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Analysis of T.

V magazine

By Chrystalla.A
T.V Choice magazine
Main feature-a
Price- in this case its medium close up of a
using the word only to well known celebrity
act as a puff. used to attract the
target audience
Top left third-this area through their
Is visible when on a knowledge of a
bookstore shelf. popular programme:
Feature headline-the often a soap opera.
largest text for the
main story, designed Cover line –leads
to grab the readers us into a story that
attention. will be developed
further in the
Mast head- the proper magazine.
Polaroid's- these pictures look like they have been printed
name of the
and stuck on afterwards, like a pug. The way the figures
seem to burst out of the frame of the pictures are very eye
Radio Times Magazine
Main feature-a
Mast head- the medium close up of
proper name of a well known
the magazine. celebrity used to
attract the target
Date of the issue audience through
their knowledge of a
popular programme:
often a soap opera.

Puff-boosts the
magazine or a
Cover line –leads us feature of this
into a story that will be months issue
developed further in
the magazine.
Barcode-this is an ugly Secondary feature- these
but necessary part of the
magazine and is often
T.V Quick programs attract the
audience but not as much
as the mane feature that
attracts the core audience.
Top left third-this area Is
visible when on a bookstore Main feature-a
shelf. medium close up
of a well known
Date of the issue celebrity used to
attract the target
audience through
Feature headline- their knowledge of
the largest text for a popular
the main story, programme: often
designed to grab a soap opera.
the readers
attention. Cover line –leads us into
a story that will be
developed further in the
Polaroid's- these pictures look like they have been printed and magazine.
stuck on afterwards, like a pug. The way the figures seem to
burst out of the frame of the pictures are very eye catching.
• In this PowerPoint I feel that all three magazines have differences
and similarities both cheap an expensive.
• These three T.V covers are very good examples of magazines
each one shows a different technique and unique details.
• For example magazine 1 is a prime example of a magazine full of
eye catching information and bright colours, The most interesting
storyline is blown up covering most of the front page with close
up of the main characters included, accompanied by a main title
plus, with a sub title for more information. This all builds up to
keep the viewer interested only by this nevertheless actually
watching the soap.
• Most magazines do this and more to contribute to their
magazines, so they can enhance all appealing factors that catch
the gaze of the targeted audience.

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