Groups 1

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Groups 1 IR.

1. Hemia Lisa Simbolon NO
2. Windy Julia Sari
3. Alya Damayanti
4. Risky Febriansyah
5. Satria Rama Yudha
• Ir. Soekarno (born in Blitar, East Java, June 6, 1901 - died in
Jakarta, June 21, 1970 at age 69 years) is Indonesia's first
president who served two terms from 1945 to 1966. He played
an important role for the liberation of Indonesia from Dutch
colonialism. He is a digger Pancasila. He was proclaimed
Indonesian independence (along with Mohammad Hatta)
which occurred on August 17, 1945.
• On 4 July 1927 Sukarno founded PNI (Indonesian National Party) to
fight for Indonesian independence. As a result, the Dutch included him
in Sukamiskin prison, Bandung on December 29, 1929. He was
categorized as a dangerous prisoner. The young Bung Karno was so
eager to fight for independence. But since the imprisonment of Bung
Karno's communication with his comrades, he almost broke up.
• Eight months later he was tried. In his defense entitled Indonesia
Menggugat, he showed the apostasy of the Netherlands. His defense
made the Dutch even more angry. So that in July 1930, PNI was
• After being released in 1931, Soekarno joined Partindo and at the same
time led him. As a result, he was arrested again by the Dutch and exiled
to Ende, Flores, in 1933. Four years later he was transferred to
• After going through a very long struggle, and having to experience
several times imprisoned and exiled, finally Bung Karno and Bung
Hatta proclaimed the independence of the Republic of Indonesia in
1945. He also formulated the Pancasila as the basis of the Unitary State
of the Republic of Indonesia.
• After Indonesia's independence, Soekarno became the first president
and his deputy was Bung Hatta. Soekarno was the president who
was able to unite the archipelago. In fact, he could gather nations in
Asia and Africa at the Asia Africa conference in Bandung in 1955
which later developed into a Non-Aligned Movement.
• The G30-S / PKI rebellion gave birth to a great political crisis
which caused the MPR's rejection of its responsibility. Soekarno
also sent a Supersemar letter to secure a chaotic country. But it
seems that Supersemar was used as legitimacy to take power and
get rid of Soekarno. The MPR also appointed Suharto as president.
The authenticity of Supersemar is still a mystery.

• In June 21, 1970 Soekarno died at the Army Hospital. He was

buried in Wisma Yaso, Jakarta and buried in Blitar, East Java near
the tomb of his mother, Ida Ayu Nyoman Rai. The government
conferred him as "the Proclamation Hero".
• Long story short, since Sukarno entered the Dutch HBS class
in Surabaya, he shared with his father's friend who was one of
the national figures as well as the Nation teacher namely Hadji
Oemar Said Cokroaminoto (hereinafter called Cokroaminoto).
At that time Cokro was the head of the Sarekat Islam, as well
as a political figure in the Javanese community who was
nicknamed the Dutch "Javanese King without a crown". At
Cokro's very simple house, Sukarno lived and studied with
other foster children like Cokosoewirjo, Musso, Alimin,
• Beginning of the Revolting Movement In India (1921-1942)
• After divorcing Utari and marrying Mrs. Inggit, Sukarno became
increasingly active in his political activities. After returning from campus,
Doi often stopped by Madura Madrawi's rice stall, from where he became
more familiar with other political figures who were also fond of holding
political meetings there. Some of the figures who kicked off the sense of
nationalism were Ki Hajar Dewantara, Cipto Mangunkusumo and Douwes
Dekker (Setiabudi), who were the founders of Indische Partij, a radical
association with the ideals of rebellion against the Dutch. Since then, the
young Sukarno has become increasingly passionate about appearing on
• One of the most shocking moments was in 1922 when there was a giant meeting in the
Bandung open field, called a meeting of radicale concentrations held by national
organizations of local parties to collect petitions to defend indigenous rights. Sukarno,
who was only a student at the time, tried to raise his hand to express his opinion in public.
At that time, for the first time the ability of Sukarno's speech made hundreds of spectators

• Unmitigated, young (21 years old) Sukarno openly challenged the Netherlands (right in
front of the nose of the Dutch police), he firmly rejected the methods of collecting
petitions, and proposed a total non-cooperative movement against the Indies government.
It was an amazingly shocking moment, at that time the meeting was immediately
dissolved by the Dutch police, and that day the name Sukarno was a determined young
man who became the talk of the entire city of Bandung.

