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Maintenance of Road and Bridge

with Restoration

Dr.Sunil Kumar Chaudhary

Maintenance of Road and Bridge
with Restoration
• Road crust(Type and Maintenance
• Maintenance of Road Embankment
• Maintenance of Bridge
• Maintenance of Bridge Approaches
What is a Pavement?
A multi layer system that distributes the
vehicular loads over a larger area
What is a Pavement?
• Highway pavement is a structure consisting of
superimposed layers of selected and processed
materials whose primary function is to
distribute the applied vehicle load to the sub
What is a PAVEMENT ?
• The pavement is the structure which
separates the tyres of vehicles from the
underlying foundation material. The later is
generally the soil but it may be structural
concrete or a steel bridge deck
What is a Pavement?
• Pavement is the upper part of roadway, airport
or parking area structure
• It includes all layers resting on the original
• – It consists of all structural elements or
layers, including shoulders
Asphalt Concrete Aggregate Base Course

Natural Soil (Subgrade)

Aggregate Subbase Course
Pavement Purpose
• Load support
• Smoothness
• Drainage
Functions of the Well Designed Pavement
• Reduce and distribute the traffic loading so as
not to damage the subgrade
• Provide vehicle access between two points
under all-weather conditions
• Provide safe, smooth and comfortable ride to
road users without undue delays and excessive
wear & tear
• Meet environmental and aesthetics requirement
• Limited noise and air pollution
• Reasonable economy
Requirements of pavement structure
• Sufficient thickness to spread loading to a pressure
intensity tolerable by subgade
• Sufficiently strong to carry imposed stress due to
traffic load
• Sufficient thickness to prevent the effect of frost
susceptible subgade
• Pavement material should be impervious to
penetration of surface water which could weaken
subgade and subsequently pavement
• Pavement mat. shd be non-frost susceptible
• Pavement surface shd. be skid resistant
Classification of Pavements

Flexible Rigid
Pavements Pavements
• “A flexible pavement is a structure that
maintains intimate contact with and
distributes load to the sub grade and
depends on aggregate interlock, particle
friction and cohesion for stability”
It is a structure which distributes the traffic
loading stresses to the soil (sub grade) at a
magnitude that will not shear or distort the
• Pavement which reflects deformation of
sub grade & the subsequent layers on to
the surface” i.e.; load is transmitted from
grain to grain through contact points of
granular material, i.e. in a compressive

• Flexible Pavements are constructed from

bituminous or unbound material and the stress
is transmitted to the sub-grade through the
lateral distribution of the applied load with
Asphalt Concrete Aggregate Base Course

Natural Soil (Subgrade)

Aggregate Subbase Course
• Flexible pavements are so named because the
total pavement structure deflects, or flexes, under
loading.  A flexible pavement structure is typically
composed of several layers of different materials
• Each layer receives the loads from the above
layer, spreads them out, then passes on these
loads to the next layer below.  Thus, the further
down in the pavement structure a particular layer
is, the less load (in terms of force per unit area) it
must carry.
Structure of Flexible Pavement

• In order to take maximum advantage of

this property, material layers are usually
arranged in order of descending load
bearing capacity with the highest load
bearing capacity material (and most
expensive) on the top and the lowest load
bearing capacity material (and least
expensive) at the bottom
Structure of Flexible Pavement

