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LECTURER: (Mr. Michael Allotey)

DEPARTMENT: (Information Studies)
(Contact Information:

College of Education
School of Continuing and Distance Education
2017/2018 – 2018/2019 ACADEMIC YEAR
Course Information
Provide the following information:

Course Code: INFS 432

Course Title: Organizational Information Systems

Course Credit 3

Session Number &

Session Title: (10) Safety and Security

Semester/Year: Second Semester / 2017/2018

Slide 2
Course Information (contd.)
Provide the following information:

Insert Lecture Period(s): (Online how many

Lecture Period(s) online interactions per week)

Prerequisites Insert Course Prerequisites: (if applicable)

Insert Teaching Assistant’s Information: (where

Teaching Assistant applicable, provide name and contact
Slide 3
Course Instructor’s Contact
Provide the following information:

Course Instructor(s) Insert Instructor’s Name: (Mr. Michael Allotey)

Insert Office Number: Department of
Office Location Information Studies
Insert Office Hours: ( 9.00 am – 1.00pm
Office Hours (Mondays to Thursdays))

Phone Number:
Your Email:
E-mail Slide 4
Introduction/ Subject or Session Overview
This Session covers safety and security issues when using Information
Systems in Organizations or at home. As the use of information
systems increase in organizations, the risks/threats associated with
them also continue to increase. These risks can be categorized into
1. Risks to users
2. Risks to the systems.
This Session will focus on risks or threats to users as they use
information systems in organizations. Many of these risk/threats are
associated with the Internet.

Slide 5
Session Outline
The key topics to be covered in the session are as follows:
1. Introduction
2. Physical Security
3. E-safety
4. Security of Data

Slide 6
Session Learning Objectives
By the end of the section, you will have learnt the

• Safety and security risks related to the use of

Information systems
• Health risks related to the use of information systems
• Understand E-safety
• Know the threats to your personal data online and how
you can secure your personal data.

Slide 7
Session Activities and Assignments
This week, complete the following tasks:
• Log onto the UG Sakai LMS course site:
• Read Recommended Text – Akussah, H. (2016).
Organizational Information Systems. Department of
Information Studies, Legon, NAB Superior Services.
• Watch the Videos for Session 10
• Review Lecture Slides: Session 10
• Visit the Chat Room and discuss the Forum question for
Session 10
• Complete the Individual Activities for Session 10
Slide 8
Reading List
• Required Text
– Akussah, H. (2016). Organizational Information Systems. Department of Information Studies, Legon, NAB Superior Services.

– O’Brien, J.A. (2009) Introduction to Information Systems, Boston, Pearson.

– Long, P. et al (2016) Cambridge International AS and A Level IT Course book, University Printing House, Cambridge CB2 8BS, UK.

• Supplemental Texts

– Laudon, C.K. Laudon, J.P. (2000) Management Information Systems (11th Ed.), NJ, Prentice-Hall in Honkong, Pearson.

– Senn, J.A. (1982) Information Systems in Management, NY Wadsworth Publishing Company.

– Stoner, J.A.F. (1999) Management, (1999) Prentice-Hall of India, New Delhi.

– Lucey Terry, (1995) Management Information Systems, DP Publishing Ltd. Aldine Place, London.

– Watson, H.J. et al (1991) Information System for Management: A Book of Reading.

– Hutchinson, S.E. & Sawyer, S.C. (2000) Computers, Communications and Information: A User’s Introduction.

– Alter, S. (1999). Information systems: A management perspective. Reading, Mass. [u.a.: Addison Wesley.

Slide 9
Topic One


Slide 10

The safety and security risks/threats related

to the use of Information Systems in
organizations can be categorized into the
• Physical Security
• E-safety
• Security of Data
Slide 11
Topic Two


Slide 12
Physical Security
The increase use of Information Systems in
organizations brings about some physical
dangers to employees. Physical security is
categorized into:

• Health Aspects
• Safety Aspects
Slide 13
Health Aspects
Health aspects has to do with how people become
ill or affected by their daily contact with Computer
Based Information Systems (CBIS). The following
are some health risks:
• Back and neck problems/strain
• Repetitive strain injury (RSI)
• Eye strain
• Headaches
• Ozone irritation
Slide 14
Safety Aspects
Safety aspects has to do with the dangers that could
lead to serious injury or even loss of life. Some
common examples of safety risks are as follows:

• Electrocution
• Trailing wires (Can make you trip)
• Heavy equipment falling and causing injury
• Fire risk
Slide 15
Topic Three


Slide 16
• This refers to safety when using the internet. That
is keeping personal data safe when using
Information Systems.