• As a result of the incident, Sukarno received a serious warning by the Chancellor of TH

Bandung at that time, Prof. Jan Klopper, who specifically called Sukarno to his office to
remind him that Sukarno should not make a strange act, and better focus on his studies
which would soon have to be completed. Because of the respect for the professor, Sukarno
manut although half-hearted. He finally concentrated on his studies and succeeded in
defending his thesis and graduating in 1926. At that time, Sukarno, who was born from
poverty, with extraordinary perseverance, managed to become the third engineer from the
Bumiputera, the Dutch East Indies.
• Graduating as an engineer, Sukarno only felt freedom of
expression in politics. This was marked by his attitude to not
work on the development projects of the colonial government.
Therefore, Sukarno often made simple house building projects
with his classmates, Ir. Anwari. Uniquely, each house built
with Sukarno and Anwari, given a "signature" in the form of
Gada Rujakpala on the tile, Bima's weapon - one of Sukarno's
favorite puppet figures. The only major architectural project
ever built by Sukarno was the Preanger Bandung Hotel at a
special request from Prof. Wolff Schoemaker, Sukarno's
favorite lecturer.
• The formation of the PNI and Indonesia Sued
• The climax was in 1928 when the PNI (now its name as the Indonesian
National Party) held the first congress in Surabaya with the slogan
"Indonesia Ready for Freedom", the wider wing of the PNI as a party
supported by the people. Moreover, the results of the congress were very
nuanced in rebellion:

• 1; Political program to achieve independent Indonesia

• 2. Economic and social programs to advance national learning
• 3. Establish a non-cooperative principle towards the Netherlands for the
PNI struggle
• On the night of March 29, 1929, in the midst of an oration in Yogyakarta, Sukarno and PNI
officials were arrested and taken to Banceuy Bandung Prison to wait for the court. In short, in
short, Sukarno, when he was put on trial, finally delivered a defense speech which he gave the title
"Indonesia Menggugat" (IM). This IM manuscript, even though he stacked it right in the stuffy
Banceuy prison house and smelled of urine, the contents were extraordinary. No less than 60
world leaders he quoted in his speech. Starting from Karl Marx, Dr. Sun Yat Sen, Mustafa Kamil
(Egyptian nationalist figure), Henk Sneevliet (founder of the Dutch and Indonesian Communist
Party), until Dr. Snouck Hurgronje, a well-known Dutch anthropologist, he quoted to support his
defense and nation against colonial rule. From there the Dutch were very surprised by the
intellectual capacity of a young engineer from the far eastern archipelago in Southeast Asia
because they could have such knowledge about the politics of the world. Despite giving a defense,
the judge still decided that Sukarno was guilty and was again detained at the Sukamiskin prison.

