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Sample Population and

Sampling Designs
Dr. Godfrey G. Mendoza, RPT
Definition of Terms
1. Population
2. Sampling
3. Sample
4. Strata
 An entire aggregation of cases that meets a
specified criteria.
 Also called the “Target Population”.
Sampling and Sample
Sampling - A method or process of selecting a
portion of the population to represent the entire
 A subject of population.

Sample - A subset of population.

Strata – “Sub-population” – mutually exclusive

segments of a population based on a specific
 “Cluster or a Group”.
Sampling Designs
Probability Sampling
Non-Probability Sampling
I. Probability Sampling
 Most reliable and scientific method.
 Avoids the risk of biases.
 Provides every member of the population an

equal chance to be included in the sample.

Types of Probability Sampling:
1. Simple Random - “Fishbowl” and “Lottery”.
2. Systematic Sampling Method – alphabetized
or every 10th of the population.
3. Stratified Sampling – groupings
4. Cluster Sampling – bigger portion of
5. Multi-Stage Sampling – combination of 2-3
II. Non – Probability Sampling
 Unscientific
 Not all members of the population are given

equal chance to be included in the sample.

Types of Non-Probability Sampling:
1. Incidental / Accidental / Convenience Sampling –
using the most conveniently available people as
participants. High risk of Bias (Highest).
2. Purposive Sampling – set’s of criteria/s.
3. Quota Sampling - is a non-probability sampling
technique wherein the assembled sample has the
same proportions of individuals as the entire
population with respect to known characteristics,
traits or focused phenomenon.
4. Snowball or Referral Sampling – most often used
when the population consists of people with
specific traits who might be difficult to identify.
Determining Sample Size
1. Slovin’s Formula – used to calculate an
appropriate sample size from a population.
n = ____N____
1 + Ne2

n - Sample Size
N - Population
1 - Constant Number
e2 - Margin of error
Determining Sample Size
2. Table of Sample Size.
3. COCHRAN Formula for determination of
Sample size.
4. Sample Size Calculator.
End of the topic…

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