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Lecture 4: The class hierarchy; static components

Work on A1:
 Start early and avoid frustration!

 Look at Piazza note @93 for any updates.

 Also search existing questions!

 Form your group before submitting. (both parties must act to

make a group)
Note: 2110 doesn't officially use iClickers, but if you have
one use it! (We'll show the results of the poll, but we won't
record your answers or ever connect your iClicker to your
NetID.)class Time {
private int hr; //hour of day, 0..23
private int min; // minute of hour, 0..59
/** Constructor: an instance with h hours and m minutes
Precondition: h in 0..23, m in 0..59 .*/
public Time(int h, int m) {
hr= h;
What happens when this is executed?
min= m;
} t1 = new Time(9, 66);
A. Java throws an error b/c the precondition is violated
B. min will be set to 66 C. min will be set to 59
Big ideas so far

 Java variables have types (L1)

 A type is a set of values and operations on them
(int: +, -, *, /, %, etc.)
 Classes define new types (L2)
 Methods are the operations on objects of that class.
 Fields allow objects to store data (L3)
 A software engineering principle: give user access
to functionality, not the implementation details…
Today’s topics

 Class Object
 Extends, is-a
 Method toString(), object names, overriding
 Keyword this, shadowing
 Static components
Running example: Class W (for Worker)

/** Constructor: worker with last name n, SSN s, boss b (null if none).
Prec: n not null, s in 0..999999999 with no leading zeros.*/
public W(String n, int s, W b)
/** = worker's last name */
public String getLname()
lname “Pollack” W
/** = last 4 SSN digits */
public String getSsn() ssn 123456789
boss null
/** = worker's boss (null if none) */
public W getBoss() W(…) getLname()
/** Set boss to b */
getSsn() getBoss() setBoss(W)
public void setBoss(W b) toString()
equals(Object) hashCode()
Contains other methods!
Class Object

Java: Every class that does not

extend another extends class We draw object like this:
Object. That is,
public class W {…} Object
is equivalent to equals(Object) hashCode()
public class W extends Object {…} W
lname “Pollack”
ssn 123456789
boss null
We often omit this partition to
reduce clutter; we know that it W(…) getLname()
is always there. getSsn(), getBoss() setBoss(W)
Extends: “Is A”

 Extension should reflect semantic data model:

meaning in real world
 A should extend B if and only if A “is a” B
 An elephant is an animal, so Elephant extends Animal
 A car is a vehicle, so Car extends Vehicle
 An instance of any class is an object, so
AnyClass extends java.lang.Object
Extends: “Is A”

Which of the following seem like reasonable

A. Triangle extends Shape { … }
B. PhDTester extends PhD { … }
C. BankAccount extends CheckingAccount { … }
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. A & B
E. A & B & C
Extends: “Is A”

Which of the following seem like reasonable

A. Triangle extends Shape { … }

A. Yes! A triangle is a kind of shape.

B. PhDTester extends PhD { … }
A. No! A PhDTester “tests a” PhD, but itself is not a
C. BankAccount extends CheckingAccount { … }
A. No! A checking account is a kind of bank account;
we likely would prefer:
CheckingAccount extends BankAccount { ... }
Investigate: JFrame

1. How many levels deep is JFrame in the class

 (Object is JFrame’s super-super-…-superclass. How
many supers are there?)

2. In which class is JFrame’s getHeight() method

 (hint: it’s not JFrame!)
What’s in a name?

The name of the object below is

The name is <class> @ <address in memory>.

Variable e, declared as
PhD e; PhD
contains not the object but the
name of the object (i.e., it is a name “Gries”
reference to the object).
e PhD@aa11bb24 ad1 null ad2 null
PhD advisees 17
Method toString()

toString() in Object returns the name of the object: W@af

Java Convention: Define toString() in e W@af

any class to return a representation of an W@af
object, giving info about the values in its Object
fields. toString() …
New definitions of toString() override W
the definition in Object.toString() lname “Pollack”
ssn 123456789
boss null
getSsn() …
e.toString() calls this method toString() …
Method toString()

toString() in Object returns the name of the object: W@af

public class W { e W@af
… W@af
/** Return a representation of this object */ toString() …
public String toString() {
return “Worker ” + lname
+ “ has SSN ???-??-” + getSsn() lname “Pollack”
+ (boss == null ssn 123456789
conditional ? “” boss null
expression : “ and boss ” + boss.lname);
getSsn() …
e.toString() calls this method toString() …
Another example of toString()