• The story of Sukarno's life after that was mostly in prison or exile. Shortly before de Graeff was
replaced by Governor General de Jonge, he released several political prisoners including Sukarno.
Sukarno finally became active again in politics even though it was only for a moment by joining
Partindo, while the struggle in the PNI was continued by Hatta and Sjahrir. But don't imagine that
Sukarno was compact with the Hatta and Sjahrir camps at that time. Precisely at the beginning of
the struggle, Sukarno was involved in mutual criticism and reproach in the local media with Hatta
and Sjahrir. Because he was more stubborn and not defeated, Sukarno was finally arrested (again)
by Gubjend de Jonge and immediately exiled to Ende, East Nusa Tenggara. While Hatta, Sjahrir,
et al were arrested and imprisoned in Glodok Prison (1934), then exiled again to Boven Digul
Papua in January 1935.
• Chapter 3: Japanese Population & Indonesian Independence (1942 - 1945)
• At the beginning of 1942, an unexpected event occurred, the Japanese military
entered the Southeast Asian region including the Dutch East Indies. The Dutch
military armament was nothing compared to the power of Nippon, the Dutch
who had occupied the Indies for hundreds of years, could be repulsed by the
Japanese in just a few days! March 1942, the Dutch surrender to Japan. The
surrender of power took place very quickly. In order to get sympathy for the
people, Japan immediately released rebel leaders and folk heroes such as Hatta,
Sjahrir, including Bung Karno.
• Sukarno brought it to Batavia (at that time it had just been renamed Jakarta
Tokubetsu-Shi), and finally for the first time in his life he met directly with his
name Mohammad Hatta and Sutan Sjahrir. This meeting was arguably a very
historic moment, because after each struggle from 1931, our three main figures
of independence met for the first time. From the results of the meeting, Sukarno
argued that for the time being we needed to follow Japan's wishes, so that
Indonesian independence could be obtained without the need for bloodshed. On
the other hand, Sjahrir rejected the proposal and preferred to continue the
struggle non-cooperatively by building a mass base so that the spirit of
independence was maintained from the grassroots.
• Sukarno deeply regretted his contribution in this romusha, but he also
thought that this was very necessary to be able to realize Indonesian
• Propaganda photo of Bung Karno, in a romusha operation
• Bung Karno & Hatta's decision to cooperate with Japan by helping them
fight was an endless moral debate in the history of our nation. On the one
hand, Bung Karno & Hatta considered the way they traveled was "the most
tactical step" so that Indonesia could get a loophole to liberate itself without
the need to fight against Japan whose military power was even able to
repulse the Dutch in just a matter of days. While for figures in field
movements such as Tan Malaka, even Sjahrir, Bung Karno & Hatta were
considered too soft and cowardly to openly fight Japan.
• Sukarno's Role in the State Formation Process (1945 - 1950)
• August 17, 1945, NKRI unilaterally became an independent state. Sukarno read the text of
the proclamation in a state of sleeplessness for four days and was having a high fever of 40
° C due to malaria. The next day after the proclamation he left for the Raad van Indie
Building, where the Volksraad had its office. In the building again gathered the founding
fathers of the PPKI Meeting. The results of the meeting that day decided that Sukarno was
appointed president of the Republic of Indonesia & Bung Hatta was vice president.

• With mixed feelings between happy, proud, and worried about carrying out such a difficult
task. Actually, there were three things that Sukarno had to work on as the President of the
Republic of Indonesia. First is the executive function as president. From starting to choose
ministers and departments, and forming concrete and clear authority structures. The second
task, broadcasting the news of independence through broadcasts from news transmitters of
the Japanese Government (in the past there was no Twitter bok!). The third task is to disarm
Japanese soldiers who are still left behind in Indonesia and have not returned home. This is
the third most important, because Sukarno has predicted.