• E-safety also refers to the benefits, risks and

responsibilities when using Information systems.

Slide 17
E-safety Issues Encountered when Using
Information Systems In organizations
• Giving out personal information to people who are unknown
to you
• Sending photos of ones self- either online or via a mobile
• Failing to maintain your privacy settings when using online
• Failing to verify the security of websites before visiting them
• Opening emails from unknown sources
• Emailing people you do not know
• Failing to be vigilant when using social network sites, instant
messaging and chat rooms.
Slide 18
Activity 1

Evaluate your own use of e-mail and social media/

networking sites.

1. Which of the following e-safety issues applies to


2. What e-safety strategy will you use to deal with

these issues?

Slide 19
Topic Four


Slide 20
Security of Data
This refers to the security risks/ threats to our personal
data on information systems. Security of data is associated
with any electronic devise that connects to a network. The
following are some examples:

• Hacking • Spam
• Phishing • Cookies
• Smishing • Malwares
• Vishing
• Pharming
Slide 21
Hacking (Unauthorized Access)
• This is the act of gaining unauthorized access to a
computer system.

• This can lead to identity theft or misuse of personal

information. Data can be stolen, deleted, changed
or corrupted on a user’s computer.

Slide 22
Activity 2

What is the difference between hacking and


Slide 23
• This is normally carried out through electronic
communications, such as emails.
• This is when an authorized person attempts to gather
personal data, such as passwords and credit card details,
by distinguishing themselves as a trustworthy person or
• The email will look legitimate and will normally
encourage a person to click on a link on the email and
when the link is clicked, it will take the user to a website
that will ask them for their personal information.

Slide 24
• Smishing is short for SMS phishing. It is similar
to phishing , but it is carried out using SMS
text messaging rather than email.

Slide 25
• Vishing is short for voice phishing. It is the
act of using a telephone call to try and scam
a user into giving their personal data.

• The scammer will usually pretend that they

are a legitimate person or organization.

Slide 26
• Pharming is another method of collecting
personal data.

• A hacker will install malicious code onto a

person’s computer or server. When a user
types in a web address, they will be redirected
to a fraudulent, but legitimate looking, replica
website, without their consent.

Slide 27
• Spam is often referred to as Junk email.
• While spam is less of a security risk, it can cause
denial of service by clogging up the bandwidth on
the internet.

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• Cookies are small files or code that are
stored on a user’s computer.
• Once a cookie has been read by the web
browser or users computer, the data can
be retrieved and used to customize the
webpage for each individual.

Slide 29
• Malware is a computer program that is designed to
damage or disrupt a computer system and the files
that are stored on it.
• Malwares can take the following forms:

• Viruses • Adware
• Trojan horse • Rootkit
• Worms • Malicious bots
• Spyware • Ransomware
Slide 30
• This is a program code or software that
can replicate itself with the intention of
deleting or corrupting files on a
• They often cause the computer to
malfunction. For example by filling up
the hard disk drive.

Slide 31
Trojan Horse
• This is a malicious computer program
that disguises itself as another
application, such as a game or a utility
program. It normally acts as a computer
virus would.

Slide 32
• This is a small computer program that uses computer
networks and finds security holes to replicate itself.
• They can also exploit security holes in a piece of
software or operating system. Worms also often acts
like a virus would.

Slide 33
Spyware/ Key-Logging Software
• This is a software that gathers data by
monitoring key presses on the users
keyboard; the gathered data is sent back
to the person who sent the software.

Slide 34
• Adware is short for advertising-supported
• It is a software program that is used to
display adverts that are targeted at the
• It can analyze the website the user visits
and will target them with advertising of a
similar nature.
Slide 35
• This is a computer program that enables
a person to gain administrator access to
a victims computer.
• It normally gets installed when a victims
password is cracked.

Slide 36
Assignment 3

• Find out about Malicious bots

and Ransomwares.

Slide 37
This is the end of section 4. You have learned
about the following:
• Safety and security risks related to the use of
Information systems
• Health risks related to the use of information
• E-safety
• The threats to your personal data online and how
you can secure your personal data.
Slide 38

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