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C 1600 1800 1900

ERA s s s
Word "computer“ was
first used to refer
to a person who
computations 1642 1822 &1834 1840 1936-1938 1939 &1942
Mechanical device to Pascaline 1820 Difference Engine and Augusta Ada Z1 Atanasoff-Berry
perform basic 1614 Invented by Arithmometer Analytical Engine Byron First programmable Computer (ABC)
arithmetic The Napier’s Bones Blaise Pascal Invented by First Computer computer first electronic
calculations. Invented by John Thomas de Invented by Charles Programmer for by Konrad Zuse digital computing
Napier addition and Colmar Babbage the Analytical
Engine device
Invented in Babylonia subtraction Use punch tape into Invented by
multiply, divide and first commercial first mechanical
in 2400 B.C. calculating
a punch tape reader Professor John
calculate square and computer Suggests to
1672 Atanasoff and
cube roots machine Babbage that he
Stepped perform four graduate student
automatic, tabulate use the binary
Reckoner polynomial functions Clifford Berry
Invented by basic mathematic
Gottfried functions
Wilhelm 1943 1946
Leibniz 1843 Havard Mark 1 ENIAC
1890 Invented by Howard
1622 Scheutzian 1881 Tabulating r Electronic
add, subtract, Calculation Jacquard Loom H. Aiken Numerical
Slide Rule Machine
Invented by William multiply and Engine Integrator and
Invented by Joseph- IBM Automatic Computer
Oughtred divide Invented by
Invented by Per Marie Jacquard Sequence Controlled
Herman Calculator (ASCC)
multiplication, Georg Scheutz Hollerith first electronic
division, first printing automatic loom SummarIze general-purpose
calculator controlled by punched First electro- computer
Roots, logarithms, information and
cards mechanical
Trigonometry accounting computer.
1900’s Computer Generations

1949 Third generation Fifth generation –

First generation Second generation
UNIVAC 1 Electronic Controls 1965 – 1970 Fourth generation Today to future
1946 – 1958 1959 – 1964
UNIVersal Automatic Company 1971 – today
Computer 1) was the Integrated circuit Based on Artificial
Used vacuum tubes for Transistors replaced
first commercial by J. Presper Eckert and Microprocessor. Intelligence (AI)
circuitry and magnetic vacuum tubes
computer John Mauchly Keyboards and integrated circuits through parallel
drums for memory
monitors and were built onto a processing and
Designed by J. Presper Allowing computers interfaced with an single silicon chip superconductors
Using a great deal of to become smaller,
Eckert and John operating system
electricity, generated a moved from cryptic
Mauchly Could be linked Goal is to develop
lot of heat binary machine together to form devices that respond
1952 1981 language to networks, which to natural language
Based on punched symbolic, or
EDVAC Osborne 1 eventually led to input and are capable
cards and paper tape assembly, languages
Electronic Discrete First portable computer the development of of learning and self-
Variable Automatic Corporation the Internet organization
First Stored Program
by Von Neumann
B.C 1600
ERA 1613 s
Word "computer“ was invented by
first used to refer Joseph-Marie 1881
to a person who Jacquard
performed computations Jacquard
Mechanical device to
automatic loom Loom
1614 1642 controlled by
perform basic The Napier’s Bones Pascaline punched cards
arithmetic Invented by John Invented by Blaise
calculations. Napier Pascal

Invented in Babylonia multiply, divide and addition and

in 2400 B.C. calculate square and subtraction
cube roots
Invented by
Gottfried Wilhelm 1881
add, subtract,
1622 multiply and
Slide Rule divide
Invented by William

multiplication, division,
Roots, logarithms,

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