Microplastic Occurrence Along The Beach Coast Sediments of Tubajon Laguindingan, Misamis Oriental, Philippines

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Nicholle Babia
Christine Mae Eugenio
Rowena Lupac
Aira Jayne Raut 

• Plastic debris varies in all shapes and sizes - are less than five
millimeters in length are called “microplastics.”

• The size, their high buoyancy to float, and the display of attractive colors
make these microplastics easily available to and identified by marine
organisms feeding on planktons for food.

• Sediments are presumably the ultimate sink for microplastics (Cole et al.
• Coastal areas inherit dynamic and productive marine ecosystems vital for
ecotourism activities, urban settlement, and industrialization to grow
(xiaojun, 2008; ahuja, 2014).
• The beach coast area of Tubajon, Lalaguindingan Misamis Oriental
which have major industries and tourism activities providing economic
opportunities and posing threats to the coastal resources. (Felisilda M. Et
al., 2018).
• Improvement of the coastal habitat management as well as local,
national, and global advocacy for reduced plastic pollution in the marine
Statement of the problem

1.      Is there an occurrence of microplastic in the surface of sand

sediments on the beach coast of TatubajonLaguindingan?

2.      Which zone has more concentration of microplastic in the

three sampling site of Tubajon, Laguindingan?
Objectives of the study

1. To determine the occurrence of microplastic in the surface sand

sediments on the beach coast of Tubajon, Laguindingan 

2. To determine where microplastic are more concentrated in the

three (3) sampling sites; zone A, zone B, and zone C. 
Limitation and Scope of the study

• Beach coastline of Tubajon, Lalaguindingan Misamis Oriental.

• Collection of samples for surface sand sediments will

be during low tide.
Review of Related Literature
• Beaches serve as a point of contact between humans and marine microplastics (Prata et
al. 2020), extensive fishing, tourism, recreational and as well as shifting demographics
favouring immigration to coastal locations, increases the flood of plastic trash into the
coastal locations and oceans (Ribic et al. 2010).

• There are 80% of material that becomes stranded on coastal beaches, and that these are
cigarette butts, plastic bags, lost fishing gear, and food and beverage containers (Andrady,

• Plastic deterioration leads to the creation of small plastic pieces of 5 mm size, known as
"secondary microplastics," while "primary microplastics,“ are called microbeads (size 2
mm) that is made up of polyethylene (PE), polypropylene (PP), and polystyrene (PS)
beads and is used in cosmetic and health care products.
Review of Related Literature
• The aquatic species may harm and be susceptible to extinction when microplastics
fragments were ingested and or interacted with their body (Galloway at. al, 2013).

• Microplastics have negative impacts on fishes, invertebrates, zooplanktons and

Phytoplanktons, and other dependent organisms on marine ecosystems such as sea
birds (Chatterjee & Sharma, 2019).

• Human ingestions of microplastics remain not well known and unnoticed. When
microplastics are ingested and swallowed, it can possibly damage the cells and organs
that lead to death (Campanale et. al., 2020)

• Barangay Tubajon is one of the coastal areas of Laguindingan that lies within
Macajalar Bay and it has a semi-enclosed estuary containing isolated marine waters
(Dacayana et al., 2015)

Figure 1. Flow diagram for the analysis of microplastics along the beach coast of Tubajon, Laguindingan,
Misamis Oriental.
Timeline of the Study

Figure 2. Project timeline for the analysis of microplastics along the beach coast of Tubajon, Laguindingan,
Misamis Oriental.
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