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‫‪cell composition‬‬
‫تركيب الخلية‬
‫شيماء والء محمد‬
‫المرحلة الثالثة من قسم علوم الحياة كلية‬
‫العلوم جامعة بغداد‬
: Contents
• General cell components and type of cells
‫مكونات الخلية العامة وانواع الخاليا‬ 
• Common Cell Morphologies
‫اشكال الخلية الشائعه‬
• The prokaryotic cell composition
 ‫مكونات الخلية البدائية‬
• Differences between prokaryotic cells and
eukaryotic cells
‫الفروقات بين الخاليا البدائية والخاليا الحقيقية‬
General Cell components and type
of cells

• Cytoplasim: gel like substance

• Chromosomes: contain the genetic
• Ribosoms: the sorce of protein
• Plasma membrane: enclose the cytoplasim
and internal structures of cell
-:The categories of cells

:Prokaryotic cells :Eukaryotic cells

comprise bacteria and found in animals, plants, fungi
archia,organisims consist of a and protists, are often
single prokaryotic cell and mulicellular and have nucleous
have circular DNA in nucleoid that contain the DNA
Common Cell Morphologies
The prokaryotic cell composition
• Nucleoid: Prokaryotic chromosomes are typically circular
and not bound by a complex nuclear membrane, Prokaryotic
DNA and DNA-associated proteins are concentrated within
the nucleoid region of the cell

• Plasmid: extrachromosomal DNA that is small, circular,

double-stranded DNA molecules Plasmids are more
commonly found in bacteria and often carry genes that confer
advantageous traits such as antibiotic resistance
• Ribosomes: structures responsible protein
synthesis Ribosomes consist of two major
components: the small and large ribosomal
subunits and they weight 70s in prokaryotes.

• Inclusions: cytoplasmic structures that store

excess nutrients such as glycogen and starches
• Plasma Membrane: enclose the cytoplasm
and internal structures of the cell This plasma
membrane  protects intracellular components
from the extracellular environment and exhibits
selective permeability, allowing some molecules
to enter or leave the cell while restricting the
passage of others.
The plasma membrane is bilayer composed mainly
of phospholipids and proteins
• phospholipid: is made up of a • Proteins: Based on their structure,
hydrophilic, water-loving, there are three main types of them
phosphate head, along with two • 1] integral membrane protein
hydrophobic, water-fearing, (protein channel) that is
fatty acid tails. Phospholipids
permanently anchored
spontaneously arrange
•  2]peripheral membrane
themselves in a double-layered
protein that is only temporarily
structure with their hydrophobic
attached to the lipid bilayer or to
tails pointing inward and their
other integral proteins
hydrophilic heads facing
• 3] lipid-anchored proteins .
• 1] Integral membrane protein these include:-

(polytopic proteins) “transmembrane proteins” which can span the

entire plasma  membrane and they are found in all types of biological
membranes.they function as gateways to permit the transport of specific
substances across the membrane.

(monotopic proteins) that are attached to only one side of the membrane
and do not span the whole way across.
• 2] Peripheral proteins: these form temporary bonds with the cell
membrane, allowing them to detach and reattach at specific times, with
specific signals. This allows cells to coordinate and communicate using
networks of proteins and reactions.
• cell wall  : which maintain the morphology of
cell The cell wall is a structure found in most
prokaryotes and some eukaryotes; it envelopes
the cell membrane, protecting the cell from
changes in osmotic pressure.
Differences between prokaryotic
cells and eukaryotic cells
eukaryotes prokaryotes
•There is membrane bound nucleous •There is No membrane bound
(have a nucleus surrounded by a nucleous (lack a nucleus surrounded
complex nuclear membrane) by a complex nuclear membrane)

•have multiple, rod-shaped •have a single, circular chromosome

chromosomes located in a nucleoid

•Cell walls if present, made of •Cell walls made of peptidoglycan


•Have membrane bound organelles •Don't have membrane bound

such as Golgi apparatus and organelles
endoplasmic reticulum
Home work

• Numerate the layers that surround prokaryotic

cell cytoplasim from outside to inside
• Which cell (prokaryote or eukaryote) grow and
multiply faster and why?
• What would you consider this cell of a newly
discovered organism (prokaryotic or eukaryotic
and why)
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• Moshtaq. A.M and Quine. H., (2016). Morphology And Classification Of Bacteria.

• Romaniuk JA, Cegelski L (2015).Bacterial cell wall compostion and the influence of of

antibiotics by cell wall and whole cell NMR.  Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society

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• Chan Y.-H.M. and Marshall W.F. (2010). Scaling Properties of Cell and Organelle

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