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James B. Macalalad

1. The review must be of value to the learner.

2. The review should be interesting.

3. The review should follow the psychological principles of

Conditions for a Good Review

A good review depends on the following conditions:

1. previous lessons must have been studied;

2. too much should not be covered in one lesson;

3. the teacher should have mastery of the subject

4. the teacher should lead the pupils to organize the subject

into large units

5. the teacher should help the pupils outline the summary so

that the pupils may see the relative value of the parts.
The Drill Lesson

Nature and Purpose

 for automatization of certain facts, habits or skills.

 aim to fix associations for permanency or to perfect a skill.

 needed for mastery, and all subjects need a little amount of

The Drill Lesson

Nature and Purpose

drills are necessary:

1. for automatization of certain facts, habits or skills.

2. aim to fix associations for permanency or to perfect a skill.

3. needed for mastery, and all subjects need a little amount of

Drill Procedure

1. Motivation.
Motivation to do a drill is necessary to arouse pupils to
maximum and sustained effort. Pupils should be made to feel
a need for the skill or activity and they should be made to
want it.
Drill Procedure

2. Focalization.
A drill requires concentration and so children’s attention
should be focused on the specific facts, habits, or skills to be
drilled on.
Drill Procedure

3. Repetition with attention.

mere repetition will not result in learning unless accompanied
by attention.

4. Application.
the pupil must be able to apply what he has learned.
Principles in Drill Work
In order to make drills effective, certain principles should be
followed. These are:

1.Utilization of the principles of learning. The pupils should

be ready for the drill. They will not be ready to memorize
something they have not previously learned.

2. Way of conducting the drill. The teacher should conduct the

drill in a systematic way- fast, precise, uninterrupted by
Principles in Drill Work

3. Standards. Attainable standards that can guide pupils in their

performance should be set up. Accuracy, speed, quality, and
quantity should be considered in setting up standards.

4. Individualization. For the teacher to drill the class on the

same things is wasteful and uneconomical. Seldom will all
children need practice on the same facts or skills.
Outcomes of Drill

Drill results in establishing habits, skills, and rote

associations. Habits are automatic responses. The teacher aims
not just at forming a habit nut at developing the habit into a skill.
The Application Lesson

Nature and Value

An application lesson often follows a development lesson. It

is a truism that there is no impression without a corresponding
expression. The application lesson gives the child a chance to
express or apply what he has learned.
The application or expression lesson may take many forms.
The ideas, facts, and principles that have been taught to
children can find outlets in any of the following.

1. Dramatization.
-is acting out a story or play. It uses language, facial
expression, gesture, action. It tells a story more vividly than does
the printed page.

2. Storytelling.

The story, as a teaching device, is used in reading,

language, history, geography, science, and other subjects.
3. Oral reading

While silent reading is thought getting, oral reading is

thought-giving. Oral reading gives the child practice in
conveying thought to others.
4. Construction
z and drawing

It is the physical embodiment of thought. An

idea may be concretized in drawing or construction

5. Written compositions

Not only is a written theme an expression of

what is in a person’s mind, but it also is training in
grammar, correct usage, and written
6. Singing

Children love to sing, individually and in groups. Singing

gives practice in tonality, pitch, and expression. Singing also
gives emotional release.

7. Test or examination

The test or examination lesson is in reality a reproduction of

what is supposed to have been learned by the child.
8. Creative work

Any creative work done by the child is a form of application.

Making a kite, writing a poem or a theme, molding a piece of
plastic clay are forms of creation.
9. Other forms of application work are (a) translation from
one language to another, (b) solutions of problems, and (c)
Certain points be borne in mind in order to have a good
application lesson. It may go through such steps as the

1. Motivation
The application lesson, like all other lessons, needs to be
motivated. Without a good motive, one cannot force expression
from a child. The motive should be real and practical.
2. Statement of a problem or task
The children should have a thorough knowledge and
understanding of what is to be expressed or applied.

3. Necessity of information
In the same way that there can be no impression without
expression, there can be no expression without impression.
Children cannot express what they do not know.
of a Good Application Lesson

An application lesson is good if it has characteristics:

1. The pupil’s work is original rather than imitative;

2. The pupils feel responsible for their work and try to apply the
principles studied;

3. individual pupil effort is present; and

4. Not everything assigned is recited on.


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