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CNS disorders

Ms Hira Ijaz, MPhil, PhD

Scholar(Pharmacognosy) 1

It is the umberalla term for the

progressive loss of structure or
function of neurons, including death
of neuron.

Ms Hira Ijaz, MPhil, PhD

Scholar(Pharmacognosy) 2
Neurodegenerative disorders are
defined as hereditary & sporadic
conditions which are
characterized by progressive
nervous system dysfunction

Ms Hira Ijaz, MPhil, PhD

Scholar(Pharmacognosy) 3
Epilepsy is a brain disorder characterized by
convulsive seizures or loss of consciousness or both.
Patient effected by epilepsy is called epileptic.
The cause of most cases of epilepsy is unknown, although
some people develop epilepsy as the result of
  brain injury

  stroke
  brain tumors
 infections of the brain  
 birth defects. Ms Hira Ijaz, MPhil, PhD
Scholar(Pharmacognosy) 4
Epilepsy is divided into two
Generalized epilepsy
Localized epilepsy
Blood test
Neuroimaging (CT scan or MRI)
Ms Hira Ijaz, MPhil, PhD
Scholar(Pharmacognosy) 5
Parkinson Disease
Parkinson disease is slowly progressive
degenerative disease of nervous system
associated with destruction of brain cells,
which produce dopamine.
It occurs due to lack of dopamine
caused by damage of basal ganglia.

Ms Hira Ijaz, MPhil, PhD

Scholar(Pharmacognosy) 6
Sign and Symptoms:
 Tremor (static or resting tremor)
 Slowness of movements (Bradykinesia)
 Poverty of movements
 Rigidity (stiffness of limbs muscles)
 Gait (looses normal walking style)
 Speech problems
 Emotional changes
 Dementia

Ms Hira Ijaz, MPhil, PhD

Scholar(Pharmacognosy) 7
 Sedation: It is the reduction of irritability or agitation by
administration of sedative drug.(Calm down ,treat
 Anxiety: It is an Unpleasant state of tension,
apprehension, or easiness. Symptoms of severe anxiety-
tachycardia, sweating, trembling and palpitations, and
involve sympathetic activation.
 Anxiolytics:Drugs which reduce anxiety.
 Hypnosis: The drugs (benzodiazepines) possess sleep
inducing effect is called hypnotics and process is called
hypnosis.(Induce sleep, go to sleep fast).
Ms Hira Ijaz, MPhil, PhD
Scholar(Pharmacognosy) 8
Ms Hira Ijaz, MPhil, PhD
Scholar(Pharmacognosy) 9
Ms Hira Ijaz, MPhil, PhD
Scholar(Pharmacognosy) 10
 It is a neuropsychiatric syndrome also
called acute confusional state or acute
brain failure.
 Delirium is a serious disturbance in mental
abilities that results in confused thinking
and reduced awareness of your
environment. The start of delirium is
usually rapid — within hours or a few days.

Ms Hira Ijaz, MPhil, PhD

Scholar(Pharmacognosy) 11
Schizophrenia is a severe brain disorder in which
people interpret reality abnormally. Schizophrenia
may result in some combination of hallucinations,
delusions, and extremely disordered thinking and
The word "schizophrenia" does mean "split mind,"
but it refers to a disruption of the usual balance of
emotions and thinking.

Ms Hira Ijaz, MPhil, PhD

Scholar(Pharmacognosy) 12
Ms Hira Ijaz, MPhil, PhD
Scholar(Pharmacognosy) 13
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is a common,
chronic and long-lasting disorder in which a person has
uncontrollable, reoccurring thoughts (obsessions) and
behaviors (compulsions) that he or she feels the urge to
repeat over and over.

Ms Hira Ijaz, MPhil, PhD

Scholar(Pharmacognosy) 14
An idiosyncratic belief or impression maintained
despite being contradicted by reality or rational
argument, typically as a symptom of mental disorder

Ms Hira Ijaz, MPhil, PhD

Scholar(Pharmacognosy) 15
 A depression is an illness that involves the body,
mood, and thoughts. It interferes with daily life,
normal functioning, and causes pain for both the
person with the disorder and those who care
about him or her

 . People with a depressive illness cannot merely

"pull themselves together" and get better. 