/** An instance represents a point (x, y) in the plane */

public class Point {
private int x; // x-coordinate
private int y; // y-coordinate Point
… x 9 y 5
/** = repr. of this point in form “(x, y)” */
public String toString() {
(9, 5)
return “(” + x + “, ” + y + “)”;
Function toString should give the values in the
fields in a format that makes sense for the class.
this: the object’s own name

 this keyword: this evaluates to the name of the object in

which it occurs
 Makes it possible for an object to access its own name
 Example: a shadowed class field

public class Point { public class Point {

public int x= 0; public int x= 0;
public int y= 0; public int y= 0;

public Point(int x, int y) { public Point(int x, int y) {

x= x; this.x= x;
y= y; this.y= y;
} }
} }
Static components

/** = “this object is c’s boss”.

👍🏽 or
Pre: c is not null. */ 👎x.isBoss(y)
? is false
public boolean isBoss(W c) { y.isBoss(x) is true
return this == c.boss;
} x W@b4 y W@af
Spec: return the value of W@b4 W@af
that true-false sentence. W W
True if this object is c’s lname “Jo” lname “Om”
boss, false otherwise
boss W@af boss null
keyword this evaluates isBoss(W c) { isBoss(W c) {
to the name of the object return …}
in which it appears this == c.boss; }
Static components

Body doesn’t refer to any

/** = “b is c’s boss”. field or method in the object.
Pre: b and c are not null. */ Why put method in object?
public boolean isBoss(W b, W c) {
return b == c.getBoss();
x W@b4 y W@af
W@b4 W@af
lname “Jo” lname “Om”
/** = “this object is c’s boss”.
boss W@af boss null
Pre: c is not null. */
public boolean isBoss(W c) { ssn 21 ssn 35
return this == c.boss; isBoss(W) isBoss(W)
} isBoss(W,W) isBoss(W,W)
Static components
19 static: there is only one
copy of the method. It
/** = “b is c’s boss”.
is not in each object
Pre: b and c are not null. */
public static boolean isBoss(W b, W c) {
return b == c.getBoss();
} Box for W (objects, static
x.isBoss(x, y) W@b4 W@af
y.isBoss(x, y)
lname “Jo” lname “Om”
Preferred: boss W@af boss null
W.isBoss(x, y) ssn 21 ssn 35
isBoss(W) isBoss(W)
x W@b4 y W@af isBoss(W,W)
Good example of static methods


(Or find it by googling java.lang.Math 8)

A use for static fields (aka class variables):
Maintain info about created objects

public class W {
private static int numObs; // number of W objects created
/** Constructor: */
public W(…) {

numObs= numObs + 1;
} W@bd W@12

} W W
To have numObs contain the lname “Ra” lname “Kn”
number of objects of class W
that have been created, simply numObs 2
increment it in constructors.
Box for W
Class java.awt.Color uses static fields

An instance of class Color describes a color in the RGB (Red-

Green-Blue) color space. The class contains about 20 static
variables, each of which is (i.e. contains a pointer to) a non-
changeable Color object for a given color:

public static final Color black= …;

public static final Color blue= …;
public static final Color cyan= new Color(0, 255, 255);
public static final Color darkGray= …;
public static final Color gray= …;
public static final Color green= …;

Java application

Java application: a program with at least

one class that has this procedure:
public static void main(String[] args) {

Type String[]: array of
} elements of type String.
We will discuss later

Running the application effectively calls method main

Command line arguments can be entered with args
Uses of static fields:
Implement the Singleton pattern

Only one Singleton can ever

public class Singleton { exist.
private static final Singleton instance= new Singleton();

private Singleton() { } // ... constructor

public static Singleton getInstance() {

return instance;
} Singleton

// ... methods
instance Singleton@x3k3

Box for Singleton

iClicker Answers

1. B
2. A

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