Flexible pavements
• Elastic
• Three main layers
– Surfacing
• Wearing course
• Base course
– Road base
– Sub base
• Supported by Sub-grade
Structure of Flexible Pavement
Structure of Flexible Pavement
Structure of Flexible Pavement
– Surface Course: This is the top layer and the layer that
comes in contact with traffic. 
– Base Course: This is the layer directly below the surface
course and generally consists of aggregates (either
stabilized or un-stabilized).
– Sub-base Course: This is the layer (or layers) under the
base layer.  A sub-base is not always needed
– Sub-grade Course: The "sub-grade" is the material
upon which the pavement structure is placed.
Although there is a tendency to look at pavement
performance in terms of pavement structure and
mix design alone. The sub-grade can often be the
overriding factor in pavement performance
Surface Course
• The surface course is the layer in contact with
traffic loads and normally contains the highest
quality materials.  It provides characteristics
such as friction, smoothness, noise control,
rut and shoving resistance and drainage
• In addition, it serves to prevent the entrance
of excessive quantities of surface water into
the underlying base, sub-base and sub-
grade. This top structural layer of material is
sometimes subdivided into two layers
Wearing Course
• This is the layer in direct contact with traffic
loads.  It is meant to take the brunt of traffic wear
and can be removed and replaced as it becomes
worn.  A properly designed (and funded)
preservation program should be able to identify
pavement surface distress while it is still confined
to the wearing course.  This way, the wearing
course can be rehabilitated before distress
propagates into the underlying
intermediate/blinder course
Intermediate/Binder Course
• Intermediate/Binder Course: This layer
provides the bulk of the HMA structure. 
It's main purpose is to distribute load
Base Course
• The base course is immediately beneath the
surface course.  It provides additional load
distribution and contributes to drainage and frost
resistance.  Base courses are usually
constructed out of:
– Aggregates: Base courses are most typically
constructed from durable aggregates that will not be
damaged by moisture or frost action.  Aggregates can
be either stabilized or un-stabilized.
Base Course
• HMA: In certain situations where high
base stiffness is desired, base courses
can be constructed using a variety of HMA
mixes.  In relation to surface course HMA
mixes, base course mixes usually contain
larger maximum aggregate sizes, are
more open graded and are subject to more
lenient specifications
Flexible Pavement
Sub-base Course
• The sub-base course is between the base
course and the sub-grade.  It functions primarily
as structural support but it can also:
– Minimize the intrusion of fines from the sub-grade into
the pavement structure.
– Improves drainage.
– Minimize frost action damage.
– Provides a working platform for construction
Sub-base Course
• The sub-base generally consists of lower
quality materials than the base course but
better than the sub-grade soils. 
• A sub-base course is not always needed or
• For example, a pavement constructed over
a high quality, stiff sub-grade may not need
the additional features offered by a sub-base
course so it may be omitted from design. 
Sub-base Course
• However, a pavement constructed over a
low quality soil such as a swelling clay
may require the additional load distribution
characteristic that a sub-base course can
offer.  In this scenario the sub-base course
may consist of high quality fill used to
replace poor quality sub-grade
• Although a pavement's wearing course is most
prominent, the success or failure of a pavement is
more often than not dependent upon the
underlying sub-grade , the material upon which the
pavement structure is built
• Sub-grades be composed of a wide range of
materials although some are much better than
others.  This subsection discusses a few of the
aspects of sub-grade materials that make them
either desirable or undesirable and the typical
tests used to characterize sub-grades.
Function and Significance of Sub grade
• Basement soil of road bed.
• Important for structural and pavement life.
• Should not deflect excessively due to
dynamic loading.
• May be in fill or embankment
Function and Significance of Sub grade
Function and Significance of
Sub grade Properties

Sub-grade Failure Crack

Sub-grade Preparation
Cut and Fill Sections
Desirable Properties of Soil as Sub grade
• Stability
• Incompressibility
• Permanency of strength
• Minimum changes in volume and stability
under adverse condition of weather and
ground water
• Good drainage
• Ease of compaction
Subgrade Performance
• Load bearing capacity:
Affected by degree of compaction, moisture
content, and soil type.
• Moisture content:
Affects subgrade properties like load bearing
capacity, shrinkage and swelling.
Influenced by drainage, groundwater table
elevation, infiltration, or pavement porosity (which
can be assisted by cracks in the pavement).
• Shrinkage and/or swelling:
Shrinkage, swelling and frost heave will tend to
deform and crack any pavement type constructed
over them.
Subgrade Soil Strength
Assessed in terms of CBR of subgrade
soil for most critical moisture conditions.
• Soil type
• Moisture Content
• Dry Density
• Internal Structure of the soil
• Type and Mode of Stress Application.
Types of Flexible Pavement
Flexible Pavement – Construction
Load Distribution in Flexible Pavements