Ms Hira Ijaz, MPhil, PhD

Scholar(Pharmacognosy) 16
Symptoms of Depression
 Persistent sad, anxious, or empty mood
 Feelings of hopelessness or pessimism
 Feelings of guilt, worthlessness, or helplessness
 Loss of interest or pleasure in hobbies and
activities that were once enjoyed, including sex
 Decreased energy, fatigue, being "slowed down"
 Insomnia, early morning awakening or

Ms Hira Ijaz, MPhil, PhD

Scholar(Pharmacognosy) 17
Manic Disorder`
A manic episode is not a disorder in and of itself,
but rather is a part of a type of bipolar disorder.
A manic episode is characterized by period of at
least 1 week where an elevated, expansive or
unusually irritable mood, as well as notably
persistent goal-directed activity is present.

Ms Hira Ijaz, MPhil, PhD

Scholar(Pharmacognosy) 18
 Tolerance: Reduce effect of some dose of
drug or increased dose.
 Habituation: Emotional and psychological
need for drug.
 Addiction: Compulsion in continue
administration of psychoactive drug in
order to avoid the physical and
psychological withdrawal effect.
Ms Hira Ijaz, MPhil, PhD
Scholar(Pharmacognosy) 19
Herbs Used in the treatment of
CNS Disorders
 1. Strychnos nux-vomica
 2. Datura stramonium
 3. Cannabis sativa
 4. Papaver somniferum
 5. Atropa belladonna

Ms Hira Ijaz, MPhil, PhD

Scholar(Pharmacognosy) 20
1. Strychnos nux-vomica
Common names
Poison nut, Dog’s Button
Part used:
Seeds. Rarely root and bark is also used.

Ms Hira Ijaz, MPhil, PhD

Scholar(Pharmacognosy) 21
Chemical Constituents
 Alkaloids
a) Strychnine(1.25%)
b) Brucine(1.5%)
c) Strychnicine ( Minor alkaloid)
d) Pseudostrychnine(Minor alkaloid)
 A glucoside
a) Loganin
Ms Hira Ijaz, MPhil, PhD
Scholar(Pharmacognosy) 22

 Strychnine has stimulaant action on spinal

 Stomachic and increase the tone of intestine
 Nerve and sex tonic
 it improves the pulse and raises blood
pressure and is of great value as a tonic to
the circulatory system in cardiac failure
 Used in migraine and nerve disorders

Ms Hira Ijaz, MPhil, PhD

Scholar(Pharmacognosy) 23
Mode of Action
 The convulsant action of strychnine is due
to interference with post synaptic inhibition
that is mediated by glycine.
It acts as a selective competitive antagonist to
block the inhibitory effects of glycine at all
glycine receptors.

Ms Hira Ijaz, MPhil, PhD

Scholar(Pharmacognosy) 24
 Adverse effects
Restlessness, anxiety , dizziness , neck and
back stiffness, spasms of jaw and neck muscles,
convulsions, seizures , breathing problems, liver
failure, and death.
Special Precautions & Warnings
Pregnancy and breast-feeding: Taking nux
vomica can harm both mother and child. Don’t
use it
Ms Hira Ijaz, MPhil, PhD
Scholar(Pharmacognosy) 25
2. Datura stramonium
Common Names
Thorne apple, Devil’s apple
Part used:
Dried leaves and flowering tops
Chemical constituents:
Hyoscyamine and Hyoscine( Scopolamine)
Also contain protein albumin and atropine
Ms Hira Ijaz, MPhil, PhD
Scholar(Pharmacognosy) 26

 Narcotic
 Antispasmodic
 Relieve spasms of bronchioles in asthma
 Treatment of parkinsonism, boils, sores and fish bites.

Ms Hira Ijaz, MPhil, PhD

Scholar(Pharmacognosy) 27
 Mechanism of Action:
 Blocks the neurotransmitter acetylcholine,
muscarinic receptor (M1) antagonist
 Adverse effects:
 1: blurred vision
 2: dry mouth.
 3: urinary retention.
 4: tremors.
 5: restlessness.
 6: hallucinations.
Ms Hira Ijaz, MPhil, PhD
Scholar(Pharmacognosy) 28
 Special Precautions & Warnings:
Pregnancy and breast-feeding: Belladonna
is LIKELY UNSAFE when taken by mouth
during pregnancy. Belladonna is also LIKELY
UNSAFE during breast-feeding. It can reduce
milk production and also passes into breast milk.

Ms Hira Ijaz, MPhil, PhD

Scholar(Pharmacognosy) 29
3. Cannabis sativa
Common name: Marijuana, hemp,
 Family:
 Cannabaceae
 Part used:
 Flowering and fruiting tops..
 Chemical constituents:
Cannabidiol., cannabidolic acid,
Tetrahydrocannabinol, volatile oils.
Ms Hira Ijaz, MPhil, PhD
Scholar(Pharmacognosy) 30
 THC, the main active ingredient in marijuana,
binds to and activates specific receptors, known
as cannabinoid receptors. There are many of
these receptors in parts of the brain that control
memory, thought, concentration, time and depth
perception, and coordinated movement. By
activating these receptors, THC interferes with
their normal functioning.

