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Physiology department
Normal body temperature

 The temp. of the internal structures of the

body = 37°C (+/- 0.5).
 Differs from the temp. of the skin which is
affected directly by the temp. of the external
 The subcutaneous fat layer act as insulator
between the skin & internal structures.
Measurement of body temp.

 The device used is the clinical

The site used for measurement are:
 The rectum.
 The mouth.
 The axilla.
 The ear.

 Regulation of body temp. within narrow limits

is essential for the function of enzymes & the
activity of the nervous system.
 There is specialized center for control of body
temp. located in the hypothalamus.
 This center controls the heat loss & heat gain.
Ways of heat loss :-
 Conduction.
 Convection.
 Radiation.
 Evaporation.
 ways of heat
gain :-
 Metabolism.
 Muscular activity
(exercise &
 Food intake.
 From the environment
by (conduction,
convection or
Body responses to hot
Heat loss is ↑ by :- Heat gain is ↓ by :-
 Sweating  ↓ metabolism
 Skin vasodilatation  ↓ food intake
 ↑ respiratory rate  ↓muscular activity
 Stretching at sleep
 Light clothes
Heat exposure
Body responses to cold
Heat loss is ↓ by :-
Heat gain is ↑ by :-
 ↓ sweating
 ↑ metabolism
 Vasoconstriction
 ↑ food intake
 ↓ respiratory rate
 ↑ muscular activity
 Curling up at sleep
 Heavy clothes & hot
Cold exposure
Abnormalities of temp. regulation
 Fever :-
 an important sign sign of disease (typhoid fever
& malaria).
 Caused by pyrogens synthesized & released by
white blood cells in response to infection by
Heat stroke
 Result from damage to the temperature
regulatory center in the hypothalamus.
 Caused by high environmental temp.
 This causes failure of sweating & failure to
reduce body temp. by evaporation.
 Patients develop headache, blurring of vision,
convulsions & coma.
 It is a fatal condition, treatment should start
immediately to reduce body temp. e.g by ice
water immersion.
Heat exhaustion
 Occurs in the hot humid environment due to
excessive sweating but with no evaporation.
 The body temp. become elevated.
 The activity of the nervous system is affected.
 The patient develops dehydration (due to
excessive sweating).
 If not treated, the temp. regulatory
mechanisms fail and heat exhaustion becomes
complicated by heat stroke.
 Heat exhaustion should be treated by taking
the patient to a well ventilated, cold room and
giving him intravenous fluid like normal saline

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