• Finally the 23rd of the People's Security Agency (BKR) was formed. This form of BKR is
not an army, but only a community organization to house former soldiers of PETA, Heiho,
and KNIL. Not bad, the name of the container didn't make Japan suspicious. But on the
other hand, we have military defense organizations even though they are labeled "mass
• Chapter 5: Liberal Democracy (1950 - 1959)
After the Revolution period which was full of bloodshed and intrigues from both external and internal
circles (the PKI Madiun conflict, the establishment of the Islamic State of Indonesia, etc.). It's time for
Indonesia to function like an independent country in general. At that time, our country already had a
federation in accordance with the contents of the KMB. Sukarno and Hatta, decided to immediately change
the shape of the state into a unitary state as aspired to the time of the Proclamation. Sukarno's first
assignment as RIS president was to make the RIS become the NKRI.
After changing state forms and changing laws from the RIS Constitution to the 1950 Constitution, Sukarno
decided that now was the time for him to act as Indonesia's "ambassador" for the whole world and introduce
this new country to the presence of world leaders. As for domestic affairs, Sukarno only wanted three
problems to be resolved by the Prime Ministers
1. West Papua is recaptured.
2. General Election.
3. Maintain the integrity of the NKRI.
The meeting was called the Asian-African Conference (KAA). With a beautiful speech to unite cooperation
between countries in Asia and Africa, Sukarno rocked the KAA stage and introduced the name of our
country to countries in Asia and Africa.
The success of Ali and Sukarno in the KAA made the name of Indonesia increasingly evident in the
international arena. KAA is considered by third world nations as a manifestation of resistance to
colonialism and colonialism
• Chapter 6: Guided Democracy - Outcast from the Government (1950-1966)
• In order for someone to evaluate and prevent him from becoming a dictator, three people
were appointed to the office of Deputy Prime Minister: Subandrio, Dr. Leimena, and Khairul
Saleh. Furthermore, to prevent the occurrence of arbitrariness in executive functions, the
MPRS and the Gotong Royong Parliament were formed, consisting of party representatives,
armed forces, prominent figures from each region, etc. In addition, some experts can provide
input and advice on the running of a merged government in a special body called the
Supreme Advisory Council. It was only this time that Sukarno was arguably truly in
executive power, only now had Sukarno's dream state system been formed since his youth.
• There were many things, one of which was strong protest from many intellectuals who
criticized the Decree's decision & the creation of Guided Democracy. From the name alone,
this form of government was considered to betray the true meaning of democracy and
opened the door for dictatorships with powers that were too centered on one figure, namely
Sukarno. This criticism of Sukarno was carried out not only by student figures such as Soe
Hok Gie, but also his comrades like Moh Hatta, Sjahrir, and also Natsir. Finally, Sukarno
entrusted these security and territorial issues to the 3 knights he relied on . In general, he
defended this defense problem with General Abdul Harris Nasution. To take care of the
rebels of the Indonesian Islamic State and PRRI-Permesta, he believed his favorite officer
who was very good at reducing the rebellion was Major General Ahmad Yani. For the West
Irian problem, he believed in a highly experienced field strategist from the Dutch military
aggression as well as the commander of the Army Strategic Command (Kostrad), Major
General Suharto.
• Political tension in the era of Guided Democracy finally broke out in a very
extraordinary event. Yak, maybe you can already guess that the incident was the
movement of September 30, 1965 where there was the most mysterious murder in
the history of the Indonesian people. Seven high-ranking officers who were targeted
for assassination attempts, 6 generals were killed including Ahmad Yani, while one
general who survived was AH. Nasution. This event then became a milestone in the
change of transition from the power of President Sukarno's government.
• This September 30 event is arguably the darkest, most mysterious, most
controversial, and very sensitive historical record of Indonesia to be discussed,
especially during the New Order administration. This event affected the fate of
millions of Indonesians, from the transition of power transition, Indonesia's foreign
policy position, and decades of mass arrests and killings. This event is so complex
that it raises various versions of history, where in detail I have already & Glenn
discussed it in depth in the article History of the Historical Records of the
September 30, 1965 Movement.
• Resign until closing age (1966 - 1970)
• Sukarno was finally helpless with the political situation which had cornered
him. Until finally on February 20, 1967 Sukarno signed a Declaration of
Submission of Power at Merdeka Palace. It is not surprising how Sukarno felt
that he was dismissed on charges of betraying the country he fought for over
the past 40 years. From the time he was young to become a figure of Dutch
rebels, banished and imprisoned for a dozen years, he finally had to take part
in Japanese propaganda which claimed millions of lives, not to mention
dozens of attempted killings which continued to terrorize his life.

• Sukarno finally was completely alone. There was no longer Hatta, Sjahrir, Ali,
Natsir, Aidit who used to be his advisor he believed. After being resigned,
Sukarno, whose health condition was getting worse, was accompanied by
house arrest with strict guarding and makeshift medical assistance from a
country that he fought since he was young. Until finally on June 21, 1970 at
7:00 am Ir. Sukarno died. Although Sukarno once requested that he be buried
in the Bogor Stone Palace, President Suharto's administration chose the City of
Blitar, as the final resting place, the founder of the country of Indonesia.
Ir. Soekarno was one of the founding fathers of the nation. His role
in the struggle for Indonesian independence was very great. He is a
proclamator and the first president of an independent and sovereign
Indonesia. Discussion of the life story of Ir. Soekarno, the city can
conclude a number of things as follows.
1. The idea of seeking knowledge and organizing will shape one's
character for the better.
2. Even defending the right is the attitude of a true fighter.
Defending the truth, no fear even though life is threatened
3. Prioritizing shared interests rather than personal interests will
produce a good decision for life together.
4. Although faced with many problems, it does not weaken the
power and determination.

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