take advantage of learning opportunities offered in a new
digital ecosystem.
→ To gain visibility for the new learning ecology: both, personal and social
→A powerful tool to promote articulation between learning in several contexts:
learning at school, at workplace…even informal contexts: social networks, virtual
→Hybrid learning is equal to learning IN the flow or path through formal and
informal activity contexts. Natural bridge….between classroom and job carrer
Redecker, C.; Leis, M.; Leendertse, M.; Punie, Y.; Gijsbers, G.; Kirschner, P.; Stoyanov, S. & Hoogveld, B. (2011). The Future of Learning: Preparing for ChangeEuropean
Commission. Joint Research Centre, Institute for Prospective Technological Studies.
→ Bustos, A., Engel, A., de Gispert, I., & Rochera, M. J. (2013). Distributed educational influence and computer-
supported collaborative learning. Digital Education Review, 23-42.
→ Engel, A., Coll, C., & Bustos, A. (2013). Distributed Teaching Presence and communicative patterns in
asynchronous learning: Name versus reply networks. Computers & Education, 60(1), 184-196.
→ Bustos, A. (2011). Presencia docente distribuida, influencia educativa y construcción del conocimiento en
entornos de enseñanza y aprendizaje basados en la comunicación asíncrona escrita (Doctoral dissertation,
Universitat de Barcelona).
→ Coll, C., Engel, A., & Bustos, A. (2009). Distributed Teaching Presence and Participants' Activity Profiles: a
theoretical approach to the structural analysis of Asynchronous Learning Networks 1. European Journal of
Education, 44(4), 521-538.
→ Coll, C., Engel, A., Saz, A., & Bustos, A. (2014). Personal learning environments: design and use/Los entornos
personales de aprendizaje en la educación superior: del diseño al uso. Cultura y Educación, 26(4), 775-801.
→ Bustos, A., Engel, A., Saz, A., & Coll, C. (2012). Integrating personal and Institutional virtual learning
environments. In Proceedings of EDULEARN12 Conference (pp. 7425-7433).

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