Given Wheel Load

Wearing C



Load Distribution In Flexible Pavements
Typical Load Distribution in Flexible
Typical Stress Distribution in Flexible
Load Transfer Mechanism
Load Transfer Mechanism
Rigid Pavement
• Rigid pavements are those, which contain
sufficient beam strength to be able to
bridge over the localized sub-grade
failures and areas of in adequate support.
• Load is transmitted through beam action of
slab in rigid pavements. Rigid pavements
contains sufficient beam strength to be
able to bridge over localized sub-grade
failures and areas of inadequate support.
• Rigid pavements are those, which reduces the
stress concentration and distributes the reduced
stresses uniformly to the area under the slab

• Thus in contrast with flexible pavements the

depressions which occur beneath the rigid
pavement are not reflected in their running surfaces
Rigid Pavement
• Rigidity – does not deform under stress
• Concrete – air entrained increases resistance
to frost damage and de-icing salt corrosion
• Reinforcement – may be bars or mesh.
Continuous rigid pavements have heavy
• Joints – used in non-continuous pavements
to allow for thermal movement. Includes a
‘filler’ and surface sealant
• Rigid pavements – laid as single layer by
‘concrete paver
Rigid Pavement
• Rigid pavements are so named because the
pavement structure deflects very little under
loading due to the high modulus of elasticity of
their surface course.  A rigid pavement structure
is typically composed of a PCC surface course
built on top of either
– the sub-grade or
– an underlying base course
• Because of its relative rigidity, the pavement
structure distributes loads over a wide area with
only one, or at most two, structural layers. 
• There are other types of surfaces also i.e.;
reinforced, continuously reinforced etc
Structure of Rigid Pavement
– Surface course.  This is the top layer, which consists
of the PCC slab, reinforced or continuously reinforced
slabs .  
– Base course.  This is the layer directly below the PCC
layer and generally consists of aggregate or stabilized
– Sub-base course.  This is the layer (or layers) under
the base layer.  A sub-base is not always needed and
therefore may often be omitted.
Rigid Pavements
Basic Components of Concrete Pavement
Surface Course
• The surface course is the layer in contact with
traffic loads and is made of PCC or RCC.  It
provides characteristics such as friction,
smoothness, noise control and drainage.  In
addition, it serves as a waterproofing layer to the
underlying base, sub-base and sub-grade. 
• The surface course can vary in thickness but is
usually between 150 mm (6 inches for light
loading) and 300 mm (12 inches for heavy loads
and high traffic).  Figure shows a 300 mm (12 inch)
surface course.
Surface Course

PCC Surface

Rigid Pavement Slab

(Surface Course) Thickness
Base Course
• The base course is immediately beneath the
surface course.  It provides
• Additional load distribution,
• Contributes to drainage and frost resistance,
• Uniform support to the pavement and
• A stable platform for construction equipment.  Bases also
help and prevent sub grade soil movement due to slab
pumping.  Base courses are usually constructed out of:
– Aggregates base.  A simple base course of crushed
aggregates has been a common option since the
early 1900s and is still appropriate in many situations
Base Course
– Stabilized aggregate or soil.  Stabilizing agents are
used to bind otherwise loose particles to one another,
providing strength and cohesion.  Cement treated
bases (CTB s) can be built to as much as 20 - 25
percent of the surface course strength.
– Dense-graded HMA.  In situations where high base
stiffness is desired base courses can be constructed
using a dense-graded HMA layer.
– Permeable HMA.  In certain situations where high base
stiffness and excellent drainage is desired, base
courses can be constructed using an open graded HMA
Base Course
• Lean concrete.  Contains less Portland cement
paste than a typical PCC and is stronger than a
stabilized aggregates.  Lean concrete bases
(LCB s) can be built to as much as 25 - 50
percent of the surface course strength.  A lean
concrete base, functions much like a regular
PCC surface course and therefore, it requires
construction joints and normally cracks over
time.  These joints and cracks can potentially
cause reflection cracking in the surface course
Base Course

