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• Objective
• Introduction
• Literature Review
• Literature
• Block Diagram
• Methodology
• Conclusion and Future Work
• References
• To provide more robust parking solutions, we propose a novel cloud-based smart
vehicle parking system (SVPS).
• Design a smart convenient parking system with self driving vehicle.
• The proposed SVPS architecture offers a unique algorithm that provides an appropriate
vacant parking space information along with booking and recommendation options to
facilitate vehicles in an effective, real-time and precise manner.
• For the best utilization of existing parking facilities, numerous factors such as drive
time, distance to the recommended parking facility, parking fee, walking distance from
the parking facility to destination and traffic congestion, are deliberated in the proposed
SVPS algorithm.
• Population rise and change in lifestyle have led to a massive surge in the number
of vehicles in the cities. Parking space is limited and costly in all metro cities.
• Smart Vehicle Parking System is an intelligent, secure, and efficient system to
provide robust parking solutions.
• Designed to provide better management of parking vehicles and optimum
utilization of limited parking system along with improving overall convenience
for the user/customer.
• The purpose of the proposed smart parking system is to meet the urban parking
demands using wireless technologies enables by IoT. The system will contribute
by :
 Optimizing space utilization.
 Best parking spot recommendation.
 Improving overall user experience.
 Providing intelligent management of vehicles.
Our designed smart parking system prototype provides the following features:
• Parking Guidance System: It offers real-time parking occupancy status of various
lots using a wireless sensor network and provides the best possible
• Parking Reservation System: We are using Firebase as a backend server to save
user booking data in real-time. User can book a parking lot in advance with the
help of our mobile application. During the booking process, the app will show
the available parking lot and price to the user.
• Parking Booking and Payment System:
 We have integrated payment gateway in our app. After selecting the parking lot, the app will show the
total booking price to the user. Then the user can pay the due amount online after successful payment.
 For id verification app generate a unique QR-code for every successful transaction, and the user has to
scan the QR-code at the entrance of the parking to enter.

• Automatic Driverless Vehicle Parking Facility:

 Our designed system prototype incorporates a smart driverless vehicle parking facility based on line
tracking technology.
 The vehicle can autonomously park inside the desired parking slot once verified at the entrance of the
parking lot.
 Also, the car can be called out of the parking lot using the designed mobile application.
• The idea was to solve current parking problems using a secured wireless
network, sensor communication, and IoT. This system includes features like
Parking Guidance System, Parking Reservation System, Parking Booking and
Payment System, and Automatic Driverless Vehicle Parking Facility to provide
the best possible parking solution to the customer.
• It offers appropriate vacant parking space information along with booking and
recommendation options to facilitate vehicles in a practical, real-time, and
precise manner. The designed system prototype incorporates a smart driverless
vehicle parking facility based on line tracking technology.
• For parking lot recommendation, the primary factor is the proximity of the
parking lot to the vehicle. The driver is recommended the best available parking
lot if the nearest one is full. This simple algorithm is very effective under most
• However, it does not account for the traffic on the way for better parking lot
recommendation. A more sophisticated algorithm can be combined that leverages
valuable route planning information from other traffic information services to
promote road safety and to reduce drive time.
• Further, a dynamic pricing model can be incorporated to ensure optimum parking
lots utilization and generate revenue
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