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Dynamics of E.

Coli with
different degrees of interaction
Efectos estructurales e interacciones
hidrodinámicas en materia activa a
diferentes condiciones de confinamiento
Run and tumble of E. Coli

Strain MG1655

Reenoculation for 4 hours

30 °C
200 RPM
Starvested E.Coli
Centrifugated 1000RPM for 5 minutes
DDM analisys of E. Coli
OD = 0.7, 2.55, 5.3, 11.3
Intermediate Scattering Function

ISF re-scaled by qτ ISF re-scaled by q²τ

O2 depletion time dependent of the concentration
OD # cells O2 depletion time
0.25 3E8 400
0.5 7E8 180
1 1.2E9 100
2 2.3E9 60
3 3.5E9 40
4 4.5E9 30
5 6E9 20
11 1.2E10 10

Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces Vol. 137(2016),2-16.

Escherichia coli as a model active colloid: A practical introduction Jana Schwarz Linek,
Jochen Arlt Alys Jepson Angela Dawson Teun Vissers Dario Miroli Teuta Pilizota Vincent A.
Martinez, Wilson C. K. Poon
PRL 106, 018101 (2011). Differential Dynamic
Microscopy of Bacterial Motility. L. G. Wilson,
V. A. Martinez, J. Schwarz-Linek, J. Tailleur, G.
Bryant, P. N. Pusey, and W. C. K. Poon

OD = 5.1
D as a function of α and the volume
fraction of swimmers. The black line is a
linear fit.

100 microns

150 microns
Behavior of the Diffusion Coefficient when changes the
fraction of motile cells

As we knew the Diffusion Coefficient, D is enhanced by the increase of the fraction of

motile cells. Increases D proportional to α.
center cell

Increase the fraction of motile cells on the time

150 micras-bottom

decreases α

Decrease the fraction of motile cells at long times due to the sedimentation
Sedimentation and effect of the concentration on
the velocity

The fraction of motile cells is dependent of the time. We can observe that
increases on the top, increases a little bit in the center and decreases on the
bottom. That is due to the sedimentation.
Observation of the O2 depletion time and diffusion
dependent on the velocity of the motile cells

No changes the fraction of motile cells. 4.3 OD, 4.5E9 cells,

30 min
Center cell

Top cell
all parameters constant
including the velocity
Behavior of the velocity at different times
Velocity is independient of the fraction of motile cells.

OD = 2

OD = 0.5 no glucose
Concentration effect in the movility of the cells

Effect of the number of cells in the sample. The velocity is dependent of the
concentration and interaction between cells.
Effect of the glucose

Cells move differently in different solutions. Comparison with Motulity Buffer, LB

and Motility Buffer+Glucose
OD = 11.3 Flocking, swarming
Particle Image Velocimetry-PIV
divide image pair in
interrogation regions
• small region:
~ uniform motion
• compute displacement
• repeat !!!

The motion of the particles

is used to calculate speed
and direction (the
velocity field) of the flow
being studied.
PIV-DDM comparation decreases α
The velocity decreases on the time due to the O2 depletion time
The velocity after the equilibrium remains constant
The velocity on short times is independent of the position of the focal plane and
it decreases on the time
The sedimentation is observed in three hights. In long times the cells in the top
are mostly motile
 Non motile cells sediment in the bottom
The velocity of the cells depends of the concentration and it is constant at long
The velocity of the cells depends of the medium wich are immersed: LB, MB,
The measerement at high concentrations-swarmiing with DDM and PIV are in
good agreement

Complex group
Ramon castañeda
Grazie mille per la tua attenzione!!
Parameter A in the TOP

A(q) = 

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