Completed CTB with Curing Seal Lean Concrete Base Material

Sub-base Course
• The sub-base course is the portion of the pavement
structure between the base course and the sub-grade.  It
functions primarily as structural support but it can also:
– Minimize the intrusion of fines from the sub-grade into the
pavement structure.
– Improves drainage.
– Minimizes frost action damage.
– Provides a working platform for construction.

• The sub-base generally consists of lower quality

materials than the base course but better than the sub-
grade soils.  Appropriate materials are aggregates and
high quality structural fill
• Sub grade provides support to the
overlying concrete slab. If it is of good
quality then slab can be laid over it without
providing sub-base otherwise if it is
extremely poor then a sub-base layer
should be incorporated .
• For design purpose the only thing to know
about sub-grade is its classification and the
unit pressure coming from slab to sub-
grade should be calculated for its
selection. However, it must be resistant to
moisture damages.
Concrete paver
Load Distribution in Rigid Pavements
Types of Rigid Pavement
• Jointed Plain Concrete
Pavement (JPCP)
Types of Rigid Pavement
• Continuously Reinforced
Concrete Pavement
Rigid Pavement – Construction


Fixed form
Pavements Comparison
• Flexible pavements:
• Deep foundations / multi layer construction
• Energy consumption due to transportation of
• Increasing cost of asphalt due to high oil prices
• Rigid pavements
• Single layer
• Generally last longer
• May require asphalt topping due to noise / comfort
Types of Pavements
Flexible Rigid
Load Distribution
Properties Flexible Rigid
Design Empirical method Designed and analyzed by using the elastic
Principle Based on load distribution theory
characteristics of the
Material Granular material Made of Cement Concrete either plan,
reinforced or prestressed concrete
Flexural Low or negligible flexible Associated with rigidity or flexural strength
Strength strength or slab action so the load is distributed over
a wide area of subgrade soil.
Normal Elastic deformation Acts as beam or cantilever
Excessive Local depression Causes Cracks
Stress Transmits vertical and Tensile Stress and Temperature Increases
compressive stresses to the
lower layers

Design Constructed in number of Laid in slabs with steel reinforcement.

Practice layers.

Temperature No stress is produced Stress is produced

Force of Less. Deformation in the Friction force is High
Friction sub grade is not transferred
to the upper layers.
Opening to Road can be used for traffic Road cannot be used until 14 days of curing
Traffic within 24 hours
Surfacing Rolling of the surfacing is Rolling of the surfacing in not needed.
Flexible Pavement Design

IRC (37-2001)
Basic Principles
• Vertical stress or strain on sub-grade

• Tensile stress or strain on surface

Factors for design of pavements
• Design wheel load
 Static load on wheels
 Contact Pressure
 Load Repetition

• Subgrade soil
 Thickness of pavement required
 Stress- strain behaviour under load
 Moisture variation
• Climatic factors
• Pavement component materials
• Environment factors
• Traffic Characteristics
• Required Cross sectional elements of the alignment
Pavement Responses Under Load


Surface SUR  SUR

Base/Subbase SUB
Subgrade Soil
Road Maintenance
• Roads are a major asset in most countries
• To manage these assets, road authorities
– Accurate, up-to-date information on the
condition of their road network
• Information on defects is vital to keeping a
well maintain road network
Why do we do a Road Maintenance?
• Early detection of defects in road surfaces helps:
– maintenance to be performed before defects develop into
more serious problems, such as potholes and pop-outs.
• Thus, detection and measurement of pavement
– Provide valuable information on the condition of a road
– Reduce maintenance cost
– Create a better road network for people to use
Principles of road maintenance (1)
Basic approach
Routineservice Retain
service Retainrepairs
road condition