Ms Hira Ijaz, MPhil, PhD

Scholar(Pharmacognosy) 31
 Sedative
 Analgesic
 Stoamchic
 Anti-convulsant
 Antitussive
 Narcotic

Ms Hira Ijaz, MPhil, PhD

Scholar(Pharmacognosy) 32
Adverse effects
 Dizziness
 Red eyes and dilated pupils
 Dry mouth
 Increased appetite
 Slowed reaction time (If you drive after
using marijuana, your risk of being in a car
accident more than doubles.)

Ms Hira Ijaz, MPhil, PhD

Scholar(Pharmacognosy) 33
 Special Precautions & Warnings:
Pregnancy: Marijuana is UNSAFE when
taken by mouth or smoked during
Breast-feeding: Using marijuana, either
by mouth or by inhalation is LIKELY
UNSAFE during breast-feeding.

Ms Hira Ijaz, MPhil, PhD

Scholar(Pharmacognosy) 34
4. Papaver somniferum
 Common names :
Poppy seeds,opium
 Family:
 Papaveraceae
 Part used:
 Dried fruit latex juice

Ms Hira Ijaz, MPhil, PhD

Scholar(Pharmacognosy) 35
 Constituents
Opium contains about 25 alkaloids among
which morphine (10-16%) is the most
important base. The other alkaloids
isolated from the drug are codeine,
narcotine, thebaine, noscapine, narceine,
papaverine, etc.

Ms Hira Ijaz, MPhil, PhD

Scholar(Pharmacognosy) 36
 Uses: 
 It is sedative, narcotic, antiseptic, stimulant
and analgesic; and used to relieve pain,
diarrhoea, dysentery, muscle spasms and
cough. Morphine and the diacetyl
derivative heroin cause drug addiction.
Abuse leads to habituation of addiction.

Ms Hira Ijaz, MPhil, PhD

Scholar(Pharmacognosy) 37
Mode of Action
 Binding to the specific opioid receptors
 Activates the μ-opioid receptors in
brain(analgesia, sedation, euphoria)
 Activates the k-opioids receptors in the
CNS (myosis, respiratory depression)

Ms Hira Ijaz, MPhil, PhD

Scholar(Pharmacognosy) 38
Adverse effects
 Weak or shallow breathing..
 Confusion
 Feeling of extreme happiness or sadness
 And common side effects include nausea,
vomiting, drowsiness etc.
Special Warnings:
It should be avoided during pregnancy and
people who suffer from kidney disease.
Ms Hira Ijaz, MPhil, PhD
Scholar(Pharmacognosy) 39
5.Atropa Belladonna
 Synonyms/Common name : Belladonna and
deadly night shade.
 Family: Solanaceae.
 Part used:
 Roots, leaves and fruits.
 Active constituents:
 It contains alkaloids like atropine, scopolamine,
hyoscine and hyoscyamine.

Ms Hira Ijaz, MPhil, PhD

Scholar(Pharmacognosy) 40
 It has effective use in Parkinson’s disease.
 Atropine blocks all cholinergic activity on the eye
resulting in persistent mydriasis
 Used in treatment of motion sickness and
 Treatment of tremors and rigidity.
 Preanaesthetic to inhibit salivation and
respiratory secretions.

Ms Hira Ijaz, MPhil, PhD

Scholar(Pharmacognosy) 41
 Mechanism of action: Atropine and scopolamine are known
to be antagonist for muscarinic receptors. They block the
muscarinic receptor acetylcholine which plays an important
role in the functioning of brain for learning, memory and
orientation. Absence of Acetylcholine by muscarinic blockade
causes dysfunctional memory, disorientation and
 Adverse effects: It causes,
 Dry mouth.
 Blurred vision.
 Urinary retention.
 Restlessness.
Ms Hira Ijaz, MPhil, PhD
Scholar(Pharmacognosy) 42
 Special Precautions & Warnings:
Pregnancy and breast-feeding:
Belladonna is LIKELY UNSAFE when
taken by mouth during pregnancy.
Belladonna is also LIKELY
UNSAFE during breast-feeding. It can
reduce milk production and also passes
into breast milk.

Ms Hira Ijaz, MPhil, PhD

Scholar(Pharmacognosy) 43

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