Principles of road maintenance (2a)
Types of operations

Routine service:
The aim of routine service is to ensure the
required service level of roads.
The works include: patching, crack sealing,
strip and spot surface dressing, shoulders
ordering, grass mowing, gravel road
planning,brushwood cutting, cleaning of
ditches, maintenance of culverts,marking of
roads, maintenance of traffic signs and
marker posts,winter service works
Principles of road maintenance (2b)
Types of operations
Periodic service:
The aim of periodic service is to rehabilitate the
worn-out parts of the road.
The works include: repair of the embankment, dust binding,
digging of new ditches, construction of culverts, installing of
new traffic signs and boards and safety barriers, repairs of
gravel roads in small extent; surface dressing of paved
Retain repairs:
The aim of retain repairs is to keep gravel roads in good
condition until the renewal.
The works are done by the yearly Bill of Quantities fixed
Requirements for the state of roads (1)

• Both in summer and winter the requirements

for the state of roads depend on the
importance of the road and traffic flow;

• There are 4 service levels;

The requirements for the 4th level are most
strict and for the 1st level the modest.
Requirements for the state of roads (2)

Summer service levels

paved roads gravel roads

Winter service levels

unified for paved and gravel roads

1st service level. Paved road in summer
3d service level. Paved road in summer
Requirements for the state of roads (3)
Summer service
Paved roads:
• condition of pavement (evenness [IRI], cracks, pot holes,
• road security (road markings, sign posts);
• range of side visibility;
• performance of summer service works (mowing).

Gravel roads:
• condition of surface (cross-fall, evenness, ruts);
• range of side visibility;
• performance of summer service works (mowing).
Requirements for the state of roads (4)

Winter service
• general state of road surface (snow-clearing, anti-
skid treatment);
• assurance of required friction coefficient;
• maximum permitted thickness of snow layer (dry
snow, wet snow, sleet, salt-snow mix) on the road;
• unevenness of road surface caused by snow or ice
(ruts, traffic-thickened snow).
• The 1st maintenance process is the
detection of defects
• Once detected, defects can be analysed
and a decision can be made as to what
action needs to be taken
Present Method
• Visual inspection
– Two operators travel at 20 km/h
– One as the driver, another to record the defect
– Time consuming, costly and can be dangerous
• An improved method
– A video based system
– Able to record the pavement up to 100 km/h
– The recorded video is then inspected off-line at
speed of 20 km/h
Why Pavement Preservation?
Intuitive Argument
• Why do you change the oil in your car?
• Why do you paint the exterior of your house?

You do them to preserve your initial

investment and extend it’s life…
You don’t measure how long they last…
Pavement preservation is the same
Definition of Pavement Preservation

• Pavement preservation is a strategically-planned,

engineering-based program to arrest light
deterioration, retard progressive failures, reduce the
need for routine maintenance and maintain safety on
the existing roadway system. It is a series of cost
effective maintenance strategies to delay the onset of
predicted distress. Pavement preservation does not
significantly improve the load carrying capacity of
pavements, shoulders, or structures, but extends the
useful life and improves the level of service.
Pavement Condition Vs Time
$1 here ...

or $4-10 here?


Time (Years)
Practical Definition of
Pavement Preservation
The right treatment
At the right time
On the right project
Done right!
Types of Pavement Maintenance
• Corrective (reactive, rehabilitation)
– After deficiency occurs
– More expensive
• Preventive (proactive)
– Protective
– Retards deterioration
– Extends asset’s life
– Reduces need for corrective maintenance
Examples of Preventive Maintenance
• Crack sealing
• Chip seals
• Macro-surfacing
• Slurry seals
• Micro-surfacing
• Ultra-thin bonded wearing coarse
• Thin overlay
• Mill and overl
Types of Pavement Failure
Failure criteria
Flexible Pavements
• Fatigue Cracking,
• Rutting,
• Thermal Cracking,
Rigid Pavements
• Fatigue Cracking,
• Pumping or Erosion
• Others: Faulting, spalling, joint deterioration
Failure Mechanism (Fatigue and Rut)

Nearside Wheel Track

Rut Depth
Bitumen Layer

Fatigue Crack

Unbound Layer














Construction Practices


Quality Control
Construction Practices

Quality Control
Quality Control
Inadequately Designed Pavements Will Fail Prematurely Inspite
Of Best Quality Control & Construction Practices
• Types
– Fatigue
– Thermal/Tran
– Block
– Edge
– Longitudinal
– Reflection
– Slippage
Fatigue Cracking
• Causes
– Insufficient strength
– End of pavement life
– Too heavy of loads
• Cures
– Remove and replace
– Mill and overlay
Thermal Cracking (Transverse)
• Causes
–Contraction and
Expansion of
Pavement with
• Cures
–Crack Filling
–Thick Overlay
Block Cracking
• Causes
– High Void Content
– Oxidative Hardening of
the AC
– Thermal Cracking
• Cures
– Crack Filling/Sealing
– Seal Coat
– Full-Depth
– Thick Overlay
Edge Cracking
• Causes
– Soil Movement Beneath
• Cures
– Crack Filling/Sealing
– Full-Depth Reclamation
Longitudinal Cracks
• Causes
– Low Temperatures
• Cures
– Crack Sealing
– Thick Overlay
Reflective Cracking
• Causes
– Existing cracks or joints in
the underlying structure
– Concrete slab movements
• Cures
– Crack Filling
– Extensive Pre-Overlay
– Rubblizing
– Crack & Seat
– Saw & Seal
– Interlayer
Slippage Cracking
• Description
– U-shaped cracks in areas of braking, turning,
• Causes
– Poor bond between asphalt surface and underlying
• Cures
– Crack Filling/Sealing
– Full-Depth Reclamation
Surface Defects
• Rutting
• Shoving
• Bleeding
• Polished
• Raveling
• Potholes
• Patching
Plastic Flow Rutting
Rutting in Asphalt Layer
Rutting in Sub-grade or Base
• Causes
– Low Air Voids
• Asphalt content
too high
– Smooth, Rounded Aggregate
• Excessive amounts
of natural sand
– Excess Dust
• Cures
– Remove/Replace 100 mm (4 inches)
– Micro-surfacing
• Causes
– Unstable Mix
– Braking, stopping or
accelerating traffic
– Slippage between layers
• Cures
– Remove and Replace
– Mill and Overlay
– Thick Overlay
• Causes
– Too high asphalt content
• too rich a plant mix
• improperly constructed
seal coat
• too heavy prime or tack
• Cures
– Sand blot
– Micro-surfacing
– Seal coat
Polished Aggregate
• Causes
– Soft aggregate
– Heavy traffic
• Cures
– Seal coat
– Micro-surfacing
– Thin Overlay
• Causes
– Asphalt binder unable to hold
aggregate in place
• dusty aggregates
• segregation
• low in-place density
• aged asphalt binder
• Stripping
• Cures
– Seal Coat
– Micro-surfacing
– Thin Overlay
• Causes
– Raveling of cracks
– Moisture damage
– Freeze-thaw
– Insufficient strength
• Cures
– Patch
Patch Deterioration
• Causes
– Poor bonding to existing
– Improper compaction
– Poor materials
– Propagation of
original distress
• Cures
– Remove and replace
– Re-patch
– Assess original distress
Miscellaneous Distresses
• Lane-to-shoulder Drop off
• Water Bleeding and
Lane to Shoulder Drop off
• Cause
– Differences in materials
used for lane and
– Differential settlement
– Insufficient compaction
of base
• Cures
– Wedge/leveling overlay
– Micro-surfacing
Water Bleeding and Pumping
• Causes
– Cracks
– Inadequate
• Cures
– Full-depth
– Crack seal

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